You need to plant garlic in a timely manner before winter. How to plant garlic before winter: do it correctly and get a large head

Features and differences from planting in spring

In autumn, winter varieties that are resistant to cold are sown. This type of garlic has a dense outer shell and a highly developed root system. At correct landing winter garlic produces early shoots. Vegetables, unlike those sown in spring, are stored well until next summer without loss taste qualities and vitamin properties.

In spring, spring varieties of garlic are planted. Such crops quickly “drive out” shoots that are softer in taste and have a pronounced aroma.


Garlic grown in spring is not stored in winter.

The main differences between autumn and spring plantings are several characteristics. These include:

  1. Sowing time in open ground. Winter planting is done 35–45 days before severe cold (depending on weather conditions), around the end of September - October. In the spring they are sown early, from the moment the snow melts (the ground should warm up to +6 degrees), that is, around March - April, they are sown in the Moscow region, in Siberia - in early May.
  2. Preparatory work. The beds are cultivated from mid-summer for autumn plantings, and from autumn for spring plantings. Winter garlic is not planted in areas where manure has been applied, so that the crops do not have abundant tops, a tendency to fungal diseases, and excessive looseness of the heads. Winter garlic requires sandy loam soil, and spring varieties require medium loamy soil.
  3. Seed placement depth. In spring it is from 3 to 6 cm, but in autumn it should be from 6 to 8 cm. In the northern regions and in low snowy weather conditions, it is recommended to plant much deeper before winter, about 10 to 13 cm.
  4. Primary care of plantings. Winter garlic must be mulched; the crops are not irrigated, since moisture will come from the soil through the roots. It is recommended to water spring crops immediately. It will be necessary to carry out much more carefully and preventive measures from pests and diseases.

The quality of the harvest, both during autumn and spring plantings, will depend on a well-chosen variety of garlic. For autumn, it is better to take crops that are resistant to frost, pest damage, and fungal diseases.

Is it possible to plant in winter?


Many vegetable growers cultivate spring garlic using the winter method. The main thing is to plant in a timely manner, choose a frost-resistant variety, use intact large bulbs, and then you can harvest excellent harvest. Garlic heads grown using this method from selected cloves turn out to be very large, weighing up to 100 grams.

Many people believe that sowing spring garlic before winter simply needs to be done in order to harvest as much as possible. more bulbs large size. In addition, high-quality planting material is obtained in this way.

Last year's

You can also plant garlic from last year's harvest in garden beds before winter. Provided that you manage to save it, which is not easy. The main thing is that the teeth are large and of high quality, without damaged husks, not dented, with no stains, cracks, or dryness.

Sowing is carried out according to all the rules, and the garlic is disinfected in ash liquor - a specially made solution of ash (0.4 kg) and water (2 l), which must be boiled for half an hour (without cloves!), cooled, only then placed in it teeth for 2 hours. The bulbs must be dried before sowing.

Features of planting in different climatic zones

Sowing garlic before winter directly depends on the climatic conditions of the area where the crop will be grown. It is necessary not only to plant the cloves on time, but also to do this by choosing the right hole so that the vegetables do not freeze and do not sprout earlier with a slight warming.

In the regions middle zone In Russia, it is recommended to start winter sowing from the end of September to mid-October. If the weather is stable, you can postpone the date until November. The main thing is to complete the procedure 1–1.5 months before frost. In the Moscow region they usually start planting in mid-October. Garlic varieties popular among summer residents in this area include: “Spas”, “Messidor”, “Gribovsky Yubileiny”, “Kharkovsky”. The depth of planting bulbs in the beds is from 6 to 8 cm.

In the Urals, planting most often begins at the end of September. And in Siberia - from mid-August - early September. In cold climates, they are guided by the temperature on the ground; it should be in the optimal range, that is, at least +6 degrees.

In frozen soil, the bulbs will not have time to take root, will not overwinter well, and may freeze.

In cold climates, the depth of the cloves should be as large as possible. The bookmark is made at 10 - 13 cm or more. This is especially necessary with a predicted snowless winter.

For comparison, up to 22 winter varieties and only 6 spring varieties are selected for planting in the fall. Among the main differences are the following nuances:

  1. Winter garlic has fewer cloves in its bulbs. Their number is approximately 5 to 10 pieces, but their size is much larger.
  2. In spring crops, the cloves are located chaotically, differ in size, and are more numerous in number (from 8 to 20 pieces).
  3. Winter varieties have even teeth, stumps are thicker and denser, and the structure of the bulb has a trunk in the center, unlike spring varieties.
  4. Only winter garlic shoots; among spring varieties, only the “Gulliver” variety.
  5. Sandy loam soils are chosen for planting winter varieties; for spring varieties, loamy soil that is not very heavy in structure is suitable.
  6. High frost resistance is characteristic of winter varieties. This garlic can withstand very low temperatures.

A significant difference between garlic species lies in the methods of planting them. Everyone by known methods(with cloves, bulblets, single-claw bulbs) only winter varieties can be sown. Spring garlic, except for the Gulliver variety, is grown exclusively by cloves, since the species does not shoot.

Winter garlic varieties for planting
Variety name Ripeness degree Qualitative characteristics Yield level Main advantages
"Alcor" Mid-season The bulbs are dense, round in shape. Color – pink-violet. Shoots. The weight of the bulbs is 13–36 g. High yielding Resistant to frost and yellow dwarf virus. Excellent keeping quality.
"Belorussian" Early ripening Dense bulbs, large, whitish scales purple. Vegetable weight: 56–78 g. Medium-yielding Excellent winter hardiness. Weakly susceptible to bacterial rot.
"Gribovsky Jubilee" Mid-season Flat-round bulbs, the shape is elongated upward, the scales are colored purple tint. Shoots. Keeping quality is average. The weight of the bulbs is from 24 to 44 g. High yielding Resistant to cold, drought, disease.
"Lyubasha" Mid-season Flat-round bulb with white scales and purple veins. Very large. Keeping quality is good. High yielding Highly resistant to frost, fusarium, and drought.
"Sail" Mid-season Shoots. The bulbs are large, flat-round, elongated upward. Weight of bulbs - from 30 to 47 g. Stores well. High yielding Winter-hardy, weakly affected by bacterial rot, stem nematode, resistant to downy mildew.
"Sofievsky" Mid-season Large bulbs, medium purple scales, flat-round shape. Weight from 80 to 130 g. Shoots. Used only fresh. High yielding Resistant to frost and nematodes. Excellent keeping quality.
"Saved" Mid-season Round-oval bulbs with scales gray. The weight reaches 80 - 100 g. It shoots. High yielding High resistance to severe frosts, nematode, fusarium. Excellent storage.

All winter varieties often have a pungent taste.

Boarding time

In the fall, it is important to plant garlic before heavy frosts. At the same time, be careful with the weather conditions so that there is no temporary thaw. Garlic should not sprout and should not freeze. In the Moscow region, most often, work begins in late September - mid-October, approximately 35-45 days before severe frosts. Ideally the first week of October. The soil is dug up 2 weeks before planting. Sowing continues until November, weather forecast permitting.

It gets colder in the Urals earlier; it is best to start planting from mid-September - October. It is important that the soil warms up by at least +6 degrees. IN Siberian conditions winter is usually early, snow may already fall in September, therefore, focusing on weather forecasters, they begin sowing garlic even from the end of August (with predicted early cold weather without a significant thaw) or from early to mid-September in a milder climate.


Preparing garden tools

To sow winter garlic efficiently, you need to use a number of tools. These include:

  • bayonet shovel or pitchfork - for digging up soil;
  • hand rake, hoe - for creating holes and further caring for crops;
  • gloves;
  • containers for preparing teeth.

Winter varieties are not watered after planting; dried bulbs are also planted, so a watering can is not required. When planting crops on an industrial scale, it is recommended to use manual or machine seeders for garlic, equipment for calibrating cloves, and a tractor with a fork attachment for digging up areas.

Soil preparation

The soil for winter garlic is selected to be sandy loam, with good permeability of moisture and air. The beds are placed on flat areas without nearby groundwater. Lowlands are unsuitable, since in cold weather there can be stagnation of moisture, which can cause the roots to rot.

The best place for winter garlic is in beds located close to the fence on the south side of the site. The acidity of the soil should be neutral. Choose a well-lit place for sowing. It is necessary to clean the soil, dig up, and fertilize 3 or 4 weeks before the planting procedure.

The beds are also hilled up in advance so that the soil settles a little. This is necessary so that the bulbs do not freeze when sowing and do not germinate ahead of time.

After digging, fertilizers are applied (per 1 sq.m.):

  1. Add to loamy soil dolomite flour(1 glass), nitrophoska (1 tbsp.), superphosphates (1 tbsp.). Or add compost (1 bucket), sprinkle with ash (1.5 cups).
  2. For sandy loam and clay soils, in addition to the mineral and organic fertilizers indicated above, add a bucket of peat.

Fresh manure is not used so that the garlic does not get sick or be affected by pests. Before planting, finished beds are disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate, dissolving 50 g of the substance in a bucket of water. The moistened soil is covered with a film and left until the planting procedure.

How to prepare planting material

Garlic is prepared for planting. The teeth are sorted out and the ones that are of poor quality, damaged, dried out, and small are put aside. Material suitable for sowing must be pre-treated. It is disinfected as a preventive measure against rot, mold, and spotting in the solution:

  • table salt (1 large spoon per 2 liters of water) for 3 minutes, and then in a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per bucket of water) for 3 minutes;
  • ash settled for half an hour (0.4 kg of substance per 2 l hot water) for about 2 hours;
  • drug (according to instructions) “Fistosporin-M”;

Before planting, the garlic must be dried.

The process itself

It is important to plant the cloves correctly so that the garlic grows large next year.

After what crops to plant?

Do not sow after carrots, beets, radishes, turnips and other root vegetables. At the place where onions and garlic are cultivated, vegetables are replanted only after 3 years.

To what depth

The depth of the tines should be approximately 8–10 cm in not very cold climates, in northern regions– from 13 to 20 cm. Sowing of bulblets is deepened by 3 cm. Coarse sand or ash is poured into the bottom of the furrows in a layer of up to 3 cm to protect the crops from rotting.

Garlic cloves must be planted with their bottoms facing down. The soil underneath should not be allowed to become compacted so as not to hamper the growth and development of the root system. From dense soil, cloves can be pushed to the surface in winter, and as a result, they are in danger of freezing.

Planting scheme

For cloves, rows are made on the beds, retreating 18–25 cm, but no more. The distance between seedlings depends on their size. Between small teeth make indents of 14–16 cm, between large ones – 19–22 cm.

When using the bulb planting method, row spacing should be approximately 17 cm. Approximately 3 cm is left between seedlings; a distance of 10 cm is recommended for very large garlic. For 1 sq. Most often, 30 bulbs per meter of bed are used.

Seedling care

After sowing, it is enough to sprinkle the beds with baked ash (1 cup per 1 square meter). Watering is not needed immediately; heavy autumn rainfall is usually sufficient. In arid climates, irrigation can be done once a month, using a bucket of water per 1 square meter. meter.

Before severe frosts, the plantings are mulched, for example, with a mixture of sawdust and peat 2 cm thick. In snowless weather and severe frosts, the beds are covered with sheets of roofing felt or film. Protective coatings It is important to remove with the onset of the spring thaw.

The main care for garlic consists of regular loosening to a depth of 3 or 4 cm, followed by mulching with a damp layer of peat. Watering is carried out weekly, adding a bucket of water per 1 square meter. landing meter.

In the spring, you can do a starter feeding if the foliage growth is poor. I use nitrogen-containing fertilizers, adding a urea solution (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water) or bird droppings (1 cup). The feeding rate is 3 liters ready solution per 1 sq. landing meter. The procedure is repeated if necessary only after 2 weeks.

For high productivity, it is recommended to remove arrows from most crops, leaving only those that are necessary for harvesting planting material- Bulb.

Possible problems and difficulties

As a result of unaccounted crop rotation, you can get a small harvest, crop damage by fungi, and weak sprouts in the beds.

Using fresh manure when cultivating the soil for planting, they subsequently encounter damage to garlic by mold, rot, and pests. Teeth without disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate may not germinate, freeze, or sprout damaged by diseases.

Too deep plantings lead to loss of seedlings. The growth of the root system is hampered by well-compacted soil under the teeth. Wet seed does not germinate; it freezes or rots.

Poorly mulched plantings will not withstand extreme cold. And those planted untimely may germinate ahead of time, which is fraught with loss of crops due to frost.

Typical errors

Taking into account the difficulties faced by inexperienced vegetable growers, it is worth noting the mistakes that should be avoided when sowing winter varieties of garlic:

  1. You cannot plant garlic in one place for several years in a row, after harvesting onions, beets, carrots, turnips, radishes, and radishes.
  2. You should not fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers for the winter.
  3. It is necessary to adhere to planting dates, taking into account the climate in different regions.
  4. It is important to choose the right planting depth. Its optimal size is approximately 8–10 cm for cloves. The colder it is, the more sealing is done. For bulbs – 3 cm.
  5. You cannot separate the garlic heads into cloves in advance; this is done the day before the procedure. At the same time, seedlings are carefully selected, checked to ensure that the husks have not come off, they are disinfected, and dried well before sowing.

In addition to the above, we must not forget with the onset of spring and further care for seedlings.

When growing winter garlic to obtain early vitamin greens, it is important to adhere to planting dates, climatic features in the regions, take into account the agricultural technology procedure, choose good varieties, only then can you reap a high-quality harvest.

Garlic - perennial herbaceous plant, which comes from the Amaryllis family. Culture has been widely used in folk and official medicine, as well as in cooking when preparing various dishes. All parts of garlic are allowed to be eaten - arrows, leaves, bulbs, as well as the flower stalks themselves. Scientists believe that garlic is one of the varieties of onions, as it has almost one hundred percent similarity in genetics with it. A gardener should know the principle of planting winter garlic in the fall.

Features of planting garlic

The place of origin of garlic is the mountainous regions of Central Asia. You can plant winter garlic in the fall or in early spring. There are several rules for planting plants using the winter method, which lead to a large amount of harvest.

Since garlic cultivation begins in the fall, approximately in the middle summer season It is important to start preparing for the autumn planting of garlic. At the marked place, after harvesting from previously grown crops, you need to remove all weeds, vegetable remains and dig the soil to a shallow depth. It is important to take into account that garlic cloves need to be planted 35-45 days before the onset of real autumn cold weather.

During this period of time vegetable crops will have time to develop rhizomes up to ten centimeters long, but aboveground part will no longer appear at this time. The best time It will be mid or late September for planting. Planting too early can result in the development of green shoots, which should not be allowed, and planting too late will not leave the plant time to form a strong root system. The rules for planting garlic in the fall require strict adherence to all established deadlines.

If aerial garlic bulbs - bulbs - are used as planting material, then it is important to plant them in the spring. Mid-April is best for this.

Upon landing winter garlic In the fall, it is important to take into account all the predecessors in the garden, because they will affect the development of the crop and the quality of the resulting harvest. After some plants, garlic will not grow or will give the most underestimated characteristics. For example, it is prohibited to grow this plant after beets, garlic, carrots, turnips, onions, parsley, and celery. The best predecessors for such a plant will be the following crops: zucchini, eggplant, pepper, pumpkin, berry plants, legumes and grain plants.

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Material for planting in open ground can be used in the form of cloves, which bear their first harvest the very next year, or bulbs, which sprout only after several years. Preparing for landing:

To plant winter garlic, it is important to choose open areas with high level lighting, nutritious soil with a minimum level of acidity, preferably with suspended soil. If manure was used as a top dressing for the crops grown, then apply additional fertilizers no need. In the absence of such fertilizing, 10 days before planting the garlic, the soil throughout the entire territory of the future bed must be dug up, adding a nutrient mixture while digging. For one square meter the following proportion is taken:

  • potassium salt - 20 grams;
  • humus - 5 grams;
  • superphosphate - 30 grams.

After this, the culture is watered with a solution of 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate diluted in 10 liters of water. Then the entire area of ​​the bed is covered with plastic film on top. Experts do not recommend using manure as fertilizer.

The teeth are planted in pre-prepared grooves. Such furrows are created to a depth of no more than 20 centimeters; it is important to maintain the width between them - 25 centimeters. Landing Features:

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Rhizomes cut off during loosening stop feeding the garlic plant normally and can lead to the development of dangerous diseases. If we talk about planting material, then to get a good harvest, it is best to plant not garlic cloves in the ground, but its aerial bulbs. Garlic grown from bulbs is larger in size and has a longer shelf life.

In Western Siberia, the weather conditions are difficult in the fall; winter comes here very early and frosts appear. Winter garlic should be planted as early as possible. Best period for this procedure the period will be from September 1 to September 15. Another rule that is very important to follow is to cover the beds immediately after planting the garlic cloves.

Garlic planted at the right time has time to take root by winter and develop good and strong root system, which will help it actively resist cold, frost, as well as cold gusts of wind. A layer of mulch or a special shelter will help the crop survive the cold. In spring, it is important to give young shoots time to emerge. At this time, the cover must be removed; if there is mulch, then it is removed to two centimeters of thickness.

To keep the bulb large and strong, experts advise regularly trimming or breaking off garlic shoots that have reached a height of more than 10 centimeters. Most often, such procedures are carried out for crops in the second half of June, when shooting begins.

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The first fertilizer should be applied to the soil when the first shoots appear on the crop. In this case, the nitrogen-containing fertilizer will be a solution of chicken manure or mullein, as well as urea.

The second feeding for planted garlic is carried out in the middle of the summer season. Together with watering, an ash solution is added to the soil, which includes 10 liters of water and 120 grams of wood ash.

Features of watering

During active formation and growth, the vegetable plant is watered abundantly, and after the bulbs begin to develop on it, the amount of watering begins to gradually decrease. During prolonged and abundant natural moisture (precipitation), the crop may not be watered at all in order to protect it from waterlogging of the soil. Excess liquid accumulating in the soil will lead to damping off of the garlic heads and the formation of fungal infections.


Planting garlic before winter is done using universal technology. It is important to take into account the period when the cold begins. Approximately two to three weeks before the expected date, landings are made. Garlic is planted to a depth of about 4 centimeters. On the territory of Russia or in European countries, this period is the end of September - beginning of October. Where climatic winter begins somewhat later, planting can be postponed until November.

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The peculiarity of this event is the planting depth.

If you make holes of about 10-15 cm, you will achieve later shoots, but at the same time such a vegetable will be easier to tolerate winter frosts. And the planting period can be extended from August to October.


Knowledge on the topic of how to plant garlic is also extremely important. The outcome of the entire event largely depends on the correct location chosen. Planting should not be done on “acidic” soils or where groundwater comes close to the surface. Because with the onset of warm weather, they can simply wash off the vegetable. Loose soil with a neutral-acid reaction is ideal for planting garlic in spring or autumn. Also, you should not place the vegetable in the area where manure was introduced. If you ignore the advice, you can end up with rich tops with loose heads at the base of the plant. In addition, crops harvested here will be more susceptible to fungal diseases.


How to grow large garlic? Every experienced gardener will offer you a million tips. Whether to adhere to them or not - everyone decides on their own. If you regularly plant, you know for sure that the harvest will be much better if the predecessors of garlic were tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers or pumpkins. These vegetables are demanding of soil components such as nitrogen.

How to plant garlic if there is no possibility of crop rotation? Everything is very simple. After harvesting this vegetable, it is enough to sow peas of the variety Vicia sativa. It will help disinfect the soil. It is better to add compost to the ground in advance. Also, representatives of the legume family help saturate the soil with compost and loosen it.


How to plant garlic that will give maximum yield? Take the purple-striped subspecies for this. It is much better adapted to winter cold, is quite unpretentious, and the harvest lasts up to 9 months. If you regularly renew the bulbs, you can achieve very good results.

To grow vegetables, it is better to choose the soil that is available in the planting area. When buying garlic for planting in winter, it is advisable to give preference to large heads without damage. It is important to examine the bulb for the absence of various diseases.

It is necessary to plant garlic in the ground after first disassembling it into individual cloves. In this case, preference should be given to large, healthy specimens. Before planting, it is a good idea to soak the cloves in a weak solution of manganese or copper sulfate.


It is important to follow each stage of planting a vegetable in open ground. winter period. Since its violation can lead to the fact that the garlic either does not sprout at all, or cannot withstand the cold and simply freezes.

Avoid planting in the same place twice in a row. Because this can lead to lower yields, and the heads you get will be significantly smaller. Which crops should be planted after were discussed above.

Some gardeners slightly raise the level of the bed intended for planting garlic. Its height becomes 20-25 centimeters more. It is also recommended to add to the soil a mixture of half a bucket of humus and a spoon of superphosphate, potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate. These proportions are given per 1 square meter.

It is recommended to plant the cloves at a distance of approximately 7-8 centimeters from each other. There should be approximately 20 centimeters between rows. The depth, as mentioned above, varies depending on the time of planting the garlic. The earlier you plant, the deeper.

Mulching is necessary. Experienced gardeners use autumn fallen leaves or peat, humus. For very cold areas, it is suggested to cover the bed with a thick layer of “fur coat”. In this way, you can protect the garlic sprouts from severe frosts and thereby preserve it.

When you get to the garden in the spring and remove all the materials that covered the plantings for the winter, you will already see the result of your labor - young green sprouts of garlic.

Garlic is a vegetable perennial plant belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family. It has been widely used in cooking and medicine for several thousand years. All parts of the plant are used for food - peduncles, leaves, bulbs and even arrows. Scientists suggest that garlic is a type of onion. He is similar to him in all genetic characteristics. Spicy perennial born in the mountains of Central Asia. Garlic is planted in early spring or autumn. Planting winter garlic in the fall follows certain rules. If you follow all the technology for such planting, the harvest will be rich.

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    What garlic to plant in the fall

    According to their properties, garlic is divided into winter and spring. The difference is that the spring variety is planted in the spring, and the winter variety in the autumn before winter. But spring garlic is usually used because it can be stored longer. However, the winter species also has high qualities and has its advantages:

    1. 1 In the spring, gardeners are busy with other work, and in the fall there is enough free time. The timing of planting garlic in the fall is not regulated by strict dates. Therefore, planting work can be carried out indefinitely.
    2. 2 Winter garlic is frost-resistant, winter frosts, as well as spring low temperatures. Spring garlic may die during spring frosts.
    3. 3 In autumn, planting material is larger in size than the spring type of plant. Large heads will allow you to grow good harvest. If you plant in the spring, by this time the garlic cloves will dry out.
    4. 4 The winter variety is more resistant to pests and diseases compared to the spring variety.
    5. 5 Planting winter garlic in the fall does not require serious care. In autumn, the ground is saturated with a large amount of moisture, which makes it possible to withstand winter cold well.
    6. 6 The harvest ripens earlier compared to spring planting. This can be seen from the availability of garlic in stores. The winter variety is usually sold there.
    7. 7 Autumn planting allows you to get a better harvest than spring planting.

    Therefore, businessmen try to use autumn view landings. It brings more profit. To get a rich harvest, it is better to adhere to planting dates.

    Garlic varieties for autumn planting vary in head size, pungency, ripening time and preservation ability. They are divided into two types:

    1. 1 Forming an arrow.
    2. 2 Non-shooters.

    At first, an arrow with air bulbs appears. Planting garlic bulbs in the fall produces individual cloves that are well suited for fall planting. The second type does not form bulbs.

    Timing for planting winter garlic in the fall

    The timing of planting garlic in the fall depends on the climate of the region in which you are going to plant it. Also, the time to plant garlic is affected by the current weather. Most often, in the fall, garlic is planted a couple of weeks before the onset of frost. During this time, the plant will already have roots, but there will be no green leaves yet. The best temperature for planting should be between 10 and 12 degrees. Although you can plant at lower temperatures, but not in frozen soil.

    If the disembarkation time is divided by region, then experts recommend the following dates:

    1. 1 For central Russia: late September – early October.
    2. 2 Southern strip: late October – early November.
    3. 3 Northern regions: late September – early October.

    In addition to the recommended timing, each gardener makes his own observations. For example, many people plant garlic before the Feast of the Intercession. They are confident that in doing so they will receive a rich harvest. Others plant after the holiday, choosing sunny weather. Therefore, it is better to plant in the fall, depending on weather conditions.

    Planting garlic in the fall - instructions

    To obtain a rich harvest from even and large heads of garlic, you need to do the following:

    1. 1 Decide where planting work will take place.
    2. 2 Prepare the bed and soil for planting.
    3. 3 Select high-quality planting material and prepare it for planting.

    Landing location

    You need to choose a place where garlic will grow in advance. This plant loves sunny places. Therefore it is better to define open area away from trees. Nice place there will be a small hill or bed. If you plant garlic in a lowland, then after the snow melts in the spring, the plant will be in water and begin to rot.

    This work must be done 30 days before planting. This is necessary for the soil to settle in the garden bed. Do not forget to allocate an area for the garden bed with the largest number sunlight. Then, in the selected area, dig up the soil using the bayonet of a shovel. When digging, remove all debris and weeds. Next, apply fertilizer to make the soil more fertile.

    The soil for planting garlic needs to be soft, loose, containing nutrients. Spicy plant loves land that allows water and air to pass through. The acidity of the soil should be neutral. You can’t choose sour, dense and clay soil. Sandy soil is suitable for planting, but will require frequent watering.

    If there is no other area other than clay, then it can be loosened. To do this, add sand and peat to the ground. Also, mineral and organic fertilizers. If you are used to using organic fertilizers, then add:

    1. 1 Rotted manure or compost. It is added at the rate of one bucket per square meter.
    2. 2 Wood ash at the rate of two cups per square meter. Ash is poured into the planting area.

    If you use mineral fertilizers, it is better to use:

    1. 1 Superphosphate: 20 grams per square meter.
    2. 2 Potassium sulfate and saltpeter: 20 grams per square meter.

    Mineral and organic fertilizers can be mixed with each other. After fertilizing and digging the ground, the bed needs to be leveled and wait until autumn. Many gardeners disinfect the soil with copper sulfate before planting garlic. Although after planting, such treatment can also be carried out.

    Selection of planting material

    To choose the right garlic, planting seeds in the fall should be done using large, healthy heads. Each of them should have about 5 large teeth. Small seeds will not give a good harvest.

    The teeth should be free of mold and rot. Inspect them carefully for stains and damage. If there are any, do not use them for planting. All usable teeth must be undamaged and must be in a shell. You need to separate the head into teeth before soaking it before planting.

    Preparing garlic for planting in the fall

    Before planting the tines in the ground, they must be prepared in advance in the following order:

    1. 1 Carefully separate the teeth from the head, avoiding damage to the outer shell and bottom, where the roots grow. Many gardeners clean the bottom of plaque. This allows the plant to produce good roots. In this case, you need to be careful not to expose the tooth and remove the shell.
    2. 2 Then all the teeth need to be sorted and those that are not damaged are selected. If you plant damaged tines, it will infect other plants and will not produce a normal harvest.

    After this, it is necessary to disinfect the planting material. There are several methods of processing before autumn planting:

    1. 1 Soak the teeth in a special solution called “Maxim”, which is sold in garden stores. Soaking is done for half an hour.
    2. 2 For more serious disinfection of garlic, use Fundazol for soaking. It comes with instructions, following which everything is easy to follow.
    3. 3 For disinfection, ordinary potassium permanganate is also often used, soaking the garlic for 30 minutes.
    4. 4 Copper sulfate is also suitable for soaking. It is dissolved 10 grams per liter of water to obtain a 1% solution. The soaking time is also half an hour.
    5. 5 Phytosporin is often used for soaking planting material. In this case, it is enough to keep the teeth in the solution for 10 minutes.
    6. 6 According to an ancient custom, garlic is kept in a salt solution for 30 minutes. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water.

    Of all the ways, everyone chooses best option. You can experiment by testing several different soaking solutions. Plant garlic soaked in separate rows. different solutions, and write it down. In the fall, see where the harvest is.

    If you place the teeth high, they will freeze in winter; if they are placed too deep, they can rot and take a long time to germinate.

    Instructions for planting winter garlic:

    1. 1 Determine the landing site.
    2. 2 Prepare the soil and make a bed.
    3. 3 Select planting material by soaking and disinfecting it.
    4. 4 Make holes or grooves.
    5. 5 Plant garlic according to the rules described above.
    6. 6 Cover with fertile soil.
    7. 7 You can carry out additional disinfection with Fitosporin, according to the instructions attached to it (10 grams per bucket of water).
    8. 8 Mulch the bed if planting takes place in a cold region.

    How to care for winter garlic

    In the northern regions, before the onset of frost, the bed with planted garlic must be covered with sawdust, straw or pine branches. You can also use special materials for covering. In the spring, the covering material must be removed as the weather warms up. They leave the mulch, and sometimes they even grow garlic in it.

    During dry autumn weather, it is advisable to water the beds so that the tines will take root faster. Of course, the main care work awaits you in the spring. After the snow melts, you may see green shoots. There is no need to water them yet, since the melted snow has saturated the ground with water.

    Subsequently, you will have to loosen, weed, water and fertilize the plants. In addition, you need to remove the arrows in a timely manner.

    Mistakes when growing winter garlic

    Regardless of their experience, gardeners often make mistakes when growing garlic. This mainly comes from poor knowledge of what you need to pay attention to in this work. There are several possible erroneous actions that gardeners make when growing winter garlic:

    1. 1 When purchasing planting material, sellers do not know the exact name of the variety, or they mix different types seeds Therefore, you may purchase the wrong variety for planting in the fall. In this case, experts advise preparing your own material, or carefully understanding the purchase.
    2. 2 Planting garlic without an outer shell. Without it, the teeth in the ground deteriorate and rot. Out of ignorance, gardeners think that the shell needs to be removed, and it interferes with the roots. But without it, active decay occurs.
    3. 3 Planting garlic is done immediately after preparing the bed. This is the wrong landing. After adding organic and mineral fertilizers it takes time for the earth to become saturated with them. In addition, the planted teeth will be too deep after the earth settles. This will negatively affect germination and subsequent growth.
    4. 4 Early planting. With such a landing, the weather is warm, and it will happen fast growth shoots. When the cold weather comes, they will freeze.
    5. 5 In spring, the arrows are left on the plant. If you leave it, the plant's strength will go to creating bulbs. As a result, the head of garlic will be smaller. Therefore, the arrows must be removed even when they are formed.


    Winter garlic is best planted in the fall. Over the winter it adapts and hardens. Subsequently, you need to do everything correctly: prepare the bed, the soil, treat the tines in solutions and plant them. All work must be carried out in a timely manner and according to the rules.

    People have been using garlic for a long time. In what areas is it not used: both in cooking and in medicine. As you know, all its parts are eaten, except for the roots. This wonderful crop is divided into two types: winter and spring. Both species are cultivated in our country. For example, there are 7 varieties of spring garlic, and 19 varieties of winter garlic. In this publication, we will tell you how to plant garlic before winter so that it grows large. In addition to recommendations, we can offer you a training video.

    The difference between winter and spring garlic

    Now it’s worth finding out how spring garlic differs from winter garlic.

    • So, firstly, the difference can be seen in the name: winter is planted in the fall, while spring is planted in the spring.
    • Secondly, you can distinguish them by their heads.

    The winter variety has several large, coated denticles around the hard stem (the color range ranges from pink to purple). The number of cloves ranges from 4 to 13. We see the complete opposite in spring garlic. It does not have a rod, but the number of teeth is quite large - it reaches up to 25 pieces. In addition, the cloves are quite small.

    One of the main disadvantages of winter garlic is that it is difficult to preserve until spring. It is better to consume it immediately in the summer or can it. But the spring one is not afraid of time, does not dry out and does not lose its useful properties. It is inferior in pungency to winter garlic. In this article we will take a closer look winter garlic.

    On what soil is winter garlic grown?

    In order to know how to properly plant garlic before winter, you need to take many points into account.
    It should be recalled that this species must be sown in the fall. It can easily endure severe frosts, begins to grow in early spring, and in the summer it produces shoots that are usually torn off (for better harvest). To get good seed, use large bulbs: leave arrows on them. Don't worry about the arrows curled into a spiral, they will soon straighten out.

    So, after the garlic’s arrows “stand at attention,” you can begin collecting the seed.

    To collect seed: first dig up the plants, tie them into small bunches, and leave them in a dry place for a month. Then carefully separate the bulbs and bulblets (or aerial bulbs). This is what you need for planting. If you miss the moment of harvesting, then these aerial bulbs will simply spill out and bushes will grow from them, which will have small garlic.

    On a note! Note that it is necessary to plant garlic bulbs in the fall, but it is better to sow bulb bulbs in the spring - they may simply not survive the cold winter.

    For better breeding For this crop, it is best to use aerial bulbs. After all, if there are only a few cloves in one bulb, then in one arrow there are up to a hundred small bulbs, which can produce an onion from one clove of a small (up to 3 mm) size.

    By the way, you can even eat the cooked bulbs.

    If you like to experiment, then you can still plant an aerial bulb in the fall. The result will be amazing - each can grow into a large head of garlic weighing up to 140 g.

    So for winter planting garlic, the following types of material are suitable:

    • Onion cloves;
    • The bulbs themselves;
    • Single-toothed bulbs.

    How to plant and harvest winter garlic

    So, we were able to find out which garlic is best to plant before winter. And in this case perfect option- winter garlic. Now it’s worth communicating the planting details and harvesting details. It is very important to pay attention to this topic. Planting occurs, of course, in the fall. At the same time, try to do this work several weeks before the onset of constant cold weather. This time may vary depending on the region. It is generally recommended to do this at the end of September, as well as in mid-November. Before frost, our planted crop should sprout to the roots, but not throw away the foliage. This way it will be prepared for winter time.

    To prevent garlic from freezing in harsh winter climates, you can resort to using covering material. Covering material can be:

    dry plant stems covered with film on top,

    roofing felt or other available materials.

    On a note! In early spring, the covering material is removed.

    In summer, it is better to break out the arrows - this way more nutrients will flow into the plant bulb. A sign of crop maturation is yellow lower leaves and straightening the arrows. It is also recommended to harvest garlic wisely. Here you need to choose a middle ground in cleaning: if you rush with it, then the onions will be difficult to separate into slices; If you are late, they will immediately disintegrate in the ground.

    Techniques for cultivating winter garlic. Agricultural technology

    Do you want to know how to plant garlic before winter? Then planting of garlic begins from mid-September to mid-November. For a great harvest:

    First of all, you need to find an excellent place for planting, which should preferably be prepared in advance (a month). This is necessary for the earth to settle and compact. For our case, a sunny and windless area is suitable; it can also be high. By the way, it should be noted after which crops garlic can be planted. These could be: zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage ( early varieties). This list does not include potatoes, this is important, because then fusarium and nematodes can be provided to you.

    Garlic is a rather complex crop in that after it the soil is completely depleted. The next landing on it can only be done in four or five years.

    When digging, use compost and humus. These substances will be excellent fertilizers. And if the soil is acidic, add ash. Also, never use fresh manure.


    Sowing garlic before winter requires some effort. It is important to know not only when to plant. There are several stages worth highlighting here.

    Preparation of material.

    Be sure to dry your seed and let it warm up in the sun.
    Chop the onion into cloves and leave the scales. Choose healthy, unspoiled, strong ones.

    The bulbs can be disinfected. To do this, hold your teeth copper sulfate(solution 1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water), “Maxima” or in a pink solution of potassium permanganate (popularly known as potassium permanganate).


    Make rows with a distance of about 25 cm, it is advisable to arrange them in the east-west direction, the distance between the cloves is from 15 to 20 cm. These nuances, firstly, will contribute to better development and growth of garlic (good light, warmth), secondly, they will help you care for your crops better and easier. It should be planted to a depth of 10-15 cm.


    Caring for garlic is incredibly easy. You won't encounter any difficulties here.

    When weeding, the soil under the plant is raked. This is necessary, firstly, for good lighting sun, secondly, helps better formation of bulbs and rapid ripening.

    Let's sum it up

    As you can see, there is nothing special about growing garlic. A well-chosen place, correct and timely planting, proper harvesting, as well as caring for the plant are guaranteed to give a result that will please the gardener.

    We offer you a video