Snapdragon sowing for seedlings. How to plant snapdragons in open ground



Snapdragon- a flower with a funny name, familiar from childhood. Among professionals, its botanical name is often used - Antirrhinum, or more accurately - Antirrhinum majus. This is one of the 50 species of the genus Antirrhinum of the Plantainaceae family; decorative varieties culture. In nature, snapdragon is a herbaceous perennial that grows in the countries of the Mediterranean coast. In our country, its rhizome cannot overwinter in frozen soil, so annual cultivation of snapdragon from seeds is simply necessary procedure if you want to have these wonderful flowers in your garden or balcony.


The scientific word “antirrhinum” is translated from Greek as “resembling a nose” (“anti” - similar, “rhinos” - nose). And the flower received its usual name “snapdragon” for its property, when pressed on the “throat,” to open its “mouth”, like the mouth of a lion. In English-speaking countries it is known as the “biting dragon” (snapdragon), and in France as the “mouth of the wolf” (gueule de loup). Our grandmothers are more familiar with antirrinum under the affectionate name “dogs”. Interestingly, according to legend, it owes its appearance to the goddess Flora, who created it after the victory of Hercules over the lion.


The height of the branched pyramidal bush, lignifying at the bottom, varies from 30 to 70 cm (in varieties from 15 to 110 cm). 2-meter specimens are very rarely found in nature. The leaves are lanceolate, medium-sized, small at the top. The flowers are bisexual, from 3 to 4.5 cm (up to 7 cm in varieties), irregularly shaped, two-lipped, with a closed long corolla, they are collected in large racemose inflorescences. Only bees and bumblebees can get to the treasured nectar, capable of using their body weight to slightly open the lower lip of the flower and penetrate into the “pharynx”. After this, the flower closes its lips over them, leaving pollen on the insects’ bodies, thus taking care of the appearance of its “offspring” (small, numerous seeds).

Snapdragon is traditionally grown in private households and used in urban landscaping of parks, squares, and streets. Why is he so good?


1. A huge variety of varieties for every taste - both in size, color, and degree of terry.
2. Long and abundant flowering: 3-4 months without a break.
3. Cold resistance - seedlings and hardened seedlings can withstand short-term frosts on the soil down to -4 ⁰C, and bloom even in October.
4. The ability to save queen cells from varieties you especially like. Snapdragon in its own way biological features is a perennial plant, like petunia , ageratum , verbena and many others, traditionally used as annual flowers and crops.
5. Abundant self-seeding - this property comes in very handy!


One of the most important characteristics of snapdragon, in addition to the color and size of the flowers, is the height of its bush. tall plants(from 75 to 140 cm) are grown mainly for cutting in specialized nurseries. For amateur flower growers, two other groups of antirrinums are of much greater interest: medium-sized (from 40 to 70 cm) and low-growing (from 15 to 35 cm) varieties of snapdragons. The last group also includes newest varieties ampelous antirrinums, grown in hanging pots or floor containers - solo or as part of compositions with other flowers. So, choose varieties for planting based on their further use - for cutting, in a flower garden or in pots.

Pay attention to the flowering time of the variety. Early, middle and late varieties Antirrinum flowers bloom at least 10 days apart. Usually the first flowers appear 70-80 days after germination. Having made your choice, you can begin sowing snapdragons.


Seedling method - best option for residents of regions with long winters and cold springs. As a substrate for sowing, you can use light garden soil with the addition of sand and peat; the ideal soil acidity (pH) is not higher than 6.5, otherwise you will face the problem of iron deficiency and, as a result, chlorosis of the leaves of the snapdragon.

When to plant snapdragon seedlings?

Calculate the timing based on the age of the seedlings at the time of planting in open ground should be about 6-8 weeks. For middle zone Sowing in mid-March would be acceptable if seedlings are planned to be planted in open ground in mid-May.


So, in sifted and thermally treated soil, sow the seeds on a moistened surface along the intended grooves. Do not plant deeply, just sprinkle lightly with dry, clean sand or vermiculite; you can even spread the seeds over the surface and lightly press them into the soil. Then spray them with a spray bottle. Cover the container with the crops with film or glass/plastic. Seeds germinate in light at +20-22⁰C for 5-7 days, but sometimes the wait stretches to 2 weeks. Antirrhinum seeds are very small and are often sold in granules. During germination, the granule shell should remain moist, but not wet or dry.


When the first true leaf appears, plant it in small pots or cassettes (up to 7 cm in diameter). Next, snapdragon seedlings should be kept in a bright room at a temperature during the day from +17 to +22⁰C, and at night about +16⁰C. The maximum daily temperature limit is +24⁰C, otherwise the plants will begin to stretch.

Seedling care

A week after picking, the snapdragon can be fed for the first time with ready-made complete mineral fertilizer (Solution, Crystallon, Fertika, etc.), or you can mix 1 tbsp. urea, superphosphate and any potash fertilizer, for example, potassium sulfate, and dilute it all in 10 liters of water. In the future, fertilizing irrigation can be carried out every week, reducing the concentration by half.

About 1 week before planting in the ground (and this is usually done at the end of April), hardening of the seedlings begins. To do this, lower the daily temperature, ventilate the plants more often and reduce watering.

Growing from seeds by direct sowing into the ground

Some amateur gardeners prefer to sow snapdragons directly into open ground; this can be done when the daytime air temperature is around +10-12⁰C. Growing from seeds in this way certainly has the right to exist, although with it you will be able to admire the first flowering of antirrinum no earlier than July, or even August.

Growing snapdragons from seeds is also carried out in late autumn or early winter in ridges prepared in advance, along frozen grooves. The depth of the crops is up to 1 cm; they are sprinkled with dry humus or peat on top; they can be additionally mulched with leaf litter and/or covering film. Plants grown using winter sowing bloom earlier than others and have enviable health.

Features of growing from seeds of ampelous antirrinum

The main difference in this case will be the ban on pinching seedlings, which is recommended for ordinary varieties after planting in the ground. Thanks to pinching, such plants bush better, bloom longer and do not stretch. For hanging plants On the contrary, elongated shoots that effectively hang over the edge of the flowerpot are important. Pinching will delay their flowering.


Snapdragon grows well in a sunny, windless location, but can tolerate partial shade during the day. The soil for it should be moderately loose and fertile; loam will be the best. When planting, you need to ensure good drainage or choose a place where water does not stagnate during rains and watering.


1 week after planting the seedlings on permanent place you need to carry out the first fertilizing. The key nutrients for snapdragons are nitrogen, calcium and magnesium, and according to some sources also boron. Calcium is needed for the special resistance of the plant, i.e. the strength of its stems, and magnesium is responsible for healthy and elastic leaves. Fertilizer application rates are up to 10 g/m², frequency – every 7-10 days until the start of flowering.

Withered inflorescences do not add elegance to the flower garden, and also reduce flowering, so it is better to remove them in a timely manner.

In May and September, snapdragons do not need frequent watering (if there is sufficient rainfall); in other months, on average, water once or twice a week, soaking the soil to a depth of at least 20 cm. Plants in containers are watered more often. This should be done at the root, preferably without wetting the foliage, in order to avoid troubles in the form of fungal diseases.

We must not forget about weeding and loosening the soil around the antirrinum. It is better to tie tall plants to a support so that they are not broken by the wind. And if the summer is not very hot, flowering will last a long time. In the southern regions, plants often suffer from strong sun and drought, so they growing season here is a short one.


One of the most common diseases of snapdragons is rust, caused by a rust fungus. Preventive measures are root watering of plants and unthickened plantings and, as a result, their good ventilation. In addition, make it a rule when planting in open ground to treat all seedlings with any stimulant (Zircon, Epin, HB-101, etc.) to increase plant immunity. Infected plants are removed, and the remaining ones are treated with a suitable fungicide (Maxim, Topaz, etc.), and the concentration of the drug can be increased 1.5 times.

Snapdragon is also affected by false powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, “black leg” (at the seedling stage). Of the pests, significant damage can be caused by caterpillars, aphids, thrips and others, not at the growth stage (they are not attracted to foliage!), but at the beginning of flowering. Here we can only advise you to regularly check the plantings, preferably at least once every 3 days, in order to have time to take measures to destroy pests.


Seed ripening occurs on one plant in different time. This is due to the fact that the flowers on the cluster bloom starting from the lower buds, and the seed pods ripen in the same order. When they acquire a yellow-brown color, collect the lower 2/3 of the inflorescences and carefully remove the seeds, which remain viable for 4 years. Remember that seed material can only be collected from varieties, and not from hybrids. But even in this case, one thing must be observed important condition. Within a radius of at least 100 meters, and preferably more, only one variety of antirrinum should grow. Otherwise, cross-pollination will occur and the seeds will not inherit varietal qualities.

Snapdragon Cuttings

If you grew a snapdragon flower from seeds of stunning beauty, but did not have time to collect the seeds from it (or it was a hybrid labeled F1), then you can save the mother plant until next spring. How? As easy as pie! In September, dig up a bush you like in the garden, plant it in a suitable pot, cut off all the thin branches and wilted inflorescences and place it in a cool place, for example, on a closed loggia or veranda), not forgetting to water it occasionally, BUT! without fanaticism! Optimal temperature the snapdragon content in such conditions is not lower than +5⁰C.

In January or February, bring the mother plant into a warm, bright room, cut it to a height of 7-10 cm and wait for young shoots to appear. They must be cut or torn off at the heel; each cutting must have at least 2 pairs of leaves. The lower leaf blades must be completely removed, and the upper ones must be cut in half.

Dip sections of cuttings into Kornevin powder or simply into crushed tablets activated carbon. Plant the prepared cuttings in a light sterile substrate consisting of peat and sand; for better moisture retention, you can add a little chopped sphagnum. Set up a mini-greenhouse by covering the container with cuttings with a transparent cap or lid.

Rooting occurs within 2-3 weeks with daily spraying and ventilation, and bottom heating will help speed up the process. After another couple of weeks (when young growth appears) it will be possible to transplant the plants into separate containers. By the end of May, the rooted cuttings will be ready for planting in open ground. The mother plant can also be planted in a flower garden, where it will bloom first.

Snapdragon - PERENNIAL?!

In our latitudes it is still a juvenile. You can try to leave it in the open ground for the winter, but success is only possible with sufficiently reliable shelter and a relatively mild snowy winter. In autumn, antirrinum bushes are cut to a stump (to a height of 8-10 cm), mounded with compost or humus, covered with spruce branches, or leaf litter is raked. In early spring the hillock is removed, and the sprouts that appear are planted around the garden or left in the old place. Such plants bloom later than those grown from seeds through seedlings.

On video: beautiful antirrinum


Snapdragon is a flower that is especially attractive in bouquets. The inflorescences can be cut off already at the stage of dissolution of the first bud, because the rest will calmly bloom in the vase. Antirrinum flowers stay fresh in water for up to 2 weeks.

On video: using snapdragons in a flower garden with coniferous plants


Finding a place in the garden for antirrinum will not be difficult; it will be appropriate in almost any case. Bright flowers snapdragons will decorate the front flower bed; pastel-colored varieties are better suited for a natural-style garden. Plant dwarf and low-growing plants along the edge of the path or in the foreground of the flower bed, and medium-sized and tall antirrinums in a separate group or in mixed flower beds (in the center or in the background).
For balconies, patios, and terraces, ampelous varieties planted in flowerpots or other containers are suitable.

In the video: snapdragon (antirrinum) terry Twinnie F1

The snapdragon plant is popularly called “dogs.” Everyone has seen this flower. Found in summer cottages and city flower beds. Snapdragon is so popular for a reason. Besides what it is beautiful flower He is also not fussy about caring for him. It happens the most different colors: white, purple, yellow, red, there are even two-color and three-color. Blooms from mid-June until the first frost.

Antirrinum is well suited for decorating ridges and flower beds

Antirrinum - perennial. It begins to bloom and produce seeds in the first year of planting, so it is usually grown as an annual. Today, breeders have developed hundreds of varieties of snapdragon:

  • Tall.
  • Medium height.
  • Short.
  • Dwarf.
  • Ampelous.

Snapdragon will decorate any terrace, balcony, flower bed and is also used as a border plant. Ampelous forms are grown in hanging pots.

To grow snapdragons yourself you will need:

  1. Antirrhinum seeds;
  2. container for planting (container, cups, wooden boxes, etc.);
  3. cover, glass or film;
  4. substrate;
  5. spray.

Snapdragon seeds are sown in early March. The plant does not like peat soil. Mix soil from a compost heap with river sand one to one - this is the best substrate for germinating seeds.

For sowing, you can use plastic containers or cups. Fill the container with soil and moisten it generously. The seeds of this plant are very small and cannot be seen when sown. To fix this, place a little snow on top of the substrate or mix the seeds with sand, then the sowing process will become easier.

How to care for snapdragon seedlings

After you have sown the seeds, you need to sprinkle them again with a thin layer of substrate and moisten them with a spray bottle. Then cover with a lid or film. Let the crops breathe daily and water as the soil dries out. The air temperature in the room is at least 23-24 degrees. If everything is done correctly, the seeds will germinate in 14-16 days.

As soon as you see the first sprouts, move the container to a bright but not sunny place. When the sprouts begin to sprout en masse, remove the film or cover.

How to care for Antirrinum seedlings

At first, the seedlings grow slowly; during this period, it is very important to properly moisten the substrate. It is better to water in the morning and not abundantly. If there is excess moisture, this will lead to a “black leg”. Diseased sprouts should be removed immediately, and the area where they grew should be sprinkled with crushed coal.

How to pick seedlings

After the second pair of true leaves appears on the seedlings, they begin to pick it up. You can plant the plant in a large container, so that the seedlings feel free, or in separate cups.

You can pick several sprouts into one glass. Place the seedlings in a bright place. Three days after diving, accustom the seedlings to the temperature and conditions that await them after transplanting into open ground. In order for a beautiful, strong bush to grow, the central shoot of the seedling needs to be pinched. It happens that side shoots actively grow; they also need to be pinched.

Planting snapdragons in open ground

Grown seedlings should be planted in open ground at the end of May. Choose an area that is windless and slightly darkened. Plant the flower in well-moistened soil. Once the plant takes root, it grows quickly and becomes a beautiful flowering bush.

White Antirrinum looks just great

Antirrinum in open ground

Snapdragon is also sown in open ground. They will begin to bloom a little later at the end of July, at the beginning of August.

... and in this photo there is a red and white Antirrinum

Sow the flower in several rows. Make a small hole and add seeds there. More seeds should be sprinkled into open ground; excess seedlings can be weeded out. “Doggies” are sown in early May. To prevent the seeds from freezing, they are covered with last year's leaves or some kind of covering material.

Antirrinum with a green tint looks very beautiful and unusual

How to care

For a flower to grow beautiful, strong and healthy, you need:

  • Water.
  • Feed.
  • Remove weeds.
  • Loosen the soil.

Snapdragon is not a demanding flower. Grows well in both shade and sun. Water only during drought. This needs to be done in the morning. After watering, in the evening, loosen the soil and remove the weeds. Tie tall varieties to a support. In order for the snapdragon to delight you with flowers for a long time, do not let it set seeds. Wilted flowers should be removed immediately so that the plant does not waste energy. In order for new shoots to appear, trim the top of the plant.

Top dressing

After transplanting into the ground, the flower is fed. They do this with nitrophos and organics. The next time the plant is fed is when the buds appear. Use:

  1. urea solution – 1 tbsp;
  2. potassium sulfate – 1 tbsp;
  3. superphosphate – 1 tbsp;
  4. water – 10 l.

The ingredients are combined and stirred thoroughly.

Snapdragon diseases

Red spots may appear on the leaves of antirrinum. In this case, treat the plant with Zircon (five drops of the drug per liter of water). It is also treated for prevention (two drops of the drug per liter of water). Snapdragons are sometimes affected by gray root rot and septoria. Remove diseased plants, and cover the area where they grew with fungicide ( antifungal drug). If you remove infected flowers in a timely manner and follow the correct moisture regime, then snapdragons are not afraid of anything.

How to collect seeds correctly

Antirrhinum seeds are collected when they are not yet fully ripe. The best seeds are at the bottom of the flower, so cut off the top and discard. Place a paper bag on the remaining part of the peduncle, tie it below the seed pods and cut it off. Hang the bag in a dry place and wait for the seeds to ripen. Store snapdragon seeds at a temperature of +4 degrees. It is important that no moisture gets into the seed bag.

Antirrinum after flowering

If you are growing snapdragons as a perennial, cut them as short as possible and cover them with dry leaves or sawdust. If it is an annual plant, shave off the faded flowers in a timely manner to prevent the formation of seed pods. After the flower has completely bloomed, cut it off and dig up the area where it grew. The remains of the plant must be burned to destroy pests that could settle there.

As you can see, growing snapdragons from seeds is easy, the main thing is to approach the process with pleasure. Flowers feel when they are loved. They will thank you for your care with their colorful blooms throughout the summer and autumn.

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum), or antirrhinum, is an unpretentious flowering herbaceous plant that does not require much time and effort for care and maintenance and is characterized by a long flowering period, which lasts from early June to mid-October. The flower brings a noticeable revitalization to any flower bed or flower garden; it is popular among amateur gardeners and real landscape design professionals.

The culture is rich in species diversity and hybrid varieties, the abundance of which many owe to the painstaking and long-term work of breeders. Among the many varieties of snapdragon you can find different shades and colors other than blue and cyan. People affectionately call the plant “dogs”, since the shape of the flower resembles an open mouth (a lion’s or a dog’s, depending on how you see it).

The flowering crop is easily propagated by seeds - seedlings and without seedling method. Planting seeds in open ground is not often used, since seed germination is low when the soil is not warmed up enough in the spring. Growing a flower in this way is quite troublesome, so the most popular method is growing a crop from seedlings. Snapdragon seedlings are grown in room conditions, after which, under favorable weather conditions, it is transferred to open ground in a flower bed or garden.

When purchasing ready-made seedlings, you need to pay attention to its quality, which can be determined by several characteristics. U quality seedlings there must be a healthy and well-developed root part, on which particles of moist (and not overdried) soil are preserved. The stems should be strong and not thin, and the leaves should be well formed and have healthy green color. Other (opposite) signs will indicate improper care and inappropriate conditions for growing young plants.

You can grow high-quality seedlings at home by following all the rules, deadlines and preliminary measures. Unpretentious flowers do not require a special substrate or special conditions. The plant is very hardy and undemanding. Even if the minimum conditions are met and the individual characteristics of the snapdragon are taken into account, excellent results can be obtained.

In order to sow seed material approximately from the twentieth of April to the twentieth of May, it is necessary to purchase high-quality seeds of the selected variety, containers or boxes for seedlings, a suitable soil mixture, a small shovel, a rake and a sieve.

You can use individual containers or medium-sized wooden boxes for general planting of seeds. The selected container must be filled to the top with the soil mixture, having previously treated it with a weak manganese solution, and level its surface using a miniature garden tool or with your hands.

The soil should be light, breathable, loose. In specialized stores for gardeners and flower growers, you can purchase a soil mixture for growing seedlings or a substrate intended for flowering plants. garden plants perennials.

After chaotic sowing of seed material on the surface, it is recommended to lightly press each seed into the substrate with your finger or reverse side regular pencil or pen. Crops must be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and sprayed with water from a spray bottle. room temperature. After all these procedures, the containers need to be covered with thick transparent film or glass to create a mini-greenhouse and placed in warm room. Soil moistening should be carried out regularly and in a timely manner.

For the rapid emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room from 20 to 23 degrees Celsius. It is very important to maintain soft, diffused lighting for 10-12 hours a day. The first shoots will begin to appear in approximately 15 days, after which the procedure of airing and hardening of young seedlings is added. Every day, the time the seedlings spend without covering should increase and soon lead to the removal of the glass or film. Hardening of seedlings promotes good survival of young crops in the open air and rapid adaptation to conditions of different day and night temperatures.

The most important element care is timely watering and sufficient soil moisture. Watering volumes are moderate, without excess moisture. After about 30-40 days, two full-fledged leaves will appear on the plants - you can pick. The roots of the “dogs” are very fragile, so you need to be very careful when transferring plants to individual pots. You can plant 2-3 sprouts at once in one flower pot.

To form curvy flowering plants and stimulating the growth of side shoots, it is recommended to carry out the procedure of pinching the tops of seedlings. It is carried out when the snapdragon grows to the ten-centimeter mark.

You can transfer seedlings to open flower beds only when the weather is warm, without the threat of a return of night frosts. Most favorable time– second half of May. By this time, the snapdragon should look like a small formed bush - strong, strong and with a rich green color.

Snapdragon is a light-loving plant, so it needs to choose a well-lit area in the garden. If there is only a slightly shaded or semi-shaded plot of land available, then it is possible to plant flowers on it.

The distance between planting dwarf seedlings and low-growing varieties- about 15 cm, for tall people - at least 40 or 45 cm.

Caring for snapdragons in open ground

Flowers need to be watered moderately but regularly, as crops love moisture. For irrigation, you can use settled water or regular water directly from the water supply. It is advisable to water young flowers from a diffuser, so that a strong stream of water does not damage the delicate bushes.

As the first additional nutrition, it is recommended to use organic fertilizers approximately 15-20 days after planting seedlings in open ground (for example, nitrophoska). Subsequently, fertilizing should be done regularly at intervals of two weeks. You can use complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Mulching the soil will protect against weeds and retain moisture in the soil, which will greatly reduce the need for watering. You can use sawdust, straw or humus as mulch.

Loosening is carried out periodically and shallowly. It provides air access to the roots and destroys emerging weeds.

Planting snapdragons in the garden, caring for it and the entire growing process is not difficult; even an inexperienced gardener can handle it. With a great love for plants, perseverance and patience, the snapdragon will thank you with its endurance, highly decorative and a long flowering period. Various varieties of flowering crops will fit perfectly into various natural ensembles and compositions, and will also look great among members of their family.

Snapdragon - cultivation and care (video)

Snapdragon needs no introduction as it is one of the most famous ornamental plants. Moreover, he has such pronounced decorative properties that any place can be radically transformed, regardless of whether it is planted in a flowerbed in the garden or in an ordinary summer cottage. This flower is not only very beautiful, but also does not create problems in care. This can also be noted in relation to planting snapdragons, so even a novice gardener can cope with this task.

Snapdragon is one of the brightest representatives of perennial plants, which with their presence can decorate a flower bed in the garden, making it even more expressive. First flowers are formed already in the first month of summer, subsequently they will give aesthetic pleasure to the summer resident until the first frost. At the same time, the owner will not have to spend a lot of time and effort caring for this plant.

Plant varieties

Snapdragon is different in that it provides many species. Work on developing new varieties of this crop is the goal of many breeders. Due to such increased interest in snapdragon, today it has been bred a large number of its species and hybrids, differing in their color.

Just look at the seed packets to understand how varied these colorful flowers can be. Moreover, in each case we will talk specifically about the snapdragon. Unfortunately, the currently available varieties could not cover full color palette , in which there are no blue and blue shades.

The snapdragon, which is also known as the snapdragon, is one of the famous herbaceous plants, which during development form many straight branched stems. Varieties of this plant differ in stem height. The leaves of snapdragon usually have an elongated shape, green color, and are also necessarily decorated with a thin fleecy cover. If we turn to the name of the plant, it is associated with the shape of the flowers, which are very similar to the open mouth of a lion.

How does snapdragon reproduce and planting options?

Planting and care- the main events that determine how the flowers turn out. One of available methods plant propagation - sowing seeds. Moreover, you can get new seedlings in two ways:

  • using seedlings;
  • by planting in open ground.

In very rare cases, summer residents resort to the latter method. The reason for this is due to the fact that at the beginning of spring, when it is time to sow seeds in open ground, the ground does not have time to warm up, as a result, it becomes very difficult to grow snapdragons this way. Therefore, many gardeners most often use the method of propagation by seedlings: if you follow all the recommendations for growing at home, you can get quite strong seedlings colors.

However, you can save yourself the labor-intensive work and buy already ready seedlings snapdragon flowers. But in this case it is necessary to carefully inspect the item being purchased planting material . It must be of very high quality. Then you will have confidence that beautiful and healthy flowers will grow from it.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the leaves and root system. The roots should not show signs of disease, and they themselves should be well developed. When assessing the condition of the stems, you need to take into account that they should not be thin and weak. The leaves decorating them should have rich colors. Much can be learned from the condition of the soil - if it is dry, then most likely the seedlings were poorly cared for.

If you are full of desire to get strong and healthy seedlings snapdragon, then you need to consider the following recommendations that will help you avoid many mistakes. This way you will know what conditions are favorable for growing flowers and after sowing you will be able to get the seedlings you are counting on.

How are seeds sowed?

To get strong snapdragon seedlings at home, you need not only correctly determine the appropriate sowing time, but also to carry out certain preparatory measures regarding planting material.

The fact that this plant has such a quality as unpretentiousness saves the gardener from many problems. Therefore, he does not have to prepare a highly fertile soil mixture, nor create optimal conditions for development. However, this does not mean that you can not pay any attention to them. It is imperative to take into account the characteristics of plants and create the necessary microclimate in accordance with them. In this case, you will be satisfied with the result.

You can plan to sow seeds for seedlings in early April or May. But first you have to Prepare everything you need:

  • planting material (selected variety of snapdragon seeds);
  • containers for planting;
  • soil and shovel;
  • sieve.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

You can sow seeds of snapdragon seedlings in wooden boxes, as well as individual flower pots. Having decided on a container for seedlings, you need to pour soil into them and level the surface. As a mixture, you can use a light, loose substrate, which is offered in any flower shop.

When sowing seeds should be placed quite densely. However, you need to be very careful and make sure that the seedlings are not too densely packed. Then the seeds need to be lightly pressed into the soil, and a layer of earth should be poured on top. The easiest way for you to do this is with a sieve. Then the layer of soil covering the seeds will be light, and this will help speed up the process of seed germination. When all actions are completed, the plantings must be watered with a small amount of water using a spray bottle. Finally, plastic film is stretched over the containers with plantings or a piece of glass is placed.

For rapid germination of antirrinum seedlings, it is recommended to install the boxes in a warm place.

The most favorable for pecking sprouts is temperature from + 20 to + 23 degrees. It is also necessary to create soft, diffused lighting for them. Usually after 14 days you will notice the first sprouts: from this moment you can begin to ventilate the boxes with seeds. Gradually, the duration of such hardening can be increased, then soon you can remove the film altogether.

While the seedlings are still small, they need to be provided with regular watering. The main thing is not to allow long breaks between soil moisture, since snapdragon is very responsive to moisture. Usually within a month the first two true leaves appear. When this happens, know that it is time to pick the seedlings into individual containers. Young seedlings must be replanted with extreme caution, making sure that the roots are not damaged.

In addition to picking, you can carry out pinching the top of the sprouts. However, this can be done at the stage when they grow up to 10 cm. Such an operation will speed up the process of formation of side shoots, and this will help you get lush flowers.

When and how to plant antirrinum in the garden?

The most favorable time for transplanting snapdragon seedlings to a permanent location is the moment when the last wave of frosts has passed and warm weather has set in. At this stage of development, the seedlings will reach a state in which they will look like small bushes. To plant snapdragon seedlings in a permanent location, it is recommended to choose sunny places. At the same time, the plant will grow well in areas where there is partial shading.

When transplanting seedlings, it is necessary adhere to the following scheme:

  • for low-growing plants - 15 x 15 cm;
  • For tall varieties– at least 40 cm.

How to care for young plantings and flowers?

After transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place, the owner will need to carry out regular watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil from time to time. For the first time, fertilizers must be applied already in 2-2.5 weeks after transplanting seedlings into open ground. The best way to start feeding your plants is organic fertilizers. This could be, for example, nitrophoska. Subsequently, fertilizing is applied no more than once every two weeks until the fall.


Most flower growers are well acquainted with a plant such as snapdragon. Therefore, among the plants that they plant in flower beds, it is antirrhinum that becomes one of the first. It attracts many because it does not create problems both during planting and care. Therefore, many summer residents are engaged in growing this plant.

Despite the fact that snapdragons can be grown both through seedlings and by sowing in open ground, most often the first method is chosen, since they are not always created in the spring. favorable conditions for sowing in cold soil. However, growing snapdragons through seedlings is not very difficult, since care will only come down to regular watering. IN further care will demand for him in the flowerbed regular feeding and loosening.

Growing snapdragon flower

Marvelous unpretentious plant with unusual skewers of flower stalks - snapdragon, growing from seeds, when to plant seeds, what conditions are required for further growth of seedlings - it is important to know this information in order to admire its luxurious flowering to your heart's content. Snapdragon is a perennial plant, but in the northern regions it is grown as an annual.

There is probably no person who has not met this flower - snapdragon. Planting and caring for it is not particularly difficult, the plant is not too capricious, it amazes with its variety of colors and looks wonderful both when decorating flower beds and as an hanging plant, in hanging pots and balcony boxes. Snapdragon, growing from seeds, when to plant, if you sow seeds directly in open ground and when to plant seedlings in the garden depends on the climatic zone in which the site is located, and spring weather should not be overlooked.

How to plant snapdragon seedlings?

Gardeners prefer to cultivate snapdragons using seedlings. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out as follows: traditional way- in prepared seedling boxes or pots, and by more progressive methods, for example, growing anthurium planting material in, rolled-up and snails. If you feel unsure or are afraid of failure using untested methods, then plant some of the seeds in the traditional way - in boxes, and some with new ones and compare the result.

Because of the very small size Sowing snapdragon seeds into a snail has some peculiarities. To awaken such seeds, they need light and moisture, so they are not sprinkled with soil on top. How to avoid mistakes when sowing anthurium seeds into a snail:

  1. The height of the snail is 7-8 cm, the length depends on the number of seeds intended for planting. You should not make the snail too long; it will be inconvenient to work with.
  2. Before planting, the soil should be slightly moist, but not soggy. Its surface in the coils of the snail should be slightly compacted with your fingers. Where there is less earth or it has spilled, we add it and then compact it.
  3. The seeds are scattered over the surface of each coil of the snail (as if they were “salting” the ground with the seeds) and carefully irrigated with water.
  4. A transparent cover (for example, a bag) is put on the snail. Ventilate daily, removing the cover for 10-15 minutes. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, remove the shelter.
  5. After emergence, the seedlings are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil up to the cotyledon leaves.
  6. Water the snail in the tray on which it is located.
  7. Snails with planted seeds need to be illuminated with phytolamps.

Choose small tablets coated with thick non-woven material with a closed bottom to prevent the tablet from breaking. Before planting in the ground, this material must be removed, because the roots do not grow through it well. Planting snapdragon seedlings in peat tablets:

  1. Prepare the tablets for planting seeds according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Place the seeds on a saucer and, using a toothpick dipped in water, carefully transfer a small amount of seeds into the notch on the tablet.
  3. Place the tablets in a warm, bright place and cover with a transparent cover, which you remove as soon as the sprouts get stronger.
  4. You need to water the tablets as they dry, pouring water into the tray on which they are installed.

When to plant snapdragon seedlings?

Having decided to plant snapdragons, start growing seedlings from seeds: when to plant seeds - around March. For northern regions, sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out a little later, for southern regions - earlier. You can more accurately calculate the timing of planting snapdragon seedlings, knowing the characteristics of the flower variety and taking into account the climatic zone of your region:

  • tall variety a - third ten days of February;
  • short and medium tall- in March;
  • dwarf varieties- until April 15.

Snapdragon has emerged, what to do next?

Despite the undemanding nature of snapdragon, in order to obtain healthy seedlings, the cultivation of young seedlings must be carried out at good lighting, avoiding irregular watering. A week after - feed with nitroammophoska. When 4-5 pairs of true leaves appear on the plants, pinch them so that the side shoots begin to grow. You can pinch in a circle when three pairs of leaves grow on the side shoots. This will make the bush lush and enhance flowering.

How to dive a snapdragon

Don’t rush to pick, let the plants get stronger and form a root system, but you don’t need to delay it too much. Determining when to pick snapdragons after germination is quite simple: as soon as two true leaves appear on the plants, you can start picking. It is better to pick snapdragons, especially in hot sunny weather, in the evening, so that the plant adapts after stress overnight.

You can do without picking the seedlings at all, and simply plant the plants in the beds right away. But it is better to pick up snapdragons, 2-3 plants per cup, and then replant them in a permanent place in the garden with a lump of earth, without damaging the formed roots. Before picking, water the container with the sprouts generously. It is preferable to prepare the soil in advance and use the same composition both for sowing seeds and for picking seedlings. After picking, water carefully, without pouring too much water into the glass of seedlings.

When to plant snapdragon in open ground

Snapdragon seedlings have grown when they are planted in open ground: as a rule, already well-established seedlings are planted when the threat of returning frosts has passed, in late spring and early summer. To root system it didn’t overheat, and the bush looked more luxuriant; it’s better to plant 2-3 plants in one hole. For planting, choose bright places, or at least partial shade (flowering will be poorer in partial shade).

You learned what conditions snapdragons prefer for growth, growing from seeds, when to plant and how to care for plantings. Having received this information, anyone, even an inexperienced gardener, can cope with these tasks without much difficulty and grow a gorgeous flower garden. By the way, snapdragons are loved by bumblebees, which will be interesting to watch on a beautiful summer day.