Morgan's sedum: typical mistakes of a beginning gardener. Care at home. Choosing a landing site

Stems from this representative not thick, but quite long, can grow up to one meter, very densely covered with leaves. Most often, all stems grow from the very root, branching extremely rarely.

The leaves of the creaking plant are very original - fleshy, thick at the base, and pointed at the top, shaped like fangs or claws.

The leaves lie along the entire stem, as they do not have petioles.

Color can be like green or grey-green, and slightly with a bluish tint. They are smooth to the touch with a slight waxy coating, which acts as a shield against sunburn.

Plant by itself very fragile, even slightly touching, the leaves immediately fall off. New ones will no longer grow in place of the fallen ones.

Because of its appearance Morgana sedum also often called "rabbit cabbage".

Flowers near the hernial grass located at the very tip of the hanging stem on very long stalks, collected in inflorescences of up to 10 pieces each.

The color is bright pink or red, sometimes purple. The buds are tulip-shaped, when opened they have a five-pointed star with bright yellow stamens inside.


Morgana sedum:

Sedum Morgana:


Morgana sedum is a capricious and demanding plant., but at proper care at home, its spectacularly descending stems will become a real decoration of any interior.


When purchasing, choose a small plant without external damage; the leaf-teeth should be smooth and without wrinkles. Buy a container right away.

It is advisable not to take a large pot. The root system of creaks is small, so 10 - 12 cm in diameter, shallow, is suitable.


Planting or further transplants are best done in the spring., once every 2-3 years is enough, due to slow growth.

Make the planting mixture as follows:: mix turf and leaf soil, sand and high peat, and a little crushed charcoal in equal proportions.

You can purchase ready-made soil for cacti. You need to add a layer of drainage to the bottom of the pot; use expanded clay or broken brick.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is carried out with regular fertilizers for succulents. and cacti once a month, preferably with a low nitrogen content, except in winter.

Lighting and thermal conditions

Since sedum came to us from hot countries, it grows best in a sunny place; a window facing south or southeast is suitable.

Not afraid of direct sunlight. Tolerates temperatures from +23 to +30 degrees perfectly. In summer you can take it out into the fresh air.

If the lighting is incorrect, the leaves protrude and fall off.

Air humidity

Hare cabbage grows well in moderate air humidity
, but it also tolerates drier air quite well, so there is no need to spray the plant often.

Just to freshen up and knock off dust.


Fever grass is a succulent, which means it tends to accumulate moisture inside; such a plant must be watered with caution.

A slight drought is not terrible, but a large number of water will cause rotting of the root system.

From watering to watering, make sure that the soil ball is well dried to 1.5 cm deep.

If the Morgana sedum has completely filled the pot, simply check like a pie with a toothpick so as not to disturb the plant.

It is better to use water that has settled at room temperature..


This type of succulent is classified more as a decorative deciduous plant.

It is very difficult to achieve flowering.

It can only occur in fairly old plants and only in very hot summers, with proper care and maintenance during the dormant period.

Preparing for winter

An important period of plant life is the dormant period.. To begin with, in the fall we reduce watering.

The earthen lump should dry out at least 3 cm deep, once every two weeks. We haven't applied fertilizer since November.

Then we move the sedum to a cool room at a temperature of +8 to +13 degrees, but the lighting must be sufficient, otherwise the shoots will stretch.

You can make electric lighting. Such The rest period for sedum lasts from November to March.


Morgan's sedum propagates very easily.

The first method is part of the stem. To do this, one of the long shoots is carefully cut into several small pieces of approximately 5–7 cm.

You can put it in water, or you can dry it a little and place it directly into the ground. The optimal temperature for rooting will be +16 - +20 degrees.

Second – leaf cuttings. Take all the fallen claws, dry them and place them in the ground. Cover with glass or a bag and ventilate regularly.

With this method, the plant will grow green mass longer. In both cases, watering should be moderate.

Diseases and pests

Generally Morgana sedum lives well for 6 years, then the plant should be renewed.

IN folk medicine juice this plant used as a healing agent for wounds and burns, but if there are children at home, it is better to hang it higher; if it gets into the stomach, it can cause upset and vomiting.

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The ancient Romans believed that their houses would be protected from lightning if sedum grew on the top rows of fortress walls and on the roofs of houses. Sedum, or sedum, is a large genus of succulent plants from the Crassulaceae family. Throughout the summer, sedums decorate gardens with their beautiful, dense, fleshy leaves. If you take a closer look at the plants, you can immediately understand why they are called succulents: their succulent, fleshy leaves are filled with water. Despite the difficult natural conditions with a dry and hot climate, they managed to adapt to them by turning their stems and leaves into a reservoir for accumulating and storing water. Therefore, all succulent plants, and therefore sedums, are absolutely unpretentious and very easy to care for.

Sedums have found the widest use in gardens. Low-growing species They are used to create carpet plantings, they are decorated with ampelous sedums in hanging baskets, and many species are also perfect for creating a small hedge.

Sedum - indoor plant

The diversity and unpretentiousness of succulent plants allows them to be used in interior design, creating unique style. The most popular succulent in the Crassulaceae family is the Morgan sedum (Sedum morganianum), native to Mexico. It is also called “monkey tail” for its long hanging shoots, densely studded with fleshy leaves of a bluish color, which is given by a bluish waxy coating. If touched carelessly, the plaque is easily erased. Its pink flowers collected in inflorescences, which bloom in summer period. Unfortunately, in indoor conditions, Morgana sedum very rarely pleases its owners with flowering. In an adult plant, shoots can reach up to 1 m in length. This is why Morgana sedum looks great in hanging baskets.

Shoots reach up to 1 m in length


Lighting: Thanks to its Mexican roots, Morgana sedum grows best in a bright, sunny location. Therefore, in summer, the plant can be placed on a balcony or sunny terrace. In poor lighting, sedum loses its decorative effect: the leaves bristle, become faded and fall off, and the shoots stretch out and become thin.

Watering: Morgana sedum is watered sparingly. The root ball of a succulent plant can be only slightly moist, and between waterings the soil should dry to a depth of 1.5 cm. During the dormant period, from November to March, the soil should dry to a depth of 2 cm. With intensive watering, the leaves become soft and limp, the shoots hang lifelessly, and the roots begin to rot. Therefore, it is better to underfill Morgan's sedum than to overfill it.

Temperature: The plant develops well when warm temperature 200C - 240C. But during the dormant period, this succulent needs a cooler room with an air temperature of approximately 180C, but not lower than 10 °C and, if possible, more direct sunlight.

The soil: The usual ready-made soil for Morgan's sedum is suitable as a substrate, or a mixture of one part compost, one part sand and one part gravel. Good drainage is a must. If you planted your sedum in garden soil, then you need to be very careful with watering, since garden soil retains moisture longer.

Transfer: The plant should be replanted very carefully, since the fragile leaves break off easily, and the bare stem looks completely unattractive. Sedums grow best in wide, shallow containers or low pots. The plant is severely damaged during transplantation, so it should be replanted in the spring, while the shoots are small. You need to choose a larger container, that is, for growth, so that the distance between the plant and the edge of the container is at least 4 cm.

Reproduction: All types of sedums are easily propagated by stem and leaf cuttings. A shoot 4-5 cm long is cut off, allowed to dry in the shade for about a day, and then planted in a container with a damp mixture of sand and soil. The container with the plant must be placed in a bright place. After 3-4 weeks, the first roots should appear. And after 6 weeks, the young sedum can be transplanted into ordinary soil, which is suitable for plants of this genus. Fallen leaves can simply be spread on the surface of the ground, they will take root on their own and form rosettes. If the stem is bare because the leaves have broken off, the plant can be rejuvenated by cutting off the bare shoots and rooting them.

As you can see, Morgan's sedum is absolutely not a difficult plant to care for. He may be left unattended for several weeks while you go on vacation. Its long shoots, sparkling silver-green, have no problem growing in length without any additional assistance. And if you're lucky, the plant may delight you with its magnificent pink or purple flowers.

Translation: Lesya Vasko
especially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your Garden"

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Sedum morganianum in all its glory

Lovers of hanging plants can't go past the spreading succulent known as sedum morganianum. Is it worth starting this flower at home? winter garden, on the balcony, flowerbed? Will the plant please its owner with such a luxurious appearance that nature has endowed it with? natural conditions? Yes, but under certain conditions.

General characteristics

About the name

The perennial belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is characterized by densely leafy stems growing up to 1 m. Otherwise, the flower is called “Donkey’s or monkey’s tail.” The plant received its unusual nickname because of its characteristic appearance - a long whip, completely devoid of side shoots and, in places, leaves.

Yes, Sedum Morgana will not branch without human intervention. And even pinching the top may not give the desired result - an abundant release of sprouts.

In addition, as practice shows, broken tops spoil the decorative appearance of the perennial, attracting attention with their unkempt appearance.

In general, it’s not for nothing that Morgan’s sedum is called donkey’s or monkey’s tail. The long whip cannot be called anything else.

But! What a truly majestic appearance is given to the shoots by the fleshy, rounded leaves, pointed at the tops, measuring approximately 2x½ cm. They, like beads, tightly surround the thread of the stem, creating a picture from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

The light green leaves of sedum morgan are covered with a light bluish bloom. This is the thinnest film of wax. It weakens the processes of water evaporation, so erasing plaque is strictly prohibited!

About flowering at home

Morgan sedum does not spoil gardeners with frequent flowering. There is an opinion that in captivity the perennial does not produce buds at all and is grown exclusively for its ornamental greenery.

However, eyewitnesses of the phenomenal phenomenon still occur. The lucky ones are ready to share numerous photos of sedum morgana, decorated with tiny stars (2+ cm in diameter), formed from 5-6 pink or red petals.

So, in the summer (less often autumn) period, the top of the stem shoots out several pedicels at a time. As a result, the sedum displays fireworks of small pink or red inflorescences.

Below are rare photos Sedum Morgana grown in a favorable environment.

In 2-3 days there will be a real starfall in the park
The buds are picking up solar energy for speedy disclosure

The main “catch” of decorativeness

Morgan sedum, like a number of other succulents, does not provide special troubles in care. It would seem that anyone can start and grow a perennial in a hanging flower pot. Partly, the statement is true.

However, there are several surprises ahead for the inexperienced gardener. Before you get your hands on the coveted cuttings, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the conditions in which Morgan sedum should grow.

Thus, the fleshy leaves of sedum are incredibly fragile and fall off (snap off, crumble) at the slightest touch. But when transplanting or even moving an adult plant to a new place, it will not be possible to avoid contact. As a result, instead of luxurious stems, you can get long lashes with huge bald spots.

Conclusion: when planting a cutting, you need to take care in advance of a convenient pot and good lighting in the permanent habitat of the sedum. Trimming will help get rid of bald spots.

Care and cultivation problems

Substrate for planting

Despite the fact that Morgan sedum surprises with meter-long stems, root system his is quite short. This means that to plant a perennial you will need a small container. It could be:

  • hanging basket
  • flowerpot
  • flowerpot
  • an ordinary indoor or garden pot, with a capacity of about 5 liters.

Drainage is laid out at the bottom, which is covered with substrate for cacti (or succulents). Morgan sedum retains its decorative characteristics when in loose, light soil. Approximate soil composition: turf, leaf soil + sand. Everything is in equal parts. The addition of fine expanded clay will benefit the plant, but the presence of clay or peat will be detrimental.

The substrate can be prepared independently from the above components or replaced with the following composition: wood, leaf soil, sand and brick chips in equal proportions.

Ideal mix:

  • absorbs moisture well
  • breathes (passes oxygen)
  • loose
  • light.

Important! If the sedum is planted on open area, you need to water it very carefully. Garden soil retains moisture much longer.

Boarding time

According to the requirements of agricultural technology, it is recommended to plant (propagate) Morgan sedum in the spring, and not during the dormant period from October to February.

However, practice shows that shoots take root without much difficulty. all year round. Optimal temperature during this period it is limited to 15-20 degrees.

On a note! IN natural environment Morgan's sedum does not have a pronounced dormant period. At home, the plant is forced to “sleep”, which is partly due to the characteristics of the environment.


The plant is comfortable in a room at a temperature of 23-30 degrees. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to provide the sedum with some coolness - 8-12 ⁰С. If it is not possible to maintain the temperatures at the optimal level, you should try to position the pot:

  • further away from heating devices
  • closer to the cold windows
  • Ventilate the room regularly.

On a note! Violation of the rest period due to warm air can cause stretching of shoots, internodes, weakening of the flower’s immunity and loss of decorative appearance.


An abundance of light is the most important condition for normal development Morgana sedum. The ideal location for a pot (pot, flowerpot) is a bright loggia on the south or south-east side of the house.

In summer, it is useful to take sedum outside into the bright rays of the sun. It has been noticed that as a result of this measure, the leaves on the hanging perennial become more crowded and their appearance becomes richer. When caring for Morgan sedum at home, a breath of fresh air won’t hurt the plant either.

Attention! Lack of light will result in:

  • curvature of shoots;
  • leaf fall;
  • faded greenery;
  • loss of decorativeness;

And most importantly! Lack of light is the main reason why perennials do not bloom.

Lush bush consists of several individual plants

If the light falls on the Morgan sedum from the side (for example, from the side of a window), the short shoots will reach towards the sun, raising the tops above the pot. There can be no talk of beautifully hanging stems. It is extremely difficult to correct the situation, but it is possible.

It is necessary to place the pot as high as possible, or better yet, hang it from the ceiling and provide the plant with uniform additional lighting, for example, install a phytolamp.

It will not be possible to completely straighten the crooked stems, but the Morgan sedum will continue to grow as expected.

On a note! Rotating the flowerpot 15-25 degrees once a month will ensure an equal supply of light to all shoots, which will have a positive effect on the appearance of the plant.


Humidity indicators are not particularly important. Morgan sedum perceives dry air even better. This means that the perennial does not need regular spraying. You can use a spray gun only to get rid of dust on the leaves, for example, after the plant “gets healthy” outside during the summer.

Reminder! The fragility of the leaves, or more precisely, their ability to easily break off from the stem, calls for careful use of water. Strong pressure when washing off dirt should be avoided.


For Morgan sedum, moderate watering is important. Humidification should not lead to stagnation of water. During the rest period, such an oversight will generally lead to disastrous consequences. Waterlogging of the soil 100% will provoke rotting of the roots and loss of perennials.

On a note! For irrigation, you should use settled water at room temperature. However, the recommendation is relevant for all house plants.


During the period of vegetative activity, Morgan sedum is fed once a month with regular fertilizers for succulents or, alternatively, cacti. Winter is a period of rest.


Morgan sedum blooms rarely, and therefore you can’t count on seed material. But propagating perennials with cuttings and even discarded leaves is quite simple.

So, in the first case, a shoot up to 7 cm long is cut from an adult plant, the lower leaves are removed, and left for a day in a dark place. After the “rest” time has passed, the sedum is planted in a pot with a ready-made moistened substrate and drainage. The cuttings are buried to the lower tier of leaves. No greenhouse equipment is required.

The plant is sent to a well-lit windowsill. Within 4 weeks, the Morgan sedum will throw out its roots, that is, it will take root.

Some gardeners do not throw away the leaves that have fallen from the perennial, but lay them out on the surface of the ground next to the adult plant. After some time, the leaves will take root, form a tiny rosette and begin to grow. An abundance of sedums in a pot will give an incredible effect - a lush ampelous bush.

Waiting for the first sockets

On a note! It is better to carry out forced transplantation of sedum using the transshipment method.

And one more moment. Over time, a bare stem may surprise you with the appearance of red hairs. It's nothing more than aerial roots. Don’t miss the lucky chance; feel free to root the plant in a new pot. It will take root painlessly and will delight you with rapid growth.

About pests and diseases

Morgan sedum pleases gardeners with strong immunity. However, care errors can lead to the following problems:

  • the appearance of root rot. The reason is excess water. The perennial needs to be replanted new soil with getting rid of affected roots
  • nematode attack. The reason is contaminated soil. It is impossible to get rid of pests. It is better to restore the plant by cuttings, and burn the diseased stems and roots
  • fungal damage. Reason – high humidity air and soil. Parts of shoots with dark spots are cut off and burned
  • aphid attack. You can get rid of pests using insecticides used according to the instructions for use.

However, it must be repeated that the misfortunes listed are extremely rare and should not be feared. Grow Morgan's sedum for fun!

Sedum refuses to grow? Elena will tell you how to fix the problem:

Morgana sedum is a decorative succulent of the Crassulaceae family. It looks unusual and very attractive in hanging flowerpots. The long lashes of branches are covered with thick, fleshy bluish leaves, as if covered with a waxy coating.

Morgan's sedum is hardy and undemanding, goes without watering for a long time, does not require regular feeding, which is why it is also called a plant for the lazy. And for his appearance he was nicknamed Donkey's Tail and Monkey's Tail.

Humidity and watering

In summer, water moderately but regularly, after the top layer of soil has dried to a depth of 1.5 cm. With insufficient watering, the leaves wrinkle and fall off. Excessive humidity causes rotting.

Like other plants, overwatering is dangerous for Morgana

Sedum is sprayed at home only to remove dust. Do not wash off dirt with strong water pressure, otherwise the leaves will fall off.

In winter, watering is reduced to 1-2 times a month, slightly moistening the top layer of soil. With more intensive watering, the branches will begin to grow and stretch, which will ruin the appearance.

Indoor Sedum easily loses its leaves if handled carelessly. In their place, new leaves do not grow, and the flower loses its decorative effect.

Temperature and lighting

The light-loving plant thrives on southern and south-eastern windows in direct sunlight. With a lack of lighting, the leaves fall off, the shoots stretch out and the succulent loses its decorative effect.

It loves fresh air, so in the summer you can take it out to the balcony, veranda, or at least ventilate the room.

Gentle lighting is not required, as the variety tolerates direct rays well

Soil and fertilizing

Use a soil mixture for cacti or prepare it yourself from ordinary garden soil with the addition of coarse river sand and expanded clay.

When replanting annually, do not fertilize for a year. Without replanting, they are fed 2 times in the summer with fertilizers for cacti or potash fertilizers.

What kind of pot do you need?

For young specimens, a small bowl with a diameter of 10-12 cm is sufficient.

Selected for transplantation shallow and wide pots such a size that the distance from the edge of the pot is 4 cm. If the pot is not shallow enough, a thicker layer of drainage is placed on the bottom.

Morgana sedum contains toxic substances, so keep it out of the reach of children and animals.


Pruning is required if the tree is lost due to elongated shoots or fallen leaves. decorative look. Sometimes overgrown shoots are cut off.

Cut branches can be used for rooting. It is not necessary to do frequent pruning.

Diseases and pests

A plant for the lazy and a delight for flower growers: sedum very rarely gets sick and is almost never attacked by pests.

  • From nematodes treatment with a solution helps laundry soap, and in advanced cases actellicom.
  • In case of defeat aphids or mealyworm treated with insecticides.
  • If it starts up due to excess moisture root mealybug, the sedum should be replanted, damaged roots should be removed and the root system should be treated with infusion of calendula or tobacco.
  • When attacked false caterpillars real sawflies sedums are treated with actellik. You can place lettuce or cabbage leaves next to the plant to lure pests onto them and destroy them.
  • When fungus the affected parts are cut off and burned.

Care in summer and winter

The conditions for summer and winter maintenance of succulents are very different. In summer it can withstand high temperatures and direct sunlight. In winter, the optimal temperature for it is 8-12°C, otherwise the stems will begin to grow and stretch, and again the decorative effect will be lost.

The stems can grow, which indicates the health of the pet

For the same reason, watering is reduced in winter. If there is a lack of light, artificial lighting is used.


Sedum is propagated in the following ways:

Cuttings of bare stems

Over time, aerial roots appear on bare stems where leaves have fallen off. Cuttings with such roots Can drop off immediately. They quickly take root and begin to grow.

By shoots

After pruning, the cut shoots can be used for propagation. The process of their rooting is the same as when propagating by cuttings. For greater decorativeness, several shoots are planted in the pot.

By cuttings

  1. In late spring or early summer, the stems are cut into cuttings 7 cm long. Place them in the shade for a day or two to dry slightly.
  2. Plant the cuttings in a mixture of soil and sand and water them. Several cuttings can be planted in one pot: the root system of sedums is small, and the greater the number of branches, the more beautiful it looks.

There is no need to cover with film or a jar. Watering is moderate. The pot is placed in a bright place.

  1. After 3-4 weeks, roots will appear. After 1.5 months, the young plant is transplanted as usual for succulents soil.

Cuttings – reliable way propagation of the Morgana variety


Fallen leaves can be use for reproduction. They are placed in a pot (possibly next to an adult specimen) on the surface of the ground and not touched. Over time, the leaves will develop roots and then shoots.

The process of forming a plant from leaves is long, so this method of propagation is less common.


Propagation by seeds not practiced, since flowers grown from seeds will not inherit varietal characteristics. The seed method is used only for breeding new varieties.

By layering

Reproduction by layering is possible, but in practice it is not used, since it is easier and faster to propagate by cuttings and shoots.

Dividing the bush

In practice, Morgan's sedum is propagated very rarely by dividing the bush, since the plants lose their decorative properties when transplanted due to crumbling leaves.

If it is necessary to divide an overgrown bush, do it in early spring:

other methods

Morgana does not reproduce by spores or vaccinations.


Young plants are replanted once every 1-2 years, and adults - every 3-4 years in the spring.

To prevent the leaves from falling off, it is better not to replant them unless absolutely necessary. Succulents thrive in the same pot for several years. Replanting is needed when the pot becomes small.

  • Flower tolerates transplantation easily. Therefore, if there is an urgent need, even flowering specimens can be replanted.
  • A drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay, gravel or clay shards are suitable. This will help avoid root rot.
  • Pour clean sand or soil mixture onto the drainage in a 2 cm layer.

Remove the plant from the old pot as carefully as possible so that don't break off the leaves.

  • Lightly shake off the old soil from the earthen ball, straighten the roots and place the plant in a new pot. Sprinkle with freshly prepared soil mixture and compact.
  • Water, but not excessively. After this, the transplanted plant is not watered for 2 weeks.
  • The pot with the plant is placed in its original place.

When transplanting into another pot, try not to break off parts of the plant.

Rest period

The dormant period of this succulent comes In November and lasts until March. It is transferred to a cool room and watering is significantly reduced. A dormant plant should not be replanted.

If there is a lack of light, it is required artificial lighting.

Difficulties in growing

The succulent is very hardy, but improper care can lead to plant diseases.

  • Appearance dry and wrinkled leaves is a signal of insufficient watering or too high a temperature.
  • Falling leaves occurs when there is poor lighting or watering, drafts and temperature changes, as well as due to careless handling of the flower.
  • With excessive watering in the cold season, it may begin root rotting. It is recommended to cut healthy plant stems into cuttings and root them.
  • Lack of light leads to stretching of internodes and stems, leaves begin to “puff up” and fall off.

Application in landscape design

Sedums in hanging pots decorate balconies, verandas and terraces. Used for decoration alpine slides, slopes and rocks, they look beautiful in rock gardens and complex flower arrangements.

The main condition for growing Morgan in open ground is good lighting and open spaces.

This is not the only plant that is used to decorate the garden. We have compiled.

Differences between indoor sedum and garden sedum

Some species are winter-hardy and are suitable for growing in open ground.

These are the varieties:

  • Siebold,
  • caustic,
  • prominent,
  • Caucasian.

Unlike them, Morgana cannot withstand the cold and can die when the temperature drops below 4°C. Therefore, it can be grown in open ground only in summer. Variety Caucasian

Homeland of sedum Morgana

The plant is native to Mexico, Veracruz.

Amazing flower has adapted perfectly to dry and hot climates. The succulent stores water reserves in its reservoir leaves, and the waxy coating protects it from the burning rays of the sun.

When it blooms

Flowering lasts from April to June. At the ends of the stems, inflorescences of pink-red, occasionally purple, flowers appear, reaching a diameter of 2 cm. There are up to 10 flowers in the inflorescences, they open alternately, and this ensures the duration of flowering.

When closed, the buds look like tulips, then bloom into a five-pointed star with yellow stamens.

Blooming sedums rarely and only strong and well-groomed plants.

The variety blooms only a few months a year.

This unpretentious and hardy plant will not take much time to care for and grow, but will become a colorful element of home and garden design.

Succulents are a real boon for compositions and creativity; they can be planted not only in shells, driftwood, coconut shells, cups, cracks on the walls, but also in anything your imagination suggests.

Of course, we wouldn’t want to limit it, so here we will present only what will really be useful and will help you create your own unique composition with your own hands.

The article is mostly a selection of photos, but there are also several universal master classes that will allow you to quickly master the main rules for designing compositions from succulents.

Let's start with the assortment

Let's describe the groups suitable plants and some specific "heroes". Of course, the entire set of cultures cannot be covered in one article:

  1. Cacti. But not all of them are suitable for compositions.
  2. Aloe, various forms.
  3. Lithops (they are rarely used in compositions with other plants, because the agricultural technology of these plants is very peculiar). As a rule, they compose different kinds lithops in one pot, without other plants.

The most popular plants in compositions:

  1. Sedums.
  2. Rejuvenated.
  3. Aeoniums.
  4. Echeveria.

Sedums are a huge group of plants. In the photo below, on the left, there is a prominent sedum - plants 30-40 cm high, with bright decorative flowers, on the right - blue sedum - its height does not exceed 5-10 cm:

Rejuvenated - well known under the name " stone rose"also includes a lot of hybrids:

Aeoniums are plants 25-30 cm high. There are many varieties and varieties:

Aeonium Arborium ‘Schwarzkopf’

Aeonium Haworthii Variegta

Echeverias are very popular for creating continuous surfaces, especially flowing effects:

There are many varieties of echeveria. They are actively used for wall planters:

Miniature finestraria with cone-shaped leaves are good for tabletop compositions. Their agricultural technology is similar to that of Lithops: complete absence of watering in winter, careful and meager watering in summer, well-lit place.

Fenestraria Rhopalophylla

Finestraria with lithops.

Ampelous succulents

Rowley's ragwort - original ball leaves. Unpretentious.

Morgan's sedum is a fairly powerful plant with long stems densely covered with leaves. Hanging shoots resemble thick sausages.

Of course, the plant is highly decorative and solo, but it is also actively used in compositions. True, in the photo below there is a Burito sedum very similar to it:

Sedum Burrito:

It’s also worth looking at other members of the family Crassulaceae: cotyledons, pachyphytums, Kalanchoe, sedums, Crassulas, graptopetalums.

From other families the following are suitable: euphorbia, peperomia, senecio, some types of agaves, haworthia, gasteria, representatives of families Mesembryanthemums and Lastovnevas.

Perhaps some plants from the family will be suitable Euphorbiaceae.

It makes sense to try your hand at arranging individually planted plants first:

Sequence of composition creation

Regardless of the size and shape of the composition, there is general rules their creation:

  1. The base container is manufactured. It could be anything. If the composition is flat, a wooden box will do. Soil is laid in layers (universal soil half diluted with perlite is suitable), then a layer of moss.
  2. A metal mesh will be needed on top; it will allow you to hold the soil if the composition is not a floor one, but, for example, a wall one. Volumetric figures are also created from metal mesh. The mesh can be purchased at construction stores. You can secure it using a construction stapler.
  3. Seedlings are planted in the holes. You should wait several weeks (at least two) until the seedlings are well established and grow into the ground.
  4. The composition can be placed in the desired position.
  5. Watering is not necessary because succulents do not like dampness, but periodic spraying or spot watering will be required.

Now you know how to make almost any composition from succulents.

Of course, this is a very simplified diagram, because such important things as the thickness of the soil layer, mixing earth mixture, selection of moss and decor, that is, in fact, everything that creates conditions for plant roots, is selected individually for each composition - one might say, “by eye.”

However, the aim is formed quite accurately with experience in growing succulents. If you have been seriously engaged in them for at least a year, you feel their needs, you know how to grow healthy plant, where to put it, what to plant it in, how to water it - then there will be no problems with creating your own masterpiece mix.

Container selection

We decided not to waste printed signs, but simply show you as many different containers as possible. It is noteworthy that succulents can get by with a small amount of soil, so even the smallest objects can act as a container.

You can implement any image using:


Or their imitation from gypsum or cement:

The photo shows a cement sink made specifically for the composition.

Treated wood

It is better, of course, to use wooden containers as flowerpots, and plant the plants in a container that is less exposed to moisture.

Stumps and snags

A charming and very skillfully executed composition with shells.

Old pots and vases

And the more holey, the better:

Everything you can find in the kitchen

Cups, spoons, scoops for bulk products, baking dishes, beautifully decorated old tin cans, cups, out of order teapots, sardine cans, picnic baskets, candy dishes and dessert dishes:

Vintage of old cans, watering cans, plastic bottles, as in some of the photos above, is a separate process, no less interesting than creating compositions from succulents. It is noteworthy that none of the domestic craftswomen has yet mastered such processing of junk.

Many of the arrangements pictured above in recycled vintage containers are commercial arrangements intended for sale. However, they are not much different from amateur ones made by hand, except that on the fly you can hone and simplify the details.

There is something nostalgic in such compositions, where succulents tightly cover the chair and it’s not even about the style of the piece of furniture itself. The very fact that the furniture is completely overgrown with plants evokes associations with an abandoned garden and the romance of antiquity.


This is also purely a matter of imagination, so below are some photos for inspiration.

Landscapes with mountains and rocks

Below we will talk more about landscapes, only more complex. Recreating mountains, cliffs, islands lost in the white foam of sea waves is relatively easy to achieve. Use decorative stone chips, marbles, stones, driftwood, cobblestones, and their plaster imitations.

Stream or waterfall

The technique is quite popular - plants or stones imitate spilling water. This technique is often used in open ground flowerbeds, using ground cover flowers (pansies, ageratum, soapwort, aubrieta, arabis). Succulents will successfully cope with the same task. Blue-gray echeverias are ideal.

However, nothing prevents the spilled “waves” from being of a different shade:

Succulents can be an excellent addition to a stone stream:

Ball and other three-dimensional hanging figures

This is a more difficult task. Ready-made succulent balls cost about 50 Euros on Etsy.

A ball is made from wire with a diameter of..., wrapped with the same mesh, but not completely, a little space should be left so that you can work with the inner surface of the ball.

to lay out the surface with a very thick layer of moss and coconut fiber, then fill it with soil suitable for succulents, perhaps looser; a small diameter foam ball can be inserted into the center to prevent dampness and not make the composition too heavy. Close the grid. You can start planting plants.

Panels, paintings and other wall compositions

For Valentine's Day:

Inscriptions and signs

The price of such an original pointer is about $30.

Nothing prevents you from posting any inscription using the same principle.

Wreaths on the door

They are not very popular here, although I must admit that a wreath, including one made of succulents, on a door or on a fence, looks attractive.

Panel from Ikea table

A quite popular online master class on making a composition from a table purchased at Ikea. It is worth noting that the idea is indeed successful and looks stylish.

Imitation of landscapes and landscapes

The use of houses, stones imitating rocks, and miniature bridges makes compositions with succulents charming, but you should not take on such a composition without experience - trial options can be so far from the desired image that disappointment cannot be avoided. In addition to a carefully thought-out composition, preferably in advance and on paper, you will need to spend money on high-quality decor, or find natural materials for him, in addition, you should be well acquainted with the selected succulents.

Simpler in terms of planting are houses with overgrown roofs:

Just below, in a picnic basket, is a village landscape made by a Japanese craftswoman for sale. You can see how finely the details are worked out:

Aquariums and gardens in a bank

Succulents and cacti are great for glass arrangements, despite the criticism. Should Special attention pay attention to good drainage, because a glass container for succulents will be too humid, and lighting - even ordinary glass absorbs light.

Caring for a garden in a jar means periodic spraying, and, of course, it is worth making sure that the room where it is located has clean, fresh air without dust.

And one more important point– the vessel should not be closed.

Petr Lapshin, curator of the collection of succulents at the Institute of Fracture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, harshly criticizes florariums and notes that succulents are completely unsuitable for growing in glass vessels. Let us not allow ourselves to agree with him on everything.

Closed glass containers are really not suitable for succulents.

However, now there are many vessels that are no less spectacular than closed ones, allowing you to provide succulents with suitable conditions for them, namely:

  1. Mandatory periodic drying of the soil.
  2. Good lighting.

In addition, it is worth noting that such compositions are designed to provide pleasure, and it does not have to be long-lasting. This composition is good way self-expression, a great gift or temporary interior decor.

In a few months, plants, even succulents and even in conditions suitable for them, grow and the composition loses its appearance - it has fulfilled its functions, the plants can be planted in other containers, and a new composition can be created in the vessel.

You can use decorative sand

This sand is sold, for example, in the Fix Price network, or in stores for florists.

Options with sand are simple, they do not require a complex arrangement of plants, but in general, compositions “behind glass” are quite complex from a compositional point of view.

How to arrange beautiful succulents, how to combine them? There is a class of people who are able to beautifully compose any form without special training; if you are not one of them, then it makes sense to turn to literature. It is impossible to outline the basics of composition within the framework of this article, so we will simply recommend what to read:

  • David Hession: everything about flower arranging - inexpensive and accessible. The book is focused specifically on arranging cut flowers and dried flowers, but general principles the arrangement of shapes and lines can be mastered.
  • From foreign ones exactly on the topic - books by Deborah Lee Baldwin. All about compositions made from succulents. However, they have not been translated into Russian.

Examples of beautiful compositional solutions

Many of them can be created based on the principles of arranging dried flowers and cut flowers. Consider: shape, color, size. Start creating a composition by varying only one parameter (for example, plants of the same shape and color, but different sizes), and then move on to the rest (plants different shapes, color, size). In the photo - compositions from simple to complex:

Using marbles.

Living colors

For those who have achieved mastery in both growing succulents and cacti and arranging them, enormous opportunities open up for using these plants as paints. The color and shape of the plant are like brush strokes. Also, some of these compositions resemble knitting using the freeform technique.

Compositions in a minimalist style

Some of the compositions above may well be called “collective farm”, but rusticity, straightforwardness and childish fun, like figurines, are purely a matter of taste. Ultimately, the overall impression is more influenced by the quality of workmanship. The video below is about creating compositions in a natural style - from the Raritetplants channel.

Morgana sedum: nuances of growing an unpretentious flower

Sedum, or Morgan's sedum (lat. Sedum morganianum) is a representative of the genus of succulents from the Crassulaceae family, which according to various sources has from 350 to 600 species. The habitat of this flower is Mexico.

It is a herbaceous perennial. The shoots are densely leafy. They creep up to 1 m in length. Thanks to the unusual hanging stems, sedum has the more common name “donkey tail” or “monkey tail”.

The leaves are fleshy, sessile, oblong-rounded with pointed tips. The leaves are arranged quite tightly and press closely to each other and to the stem. Length sheet plate about 2 cm, width – up to 0.5 cm.

The flowers are axillary, actinomorphic, star-shaped, with lanceolate petals, collected in racemose or corymbose inflorescences. The flowers are pink-red. A flower with a diameter of 2 cm has approximately 5–6 petals. They are collected in small axillary inflorescences. Peduncles are practically absent, but each flower has a long, fleshy peduncle.

The flowering time of Morgan sedum occurs at the end of winter - the end of spring.

Caring for sedum at home

Morgan sedum is an unpretentious plant and requires a minimum of attention. Grow beautiful plant Even novice flower growers can easily do it.

Lighting and location

Sedum morgana is very light-loving. It requires a lot of light all year round. Therefore, it is best to position the flower so that it absorbs direct sunlight.

A window located on the south side of the house is perfect. If this is not possible, then it is better to organize additional artificial lighting for the plant. For example, install a phytolamp with a minimum ten-hour lighting support during the day. In case of insufficient lighting, the sedum will not bloom or even lose its leaves.

It is also important that the room is regularly ventilated. Clean and fresh air has a beneficial effect on plant growth and flowering.


Morgan sedum is tolerant of temperature changes. For summer mode, the optimal temperature is within 24-28 C.

IN winter time the plant goes into a dormant period. He will need a cooler room with a temperature of about 8-12 C. This environment will slow down the vegetative processes.


Watering sedum should be approached with caution. In summer, watering is moderate and regular. The soil should be moistened as the top layer dries without interruption. If there is not enough humidity, the plant will feel fine. But the sedum will still begin to shed its leaves. This can significantly worsen its appearance.

During the dormant period, under no circumstances should the plant be flooded. This is due to the fact that water evaporation occurs more slowly, and excess moisture in the soil will lead to waterlogging. If this process is started, the roots of the sedum may rot.

Therefore, in winter, sedum is watered approximately two times less than in its active period. The signal for watering will be a moderately dry top layer of soil.


Morgan sedum grows best in a room with low humidity levels. Dry air will only be beneficial. It is recommended to occasionally spray the sedum leaves to wash away dust and dirt.

Spraying must be done carefully. Do not expose the plant to strong water pressure, as the leaves may fall off even from slight pressure on them.

Planting and transplanting

For planting sedum morgana, loose and moisture-permeable soil is used. The following soil options work equally well:

  • ready-made soil for cacti and succulents;
  • garden soil with a neutral acidity level with the addition of coarse river sand.

Sedum has a shallow root system. Therefore, it is better to choose a wide and flat pot. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to make high-quality drainage from expanded clay or clay shards.

The plant does not tolerate transplantation well.

Fertilizer and feeding

During the active period, Morgana sedum loves various complex liquid organic and mineral fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In autumn, when bringing the plant to a period of rest, fertilizing is reduced to a minimum. As winter approaches, they gradually stop fertilizing the plant completely, and resume feeding only in the spring.

Diseases and pests

Pests practically do not attack the plant. In rare cases, various types of sedum can be attacked by the following pests:

  1. False caterpillars of true sawflies from the family Tenthredinidae. It is recommended to treat damaged plants with “Aktelik” or a similar preparation. You can lure pests with cabbage or lettuce leaves and then destroy them.
  2. Fungus. Appears as dark spots on leaves and stems. The affected parts must be cut off and burned.
  3. Aphid. Treatment with insecticides will help get rid of this scourge.

Sedum is often susceptible to various diseases:

  1. Dry and wrinkled leaves. The cause of this disease is lack of moisture or too much heat indoor air.
  2. Throwing leaves. Occurs when there is insufficient watering, lack of sunlight, or careless handling during watering or spraying. The flowers are very delicate and can fall off even with slight pressure.
  3. Pulling out stems and internodes. This indicates a lack of direct sunlight.
  4. Root and root collar rotting. Watering too frequently in cool weather can lead to waterlogging and root rot.


The seed method for propagation is not used. Plants grown from sown seeds most likely will not inherit varietal characteristics. Therefore, the seed method is used only for the primary cultivation of plants or when breeding new varieties.

At home, two methods of reproduction are successfully used:


Sedums are cut before or after flowering. To do this, a piece approximately 6-7 cm long is cut from the shoot. The piece is freed from the lower leaves. The cuttings take root in the prepared substrate. It is placed in the ground so that at least one node is underground.

After rooting, the cuttings are planted on permanent place. If cuttings are carried out in the spring, then young plant can be planted immediately open ground.

In the fall, you can cut a few shoots of Morgana sedum and put them in a vase as an interior decoration. And by spring, these shoots will give roots, and they can be immediately planted in a flower bed.

Morgana sedum in a vase can be both an interior decoration and a cutting for rooting.

If the cuttings take root earlier than spring, for example, by mid-winter, then they can be planted first in a pot with soil. Later, in the spring, it will be possible to transplant them to a permanent place using the transshipment method.

A sedum shoot or part of it can take root right on the spot. To do this, you need to clear a piece of land, clear it of weeds and fertilize it. You need to lay out the sedum cuttings on a flat, compacted soil surface and press them a little into the soil, and lightly sprinkle them on top with a garden mixture of soil and sand. With this method of propagation, more than 70% of cuttings take root.

Dividing the bush

Mature plants can be propagated by dividing the bush. In early spring It is necessary to dig up a sedum bush and clear the rhizome from the soil. The bush is divided in such a way that each part contains both roots and buds. The sections are treated with a fungicide. The cuttings are dried for several hours in a cool, dark place, and then planted in a permanent place.

Outdoor care

Morgan sedum is not particularly picky about choosing a planting site. However, it will do best in an open space in direct sunlight.

Planting in open ground

Sedum is planted in open ground at the end of spring. When planting, it is advisable to avoid deciduous trees and shrubs. During leaf fall, the plant may become covered with leaves, and it will not be able to break through them in the spring.

Sedum is quite loyal to the composition of the soil. It can even grow on rocky soil. If possible, it is better to fertilize the area before planting by adding to the soil organic feeding, for example, humus or compost.

Before planting, you need to make small holes in the ground. The distance between the holes should be at least 20 cm. Now seedlings are planted in the holes and watered abundantly. Young sedums will bloom 2 or 3 years after planting.

Rules for outdoor care

The nuances of caring for sedum in open ground:

  1. Regular weeding to remove weeds.
  2. Watering. Sedum requires watering only during periods of severe drought or heat in the summer.
  3. Trimming. It is recommended to shorten the shoots in a timely manner so that the plant does not grow too much. It is also necessary to cut off wilted branches and dry leaves.
  4. In spring and autumn, sedum requires feeding with complex mineral fertilizer or liquid organic matter. Recommendations for the use of fertilizers: dilute ready-made complex fertilizers infusion of mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20). It is important to use not fresh manure, but an infusion.
  5. With the onset of winter and the first frost, the above-ground part of the sedum must be cut off. It is recommended to leave approximately 3-4 cm of shoots above the ground and lightly sprinkle them with soil. Cut stems can be placed in a vase for rooting, and the next year they can be planted in open ground.

Plant properties

Pretty sedum unusual plant not only in appearance, but also in its properties. In one plant it is combined as healing power, and poison for people and animals. Before planting sedum at home, it is recommended to study its characteristics.

Healing properties

By strength and variety healing properties sedum can only be compared with aloe. Infusions and decoctions are made from the above-ground parts. Decoctions have a general anti-inflammatory and tonic effect, and have a healing effect. An infusion of sedum leaves as a lotion is used externally to treat carbuncles, skin rashes, hemorrhoids, ulcers, felon.


Morgan sedum is quite poisonous. Therefore, it is not recommended to make infusions and decoctions from it yourself for oral use. If it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause general weakness, nausea, vomiting and upset stomach. Also, for safety reasons, it is worth protecting access to the flower from children and animals.

An adult plant will become an original decoration of a facade or terrace.

The extraordinary Morgana sedum will look equally impressive both in hanging flower pots in a room or on the veranda, and as a frame for flower beds or alpine slides in the garden. The unpretentiousness of the sedum in care will allow you to easily and without special labor grow a beautiful and healthy flower.


Mysterious flower - Morgana sedum

Sedums are ancient succulents, older than the ancient Romans, who revered these thornless cacti. They were specially placed on the roofs of houses, which, according to ancient legends, protected housing from lightning strikes. Nowadays no one believes in these superstitions, but beautiful flower is still an interior decoration.

Sedums are bright representatives of the Crassulaceae family. They can very effectively decorate your garden all season long, delighting everyone around with their fleshy leaves that look optimistically at the world.

Upon closer inspection of the leaves, you can see that they are like barrels filled with water. This is what allows succulents to survive even in complete absence moisture during periods of prolonged drought.

Hence the unpretentiousness of all sedums, and the possibility of cultivating them at home.

There are sedums "yard"

As for outdoor sedums, they have found a variety of uses: often succulent-like plants can be found both in carpet plantings and in the form of an hanging plant; they also decorate the walls of buildings, being hung in pots, serve as interior decoration for terraces and balconies, and some are even suitable for the formation of small hedges that effectively limit the space.

Are there indoor ones?

From the rich world of succulents designed for room conditions, the most famous is Morgan's sedum, which is native to Mexico.

This is a plant hanging from a pot or hanging basket, resembles a neat tail, for which it is sometimes called a monkey’s tail.

The shoots of Morgan's sedum are very interesting: in addition to their bizarre shape, they also have a bluish color that is very specific to the plant and a thin waxy coating that is easily washed off or rubbed off with your fingers.

Sedums also have flowers; you rarely see them at home, but they can be found - pinkish, collected in inflorescences, opening in all their glory in the summer. The shoots of Morgan's sedum grow quite actively; after just a couple of months, their length can exceed a meter, so hanging pots and baskets are the best place for them.

In the shadows he fades

Caring for sedums is simple: all the sedum needs is light, moisture and warmth.

The light must be bright, but diffused; the plant can be placed on an open balcony or terrace, where it can live all summer, enjoying the fresh air.

However, it must be borne in mind that if the sedum is placed on the shady side, the effect will be the opposite: the leaves will stretch out, lose their former charm, fade and may begin to fall off - a truly pitiful sight.

Likes moderate watering

You need to water the sedum in moderation; you should not be zealous when watering the plant: the roots may rot and you will lose the flower.

However, there is also no need to dry the roots too much, although the leaves of succulents are rich in moisture, they can survive without loss for only a short period - they will forgive you a week-long business trip or age-related forgetfulness, but no more.

During the dormant period of sedum, which usually lasts all winter, the plant should be watered rarely, approximately once every 4-5 days, but should be shed with water so that the soil is saturated with moisture a couple of centimeters deep.

Room temperature suits him, not lower than +20 but not higher than +30. Winter is winter, and during the dormant period it is better to lower the temperature for sedum, move it to a glazed and weakly heated balcony: for example, if it is +15 degrees there, great.

Unpretentious to soil

Any soil is suitable for sedum - one of those sold for cacti. You can prepare the substrate yourself: a mixture of equal parts of compost, river sand and gravel. To prevent moisture from stagnating, drainage must be placed at the bottom.

Over time, the root system of sedum grows greatly, and the above-ground mass sometimes completely envelops the soil, so that even watering the plant becomes problematic - this is a signal that it is time to transplant the flower to a new place.

This process is simple, but it requires some skills in handling succulents, in particular, patience and accuracy, because with one awkward movement you can break off several leaves or even break a stem, which, of course, will not add attractiveness to the plant.

When choosing new dishes, be guided by the fact that sedums prefer wider pots and not very deep ones.

Let's grow copies

Sedum reproduces without any problems. It can be propagated using stem or leaf cuttings, which can be rooted in ordinary water or (by letting the tip of the shoot dry in the shade) in a mixture of nutritious soil and sand.

Usually, in both cases, after a couple of weeks, the cuttings form roots, after which a separate, independent plant can be planted in standard soil and shaded from direct sunlight at first, combining this with moderate watering.

Historical fact: One of the most beloved indoor flowers is Morgan's sedum.

Who is Morgan? Among the glorious bearers of this surname there are many financiers, navigators, artists, biologists, there are Nobel Prize laureates... However, sedum bears the name of the modest pharmacist Morgan, who lived in London back in the 16th century.

The pharmacist became famous for his collection of cactus plants, remarkable for those times, among which was sedum.

Irina Guryeva, Michurinsk