Savoy cabbage: growing in open ground, planting and care. Savoy cabbage - cultivation and care

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Requirements for soil, temperature and humidity

​I report what happened: everything I sowed came up. But I'm not sure the game is worth the candle. Cabbage is 10-12 cm high, carrot tops are 4 cm somewhere, and beets too. But the radishes are already big, but they haven’t filled up yet.​

​And a little more about planting and growing cabbage:​

Regarding cauliflower seedlings, please note: low temperatures it does not tolerate it well, and this will only lead to a decrease in yield - the heads will be small and loose. Temperature growing cauliflower seedlings, of course, can also fluctuate during the day and night, but, on average, the temperature must be maintained 5-7°C higher than that of white cabbage.​

​Remember: cabbage of early varieties should be sown for seedlings from the beginning of March to approximately the 25th-28th of the month, seeds of medium varieties can be sown approximately from March 25 to April 25, and cabbage of late varieties - from the beginning to the 20th of April. ​

​Cultivation savoy cabbage The technology is similar to growing ordinary cabbage, which we all love.​

Popular varieties of Savoy cabbage

​Golden early;​

  • The soil allocated for this plant must be of high fertility. It would be good if it would be possible to process it with organic and mineral fertilizers. This especially applies to mid-ripe and late-ripe varieties.​
  • ​potassium fertilizers – 15g.​
  • ​Planting of early ripening varieties can be divided into several periods until the end of May. Mid-season and late-season - planted in June-early July.​

​Julius F1 Head weight 1.5-3 kg. Ultra-early ripening hybrid.​

​If such dates for sowing cabbage seeds seem overly vague and incomprehensible to you, and you are a fan of specifics, then you will appreciate the recommendations from the article When to sow vegetables for seedlings - it describes an algorithm that helps calculate optimal timing sowing exactly for your conditions.​

​Despite the fact that cabbage is highly drought-resistant, mature plant Requires as much moisture as possible. The juiciness of the leaves will depend on it. The seedlings of this plant are less demanding of moisture and do not require frequent watering.​

  • ​The next feeding is carried out in the curling phase of the head of cabbage. During this period, the concentration of phosphorus and potash fertilizers increase by 1.5 times.​
  • ​Planting schemes for savoy cabbage:​
  • Popular varieties Savoy cabbage mid-season:​
  • ​Savoy cabbage is a light-loving plant. Long daylight hours have a beneficial effect on the formation of heads of cabbage.​

Growing Savoy cabbage seedlings and planting in the ground

So, the game is worth the candle. Thanks again.​

​How to grow cabbage seedlings in an apartment where there is no balcony? ​

​The first feeding should be carried out approximately 7-9 days after picking. You can prepare the fertilizer as follows: dissolve 2 grams of potassium fertilizers and ammonium nitrate, as well as 4 grams of superphosphate in 1 liter of water. One liter of nutrient solution is enough to feed 50-60 plants. True, in order not to burn the young roots of the seedlings, first water them and only then “feed them.”​

​Well, I’ll give you one more hint: you can determine the time for sowing cabbage for seedlings based on the fact that about 10 days pass from the time of sowing the seeds to the emergence of seedlings (plus or minus a couple of days), and another should pass from the emergence of seedlings to the time of planting about 50-55 days. Based on this, it is necessary to sow cabbage for seedlings 5-60 days before the desired planting in the ground. ​

​Savoy cabbage is mainly grown not from seeds, but from seedlings. Seedlings should be planted in pots. For seedlings, at first you need to make a shadow, for example, using wet newspaper. At least three days, especially if the sun is bright. After 43 - 46 days, the seedlings have the first leaves, 4-6, therefore, it can be planted in open ground.​

​Ovasa F1;​

Optimal temperature for cabbage seed germination – 16 – 18 degrees. Established seedlings tolerate ground frosts down to -4, early ripening varieties to -2. Low temperatures, as noted above, only improve its taste.​

  • ​Savoy cabbage is less susceptible to pests than white cabbage. The leaves are periodically inspected and the egg clutches are removed. Dusting is also used to control pests. wood ash.​
  • ​early ripening – 35x40 cm;​
  • ​Melissa F1 Weight of heads up to 3 kg. The hybrid is resistant to cracking.​

Of all types of cabbage, Savoy cabbage is highly frost-resistant. Some of its late-ripening varieties are especially resistant to cold. Seed germination occurs already at a temperature of +3°C, and intensive growth seedlings occur at 16-18 °C. Temporary cold snaps down to 8 °C slow down the development of plants, but do not stop it. Sprouts of medium and early varieties tolerate short-term frosts down to -1-2 °C, late ones - up to -5-6 °C.​


I have cabbage seedlings in pots - 10 cm, yes or not))) So - everything is correct. We'll prepare the bed in the fall, God willing) Carrots - if I didn't know where they were planted - I wouldn't have seen them) Radishes - yes - visible, but only visible) And no more!))) Well, beets - grated - they're not I've seen this)

​Preparing seeds for sowing - a selection of videos ​

The second feeding should be done 2 weeks after the first. For it, we prepare a new nutrient solution from the same fertilizers, just doubling the amount per liter of water. If the cabbage seedlings begin to turn a little yellow, they can be fed with a solution of fermented slurry 1:10.​

​In the case of cabbage seeds, you shouldn’t hope “at chance” - before sowing, be sure to process them using one of the generally accepted methods pre-sowing preparation seeds.​

Cabbage can be sown as early as the 15th of March. Especially if it's early variety. A medium or late variety should be planted for consumption in autumn or winter and long-term storage. Savoy cabbage differs from white cabbage in terms of ripening - it is classified as early ripening. That is why it is better to plant seedlings or sow seeds where there is less wind, where there is a lot of sun and not much moisture. It is better to plant cabbage next to beans, cucumbers, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. If any type of cabbage has already grown in the area you have chosen, then Savoy cabbage can be planted here only after 4–5 years, not earlier. Before planting savoy cabbage seedlings, apply 5 - 6 liters of fertilizer per 1 square meter to the plot. Use organic better. Then dig up the area, the depth is no more than half a shovel bayonet. Growing an early variety in open ground, remember that first the seedlings must be covered with film. And even, in addition to the film, it is advisable to cover each bush with a cap. Cabbage must be protected from low temperatures for the first couple of weeks, as this can lead to crop development. Until the first days of June, you can safely plant an early variety of Savoy cabbage. But already at the end of June - beginning of July, you can plant medium varieties of cabbage and late varieties.​

  • ​Chrome F1;​
  • ​Video about the Savoy cabbage variety​
  • ​Savoy cabbage is harvested from the end of June. It is important to promptly remove heads of cabbage that are prone to cracking. There is also a way to prevent cracking. To do this, the lower leaves are removed or the root is trimmed with a shovel.​
  • ​mid-season - 50x50 cm;​

​Sphere. Weight of heads of cabbage up to 2.5 kg. The variety is resistant to cracking.​

Savoy cabbage seedlings tolerate a lack of moisture better than other types of cabbage, but adult plants are moisture-loving. Moisture evaporates intensively through large leaves, and the plants need regular watering.​

Harvesting and storage

​I only managed to cover the beds with covering material. And it helped a lot. The temperature difference between the ground and just a garden bed reached 10 degrees. True, it was also under a sheet of polycarbonate (I prepared it for cucumbers). It’s +14 outside, and the ground at a depth of 16 cm is + 17.​

​Tanya, I was pleased with the useful and timely practical advice, Thank you! :) This year I decided to sow early cabbage with sprouted seeds - now 3 varieties are soaked: Iyunskaya, Number One Gribovsky 147 and Express F1. Most likely, I will sow in small cassettes, and then transplant the grown seedlings into peat pots. Experience has convinced me that pre-sowing soaking in nutrient solutions(I use a solution of biological products Gumi + Fitosporin universal) has a positive effect on both germination and quality of seedlings. And sowing with sprouted seeds helps save both space and time: you can immediately select best seeds and sow exactly as much as needed (well, with a small margin). Otherwise, I have an eternal problem: I grow so many seedlings that there is enough for several subsidiary farms, and then I add them - it’s a pity to throw away the seedlings))​

​The third feeding should be done a couple of days before planting cabbage seedlings into the ground, and for this we prepare a solution by mixing 3 grams with 1 liter of water. ammonium nitrate, 5 g. superphosphate and 8 g. potash fertilizers. In this case, the dose of potassium fertilizers is increased so that the seedlings take root better in open ground, which is why this type of fertilizing is called hardening fertilizing. If you don’t want to bother with preparing fertilizers, you can use a ready-made liquid complex fertilizer, for example, Kemira Lux.​

Savoy cabbage - features of growing and caring for it

​Thanks to simple manipulations, you can practically eliminate dangerous diseases cabbages - such as black leg, powdery mildew and so on - already in the seedling period, which means you will be able to grow healthy and strong seedlings.​

Care for it is the same as for white cabbage. It is better to water in the morning, when the sun's rays are not too hot, but are already warming up well. If cabbage grows in a greenhouse, then it must be ventilated in the morning. If you want to harvest a good harvest of cabbage, then water it more with fertilizers containing microelements. Beginning in the fall, prepare the soil for seedlings. Loosen the soil more. If there are a lot of weeds, then dig them up to the fullest extent. Is it worth harrowing the area? Certainly! Cabbage is a moisture-loving vegetable. Just don’t just fill it with water! But harrowing will help the soil retain the required amount of moisture.​

​Sphere F1, etc.​

​For a high yield of cabbage, the soil for planting it should be prepared in the fall. It’s good if cucumbers, carrots, grains or legumes grew on it before. The area allocated for growing this plant needs to be loosened, the acidic soil must be limed, and the soil must be fertilized with phosphate fertilizers, ash and compost mixed with river sand. After which the beds should be dug up and left until spring.​

​Late varieties tolerate cold spells and light frosts well. Taking advantage of this feature, some gardeners leave cabbage in the winter beds under a layer of snow and cut it as needed, raking the snow.

  • ​Late ripening - 60x60 cm.​
  • Popular late-ripening varieties of Savoy cabbage:
  • The crop prefers fertile soils and is responsive to fertilizers. Late varieties are more demanding on feeding than early varieties. When growing Savoy cabbage in the Urals and in Middle lane They use mainly mineral fertilizers. The specificity of these regions is such that only early ripening varieties have time to form in a short summer. Plants develop quickly, but organic matter rots slowly, lagging behind this process.​


By the way, last year I sown all the cabbage in a greenhouse in April - there is not enough space for seedlings at home. Of course, the early one was a little late, but overall it still turned out well.​

​Hardening off seedlings means a set of measures, thanks to which they develop better. root system plants and ensures their high survival rate. Cabbage seedlings begin to be hardened off about 10 days before planting in the ground.

​If you purchased already processed seeds (this should be indicated on the package), it will be enough to simply warm them up for about 20 minutes hot water(at a temperature of about 50°C). After warming up the seeds, cool them for 5 minutes cold water- this way you will increase the resistance of cabbage to various fungal diseases. Just keep in mind: not all seeds processed by the manufacturer can be soaked! For some species this is completely unacceptable, so in order not to make a mistake, read about what types of industrial seed treatment are used and what their features are.​

Cabbage is a favorite vegetable of many, which has long been called the garden lady. Tasty and healthy, it is not the last place in our diet. It is successfully used in folk medicine. They write riddles about her. And few gardeners are willing to give up the opportunity to grow lady cabbage on their land. But without good seedlings you can get excellent harvest This unique vegetable is most often simply impossible, so let's talk about the secrets of growing healthy and strong cabbage seedlings.​

There is nothing difficult about growing Savoy cabbage. The main thing is to approach this matter with all responsibility, and the harvest will not take long to arrive.​

In the spring, the beds prepared for planting this variety of cabbage should be additionally fertilized again, using organic fertilizers and superphosphate.

Savoy cabbage is stored in boxes or on racks, laid out in one row. Optimal storage temperature is -1-3 °C.​

​Young plants planted in the ground are recommended to be shaded for 2-3 days.​

Caring for cabbage in open ground

​Ovasa F1 High-yielding hybrid bred in Holland.​

​Bad predecessors of Savoy cabbage are: radishes, turnips, radishes, cabbage, tomatoes, good ones are potatoes, carrots, legumes. The arrangement of Savoy cabbage needs to be changed annually. It is recommended to re-plant vegetables in the beds no earlier than after 4 years.​

​You're great! I’m even a little jealous, my beets and carrots are still lower, about 2 centimeters each.) Have you already picked the cabbage? If so, don’t forget to feed it in a week, it will start growing right away.) Have a good harvest! ​

Sweet girls! The advice is of course late, but it’s okay, apply it next year. I had a house in the village, in a remote village, no benefits of civilization, no store or pharmacy, and they had never even heard of medical care there. And somewhere in the beginning of July, the purchased cabbage ran out and I had to cook cabbage soup! Well, why not run to the store 7 km away? I'm a villager, maybe there are some supplies left? Well, you all ate a long time ago! And they say, go to Valyukha from Kaluga, she has it! I ran... she came out, listened to me and said, well, let's go... where? Yes, I need a little something, cut it from mine and I’ll go. Let’s go, let’s go... we go into the garden and there are rows of cabbage and such huge heads of cabbage! I'm shocked! How? She says that someone shared a secret, we come skiing with our husbands in late February-early March. Immediately fetch water and boil the kettle, drink tea and go plant cabbage. They shoveled the snow, shed the soil well hot water, covered it with foil so that the heat would go down and the ground would not freeze again, home again to the stove, 20 minutes later they returned and raked warm earth, we planted cabbage seeds, covered them with film, covered them with plywood or hardboard or roofing paper and sprinkled them with snow again and went home, well, fortunately Kaluga is nearby, I won’t run into that. And in mid-April we arrived, removed the film and then good seedlings and they planted it, and now since April the cabbage has been growing, first under the film and in May it was removed, that’s how she has early cabbage, she said that this way you can plant any vegetables and not have to suffer at home. I tried it, although I watered it with boiling water in May, at the end of May I arrived and there were already seedlings under the film, I planted them, the variety was early, I picked small heads of cabbage in August, and they were so strong and juicy! I also tried tomatoes and peppers and everything worked out. I didn’t risk eggplants. Try it too!​

  • ​In the first day or two, we simply open the window in the room with the cabbage seedlings for 3-4 hours. Over the next few days, we take the seedlings out onto the balcony (loggia, veranda, etc.) for a couple of hours, thereby exposing them to direct sunlight. When taking the seedlings out into the sun for the first time, we lightly shade them with gauze so that the bright spring sun does not burn the young plants.
  • ​It would seem that there is no need to bother: I bought the seeds, prepared the soil mixture and go ahead - plant it as you want. But it's not quite like that. In order for cabbage seedlings to be strong and stocky, it is better to grow them with picking - only then the volume of its roots will be large, the seedlings themselves will grow squat and stronger, and it will be easier to transplant to permanent place. How to sow cabbage correctly?​
  • ​Before buying seeds, decide what kind of cabbage you want to get in the end, why and when exactly you need it. It is on this that the timing of sowing cabbage seedlings will depend, first of all. It’s one thing if you want to enjoy early cabbage in salads, and quite another thing if you need cabbage for fermentation and long-term winter storage.​
  • ​Greetings, dear friends! In this article we will get acquainted with another type of cabbage - savoy cabbage. And growing Savoy cabbage will be the topic of today’s article. Externally, white savoy cabbage is distinguished by corrugated leaves from dark green to yellowish (inside the head) color.​
  • ​Growing seedlings is recommended in a substrate, the components of which will be peat, sand and turf soil, taken in equal parts. The first seeds should be planted in early March. Caring for them will not be difficult.​
  • ​Savoy cabbage is a garden plant, which, in its taste and nutritional qualities, can compete with the white cabbage familiar to residents of our country. Its tender and juicy leaves are indispensable in summer salads, and are also excellent for preparing cabbage rolls, cabbage soup and vegetarian soups. In our article we will talk about how this vegetable is grown and discuss how difficult it is to care for it.​

​Caring for Savoy cabbage includes weeding, watering, fertilizing, and pest control.​

Savoy cabbage - growing savoy cabbage

Choose a delicate taste

​Vertu 1340. Weight of heads of cabbage up to 3 kg. High productive variety.​

​Depending on the timing of ripening, varieties of Savoy cabbage are divided into:


Well, yes, well, yes... someone measures centimeters, but we are still just sowing... Under the cover.

Growing seedlings

​Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely use it!​

​Starting from the 6th day of hardening, we reduce watering, making sure that the soil does not dry out, and take the seedlings out onto the balcony permanently. There it will remain until it is planted in the ground. By the way, before planting in the ground, cabbage seedlings should have 4–5 leaves, and before planting they must be watered thoroughly.​


​Early cabbage seeds should be sown in a tray or planter. Before sowing, water the soil thoroughly and try not to moisten it any further until the seedlings appear - this will prevent the seedlings from getting “blackleg” disease. Why water the soil generously before sowing? The thing is that cabbage seeds need a lot of water to germinate - about 50% of their weight.​

Harvest and storage

​White cabbage can be early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. Early varieties are low-yielding, they have rather small (weighing about 1.5 kg) heads of cabbage medium density. Mid-season varieties Cabbages are suitable both for summer consumption and for pickling, but late varieties of cabbage are ideally suited for long-term fresh storage.​

The closer to the middle, the thinner and more tender the leaves. This cabbage is extremely useful: it helps normalize intestinal function and serves as an excellent prevention of prostatitis. It is an excellent support for those suffering from coronary disease hearts, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis. An infusion of fresh leaves helps restore weakened vision. But Savoy cabbage is valued not only for its useful qualities- she has very good taste.​

Choosing a variety for planting and growing Savoy cabbage with seedlings

​A week and a half after the seedlings emerge, they should be pruned, and after 2 leaves appear on the stems, they should be fed. Seedlings need to be watered regularly, and they will need to be moistened generously 2 hours before planting in the ground.

Savoy cabbage varieties

​The homeland of cabbage is the Mediterranean, more precisely the Italian county of Savoy, where this unusual vegetable has been used in cooking for many years national dishes. Its cultivation is widespread on the North American continent, as well as in Western Europe and North Africa. In our country, unfortunately, Savoy cabbage is not very common. The reasons for this, local farmers say, are its low yield, high maintenance requirements and certain storage difficulties.​

Growing seedlings

The first loosening of the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm is carried out after planting the plants in the ground. As the soil grows, the depth of loosening is increased to 15 cm. The denser the soil, the deeper it needs to be loosened. After 3-4 weeks, the plants are earthed up.

Timing and landing

​Verosa F1. Weight of heads of cabbage up to 3 kg. Frost-resistant hybrid. Suitable for long-term storage.​

Crop care

​early ripening - 105-120 days;​

12 secrets of growing cabbage seedlings

​ And the weather is not making us happy, it’s pouring with rain... True, by the weekend they promise warming and an end to precipitation... Even if they gave what they promised... ​

Secret 1: careful selection of variety

​Tomorrow I will go to the dacha in Mozhaisk and try to plant according to your method. The only thing that confuses me is: “they put it on film-plywood or hardboard or roofing felt and sprinkled it with snow again and go home...”, do seedlings grow normally without light?​

​If you didn’t notice: you overdid it with watering, didn’t keep track of the temperature, didn’t ventilate well, and so on, as a result of which the seedlings got sick: blackleg, root rot or other ailments - don’t hope that the disease will go away by itself, save the seedlings immediately.​

​When the seedlings appear, they need to be thinned out, leaving a feeding area of ​​approximately 2x2 cm. After 2 weeks, when the seedlings have grown a little, they need to be picked, planted according to a 3x3 cm pattern, for example in cassettes. When diving, do not forget to deepen the stem of the seedlings to the cotyledons! After another half a month, the seedlings need to be transplanted again, but into pots (peat pots, plastic or paper cups or any other suitable container) - ideally their size should be 5x5 cm.

Secret 2: buying quality seeds

​In addition to the fact that the ripening periods of cabbage are different, the timing of its sowing is also different - remember this.​

​To get large heads of Savoy cabbage, it needs to be grown in beds well seasoned with organic matter (manure, chicken droppings, compost) and mineral fertilizers. This cabbage loves sunny, wind-protected places. It is better to prepare the beds in the fall: add manure or bird droppings and lime. In the spring, all that remains is to add mineral fertilizers to the soil and loosen it.​

Secret 3: preparing the right soil mixture

​Video story about growing under bottles​

​And indeed, Savoy cabbage is suitable for consumption only in the second year of its life. Because in the first year after planting, only a small rosette can grow on its thick stem, consisting of gray-green, wrinkled leaves, which are also fragile and prone to cracking. But in the second year of life, its head of cabbage will become highly branched, it will consist of many curly, juicy and very tender leaves. In addition, its stem will begin to bloom, which will allow you to collect seeds in order to resume cultivation next year. The weight of a head of cabbage reaches 3 kg, its yield is lower than that of white cabbage, but it is more resistant to the harmful effects of leaf-borers, has excellent resistance to diseases typical of garden plants, is frost-resistant and tolerates moisture deficiency well.​

Secret 4: choosing the right time for sowing cabbage seedlings

Watering is carried out once a week; in hot weather the frequency should be increased. Early-ripening varieties are especially demanding of moisture in May, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties - in July-August.​

​Morama F1. Weight of heads of cabbage up to 4 kg. The hybrid is the result of crossing Savoy and white cabbage. The surface of the leaves is smoother.​

​mid-season - 120-135 days;​

​On the contrary, we are asking for rain, otherwise the heat is +25 - + 27 and will definitely be for another week. So I’m guaranteed a marathon with a watering can in the garden. ​

Secret 5: mandatory pre-sowing preparation

​seedlings are not normal, but seeds are easy)​

To combat blackleg, dry the soil inside the tray (pots), sprinkle the seedlings themselves with ash and loosen the substrate.

​Before planting seedlings into cups, it is advisable to treat them with a weak (blue in color) solution copper sulfate or any other drug that prevents the appearance of fungal diseases.​

Secret 6: correct sowing

​It is the quality of the seeds, not least of all, that will determine the quality of the seedlings, and therefore the cabbage harvest, so purchase high-quality seed material.​

​Savoy cabbage in our latitudes is grown through seedlings. To harvest from late June to late autumn, you need to sow several varieties with different ripening periods. Early Savoy cabbage is sown in early March, middle and late - in the first half of April. Seedlings are fed foliarly twice. When the plants form 2 true leaves, they are sprayed with a nutrient solution (0.5 teaspoon of complex fertilizer per 1 liter of water).

​You can transplant seedlings into the ground only after 5 leaves appear on each stem, without going deeper into the soil. Maintenance will consist of regular loosening and watering. And starting from the 20th day, the stems will need to be additionally hilled and fed. To prevent diseases and damage to stems by pests, it is recommended to sprinkle the beds with ash. It is also possible to sow it directly under the film directly into the ground. Care in this case will be the same.

​Surprisingly, cabbage cultivation can be established in garden fields in central Russia. Its seeds germinate at temperatures above 3 degrees and withstand ground frosts down to -7. Moreover, the low temperature at the moment active growth this garden plant has an excellent effect on the taste and juiciness of its leaves.​

​After the cabbage begins to grow, perform the first fertilizing. From organic matter, mullein is used (1:10).​

Secret 7: light for seedlings

How to grow savoy cabbage correctly? First of all, you need to prepare the ground. Before autumn digging Organic fertilizers are applied at the rate of 5 kg/1 m2. In spring, the soil is harrowed to fill it with moisture. Before planting cabbage, the plot is dug up to a depth of 15 cm.

Secret 8: timely watering

​Late ripening - more than 135 days.​

​Tatiana, I haven’t dived yet, I’m thinking of doing it this weekend. What’s the best way to feed it? I poured grass into a barrel and filled it with water; in a couple of weeks, if the weather allows, it will turn sour. Or should I water it with something else?

Secret 9: maintaining optimal temperature

Well, yes, I'm talking about seeds. I sowed cabbage, carrots, beets and radishes, I’ll see what happens))))​

In the fight against root rot (and blackleg too) of seedlings, treat it with trichoderma or rhizoplane. These are environmentally friendly biological preparations, whose effect is based on the action of specially grown mycelium, which, as it develops, releases substances that inhibit various pathogens.​

Secret 10: mandatory feeding

​If you have no desire to pick cabbage, then it is better to initially sow it in separate pots. When the time comes to plant the seedlings in a permanent place, its root system will have a large volume, and due to the fact that the plants grew in separate pots before transplanting, it is almost not injured.​

​We talked about how to buy seeds correctly, so as not to purchase expired seeds that have lost their germination due to improper storage, or even counterfeit seed material, in the articles How to buy seeds on the Internet and 10 rules for buying seeds. And in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, read this useful material.​

A week before planting in open ground, spraying is carried out with a solution of potassium sulfate and urea (0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Plants that are 45-50 days old can be planted in open ground or under film (by this time the seedlings should have 4-5 leaves).​

​Savoy cabbage is harvested after the heads become dense and elastic. This vegetable can remain in garden beds until the first frost. Neither night frosts, nor even the first snow are scary for this plant, unlike white cabbage.​

Secret 11: hardening

Let's deal with everything in order. Growing this garden vegetable requires paying attention to the following factors:

The following composition is used for mineral fertilizers:

​Seeds of early-ripening varieties are planted for seedlings in mid-March, mid- and late-ripening varieties - in mid-April. After the sprouts appear, the temperature is reduced to 8-10 °C.​

Secret 12: disease prevention and timely treatment

​Popular early ripening varieties of Savoy cabbage:​


​I tried to plant at home, the seedlings died, I plant them at the dacha as soon as the snow melts in the greenhouse. I add only manure, ash and fertilizer when planting in a permanent place. If you remove the cover in time, the black leg will not destroy the seedlings.​

Root rot

​just don’t disappear)) tell me what happened.​

​Trichodermin treatment allows you to create around the roots of plants protective zone from microorganisms, and treatment with rhizoplane promotes the absorption of iron by seedlings, due to which they develop immunity to the same black leg. In addition, rhizoplane allows seedlings to fight not only blackleg, but also various bacterioses, stem and root rots.​

How to administer medications

In order for cabbage seedlings to grow strong and stocky, it is not enough to plant them correctly - you need to provide additional lighting, because ordinary daylight at home is not enough for cabbage. We illuminate the seedlings for about 12-15 hours a day using an ordinary fluorescent lamp.​

Cruciferous flea beetle

To grow strong cabbage seedlings, you need to properly prepare a nutritious soil mixture. Ideally, the soil for cabbage seedlings should be prepared in the fall, but if for some reason you did not have time to do this, you can do it right now. Mix 1 part each of turf soil and humus, add a little ash (10 tablespoons for every 10 kg of soil) and mix the substrate thoroughly. IN in this case ash will be a source of not only micro- and macroelements, but also an excellent antiseptic that can prevent the appearance of blackleg on cabbage seedlings.​

​Loosening the beds, low hilling several times a season, regular abundant watering - prerequisites for getting good harvest Savoy cabbage. When the heads of cabbage begin to set, the plants are fed (1 kg of mullein or chicken droppings per 10 liters of water or 30 g of complex mineral fertilizer per 10 liters of water).​

​Roller caring for planted cabbage​

  • ​soil features;​
  • ​water – 10 l;​
  • Watering begins when embryonic leaves appear. Watering the seedlings is done in the morning followed by ventilation. In bright sunshine, seedlings are shaded with newspaper soaked in water.​

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

​Golden early. Weight of heads of cabbage up to 1 kg. Resistant to cracking.​

​What fertilizers do you apply? How are you doing?​


​Definitely. I’ll go again tomorrow, I really want to look there, but I’m afraid it’s going to get cold there, I’ll have to endure it)))​

Ivan Ivanov

​Trichodermin should be added to the soil mixture before planting cabbage seedlings in pots, at the rate of 1 gram. preparation for 1 plant. Along with trichodermin, it is necessary to add a grain of barley to the soil, treated with microspores of the fungus - it is cultivated on it. You can simply water the plants with Rhizoplan or spray the seedlings with the drug, having previously diluted 1 gram per 100 grams. water.​

Ivan Ivanov

​"Cabbage loves water, yes good weather“- this proverb-statement is equally true both in relation to already grown heads of cabbage and in relation to its seedlings.​

Ivan Ivanov

Of course, you can prepare any other nutritious soil mixture - not only based on turf soil, but also, for example, peat. The main thing is that the resulting soil is breathable and fertile. Also, when preparing a soil mixture for cabbage seedlings, never use garden soil on which cruciferous crops were previously grown: it probably contains infections characteristic of cabbage seedlings, and the likelihood of getting seedling diseases increases significantly.​

Ivan Ivanov

​Despite the tender leaves, savoy cabbage is more frost-resistant than white cabbage, so late varieties can be harvested before the cold weather. At the same time, you should not delay harvesting, hoping for the cabbage to gain weight - overripe heads of cabbage will crack. Only late-ripening varieties can be stored: in a dry basement or room with a temperature of about zero degrees they can last up to 3 months without loss.​


The following varieties will be well adapted for planting in our middle zone:

Lyudmila Orlova (Abramova), Ekaterinburg

​soil moisture;​


​urea – 15 g;​

Olga V., Omsk

Seedlings are picked after about 2 weeks. It is recommended to transplant cabbage into nutrient pots. The root of the plant is cut to a third of its length.

​Anniversary. Weight of heads of cabbage up to 0.8 kg. Prone to cracking.​

Marina Dolgova, Mariupol

​Very good article - everything is written in detail and clearly, but there is a question... I read that cauliflower, unlike the white cabbage, does not like picking. Is this really so or is it still better to pick it up like a white cabbage? How does broccoli relate to this? To be honest, I manage to sow and grow in different ways - both with and without picking, and I haven’t noticed the difference...​

​This is what is ruining us, pasans)) Take a look)))​

In the fight against cruciferous flea beetles (small striped bugs) - the worst enemy of cabbage seedlings - early treatment of seedlings with the drug Intavir will help you. ​

​Water the plants as needed, but try not to let the soil either dry out or become waterlogged. In order not to overdo it with watering, loosen the soil more often.

​There is no point in sowing cabbage seedlings at the beginning of January - this is too early - or at the end of May - this is too late. Every gardener knows this simple truth. But although we know the approximate dates for sowing seeds, sometimes it can be quite difficult to determine a specific date. Let's talk about everything in order.​

Natasha, Russia

​See you soon!​

​Yubileinaya 2170;​ ​air temperature.​

​superphosphate – 40 g;​

Planting in the ground is carried out after 40-45 days. By this time, 4-5 true leaves should have formed. For early varieties in the garden, choose well-lit areas, preferably on a southern slope. If the weather is cool, the plants are covered with film or caps to prevent bolting.

​Mila 1. Weight of heads of cabbage up to 3 kg. A productive variety that can be grown on heavy soils.​

​I didn’t notice the difference either. Both colored and white cabbage tolerate picking normally

​Good afternoon!​

​I revealed to you all the secrets of growing strong cabbage seedlings - well, at least those that I knew :) I would be glad if you share your secrets of growing cabbage seedlings in the comments.​

Growing peppers and eggplants for seedlings How to sow cabbage for seedlings in a greenhouse Growing eggplant seedlings

Savoy cabbage differs from other varieties due to its delicate and thinner leaves. It is usually eaten in salads, but can also be used to make other delicious dishes. This vegetable crop not whimsical. It is more resistant to various diseases and pests. But, like other vegetable crops, Savoy cabbage also needs certain rules for planting, growing and caring. You can learn how to grow Savoy cabbage, care for it, and fight pests and diseases from this article.

Description of the variety

Savoy cabbage - subspecies garden cabbage. Varietal group sabuada. Happening this type from North Africa and the western Mediterranean. Savoy cabbage got its name from the Italian county of Savoy, where this vegetable crop has been grown for a long time. Initially, in some countries of the world, Savoy cabbage was not grown, as it was believed that this variety was very whimsical. But Europe, Central and East Asia successfully cultivated this subspecies of cabbage.

Features of cabbage

The head of Savoy cabbage is loose, but quite large. The leaves are dark green, corrugated structure. The taste is almost the same as white cabbage. Due to its soft and thin leaves, savoy cabbage is often used in salads.

Beneficial properties of savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage contains a huge amount of useful substances and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. It contains amino acids, mustard oils, phytoncides, fiber, protein, sugar. It is also worth noting a number of useful substances - glutathione (a powerful antioxidant), ascorbigen (prevents the formation of cancerous tumors), alcohol beckons (an alternative to sugar for diabetes).
Savoy cabbage contains iron salts, magnesium and potassium, which improve the functioning of the circulatory system. Thanks to this, the tissues receive more oxygen and other nutrients.

Savoy cabbage cultivation and care

Savoy cabbage, like other varieties of this crop, is grown by seeds and seedlings. Seeds can be purchased in stores, and seedlings at the market or from a local farmer. Seed cultivation takes longer than the seedling method. But when proper cultivation both methods allow you to achieve a good harvest.


Soil preparation

To sow seeds, you can use boxes, boxes, trays and seedling cassettes or other containers. As a rule, the soil mixture is prepared in the fall, but if it was not prepared in advance, then this issue can be addressed right before sowing. In order for the soil to be fertile, you need to mix one part of turf soil or peat with humus. Next, ash is added (10 tablespoons per 10 kilograms of soil), after which the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed. Ash performs antiseptic effects, preventing various diseases at an early stage of plant growth.

It is not recommended to use garden soil for sowing seeds, especially if other crops were grown in it. There is a high probability that there are dangerous infections in this soil that will negatively affect the entire crop.

Seed disinfection

Before sowing, seeds must undergo a disinfection process in order to prevent various bacterial and fungal pathogens. Basically, a strong solution of potassium permanganate is used, in which the seeds are placed and then washed running water. You can also apply heat treatment. The seeds are placed in gauze and lowered into very warm water for 20 minutes. The water temperature should be 50 °C. After heat treatment, the seeds are washed cold water and dried.

It is very important to maintain the correct water temperature. If the temperature is a couple of degrees higher, the seeds may lose their germination, and if it is lower, then this disinfection method will not lead to the desired result.

Hardening of seeds

The next stage is seed hardening. Seeds should be kept for 24 hours in places where the temperature range is 1 – 2 °C. This process will accelerate seed germination and increase the cold resistance of this crop.

Sowing seeds

After the disinfection and hardening stage has been completed, the seeds must be thoroughly dried until they stick to the fingers. After which they can be sown in a prepared container with fertile soil.

Before sowing, holes are made in the seedling container. The distance between them should be 3 - 4 cm, and the depth 1 cm. Place 3 - 5 seeds in each hole, then sprinkle with earth, moisten the entire surface and cover the container with film. The box with planted seedlings must be kept at a temperature of 18 °C. If the soil is dry, then it needs to be moistened. Germination can begin in 5-7 days. At the first shoots, the film must be removed and the container with seedlings placed in a cooler place with a temperature no higher than 8 °C.


Containers planted with plants should be kept in a cooled room until they are planted in open areas of the ground. Temperature ranges should be: 14 – 15 °C during the day, 9 – 10 °C at night. If the soil dries out, it must be well moistened, but without excess moisture. After planting the plant, you need to remember about fertilizer. During the growth period, seedlings need balanced feeding. The first fertilizer is applied 8–10 days after sowing. At this time, the plant begins to germinate and the first leaves appear on the pastures. The composition of the fertilizer can be as follows: mix potash fertilizers and ammonium nitrate 2 grams each, superphosphate 4 grams. Before fertilizing, the plants must be watered.

The second fertilizer is carried out 14 days after the first. During this period, the seedlings will grow significantly and the following components can be used in the fertilizer: for 1 liter of water, mix potassium fertilizers and 4 grams of ammonium nitrate, 8 grams of superphosphate. The third fertilizing is hardening, because it contains a huge amount of potassium fertilizers. Thanks to this, the plant will take root well. open areas land.
You can use ready-made food as a top dressing. complex fertilizer, purchased in specialized stores.

Site selection and soil preparation

Savoy cabbage is a heat-loving vegetable crop. Sites for planting should be selected that are well illuminated by sunlight. This variety moisture-loving, but excess humidity is highly not recommended. The surface of the beds should be as level as possible to avoid stagnation of water. Savoy cabbage takes root well in light loamy, loamy and sandy loam soil. It is not recommended to plant cabbage in sandy, clayey and acidic soil.
After determining the planting location, the bed must be prepared in advance. Usually, land plot has been preparing since the fall. The soil in the beds must be dug deep. After a certain time, weeds will begin to sprout on the dug up soil, which need to be gotten rid of. After this, the ground needs to be limed and dug up again. IN spring period the earth is fertilized. Rotted manure from 3 to 4 kilograms, complex mineral fertilizer from 30 to 40 grams, wood ash from 100 to 200 grams are distributed per 1 m2. After which the earth must be dug up to a depth of 20 centimeters.


To safely remove seedlings from the boxes, the soil must be very well moistened and left for 2 hours. The plant is planted in the holes. For early varieties, the distance in the row between seedlings should be 30-40 centimeters, and the width between rows should be 40-45 centimeters. For mid-season - 50 by 50 centimeters. Late varieties are planted at a distance of 60 by 60 centimeters. After the seedlings have been placed in the holes, they need to be buried in soil and shed plenty of water. Until the seedlings take root completely in active sunny days it must be shaded and, in case of severe frosts, covered with film.


When growing, Savoy cabbage, like other vegetable crops, requires proper and careful care - watering, fertilizing, loosening and hilling.


It is almost impossible to grow Savoy cabbage without watering. Such a procedure must be clearly planned and carried out when necessary. The planted seedlings are watered every other day or two. One watering should consume 8 liters of water per 1 m2. After the plant takes root well and gets stronger, the number of waterings is reduced to once a week, but at the same time using 13 liters of water per 1 m2.

Top dressing

If the seedlings are well rooted and begin to progress in growth, they need to be fertilized. As a top dressing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers: dissolve urea in 10 liters of water - 15 grams, potassium fertilizer - 15 grams, superphosphate - 40 grams. After some time, the Savoy cabbage will begin to form heads. At this moment, the second feeding is carried out: dissolve urea - 15 grams, potassium fertilizer - 37 grams, superphosphate - 100 grams in 10 liters of water.

Loosening and hilling

The first loosening is carried out a couple of days after planting the seedlings, with a depth of 4-6 centimeters. If weeds sprout in the garden bed, they must be removed. The second loosening process is carried out at the moment when the cabbage is well rooted and the loosening depth should be 10-13 centimeters.
If the soil is wet and heavy, then loosening must be carried out deeper. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every week.
The hilling process is carried out 2-3 weeks after planting the seedlings. If necessary, this procedure is carried out twice.

Precautionary methods against diseases and pests

Any variety of cabbage has many diseases, Savoy cabbage is no exception. It is necessary to make it a rule that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Very often this vegetable crop is subject to the following diseases: black leg, black ring spot, tracheomycosis, vascular bacteriosis, downy mildew, clubroot and other diseases.
To prevent various kinds of diseases, the rules for cultivating and planting seedlings must be followed. At the very beginning, the seeds are exposed heat treatment. Much attention should be paid to the land in which the vegetable is sown. Before planting, you need to dig the soil as deeply as possible and remove all weeds from the garden bed. Carry out timely loosening and hilling. After harvesting, all remaining cabbage is removed from the ground and burned.

But, despite such precautions, the plant may develop mosaic and black spot. Such diseases, unfortunately, are incurable. The affected cabbage should be removed and burned as quickly as possible, and the soil should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Other diseases are curable. They are treated with medications that can be purchased in specialized stores.
Besides various diseases cabbage can be affected by pests. To carry out prevention, it is necessary to plant the plant as early as possible and regularly weed the beds. After harvesting, remove all crop residues from the garden bed and dig the soil deeply. If cabbage is affected by pests, it is necessary to use complex products.
In this way, you can grow and care for Savoy cabbage, which will allow you to harvest a high-quality and rich harvest.

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting is recommended in dry weather. Early cabbage They begin to collect in the first half of summer, and late in mid-autumn, since it is able to withstand temperatures up to – 7 ° C. Therefore, harvesting can be delayed as long as possible. Early cabbage is consumed after cutting because it is not suitable for storage. Late varieties at proper storage remain fresh and healthy for six months.
The harvested crop can be covered with a small layer of ground chalk and the heads of cabbage should be kept in a dry room for two days. After this, the heads of cabbage are transferred to places of permanent storage, where the air humidity level is 90 - 95%, at a temperature range from 0 to 3 ° C.
Heads of cabbage are stored in several ways. Cabbage heads can be stored hanging, with each head of cabbage placed in a net. Also, the heads are laid so that the stalks are in the upper position, which can be sprinkled with dry sand. If special racks are built in the cellar, then each head of cabbage can be wrapped in a sheet of paper and placed on the shelves.
By following certain rules, you can create conditions for the best preservation of heads of Savoy cabbage, and in the winter season you can enjoy delicious and healthy salads and other dishes.

Savoy cabbage is a light-loving plant. Long daylight hours have a beneficial effect on the formation of heads of cabbage.

Of all types of cabbage, Savoy cabbage is highly frost-resistant. Some of its late-ripening varieties are especially resistant to cold. Seed germination occurs already at a temperature of +3°C, and intensive growth occurs at 16-18°C. Temporary cold snaps down to 8 °C slow down the development of plants, but do not stop it. Sprouts of medium and early varieties tolerate short-term frosts down to -1-2 °C, late ones - up to -5-6 °C.

Savoy cabbage seedlings tolerate a lack of moisture better than other types of cabbage, but adult plants are moisture-loving. Moisture evaporates intensely through large leaves, and plants need regular watering.

The culture prefers fertile soils and is responsive to. Late varieties are more demanding on feeding than early varieties. When growing Savoy cabbage in the Urals and the Middle Zone, it is mainly used. The specificity of these regions is such that only early ripening varieties have time to form in a short summer. Plants develop quickly, but organic matter rots slowly, lagging behind this process.

Bad predecessors of Savoy cabbage are: radishes, turnips, cabbage, tomatoes; good ones are potatoes, carrots, legumes. The arrangement of Savoy cabbage needs to be changed annually. It is recommended to replant vegetables in the beds no earlier than after 4 years (see).

Popular varieties of Savoy cabbage

Depending on the timing of ripening, varieties of Savoy cabbage are divided into:

  • early ripening – 105-120 days;
  • mid-season - 120-135 days;
  • late ripening - more than 135 days.

Popular early ripening varieties of Savoy cabbage:

Popular mid-season varieties of Savoy cabbage:

Popular late-ripening varieties of Savoy cabbage:

Growing Savoy cabbage seedlings and planting in the ground

How to grow savoy cabbage correctly?
First of all, you need to prepare the ground. Before autumn digging, add at the rate of 5 kg/1 m2. In spring, the soil is harrowed to fill it with moisture. Before planting cabbage, the area is dug up to a depth of 15 cm.

Seeds of early-ripening varieties are planted for seedlings in mid-March, mid- and late-ripening varieties - in mid-April. After the sprouts appear, the temperature is reduced to 8-10 °C.

Watering begins when embryonic leaves appear. Watering the seedlings is done in the morning followed by ventilation. In bright sunshine, seedlings are shaded with newspaper soaked in water.

Seedlings are planted after about 2 weeks. It is recommended to transplant cabbage into nutrient pots. The root of the plant is cut to a third of its length.

Planting in the ground is carried out after 40-45 days. By this time, 4-5 true leaves should have formed. For early varieties in the garden, choose well-lit areas, preferably on a southern slope. If the weather is cool, the plants are covered with film or caps to prevent bolting.

Planting of early ripening varieties can be divided into several periods until the end of May. Mid-ripening and late-ripening - planted in June-early July.

Planting schemes for savoy cabbage:

  • early ripening – 35x40 cm;
  • mid-season – 50x50 cm;
  • late-ripening – 60x60 cm.


Caring for Savoy cabbage includes weeding, fertilizing, and pest control.

The first loosening of the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm is carried out after planting the plants in the ground. As the soil grows, the depth of loosening is increased to 15 cm. The denser the soil, the deeper it needs to be loosened. After 3-4 weeks, the plants are earthed up.

Watering is carried out once a week; in hot weather the frequency should be increased. Early-ripening varieties are especially demanding of moisture in May, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties - in July-August.

After the cabbage begins to grow, perform the first fertilizing. From organic matter, mullein is used (1:10).

The following composition of mineral fertilizers is used:

  • water – 10 l;
  • urea – 15 g;
  • superphosphate – 40 g;
  • potash fertilizers – 15g.

The next feeding is carried out in the curling phase of the head of cabbage. During this period, the concentration of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is increased by 1.5 times.

Harvesting and storage

Savoy cabbage is harvested from the end of June. It is important to promptly remove heads of cabbage that are prone to cracking. There is also a way to prevent cracking. To do this, the lower leaves are removed or the root is trimmed with a shovel.

Late varieties tolerate cold weather and light frosts well. Taking advantage of this feature, some gardeners leave cabbage in winter beds under a layer of snow and cut it as needed, raking the snow.

Savoy cabbage is stored in boxes or on racks, laid out in one row. The optimal storage temperature is -1-3 °C.

Even before the start of spring field work, many gardeners and summer residents are faced with the question: what seeds to purchase in order to grow the best varieties of Savoy cabbage. Everyone knows about the benefits of cabbage; this garden queen is enjoyed by adults and children. But, if earlier we grew exclusively ordinary cabbage, now the abundance of varieties and varieties of this popular vegetable is so great that sometimes even the most for experienced summer residents or it is difficult for gardeners to understand them. In order to get a quality food product before the end of the season, you must first purchase good seeds.

Growing Savoy cabbage requires certain skills and abilities. Gardeners and summer residents who have been involved in growing any of the varieties of this vegetable at least once in their lives understand that cabbage requires special care.

We will consider the question of how to choose seeds and how to grow Savoy cabbage.

Brief characteristics of the variety

Savoy cabbage, although it is “overseas” for our latitudes, grows successfully in our regions. This is a variety of ordinary garden cabbage. The variety is native to North Africa and the western Mediterranean. This variety is very popular and in demand throughout Europe, as well as in Central and East Asia. So exotic name she received it thanks to the Italian county of Savoy, in which almost all the inhabitants were engaged in growing this vegetable variety.

This variety is very similar to our compatriot - ordinary white cabbage. Only the taste of the overseas guest is much more delicate. This is precisely why our compatriots loved her very much. This vegetable forms a head of cabbage in the same way as a regular one, only its leaves are corrugated, much thinner, and have a more fragile and delicate consistency.

Accordingly, this variety is particularly soft and delicate in taste. But, despite its elegance, the advantage of growing such cabbage is its excellent frost resistance.

Features of seed cultivation

To grow early varieties of this variety, preparation for this process must begin at the end of winter. To do this, seeds are sown for seedlings at the very beginning of spring. If you are planning to grow a later variety, then in mid-spring. Before planting, the seeds must first be thoroughly treated.

To do this, hold them for 15 minutes in hot water (50 degrees), then dip them in cold water for a minute, then dip them in a solution of trace elements for at least 12 hours. Then rinse them thoroughly and put them in the refrigerator for a day. And after all the stages of processing, dry them thoroughly, and only after that you can proceed directly to planting the seeds.

Before this, the soil itself must also be saturated with a strong manganese solution. As for the soil itself, it is best to take a mixture of turf soil, peat and sand. Sow the seeds into a container to a depth of 1 cm. After this, the containers are covered with glass and placed in warm room before the first shoots appear. When the sprouts have appeared, the glass must be removed and the containers moved to a cooler but brighter room.

After the first true leaf appears, the plants are planted in separate containers, while the roots are shortened: 1/3 of their length is cut off. New containers are watered with a weak solution of manganese. Keep the seedlings in a warm room, periodically moistening the soil. When two leaves appear, you need to additionally feed the plant with complex fertilizer.

Planting in open soil

Planting in open ground occurs when two pairs of true cabbage leaves have already appeared in the seedlings.

Important point! Before planting seedlings outside, it is necessary to harden them thoroughly. To do this, they gradually take it out onto the balcony, first for a short time, gradually increasing it, and finally bringing it to a whole day. However, drafts should be avoided.

Also, 14 days before planting in the ground, seedlings are fertilized with urea and potassium sulfate.

Growing Savoy cabbage in open ground also requires certain knowledge. Land on the southern or eastern side of the site.

It is important to know. This plant needs bright sunlight and warmth..

The soil should be loamy or sandy loam, not very acidic. It is strictly prohibited to grow such crops on clay or sandy soils. Otherwise, the plant will begin to disappear until it dies completely.

You cannot plant this crop for two years in a row in the same place. This variety grows and bears fruit well after onions, tomatoes, beets, beans, cucumbers, potatoes and perennial herbs. It is strictly forbidden to plant such a vegetable in an area where all types of cabbage, radishes, rutabaga, and watercress previously grew.

When growing the Savoy variety in open ground special rules and recommendations must be followed.

The land on which the vegetable will be grown requires careful pre-treatment. So, starting in the fall, it is necessary to remove all growing grass from the site. Then the beds are dug deep and the soil is allowed to rest a little. If weeds grow again in the dug up area, they are removed again. Then lime is added to the site in the required amount, and the soil is dug up again.

With the onset of spring, it is again necessary to carry out appropriate manipulations with the soil. The soil is fed first with organic fertilizer, then with complex mineral fertilizer, and finally the area is dug up again.

When planting directly in the soil, it is worth considering the fact that such cabbage must be left quite a lot of space for growth, because during the period of active growth it increases significantly in size. Therefore, the distance between the beds should be at least 40-60 cm, and between the holes at least 35-45 cm. After planting, the plant must be watered.

Features of care

In open soil, the plant also needs care. Outdoor care for this vegetable variety is exactly the same as for other types of crops. So that the grown vegetable pleases with its productivity and taste qualities, you need to take care of it during the growth period.

Savoy cabbage is grown by constantly feeding and caring for it. It must be regularly watered, weeded, hilled, loosened and fertilized. And also promptly protect against various kinds of diseases and pests.


It is necessary to water the plant every other day for the first month, then, when the crop is already well rooted and strong, you can reduce watering to once a week. In this matter, the weather makes significant adjustments: of course, during a drought, watering must be provided abundantly and in a timely manner. In damp and rainy weather, watering should be avoided altogether.

Top dressing

When starting to grow such a crop, you need to know that it needs frequent feeding. As soon as the crop takes root, it must be fed with either organic fertilizer or synthetic complex fertilizer (potassium and superphosphate fertilizers are good). When the first ovary appears, it is again fed with mineral fertilizers, only now it is necessary to increase the dose and add potassium sulfate to the fertilizer.

As you know, cabbage is a favorite delicacy not only for people, but also for all kinds of pests. The cruciferous flea beetle especially often settles in cabbage leaves. To prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to take appropriate preventive measures. To do this, the crop is treated with wood ash or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Pests and diseases of savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage, like its relatives, is susceptible to many diseases. To prevent infection of the crop with these diseases, it is necessary to strictly observe all of the above plant care measures. But if you still cannot avoid infection, you should remember that black spotting and mosaic cannot be cured. And the affected plants simply need to be removed, otherwise the disease will spread to the rest of the seedlings. Fungal diseases cured with special fungicidal drugs.

This tasty juicy vegetable is also to the taste of many pests. To prevent the appearance of harmful insects, it is necessary to plant seedlings in open ground as early as possible. The area itself should be carefully treated before planting, dug deep and disinfected. Weeds should also be removed promptly.

Although the Savoy variety does not have as many varieties as its cabbage cousin, there are still plenty to choose from. Among all varieties, the Savoy cabbage Vertu is the most popular. This is a very productive variety mid-late ripening. It has green leaves with a grayish tint and a light waxy coating. It is distinguished by very good preservation and excellent taste.

Beneficial features

Regardless of the variety, Savoy lace beauty very valuable and useful. It has a rich vitamin composition and many microelements making it an indispensable product in the kitchen of any housewife. Also characteristic feature this vegetable is that, unlike other vegetables, cabbage does not lose its useful composition until the end of spring.

Growing and caring for Savoy cabbage requires, of course, certain skills and abilities, but as a result you will get a juicy, tasty and very useful product nutrition, which will especially help you during the period of spring vitamin deficiency.


No matter how useful the green queen of the garden is, there are cases when it is not recommended to use it. You should not eat cabbage dishes if you have gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, as well as pancreatitis and in the postoperative periods. It should be used with caution by mothers nursing infants up to 3 months of age.

Sinigrin is a substance with antibacterial and anticancer properties. Research by nutritionists has shown that of all types of cabbage, Savoy cabbage contains the most of it. And if you consider that Savoy cabbage is more tender and costs several times more in the store than white cabbage, it is profitable to grow it in your country house and home garden. Savoy cabbage, which received its sonorous name in honor of the Italian region of Savoy, differs from white cabbage in its loose head and corrugated leaves of rich green (external) or yellow (internal) color. In terms of productivity, it is inferior to its white cabbage relative, but it tolerates drought more easily and is the most cold-resistant and frost-resistant of all cabbages (late varieties can withstand frosts down to minus 8°). In addition, although both “ladies” love floodplain areas, the “Italian” better tolerates heavy soils and peat bogs and produces crops even in low-lying areas. True, in this case you need to take care of sufficient input organic fertilizers or the incorporation of green manure, increased doses of potassium fertilizers on floodplain soils and phosphorus fertilizers on heavy loams. In the latter, after harvesting the previous crop, the soil is loosened with a cultivator. When the weeds grow, add superphosphate and potassium salt (30 g/sq.m.) and dig up the bed. In the spring, to retain moisture, the soil is loosened with a rake and covered with non-woven material. In the lowlands, ridges are cut for cabbage.

Savoy cabbage - planting and care

To obtain fresh forks from mid-July to the end of October, varieties of different ripeness groups are grown and seedlings are prepared at several times. It is prepared in separate cups or cassettes from mid-March (early varieties for fresh consumption) until the second ten days of April (for processing and storage) in manure greenhouses or spring greenhouses. They are planted in the garden bed from mid-May to mid-June according to a 40x40 cm pattern. A week before planting in the bed, they stop watering the cabbage. But on the day of planting, the plants (good seedlings should have 4-5 true leaves) are watered abundantly, planted with a clod of earth and shaded from the sun. Early varieties are placed according to a pattern of 50x40 cm, middle and late varieties - 60x60 cm or 70x50 cm. It is best to grow Savoy cabbage after legumes, potatoes, cucumbers, and onions. Beets and tomatoes are less desirable, as they remove a lot of potassium and phosphorus from the soil. You cannot plant this cabbage where there is clubroot, and within 4 years after cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, daikon, mustard. Protect seedlings from severe return frost, cruciferous flea beetle and cabbage fly with non-woven fabric. It is completely removed in mid-June. The soil between the rows is loosened 6-8 times to a depth of 5-7 cm during the season. Three weeks after planting and before closing the rows, the plants are high (up to lower leaves) hill up and mulch with hay or cut grass. Water the cabbage generously, but not more than once a week. Complex feeding soluble fertilizer with microelements are given one and a half weeks after planting. If you don’t have ready-made fertilizer on hand, use an infusion of nettle, dandelion, honey, superphosphate (20 g) and ash (1 cup per 10 liters of liquid). The same feeding is carried out after two weeks. For the next two dressings use only phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. From mid-July, poisoned baits with metaldehyde are laid out between plants to prevent slugs, or a mixture of cement and hot pepper. Heads of cabbage of early varieties should not be overexposed - they will crack. They are cut off when the forks gain a weight of 400-600 g and acquire the color characteristic of the variety. With cleaning late cabbage There is no need to rush, as lower autumn temperatures will only improve its taste. If the forks are cut, then the top two or three green leaves must be left on them and stored on racks in one layer at a temperature of 1 -3°. But in this case, the harvest does not last longer than 3 months. Therefore, for winter storage, it is more advisable to remove the plant in October with its roots, having first protected the head of cabbage from soil contamination with gauze, and bury it in the basement. It is important that the mass of the head of cabbage is at least 0.5 kg. You can also leave late-ripening Savoy cabbage to overwinter in the garden: in January-February, just rake away the snow, cut down a head of cabbage and, without defrosting, immerse it in cold water with ice cubes for half an hour. Savoy cabbage is richer in mineral salts than its white cabbage cousin, and its calorie content does not exceed 30 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, this vegetable is necessary for people with metabolic disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestion. Savoy cabbage is used in the same way as white cabbage - fresh, boiled and fried. It makes excellent cabbage soup, borscht, puree soups, stuffed dishes, including cabbage rolls and casseroles.

The best varieties of Savoy cabbage - description

Viennese early 1346– early (60-75 days*) variety for cooking and fresh consumption. Forms a compact plant with a small head of medium density, weighing up to 0.7 kg. Golden Early – an early variety for fresh use. The head is round, half-open, dense, weighing up to 0.9 kg, resistant to cracking. The leaf is medium-sized, yellow-green, highly bubbly, delicate in taste. Melissa– mid-season hybrid for autumn harvesting. The heads of cabbage are round-flat, large, weighing up to 3 kg, dense, resistant to fusarium and cracking. The leaf is strongly bubbly, medium-fried, dark green, tasty. Nyushaearly ripening variety for cultivation in private plots. Used fresh and in home cooking. The head is round, partially covered, yellowish when cut, medium density, with a fine structure, weighing up to 1.4 kg. The leaf is gray-green, with a slight waxy coating, medium size, highly bubbly, wavy along the edge, excellent taste. The outer stump is short, the inner one is of medium length. Productivity 3.3 kg/sq.m. Ovasa– late (120 days) hybrid for fresh consumption and cooking. Resistant to unfavorable conditions. Weakly affected by bacteriosis and fusarium. Productivity 30-60 t/ha. Thaler– mid-early hybrid for fresh consumption, cooking and short-term storage. The head is flat, large, weighing up to 2 kg. Productivity 40-50 t/ha. Tasmania– mid-early hybrid for fresh consumption, cooking and short-term storage. Tolerates severe frosts and grows well in light soils with low nitrogen content. The head of cabbage is round, weighing up to 1.5 kg. Uralochkalate-ripening variety(95-100 days) for all types of culinary use and pickling. The head of cabbage is round, dense, yellowish when cut, weighs up to 2.2 kg, is resistant to cracking, can be stored for up to 3 months. The leaves are large, light green, highly bubbly, corrugated, delicate in taste. Yubileinaya 2170– early ripening (75-85 days) and oldest Russian variety(in use since 1950). Head of cabbage weighing up to 0.8 kg, medium density, prone to cracking. The leaf is slightly corrugated, finely bubbly, grayish-green. Julius is a very early hybrid of Savoy cabbage for fresh consumption and cooking. A head of cabbage weighing up to 3 kg, with highly bubbly tender leaves. Extrema F1– a mid-season hybrid resistant to Fusarium wilt for cultivation in the private sector. Used fresh and for short-term storage. The outer stump is of medium length, the inner one is short. Productivity 5.4-8 kg/sq.m. The leaf has good taste and consistency, large, grey-green, with a waxy coating, bubbly, heavily frilled, slightly wavy along the edge. The head of cabbage is round, yellowish when cut, loose, weighing up to 2 kg. * - from planting seedlings to harvesting

Savoy cabbage rolls - recipe

Disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves, soak them in boiling salted water for 10 minutes, cool in cold water with ice cubes. Place meat or vegetable filling in the middle, roll up the rolls, tie them with white threads and fry on vegetable oil. Then put it in a saucepan, pour in broth or vegetable broth, season with spices to taste, and simmer for 25-30 minutes. © E. SIMONYAN, agronomist