What is the best way to cover a greenhouse: choosing a covering material for rich harvests. Covering material for a greenhouse: features of choice

It is best to build it on the south side. Ideal option There will be a greenhouse, which is attached to the southern wall of the residential building. In this case, the entrance to it is made from the house. However, separately standing greenhouse“copes” perfectly with the task of growing a variety of crops, including heat-loving ones.

In order for a building to last for many years, its structure must be strong enough. This will allow you to avoid spending money on constant repairs of the greenhouse in the future.

On a note!

To reduce heat transfer, the greenhouse can be repeated in a pre-dug pit rectangular shape. This helps improve thermal regime V winter period, and in summer - to equalize the air temperature indoors. Even lower depth is undesirable, since low-growing crops may end up in the shade.

Good waterproofing of walls is no less important. For this purpose, a roofing felt gasket is placed between the foundation and the walls. If the greenhouse is built using bricks, the permissible width of the masonry is 1 brick. On the outside there is a canopy for water drainage.

For this purpose, roofing iron or roofing felt is used. The walls are coated with resin on the inside, after which Oil paint. It is advisable to provide additional electric lighting in the greenhouse. In addition, the room can be divided into two sectors by a thin partition. This is necessary in order to create conditions with different temperature conditions.

Since almost none of us can afford the use of energy-intensive production technologies for heating a greenhouse, the main thing to focus on when choosing a location for its construction is the maximum use of solar heat, as well as light. It is necessary to use the area of ​​the site as efficiently as possible and choose the most convenient location for the cultivation room.

The structure must be well lit. It is also necessary that it be protected from sharp, especially cold northern winds. You can set up a greenhouse near a utility block or a building for storing sand, etc.

It is better to orient the building from west to east so that the sun illuminates its entire area for as long as possible. But often the choice of location for a greenhouse is limited by the capabilities of the site.

If there is not enough space and you have to save it, you can build greenhouses not free-standing, but attached, for example, to a house, etc.

It is not advisable to install the greenhouse in an open place, since the sealed covering material will become very cold under the pressure of the wind and due to drafts. This means that the temperature inside the room will decrease. That is why it is advisable to protect a greenhouse located on open area, creating artificial obstacles - protective plantings, fences, awnings, etc. d.

A structure oriented east to west will be best illuminated at midday, when the sun is at its zenith, and will therefore receive maximum heat.

If there is no such place on the site, preference should be given to a place that is illuminated by the sun in the morning. At this time, the air is cool, and under the influence of the morning sunlight, the crops in the greenhouse will warm up faster.

The sooner heating of the greenhouse begins, the faster it will warm up in the evening. In terms of consumption solar energy such placement of the structure is much more effective than installing it in a shady area, where the sun appears only in the afternoon. In the latter case, the structure will warm up much longer.

Materials for constructing a greenhouse

When constructing both greenhouses and greenhouses, gardeners use the most accessible building materials.

The latter include logs, boards, slabs, sand, clay, slag and rubble stone, peat blocks, as well as cuttings of boards, slabs, sawdust and shavings.

In the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses, already used building materials remaining after demolition or overhaul housing (glass, window and door frames, etc.).

Ordinary polyethylene film serves as a covering material for spring greenhouses.

It has many advantages over glass: easy to use, lightweight and flexible.

Expert advice

When constructing greenhouses, you can use slate and sheets of translucent plastic. In addition, there are currently many types of films and other materials on the market for the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses.

Building materials for frame

When choosing materials for making a frame, you must remember that they must withstand serious loads. This impact is not only external factors(wind, rain and snow), but also a significant difference between internal and external temperature. For this reason, building materials for the greenhouse frame must meet the highest requirements. At the same time, it is better that it is light and lets enough light into the interior space of the room.

The frame is made of wood, plastic or metal.

Wooden greenhouse frame

Wood is considered the simplest and most accessible material.

This material is easy to process, so it is often used in the construction of greenhouses. However, wood is subject to rotting - it is short-lived.

When constructing a greenhouse, this factor is especially important.

In the event that as building material Wood is used for the frame; it is necessary to take into account some design features. It is necessary to ensure that water can flow down and does not accumulate between the wooden posts. Therefore, you will have to periodically delete excess moisture, wiping the wooden supports.

You can protect the wooden parts of the upper and lower trim with sheet steel, using it as a cladding. In a word, wooden frame During the entire period of operation of the greenhouse, it will require careful care.

Plastic frame for greenhouse

The plastic frame also has its advantages and disadvantages. Despite its comparative cheapness and low thermal conductivity, plastic does not withstand the effects of temperature changes and is therefore short-lived. In addition, it is difficult to work with during installation, it is difficult to process and it is difficult to attach film to it.

Aluminum greenhouse frame

Aluminum frame is more reliable. This material is characterized by sufficient strength and at the same time lightness, plasticity and does not corrode. It is often used in the construction of small greenhouses and greenhouses, but the cost of aluminum is higher than wood or plastic.

Greenhouse steel frame

The steel frame is even more durable. This is a very durable material that is relatively easy to work with (welding is used during assembly). Its price is quite affordable.

The disadvantage of steel is its high thermal conductivity (which is bad for the crop) and susceptibility to corrosion. However, this drawback can be overcome by painting the frame white.

Steel frame, covered powder paint, is short-lived, but galvanized or painted can last for several decades. True, the galvanized profile is not so durable, since easily deformable thin sheets of steel are used for the frames.

In addition, there is a square steel profile made of galvanized steel. This is probably the most acceptable option for building a greenhouse with your own hands and at a reasonable price. It is very durable and, thanks to its zinc coating, does not corrode.

Greenhouse covering

One of the main requirements for greenhouse covering material is high thermal insulation and good light transmission.

As a coating material, small garden greenhouse glass is usually used, as well as film various types and polycarbonate.


Glass belongs to the category of traditional materials for the construction of greenhouses. This material is durable and has excellent light transmission.

However, despite all its obvious advantages, glass has its drawbacks. It is heavy and fragile, breaks if handled incorrectly, and is also quite difficult to handle.

In addition, glass is an expensive material, but its service life is long, it can save 1.5 times more heat than ordinary polyethylene film.

In terms of its ability to transmit light and heat, glass still remains in first place, but it still retains this heat much worse than new polymer materials.

On a note!

During the construction of greenhouses, single, double and triple glazing is used. Many farmers build greenhouses even from glass bottles, but it's more like exotic.

Single glazing is the cheapest option, but it allows too much sunlight to pass through. summer time, and in winter it does not provide the necessary thermal insulation. That is why it is better to give preference to double or triple glazing, which filters more “harmful radiation”.

In winter, the greenhouse must create a comfortable microclimate necessary for the crops. The microclimate in the greenhouse is a very important factor because if the growing room is too hot or cold, the process of photosynthesis in the plants stops.

In addition, diffused sunlight resulting from the use of opaque, or “smoky” glass, has a beneficial effect on crops. The latter provides uniform lighting and also activates the process of photosynthesis in plants. This property is characteristic of the so-called milk glass.

With transparent glazing, crops located closer to outer skin. They, in turn, shade the plants in the depths of the greenhouse. Therefore, the glazing must be of high quality, and when choosing between transparent and milky glass, preference should be given to the latter.

If funds allow, it is best to use safety or even vandal-proof glass. In this case, the structure will last for decades.

When glazing a greenhouse, some installation features of this material should be taken into account: for example, so that the glass roof does not experience overload from heavy rainfall in winter, the roof should be tilted at least 15°. Then the snow will flow freely from the roof without forming large snowdrifts, which are undesirable for a heavy structure.

The correct position of the glass greenhouse in relation to the movement of the sun will protect crops from overheating and burns.


This material is easy to use, quite durable, has a low cost, but, unfortunately, is short-lived. There are several types of film that is used to cover greenhouses and greenhouses.

Polyethylene film

This film is often used to cover cultivation areas due to its low cost, ease of handling and high light transmission. However, ultraviolet radiation and solar heat, as well as exposure to wind, rain or hail significantly reduce its service life. Such a coating can last no more than 4 months. Recently, higher quality analogues of conventional film have appeared - with polymer additives.

Expert advice

When choosing a suitable polyethylene film, in most cases preference should be given to reinforced film - light, durable, easy to use and not requiring large material costs.

Hydrophilic film

The surface of such a film is much less contaminated than the surface of a regular polyethylene film. However, the main difference between this material and a simple film is that all the water that evaporates eventually accumulates on its surface and flows down again, creating a humid microclimate in the greenhouse. Such conditions are beneficial for some plant species. The service life of the hydrophilic film is 2-3 years.

Light stabilized film

This is a polyethylene film with the addition of a light stabilizer concentrate. It is much more resistant to ultraviolet rays and converts them into infrared. Thanks to this, its energy efficiency increases. The service life of such film is significantly longer and ranges from 2 to 5 years. Light-stabilized film can be painted in any color and even left for the winter.

Heat retaining film

Such a film, unlike conventional polyethylene film, allows you to increase the temperature inside the cultivation room by 1-2 °C. Heat-retaining films include multi-layer air bubble and foam films, which are able to regulate the air temperature in an enclosed space, increasing it at night and decreasing it during the day.

PVC film

This material is smooth, transparent and thermoplastic. It is very strong, micro-permeable, heat-resistant and durable. The service life of PVC film is usually 4-5 years.


Thanks to its heat resistance, you can avoid both dismantling the structure for the winter and additional heating of the greenhouse.

Disadvantage of polycarbonate: during operation, scratches and microcracks form on the panels. As a result, light transmission is significantly reduced, the panels become practically unsuitable for greenhouses and need to be replaced with new ones.

On a note!

The service life of polycarbonate is 15-20 years. Practice shows that it withstands as much as new film coatings, for example, multilayer air bubble film.

What material will be chosen depends on the plans and goals of the site owner regarding the construction of the greenhouse, as well as his financial capabilities.

Today, summer residents have a wide selection of materials for covering greenhouses. On the one hand, this allows you to choose one that will meet all the gardener’s requirements, on the other hand, it has become quite difficult to decide on a purchase. Previously, plastic film was used to cover the greenhouse, so no questions arose. Now the range is so diverse that it is necessary to thoroughly study all the features and disadvantages of the covering material before choosing the best one.

Polyethylene film

Polyethylene film is still in demand today due to its low cost and availability. And it’s not scary that it lasts no more than one season, but it:

  • easy to install;
  • reliably protects garden crops from morning frosts and winds;
  • maintains the required temperature and humidity in the greenhouse.

When choosing a polyethylene film as a covering material, purchase a white one - it will not heat up in the sun, and therefore will last much longer. Don't worry about the thickness of the material. Even the most durable film will not last longer than one season, and its destruction does not depend on operating conditions. Therefore, buying a thick coating entails unreasonable expenses, nothing more.

Polyethylene film is an ideal and practical option for summer residents who plan to use a greenhouse for one season.

Reinforced film

Progress does not stand still, so ordinary polyethylene has been replaced by new coatings that, combining all its advantages, also have additional advantages. One of these is reinforced film, which has heat-retaining and light-transforming properties.

Externally, the reinforced film looks like a fishing net with cells filled with polyethylene. This film is more durable, elastic and resistant to external damage.

The peculiarity of the reinforced coating is that the thickness of the cells and threads of the frame can be different. How smaller size cells, the denser the film.

In any case, regardless of the manufacturer and density of the film, its service life does not exceed three years.

Choose reinforced film with mini-holes in the cells. It has good ventilation rates, and therefore your plants in a greenhouse with such a shelter will be more comfortable and warmer.

Reinforced film should be chosen by gardeners who plan to use the greenhouse for more than one season.

PVC film

Polyvinyl chloride film looks like polyethylene. However, it has completely different characteristics. PVC film does not produce the characteristic rustling sound of cellophane and is more dense.

As a covering for a greenhouse, polyvinyl chloride is good because:

  • provides high light transmittance;
  • perfectly resists harmful infrared radiation;
  • does not allow the greenhouse to cool down at night, which means the plants will be warm.

However, despite such obvious advantages, summer residents rarely use it as a covering for a greenhouse, since it cannot withstand frosts below 15 degrees. Considering the peculiarities of the Russian climate, such low frost resistance is clearly not enough. Another disadvantage of PVC film is that it attracts dust, which prevents sunlight from entering the greenhouse.

If you decide to purchase polyvinyl chloride film for a greenhouse, know that its service life is 8 years, but only on the condition that it is removed at the end of each season.

Cellular polycarbonate

Many gardeners, when choosing which material is best for a greenhouse, give preference to cellular polycarbonate. And this is quite reasonable. This covering material combines best advantages glass and polyethylene, namely:

  • provides excellent thermal insulation;
  • transmits sunlight well;
  • reliably protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • perfectly withstands gusts of wind, climatic conditions and shock loads, which guarantees a long service life;
  • lightweight and easy to install.

You can find polycarbonate on sale in different colors, thicknesses and sizes.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are ideal for both seasonal growing of vegetables and year-round crops.

However, covering material is not without its drawbacks. The first and, perhaps, the main one is the cost - it is high. Of course, if you take into account the service life of the material and its advantages, the price for experienced gardeners quite reasonable. But for novice gardeners who are just learning the basics of growing garden crops, it’s hard to decide on such an expensive purchase.

In an effort to spend less money, many summer residents purchase inexpensive polycarbonate from Chinese manufacturers. However, despite the fact that the Chinese economy has made a huge leap forward in recent years, it cannot boast of success in the production of polycarbonate. Therefore, it is better to give preference to higher quality products or purchase another covering material.

The most the best manufacturers Israel (Polygal), Germany (Palram), England (Breet Nartin), as well as domestic manufacturers (Polygal Vostok, Novattro) are considered polycarbonate. These brands have proven themselves well in practice in the harsh Russian climate, so they are highly popular, especially since manufacturers offer a wide range of products.

The second disadvantage of polycarbonate is that when building a greenhouse it is necessary to take into account its properties and change its dimensions when heating and cooling. In addition, it is important to choose the right thickness of polycarbonate. Material 4 mm thick is not suitable for arranging a greenhouse, as it has low thermal insulation characteristics. And a thickness of 8-10 mm is more suitable for industrial winter greenhouses.


A relatively new covering material, which is offered to gardeners by numerous manufacturers, is agrofibre.

Agrofibre is a non-woven material made from polypropylene, polyamide, polyester and other fiber-forming materials.

Advantages of non-woven material for covering greenhouses:

  1. It transmits the sun's rays and moisture well and protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation thanks to a UV stabilizer.
  2. A greenhouse made of non-woven material heats up quickly and cools slowly ( thermal insulation properties), which ensures low temperature fluctuations in the building.
  3. Agrofilm provides a special microclimate in the greenhouse: during heavy rainfall, excess moisture is not absorbed into the coating, and during drought, moisture does not leave the soil for a long time.
  4. Agrofibre is convenient to use, easy to remove and wash, and does not crack.
  5. The service life of non-woven material, depending on operating conditions, is 3-6 years.

Agrofibre is preferred by many gardeners, due to the fact that this material has excellent moisture permeability and ensures good air circulation. As a result, the owners of an agrofiber greenhouse have much less hassle with watering and ventilation.

In addition, non-woven material frees the summer resident from the puzzle of additional heating of the greenhouse - it will always maintain constant humidity and temperature. And the rapid ripening of fruits and long growing season are a pleasant bonus.

Tension awning

A rather unusual covering for a greenhouse is a stretch awning. It is made from non-woven materials. The most famous are such types of awnings as “Acrylic”, “Lutrasil”, “Thermoselect”. Tension awnings made of non-woven materials have a wide range of applications, so before purchasing them it is important to carefully study the characteristics of the product.

The advantage of this coating is that it heats up well and cools down slowly, which means that the seedlings will be warm at night. However, the awning is not designed for severe frosts and is only suitable for warm weather. In addition, it is not particularly popular among summer residents due to its high cost.

If you have already purchased an awning to cover a greenhouse, protect it from the influence of the external environment: in case of strong winds and precipitation, cover it on top with a polyethylene film, and in warm and sunny weather, remove it. This will extend the life of the coating.

This article lists the most common covering materials for greenhouses, ranging from inexpensive and most common to innovative and, accordingly, more expensive. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, as well as calculating your requirements and financial capabilities, you can easily determine which covering material is better in your case.

When choosing which covering material is best for greenhouses and greenhouses, you should consider several factors. The climatic zone in which the structure is being built and the quality of the soil in your area are of decisive importance. personal plot. This page presents characteristics of coatings for growing crops indoors and talks about their main advantages.

To create a certain microclimate in the greenhouse, of course, it needs to be covered with something. Previously, the main covering material for greenhouses was ordinary polyethylene film. As a rule, she did not survive even half the season. This film did not have stabilizers and was destroyed under the influence of winds, sun, etc. within a few months.

In recent years, many different types of films have appeared. Manufacturers outdid themselves on a competitive basis. There are many new products, and the vegetable grower should stop at one or two. These can be ordinary materials for covering greenhouses with photostabilizers of different thicknesses, reinforced films, “Bubble”, “Svetlitsa”, “Oasis” films and so on.

Non-woven covering material for greenhouses: “Bubble” film

Speaking about what material is best to cover a greenhouse, first of all it is worth highlighting the “Bubble” film. This air-bubble, light-forming, heat-retaining, hydrophilic, light-stabilized film is made using domestic technology from high-density polyethylene.

The advantage of 3-layer air bubble film over other covering materials for greenhouses is that it combines everything best qualities and properties of films for protected soil. Its main advantages are:

  • The presence of air bubbles filled with dry air provides heat-retaining properties; the film freely transmits thermal radiation from sunlight into the greenhouse. And the thermal radiation emanating from the heated soil has a larger wavelength than the incident one, and is reflected from the film into the greenhouse. This creates guaranteed protection of grown crops from sudden temperature changes and possible frosts in early spring and in summer from overheating.
  • The light stabilizer introduced into this material for greenhouses increases its service life by 2-3 times compared to conventional film. At the same time, it slows down the ultraviolet destruction of the polymer.
  • This covering material for greenhouses is considered one of the best, since to eliminate condensation of water vapor, a special additive for hydrophilicity was introduced into the inner layer of the “Bubble” film. Thanks to this, the water does not flow in drops, but in a thin layer evenly along the edges of the film and does not harm the plants.
  • The light-forming phosphor additive introduced into this non-woven material for greenhouses converts sunlight, eliminating radiation harmful to plants, additionally emits energy in a range useful for plants and helps increase productivity by at least 1.5-2 times.

Covering material for greenhouses: Svetlitsa film

When choosing which material is best for a greenhouse, pay attention to the Svetlitsa film. This new generation coating uses modern scientific achievements in the physical and chemical chemistry of polymers and takes into account the most demanding needs of greenhouse growers. The main difference between this film and conventional polyethylene film is its durability.

Covering non-woven material for greenhouses “Svetlitsa” is a composite film based on polyolefins. It combines best properties known films, has increased strength, elasticity and frost resistance, due to which it is more wind and hail resistant, resistant to punctures, punching, cracking and lasts a long time.

There are several varieties of Svetlitsa films intended for use in agriculture and construction. The most famous greenhouse film is “Svetlitsa”. It is used in various climatic regions.

Covering material for the Svetlitsa greenhouse lasts for 7 or more years without removal for the winter.

This film is resistant to wind loads (“sailing” effect), is not afraid of hurricane winds (18 m/sec), strong hail, harsh and snowy winters (frost resistance -80 ° C), and sudden temperature changes. Even in frosty conditions, the film remains elastic; snow can be shaken off the greenhouse without fear that the film will tear.

If you have not yet decided which covering material is best for your greenhouse, remember that the surface of the Svetlitsa film is hydrophilic. Drops of condensation are flat and small, flow down the walls without stopping.

The illumination in the greenhouse is 20% higher than under polyethylene film, due to the high transparency of the film. The transmittance in the area of ​​physiologically active radiation is up to 92%. The spectral characteristics are optimal for growing both seedlings and vegetables, as well as fruits, flowers and seedlings.

During operation, numerous small cracks appear on the surface of the polyethylene film, which are gradually filled with dust. As a result, the film's ability to transmit light is reduced. Svetlitsa film is practically not subject to cracking and retains its ability to transmit light much better.

The film has an excellent heat-retaining effect, the transmittance in the area of ​​thermal radiation is up to 12-28%. The temperature in the greenhouse at night and during cold snaps is 2-4 °C higher than under a polyethylene covering. In places where there is overlap, the film sticks together in a short time, blocking the access of cold air to the greenhouse. The greenhouse turns out to be very airtight. If desired, the film strips can be easily separated.

Reflective material for greenhouses in hot climates

White reflective film "Svetlitsa" is designed specifically for areas with hot climates. This covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses has the same properties as transparent (durable, hydrophilic, wind- and frost-resistant) film, and serves to protect plants from hard UV radiation and from overheating. By reducing luminous flux the temperature in the greenhouse becomes lower during the daytime. And due to the low transmission in the infrared region (less than 20-40%), the heat accumulated during the day is retained in the greenhouse. At night and on cold days, the temperature in the greenhouse is much higher than under polyethylene. Thus, the thermal regime in the greenhouse is equalized.

Reflective materials for greenhouses and greenhouses can be used not only in hot climates, but also in most regions when growing seedlings and seedlings, as well as in open ground for shading conifers and other crops.

Other films for greenhouses and greenhouses

Also among the best covering materials for greenhouses and greenhouses are the following:

  • yellow-white 3-layer stabilized film;
  • UVA dispersion - 3-layer stabilized, also to retain condensation (other properties are similar to bubble film);
  • film for the side walls of greenhouses - also with stabilizers, designed for a long service life, retains heat, reduces losses through the side walls.

Covering materials are “clothing” for a greenhouse for all occasions. All of the above films with a thickness of 100-200 microns are easily welded, produced in different widths and even to order. Depending on the thickness, the roll winding can be 80-200 m.

What other material are greenhouses made from: cellular polycarbonate

In the recent past, almost no one knew about this material for greenhouses. They mainly used film shelter and every year, with grief, they looked for film again and again, since it was in short supply and, moreover, of poor quality, crumbled much earlier than the end of the growing season. Of course, the first film option was considered the most economical, despite some disappointing circumstances - low transparency, fragility and unsafety. Construction and shelter film greenhouse- a labor-intensive task, and the structure itself is often destroyed directly under strong winds, since the film has windage and, even if it contains photostabilizers, does not withstand until the end of the season.

Another thing is a material called cellular polycarbonate, also known as cellular.

Covering a greenhouse with cellular polycarbonate means forgetting about the above problems for a long time. Cellular polycarbonate is the best in thermal insulation, has better light transmittance, and is more durable. It is resistant to wind and snow loads.

This material for greenhouses is rightfully considered the best. It can be used for decades, and, taking into account the advantages described above, it is worth spending money once and building such a greenhouse, especially since polycarbonate makes it possible to make any configurations and designs of a greenhouse structure at the owner’s request.

Greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate are great! Aesthetically pleasing, practical, though a little expensive, but it will last for many years.

Cellular polycarbonate is lightweight panels with internal longitudinal air cavities (honeycombs). These panels are elastic and do not break; they can be bent into a roll. Thanks to the internal air layer, they are not inferior in thermal insulation to double glazing. In addition, these panels do not allow heat rays to pass through, i.e., they retain heat inside the greenhouse, and in hot weather they do not allow excess solar heat to enter the greenhouse. Polycarbonate is fireproof, resistant to toxic chemicals, protects against harsh ultraviolet radiation and has an attractive appearance.

On the coldest but sunny January days, when it is -30 °C outside, in the greenhouse under cellular polycarbonate on the soil it is 0 °C. At night, naturally, the temperature inside drops, but a 1 kW heater with such frost outside increases the internal temperature by 10 ° C. Such properties of cellular polycarbonate allow the greenhouse to be used for an extended period of time, i.e., you can grow and harvest crops from March to November inclusive.

The most suitable greenhouse configuration for covering with cellular polycarbonate is the arched type.

In this case, solid panels of cellular polycarbonate are used as covering material for greenhouses, and the sides of the greenhouse are sewn up separately. For rational use of the greenhouse for a long time, in extended rotation, it is advisable to prepare the covering and preparation of the greenhouse from cellular polycarbonate for the next season in the fall.

Until recently, gardeners were rarely concerned with the question of how to cover a greenhouse, because there were only two options - polyethylene or glass. With the expansion of the agricultural market, when new materials, still untested by long-term practice, appeared, the choice became more difficult. Which one has the proper strength and durability, holds heat well, and is quite inexpensive? And do the new products have any negative aspects that manufacturers are silent about, but a vegetable grower should definitely know?

The yield depends on the quality of the covering material

Film and glass coverings of greenhouses do not give up their positions. The reason for this is the relatively low cost (glass, of course, is not cheap, but many farms have a supply of it) and a decent number of advantages. However, before you cover your greenhouse with the usual material, make sure you know what varieties have appeared recently and whether their characteristics correspond to your agricultural goals.

Glass greenhouse - archaic or modern

A glass greenhouse structure is a classic. Thanks to the high light transmittance of the material, the cultivated crops receive enough sunlight necessary for their full development. Glass does not fade over time, is easy to clean and wash, and damaged elements are easily replaced with new ones, so you can purchase used material without compromising the functionality of the greenhouse.

In addition, glass is durable, resistant to temperature changes, abrasives and chemical components of fertilizers. Another undoubted advantage of this covering material is that it does not need to be removed for the winter, which means a lot of effort is saved both in autumn and winter. If the greenhouse is planned to be heated, then the glass surface, having low thermal conductivity, will actively prevent heat loss.

However, it is quite easy to dissuade enthusiasts about the infallibility of a glass greenhouse: its disadvantages are quite capable of outweighing its advantages.

In particular, light transmittance can be detrimental - in southern regions plants in such structures suffer from an excess of light and must be protected by artificial shading. Glass is heavy, so its installation requires creating a heavy foundation and frame.

Strip foundation for a glass greenhouse

The fragility of glass is another reason for its limited use. If vandals are walking around your area, sooner or later the glass greenhouse will become the object of their close attention. Absolutely inflexible glass dictates the shape of the structure; for example, it is impossible to build an arched greenhouse from it.

In summary, if you do not have a sufficient supply of glass at home and have to buy it, then glazing the greenhouse is not the best choice.

Film – an old friend with new habits

Cheap and practical polyethylene is barely enough for one season of use, which does not suit all summer residents. Its rapid wear is due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, especially frequent in early spring. Therefore, ordinary film is bought only because of the price, but covering material, improved by one or more modifiers, has recently been increasing in popularity due to its quality factor.

Adding light-stabilizing additives to the polymer mass increases the service life of the shelter from 2 seasons to 3 years, during which the elasticity and frost resistance of the film are maintained. However, all this time it must be protected from contact with chromium and sulfur contained in some pesticides, since they destroy UV stabilizers. Thus, a greenhouse made of PET film with UV protection is optimal for growing organic vegetables.

Anti-condensation films successfully combat another disadvantage of polyethylene - increased formation of moisture on the surface. Experienced gardeners They know how quickly excessive humidity and condensation drops lead to plant rot and disease. You can combat this in different ways, but the least labor-intensive option is to use a film with antifog.

Antistatic agents in the film prevent the loss of its elasticity due to the accumulation of dust on the surface. Such contamination risks the fact that dust particles cause the appearance of microcracks, which, in turn, open access to UV rays. Therefore, antistatic films last longer than usual and are also a long-term option.

The reinforced material is distinguished by a cellular frame made of polymer fibers, which take on the main load during operation. Among the new products that have appeared relatively recently, we should note multilayer film, usually consisting of three layers with different additives. This technology creates a universal material with a set of important properties. Its higher price is compensated by trouble-free installation and long service life.

Covering materials for greenhouse farming in recent years

When deciding what is the best way to cover a greenhouse, one cannot help but pay attention to the know-how actively offered by manufacturers - agrotextiles and polycarbonate. Reviews about these materials are very contradictory, but almost everyone agrees - with proper quality, strict adherence to installation and operation technology, they remain suitable for maintaining greenhouse conditions for a long time.

Is spunbond suitable for covering a greenhouse?

Non-woven fabric made of extruded polymer fibers, called spunbond based on its production technology, is ideal for covering greenhouses. Despite the fact that white agro-fabric is opaque, due to its porous structure it transmits sunlight well and, unlike other materials, does not disturb air exchange. Thanks to this, the plants receive enough fresh air even when the ventilation vents are closed.

Spunbond in a greenhouse lasts only 1 year

Spunbond also copes with the main task, namely protection. early cultures by cold. However, pay attention to the density of the material: 42 g/m2 will be enough to provide protection from frost up to 55 degrees, while agrotextiles with a density of 60 g/m2 can cover even a year-round greenhouse. In hot weather, it is also indispensable, since it relieves the vegetable grower of worries about additional shading of the structure.

What are the disadvantages of agrofibre?

There are quite a few of them:

  • some owners complain about the high cost for them - about 2 times more than films;
  • poor wind resistance - carefully consider the system of attaching the material to the frame so that it does not become disheveled during a storm;
  • water permeability - this feature of the material in the rainy season turns into its disadvantage.

If these nuances are taken into account, spunbond does not cause any complaints when operating a greenhouse for 4–5 seasons.

Polycarbonate - a revolution in greenhouse farming

A fundamentally new covering material made of transparent plastic called polycarbonate was able to combine seemingly incompatible characteristics. Its variety, cellular polycarbonate, is characterized by high thermal insulation properties: a 6 mm thick sheet is comparable in thermal conductivity to a double-glazed window. The service life of this coating promised by the manufacturers is also impressive - 20 years.

Arched polycarbonate greenhouse

The positive properties of polycarbonate are not limited to this. Among the advantages reported not by theorists, but by practitioners, the following should be mentioned:

  • flexibility - polycarbonate sheets are suitable for the construction of greenhouses of any shape;
  • strength - the structure, properly reinforced with stiffening ribs, can withstand hail, gusts of wind and snow pressure;
  • fire safety - polycarbonate is fire-resistant, therefore it is indispensable when installing heated greenhouses.

Is there even a drop of tar in this ointment?

Yes, and unfortunately, a few. The most significant disadvantage is the high price of polycarbonate material. Only a self-confident garden owner, counting on significant returns in the form of bountiful harvest for own consumption or sale.

It is better to entrust the installation of a polycarbonate greenhouse to specialists. It is very difficult for a beginner to assemble it on his own, since there are many technological nuances on which the durability of the entire structure directly depends. Often, negative feedback about such greenhouses is left by those who have faced the depressing consequences of improper assembly.

Scheme for installing polycarbonate on a greenhouse

Caring for the surface of a polycarbonate greenhouse cannot be called easy: its cleaning should be carried out with the utmost care, using soft rags and neutral chemicals. Use is strictly prohibited household chemicals containing abrasives, chlorine, aldehydes, salts, alkalis. When removing snow and ice, do not use sharp objects, otherwise the UV protective layer will be damaged.

What material can be considered ideal

When choosing what is best to make a greenhouse from, you don’t want to make a mistake, but if you draw the appropriate conclusions, a perfect covering material does not yet exist. It is recommended to determine it individually for each case, based on the specific task set for the construction of the greenhouse, climatic features terrain, types of crops grown, their quantity, volume and sensitivity to environmental conditions.

So, it is better for a beginning summer resident to make his first greenhouse from the most affordable materials.

Fans of vegetable growing with experience can already play with combinations various options: for example, the upper part of the greenhouse, which serves as the roof, is made of polycarbonate, the side walls are made of polyethylene, and the end walls are made of spunbond. This technology, with proper sealing of the joints, will ensure strength, wind resistance and constant ventilation of the structure.

Example of combining materials

If you have already decided what is the best way to cover the greenhouse, it would be useful to get acquainted with the leading manufacturers of the selected material. Often sellers cannot competently clarify how one and another option differs, so also understand the labeling. By the way, the quality of its application can also tell you a lot. By choosing with diligence, you can count on a greenhouse that meets all your requirements.

All gardeners, even beginners, know that they cannot do without a greenhouse or greenhouse in their garden plot. In order not to depend on the whims of nature, which has recently increasingly shown its character, and to receive guaranteed harvest favorite garden crops, it is worth thinking about building a protected space on the site for their cultivation. But not all lovers of heat-loving vegetables know which material is best to choose for greenhouses.

Types of coverings for greenhouses: (glass, film, acrylic, polycarbonate, non-woven material).

Characteristics of shelters for greenhouses and greenhouses

What to prefer? What should you first pay attention to when choosing greenhouse material on the market? To begin with, it is worth deciding whether new greenhouse intended for growing cucumbers and tomatoes in summer season or in it all year round Exotic fruits and southern flowers will grow. It is quite possible that to provide the family with early radishes, lettuce and other greens in the area near the house, a small greenhouse will be enough.

It is precisely what is supposed to be built on the site that will determine the type of material that will be purchased to cover a large stationary greenhouse or a small portable greenhouse.

In any case, it is worth carefully considering some characteristics common to all types of coatings:

  1. Ability to transmit sunlight.
  2. Ability to withstand various deformations: from snow, wind, unexpected ground movements.
  3. Resistance to temperature fluctuations.
  4. Easy to install and operate.
  5. Service life without loss of properties.
  6. Price.

The following materials are most often used by gardeners to build a greenhouse or greenhouse:

  • glass;
  • polymer films:
    • polyethylene;
    • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
    • ethylene vinyl acetate film (se-vilene);
    • reinforced, stabilized films, etc.
  • covering material:
    • spunbond;
    • agril;
    • lutrasil, etc.
  • cellular polycarbonate.

Each of these coatings has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to consider and compare the most popular materials for greenhouses and greenhouses.

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The first thing that immediately comes to mind when solving the problem of how to cover a greenhouse is ordinary glass. The traditional nature of this material, which has been used for a long time, is beyond doubt. For glazing greenhouse frames made of wood or metal corners, the ideal would be colorless glass with a thickness of at least 4 mm.

The undoubted advantages of glass are:

  1. High light transmittance. Up to 94% of sunlight can pass through clean glass.
  2. Quite good thermal insulation properties. Daily temperature fluctuations in glass greenhouses are insignificant. This allows you not to be afraid of sudden night frosts in the spring.
  3. There is no need to replace glass every year. Unlike the film covering of a greenhouse, it is quite enough to wash the glass in the greenhouse to restore their transparency.

At the same time, glass greenhouses also have disadvantages:

  1. Accumulated inside the greenhouse warm air in hot summers it can reach temperatures that adversely affect the growth and development of plants.
  2. The frame of a glass greenhouse must withstand a fairly large weight of this material. Therefore, the costs of constructing glass greenhouses are incomparable with the costs of installing greenhouses.
  3. Should be selected optimal sizes frame in the greenhouse. Large frames, which increase the light transmission of the entire structure, will retain less heat inside. This will entail additional heating costs. Small frames, by increasing the area of ​​opaque parts, reduce illumination inside the greenhouse.
  4. Fragile glass that can crack under the weight of snow in winter will require significant replacement costs.

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Polymer films

The popularity of film greenhouses and greenhouses is quite high. It is this material that combines a large number of those positive characteristics that meet the requirements of garden plot owners. All the new types of polymer films produced recently can satisfy any, even the most demanding gardener.

The low weight of this material allows you to build greenhouses and hothouses without building a foundation or a bulky heavy frame. Lightweight polymer arcs and pipes allow you to quickly install an excellent film shelter on any suitable place garden plot.

In their ability to transmit light, films differ little from glass. And the fact that they scatter the passing sunlight, making the lighting inside the greenhouse more uniform, is only a plus in their favor. The downside is that the film wears out quite quickly under the influence of the sun's rays. A decrease in the ability to fully transmit daylight, as well as the fact that the film often breaks at the junction with the frame, makes it necessary to completely change the coating every few years.

Another problem is the formation of condensation on the inner surface of the film. Dirt and dust easily stick to a damp ceiling, which not only reduces the ability of the film to transmit light, but can also cause plant disease.