Japanese garden azalea: planting and caring for the plant. Japanese garden azalea, planting and care

Many people know this oriental plant as indoor flower, very demanding to care for. Japanese azalea can be grown without problems summer cottage, decorating with your bright colors the whole garden. And although a large number of gardeners are afraid to grow azaleas on their own, it is worth remembering that if you follow all the nuances of planting and care, you will be able to grow a beautiful and healthy shrub.

In this article we will look at the features and description of Japanese garden azalea and describe the most popular varieties. We will also tell you about all the main rules of agricultural technology for growing this plant in the garden.

Features and description of Japanese garden azalea

Japanese garden azalea, according to some characteristics, belongs to the group of flowering rhododendrons and is a representative of the Heather family. You should not completely identify azaleas with rhododendrons; they still have differences. This plant is an evergreen or deciduous shrub, less commonly small tree. Azalea japonica is predominantly evergreen and does not shed its leaves for the winter. In nature, this culture grows in Japan, China, India and the Caucasus. However, today the beautiful Japanese azalea is distributed throughout the world and is welcome guest in gardens and greenhouses. As garden plant azalea first began to be grown in Japan, and it was in this country that this crop became almost a national symbol. The Japanese often grew azaleas as bonsai.

Garden azalea is a relatively young plant, because in Europe and America it began to be grown only at the beginning of the last century, and before that time azalea could be found indoors as a houseplant. Garden azalea is considered very ornamental plant, which lends itself perfectly to pruning and crown formation. Planting and caring for Japanese azalea has its own characteristics and difficulties that must be taken into account when growing an exotic beauty.

Description of Japanese garden azalea:

  • Japanese azalea is grown as an evergreen shrub and is a perennial with a very slow growth rate.
  • In nature, the height of this shrub can reach 3 m, but in garden growing conditions, azalea reaches only 50 cm -1.5 m, depending on climate and care.
  • The shoots of the Japanese garden azalea are very fragile and graceful, covered with light gray bark. They are located very closely to each other, which is due to strong branching.
  • Japanese azalea shrubs are very compact due to the arrangement of the shoots, so they are perfect for creating unusual landscape compositions and hedges.
  • The branches of the garden azalea bush are covered with very small leaves, which reach only 2-3 cm in length. The shape of the leaves is oblong, lanceolate with a glossy surface. The lower part of the leaf blade is matte and has slight pubescence. The color of the foliage is dark green.
  • Japanese azalea flowers are the main value and pride of this plant species.
  • The shape of the flowers is funnel-shaped, tubular or flat, depending on the variety. They can also be simple, small, very large and terry.
  • The shades of Japanese azalea inflorescences can also be varied: from democratic white to bright red or pink, you can also find a variegated color palette and two-tone azalea flowers.
  • Japanese azalea blooms in mid-May and can delight with a large amount of color for 1.5-2 months, depending on the variety and climatic conditions.
  • During flowering, the azalea bush is completely covered with beautiful and fragrant flowers, sometimes even foliage and branches are not visible behind them. At this time, the plant looks like a large and bright ball.
  • The winter hardiness of the Japanese garden azalea allows it to be grown in Russia and other CIS countries, since it can withstand temperatures of -27 degrees.
  • This plant is widely used in landscape design for creating original garden compositions and various hedges.

Variety of varieties of Japanese garden azalea

Today, breeders have developed a huge number of varieties of Japanese garden azaleas, which differ in growing conditions, appearance characteristics and level of winter hardiness. It is on all these indicators that the choice of a specific variety for planting in the garden depends. Let's look at the most popular varieties of Japanese azalea.

  • Azalea variety "Blanik". This type The plant is distinguished by small and simple flowers that have a very graceful shape. According to the color of the azalea inflorescence Japanese variety Blanik light pink.
  • Variety "Kermezina rose". A very unusual and beautiful variety of Japanese azalea. The flowers have a delicate light pink hue with a bright, clearly visible stripe in the center of the petals. During flowering, such a bush looks very impressive.
  • Variety "Melina". A wonderful low-growing shrub that is suitable for planting along garden paths or borders, as well as for creating interesting hedges and garden compositions. It can reach a height of no more than 30 cm. The flowers are double-shaped and bright pink.
  • Variety "Geisha Ash". This variety is also low growing. Azalea Japanese geisha ash can reach only 25-30 cm in height. Delicate flowers violet shade, which completely cover the entire bush during flowering.

  • Variety "Geisha Orange". Japanese geisha azalea features bright scarlet flowers beautiful shape, whose flowering begins in May or June.
  • Azalea variety "Fridoline". A low-growing bush that blooms very luxuriantly. The flowers are medium sized and bright red. It is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and popular varieties of Japanese azalea.

  • Variety "Rosinetta". A beautiful compact shrub with double flowers. This plant will look spectacular in any landscape composition thanks to its bright pink flowers that closely resemble roses.
  • Variety "Marushka". Also quite a popular variety is the Japanese azalea, which blooms with small red flowers that begin blooming in May.
  • Variety "Adonis". This variety of azalea is distinguished by white delicate flowers.
  • Variety "Canzonetta". A low shrub that reaches a height of 50 cm. During flowering, the spherical bush is completely covered with carmine-pink flowers.
  • Variety "Shot Hot Variegata". A very compact shrub that has a cushion shape. It can reach a height of 50 cm. Flowering begins in May with reddish-orange flowers.
  • Variety of Japanese azalea "Mathers Day". This azalea is distinguished by rather large red flowers, which reach 10 cm in diameter.
  • Variety "Toreador". Dwarf variety Japanese azalea, which is often grown not only in the garden, but also as a bonsai. It blooms with small scarlet flowers.
  • American Beauty variety. Tall variety azaleas, which can reach 2 m in height. The shrub blooms with large ruby-pink flowers with a golden core.

All varieties of Japanese azalea perfectly complement each other and are combined with various flowering plants.

Reproduction of Japanese garden azalea: the most common methods

You can grow Japanese garden azalea yourself in your own garden plot. To do this, you need to know in what ways this exotic beauty reproduces. The most common are vegetative propagation cuttings and dividing the bush, as well as seed propagation. Each of these methods has its own characteristics and difficulties. Having considered the description of the options for breeding Japanese garden azalea, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Seed propagation of Japanese garden azalea

  • Gardeners use this method extremely rarely, since it will take quite a long time to wait for a flowering shrub. After about 5-6 years, you will be able to admire a blooming garden azalea grown from seeds.
  • The seeds of this plant can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can collect them yourself if you already have an azalea on your site and want to try your hand at growing plants in this way.
  • Before sowing, seeds can be treated with a special disinfection solution.
  • For better germination of azalea seeds, stratification can be carried out over several months. To do this, use a container with moist soil, into which the seeds are embedded and placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4 degrees.
  • At the end of winter or in early spring You can start sowing seeds in a greenhouse or greenhouse. If there are none, you can choose a spacious container.
  • For proper germination of Japanese azalea seedlings, select a soil mixture that should consist of peat, sand, leaf soil and compost as fertilizer.
  • The soil needs to be well loosened and watered.
  • Next, azalea seeds are placed in the soil, sprinkled with a small layer of sand. The top of the container must be covered with film or glass.
  • Daily care of seedlings includes mandatory ventilation and regular moistening of the soil.
  • After several leaves appear, the seedlings dive into individual pots, where they grow until they are planted in open ground. This can be done a year after planting.

Reproduction of Japanese azalea by dividing the bush

  • This method is also not very popular among gardeners.
  • People are afraid to use it because after dividing an azalea bush, it takes a long time to achieve perfect shape crowns of two bushes.
  • Division should be carried out in the spring before the sap begins to flow from the bush and buds appear.
  • Without digging up the entire shrub, carefully use a sharp shovel to separate part of the azalea. It is important to use a plant with a large number of shoots and a well-developed root system.
  • After separation, it is important to treat the division site with wood ash.
  • Plant both parts of the azalea in a permanent location.

Reproduction of Japanese azalea by cuttings

  • This method of propagating Japanese garden azaleas is the simplest and therefore the most common. Although in the end flowering plant you will receive no earlier than in 2-3 years.
  • Rooting of cuttings must be carried out in March-April.
  • At the beginning, it is important to prepare correctly planting material. The apical shoots are suitable for this. which are cut into 10 cm cuttings.
  • Remove the bud and unblown leaves. It is also necessary to remove all leaves from the bottom of the cutting, leaving only 2-3 on the middle part of the cutting.
  • On the bottom of the cutting, make a neat 45-degree cut with a sharp knife and place all cuttings in the rooting solution for several hours. This is necessary to increase the percentage of rooted azalea cuttings.
  • Take small pots or plastic cups, the main thing is that they have holes in the bottom. Fill them with peat and moisten them well.
  • Place the cuttings separately in each container to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  • Next, you need to cover all the cuttings with film. Make sure that the film does not touch the cuttings themselves.
  • For full germination, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 18-22 degrees and ventilate the cuttings.
  • It takes approximately 1-1.5 months for the cuttings to root, after which they can be planted in open ground.

Stages of preparation before planting Japanese garden azalea in open ground

To obtain a beautiful and healthy Japanese azalea bush, it is important to carefully prepare before planting. The main condition is the correctly selected plant seedlings and a place for planting on your site. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the condition and quality of the soil in the place where the garden azalea is planted.

Stage 1. Selection of Japanese garden azalea seedlings

  • First of all, purchase Japanese azalea seedlings only from specialized nurseries or garden centers that professionally breed various plants. Here you can get professional advice on the growing conditions of a particular variety, as well as get help in selecting the plant variety that is most acclimatized to your area.
  • You can purchase garden azalea seedlings from friends, so you can see the result that you will ultimately get.
  • Before you buy a Japanese garden azalea, pay attention to the container in which it grows. It must be loose enough, otherwise the root may be damaged.
  • The soil in the container should be moist and clean, and the shoots of the plant themselves should be elastic. You can try to pull the seedling towards you. A healthy and strong plant will remain in place.
  • The seedlings should not have any visible damage or signs of diseases or pests.
  • When choosing a specific variety, be guided by your climatic conditions, as well as the place where you are going to plant Japanese garden azalea.

Stage 2. Choosing a place to plant Japanese azalea

  • Japanese azalea prefers to grow in areas flooded with sunlight.
  • However, remember that there should be no direct sunlight. Give preference to areas with little shade.
  • The selected area for planting azaleas should be protected from wind and drafts.
  • Azalea can be planted next to the most different plants. Since azalea bushes are quite compact, they can be placed even in the smallest area of ​​the garden.
  • Places along garden paths or borders are ideal for these plants, as well as places that can be used for hedges.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for planting Japanese azalea

  • Japanese garden azalea prefers to grow in loose and fertile soil.
  • Loam and limestone soil are absolutely not suitable for it. Azalea will not grow in such a place.
  • Choose a place with acidic soil. If your soil is alkaline, be sure to add pine needles.
  • The soil at the planting site should be well permeable to moisture.
  • Before planting Japanese azaleas, the soil must be carefully dug up and peat, coniferous soil and leaf soil must be added to it, as well as organic fertilizers.
  • If the soil in your garden plot is not at all suitable for planting Japanese azaleas, you can purchase soil for these plants at a specialized store. Then remove 50 cm of topsoil from the selected area and replace it with purchased soil.

Planting technology for Japanese garden azaleas

  • Planting Japanese garden azaleas is carried out in the spring or throughout the summer if you bought a seedling in a container.
  • Prepare planting holes in the area you have chosen. Each of them must be quite large in size to accommodate a seedling with an earthen lump. The depth of the pit must be at least 50 cm and width 70 cm.
  • Place a drainage layer of approximately 15-20 cm at the bottom of each hole. Small stones, gravel or broken bricks can be used as drainage. This is necessary to prevent water stagnation at the roots.
  • Water the seedlings in containers with plenty of water first, so that you can then easily remove the azalea without damaging its roots.
  • Sprinkle some peat and fertile soil onto the drainage layer.
  • Then place the Japanese azalea seedlings in the planting holes so that the ball of soil on the root system fits completely into the hole.
  • Carefully fill the holes with soil mixture and press lightly with your hands, compacting the soil.
  • Sprinkle the soil around the seedlings with mulch to prevent moisture evaporation. Dry sawdust, pine needles and tree bark are used as mulch.

Agricultural technology for growing Japanese garden azaleas: secrets and nuances of care

Japanese azalea is a rather whimsical and capricious plant, so attention should be paid to its cultivation. Caring for a Japanese garden azalea involves regular watering, fertilizing, pruning and preparing the plant for winter. As a result, the exotic azalea will delight you with bright and lush blooms.


Japanese azalea prefers to grow in moist soil, so it needs regular watering. Under no circumstances should the plant be allowed to dry out; the soil should always be slightly moist, especially during flowering. During the formation of foliage and buds, azalea responds well to spraying. However, after the flowers appear, it is better to stop spraying, as spots may appear on the petals. In autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced. In this case, it is necessary to water the plant only with rainwater or settled water; moreover, watering is carried out not at the very root, but in the groove around the plant.

Loosening and mulching

It is not recommended to loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle, since the root system of the plant is superficial and you can damage the roots. To prevent the appearance of weeds and saturate the soil with oxygen, periodically update the layer of mulch around the plants. You can use sawdust, pine needles, moss, dry peat or tree bark as mulch.

Top dressing

  • The full growth of azaleas depends on the application of fertilizers. When planting azaleas, you need to add compost to the soil.
  • Then the plant is watered with mullein infusion; this is usually done in the spring before the start of the active growing season.
  • Before azaleas begin to bloom, it is necessary to add fertilizers that contain potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. You can use complex mineral fertilizers.
  • When applying fertilizers, remember that they should not contain chlorine and lime, as well as wood ash. This will harm the azalea.
  • After flowering, the plants are fertilized with a mixture of potassium and phosphate fertilizers. This is necessary for the plant to gain strength before winter.
  • Once a month it is recommended to water the plant with acidified water. Add a little citric acid to the settled water.

Azalea pruning

Azaleas are pruned at the end of the flowering period. All damaged or wilted shoots are removed with sharp pruners. The remaining shoots are pruned partially throughout the bush to form correct form. It is necessary to prune bushes that have been growing in the soil for at least a year. open ground. Treat the cut areas with varnish. Experts also recommend removing faded flower buds to stimulate the growth of new ones.

Disease and pest control

Like any other plant, azalea is susceptible to pests and diseases.


  • mites;
  • Scale insects.

To combat these pests, use special preparations - insecticides.

  • chlorosis;
  • late blight;
  • fusarium wilt.

This fungal diseases, which can be treated with fungicides for minor infestations. But if the damage is more widespread, it is unlikely that you will be able to save the plant and you will have to remove it and treat the place where it grew.

Preparing the plant for winter

Many varieties of Japanese azalea can tolerate frost, but in severe cold conditions the plant needs additional shelter. First of all, cover the root system with spruce branches or straw. Then build a wire frame around the plant and cover it with a covering non-woven material. If there is little snow in winter, sprinkle snow on the covered plant. In spring, all cover must be removed.

Photo of Japanese garden azalea

You can more clearly see all the features of the appearance of the Japanese garden azalea in the photos below.

Japanese azalea - Oriental beauty, which has taken root in our gardens. By planting such a plant on your site, you will certainly create a beautiful garden composition and attract the admiring glances of your neighbors to this shrub.

There are a large number of azalea species and few are suitable for home grown. The Japanese azalea is considered a universal option, which is used both for open ground and for indoor use. Growing it is easy if you know the existing rules.

Japanese azalea - description

The plant of this crop is an evergreen shrub that can be found in Asia, India and the Caucasus. Thanks to adaptation, garden Japanese azalea can be grown in different areas. There are a number of characteristics of this plant:

  1. The shrub is a perennial that grows very slowly.
  2. In nature, the height of Japanese azalea can reach up to three meters, but in garden conditions the plant does not grow higher than 1.5 m. It all depends on the climate and care rules.
  3. The shoots are fragile and graceful, which are covered with light gray bark on top. They are located close to each other.
  4. The shrubs are compact, so they are great for a variety of arrangements and hedges.
  5. Japanese azalea has branches that are covered with small leaves and their length reaches 2-3 cm. They are oblong in shape and have a glossy surface. The leaves are dark green.
  6. The main advantage of this culture is its flowers, which can be funnel-shaped, tubular or flat in shape. Depending on the variety, the color of the buds differs. Flowering is observed from mid-May and lasts 1.5-2 months. Most varieties are completely covered with flowers, which are not only beautiful, but also fragrant.

Japanese azalea - winter hardiness

Plants in this group have excellent winter hardiness and, with proper care, they can withstand temperatures down to -27°C. It is important to water the plant abundantly before frost begins, and when the value on the thermometer drops to -5°C, it is important to cover the bush. You can use spruce or pine branches for this. It is worth considering that winter sun can be destructive for this crop. As for the indoor Japanese azalea, the flower pot must be moved to a cool room, where the temperature is approximately 10-15°C.

Japanese azalea - varieties

This crop is characterized by the presence of many varieties that differ in bud color, cover and height. Some species have a violation of leaf pigmentation, which is observed in the autumn. Varieties of Japanese azalea can grow up to two meters. There is also a rich variety of flowers, which can be tubular or flat, white, purple, pink or coral. There are even terry options.

Azalea japonica "Adonis"

This variety is considered one of the most beautiful shrubs, which are characterized by a dense and rounded crown with strong shoots. The leaves are small in size glossy surface olive green. Azalea "Adonis" blooms with snow-white flowers. If you have problems choosing suitable place, it is better to give preference to an area protected from drafts and the burning sun. The shrub gets along well with fruit trees, for example, cherry and pear, as well as oak, fir or larch.

Azalea japonica "Drapa"

Breeders are constantly working to create new varieties, and among the new products we can mention modern variety"Drape." He is one of the latest. It is worth highlighting that the shrub blooms with original raspberry-pink flowers that can decorate any area. Azalea "Drapa" becomes covered with flowers at the end of July and blooms profusely for a long time (at least three weeks).

Azalea japonica "Melina"

This variety can be classified as a dwarf variety, since even at the age of ten the bush does not exceed 30 cm in height and 50-60 cm in diameter. It is worth noting that it grows slowly, preferring shaded, moist and cool areas. Azalea "Melina" blooms profusely, and the flowers themselves are colored crimson-pink and collected in inflorescences. The edges of the petals are beautifully curved and fill the entire volume of the flower. The decorative effect of the plant is added by elliptical leaves, green in summer and spring, and yellow in autumn.

Azalea japonica 'Konigstein'

Shrubs of this variety are low and slowly growing, so at the age of ten they reach a height of about 0.5 m, but their width is 0.8 m. further shrub He may gain height, but he will not be higher than 1 m. Azalea "Konigstein" blooms very beautifully and profusely, covered with purple-violet wide bell-shaped flowers with dark purple veins. You can observe this beauty from the end of May. This Japanese azalea looks great in compositions with low coniferous trees and on lawns.

Azalea japonica 'Blow's Pink'

If you want to decorate the area near your home beautiful bush, then this evergreen option is ideal for this purpose. It belongs to a dwarf species with a dense crown, so the height of an adult plant does not exceed 80 cm. It is worth noting that the description of the Japanese azalea “Blows Pink” states that the shrub can sometimes partially shed its leaves. Flowering is observed from May to June and at this time the bush is almost completely covered with pink flowers.

Azalea japonica 'Vicks Scarlet'

This option is included in the list of the most decorative varieties azalea. The shrub is evergreen and can be used in cultivation, since it is dwarf and the height will not reach more than 60 cm. Thanks small sizes And easy care, this Japanese azalea can easily be grown at home. As for flowering, it, like other varieties, is observed from May to June. The flowers of the Vicks Scarlet variety are orange-red.

Azalea japonica "Geisha Orange"

The presented variety of long-lived shrub is distinguished by its winter hardiness and rapid growth, so in a year it can increase in height by 25 cm. The maximum height is 1 m, and as for the diameter, this figure is even greater - 1.5 m. Japanese azaleas “Geisha Orange” "Bloom with deep orange flowers, which are small, but at the same time collected in inflorescences of 15-20 pieces. It is important to note that the bush will decorate the area for a long time, so the maximum period is 30 years.

Azalea japonica "Maisshnii"

The plant of this variety is a low shrub, which is characterized by the presence large quantity branches. Young shoots are covered with numerous gray or Brown. The description of the Japanese azalea “Maisshnia” states that its white flowers reach a diameter of 6-8 cm. Light is important for growing this variety, but direct sunlight should be avoided, as should excess moisture. In addition, azalea does not like drafts, and in May it is carried out mandatory pruning and pinching. It is recommended to plant the flower in a loose substrate with a fibrous structure.

Japanese garden azalea - planting

There is a certain list of rules that are important to know and take into account in order for the plant to take root, grow well and bloom regularly.

  1. Seedlings need to be purchased only in spring. Preference should be given to a sprout with a large lump of earth on the roots, as this indicates that they were not damaged during digging. In addition, the soil should not be too dry.
  2. For good flowering and the growth of garden and home Japanese azaleas, it is important to choose the right place for cultivation. It should be sunny, but direct rays can harm the plant. Drafts also have a negative impact on his condition.
  3. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the soil, which should be fertile and nutritious. It is best to mix the soil with peat, humus or compost. If you don’t want to mix everything yourself, you can purchase it already ready-made mixtures in the shop. Please note that Japanese azalea has a shallow root system, so only the top layer needs to be replaced.
  4. It is necessary to dig a hole based on the size of the roots, so its size should be slightly larger than the lump. A drainage system should be installed at the bottom to prevent water from stagnating. The distance between seedlings should be 0.5 m so that they do not create a shadow for each other.
  5. You can pour fertilizer into the hole, but not nitrogen, but it is better to choose options for acidic soils. In addition, organic food is suitable, for example, ash, humus and others.

Japanese azalea - care

Caring for shrubs is easy, but there are several important advice, which should be taken into account so that the plant grows well and regularly pleases with its color.

  1. Behind Japanese azalea care at home and outdoors necessarily includes abundant watering. This is especially important during flowering. In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it, since excessive moisture will lead to the death of the plant.
  2. After the flowering period is over, pruning can be done. Withering shoots must be shortened by 1/3. Make sure that the branches are removed symmetrically and around the entire circumference. The cut areas must be treated with drying oil or paint so that the Japanese azalea does not start to hurt.
  3. Feeding of bushes is of great importance, which should be carried out throughout the season: spring period, and even before and after flowering. It is important to consider that fertilizers are not applied at the root, but at a short distance from it. Any mixture of fertilizers can be used.
  4. There are a number of problems that can affect the plant. Buds may fall off due to stress or moisture. When the right conditions are created, the problem will disappear by itself. If the leaves turn yellow and fall off, this may occur as a result of exposure to direct sunlight. The causes of yellowing include chlorosis, which occurs when there is a large amount of calcium in the soil. It is necessary to add diluted water to water for watering Japanese azaleas. citric acid. Almost all pests can be seen with the naked eye, so you should periodically inspect the condition of the branches and leaves.

Garden azaleas or, as they are commonly called, according to modern classification species, rhododendrons are a huge family of beautifully flowering shrubs, which can differ significantly from each other in size, shades and shape of flowers, and even lifestyle.

Numerous varieties and varieties of cultivated rhododendrons can:

  • be evergreen and deciduous plants;
  • reach a height of 3 meters and rise above the soil by only 50–60 cm;
  • differ in flowering times.

But all these plants also have common features. Garden azaleas have rather elegant shoots, covered with light bark and slightly elongated oval leaves. Sheet plates small, dense, with noticeable pile. When the time for azaleas to bloom comes, from late April to almost mid-summer, flowers with flat or funnel-shaped corollas appear en masse on the tops of last year's shoots.

Depending on the type and variety, you can enjoy a lush cloud of white, yellow, pink, lilac or purple flowers from three weeks to 2.5 months.

Deciduous varieties of garden azaleas have been successfully grown in Russia since pre-revolutionary times, and at the beginning of the last century they were actively used for landscaping and decorating parks near Moscow and St. Petersburg. Today, the breeding work of botanists around the world has made it possible to easily select plants that will good care very winter-hardy and bloom luxuriantly, growing in the middle zone.

Conditions for growing garden azaleas

garden refers to perennial plants with fairly slow growth. This should be taken into account when choosing a place to plant a plant and organizing care for a young bush. Azaleas bloom for the first time only 3–4 years after planting, maturing and reaching full development.

The ideal temperature for growing garden azaleas is summer time is 20–25 °C, which is quite acceptable for most regions of the Russian middle zone. In winter, many varieties and hybrids can withstand frosts down to 27–32 °C.

And yet the plant needs protection and year-round support. When planning to plant a garden azalea, you need to be very careful in choosing a suitable location. In nature, rhododendrons are light-loving, but when exposed to direct sunlight:

  • lose their decorative effect faster;
  • form worse flower buds;
  • shorten the flowering period.

Therefore, for an azalea it is better to find a flat area in partial shade, protected from the wind and flooding by spring waters, where the bush will not suffer from summer heat, frost and gusts of cold air. A northern, eastern or western wall is suitable for planting shrubs near the house.

Rhododendrons grow well in the vicinity of more large trees. However, it is worth taking into account that the roots of the plants do not interfere with each other. Spruces with a tap root system, small-leaved lindens and oaks feel good next to garden azaleas.

Azaleas benefit from proximity to garden and park ponds. Here, thanks to natural air humidification, the plant blooms longer and its foliage remains fresh.

Planting a garden azalea

The best time to transplant or plant garden azaleas is early spring, when the plant has not begun to actively flow sap. If for some reason rhododendrons are not planted at the beginning of the growing season, this can be done in September. During the remaining warm days and weeks, the shrub will have time to acclimatize and successfully overwinter.

Azaleas growing in open ground have a shallow root system. Therefore deep landing pit not required for shrubs, but preparation of a loose fertile substrate is necessary:

  1. The depth of the pit may not exceed 50 cm.
  2. In this case, the width should be 20–30 cm greater than the depth.

A thick drainage layer is made at the bottom from fragments of red brick, large expanded clay and sand. You cannot use limestone chips, since this mineral gradually changes the acidity of the soil and can cause the withering and death of an already established garden azalea bush.

The soil removed from the planting hole is cleared of turf, and then the following is added to it:

  • cleared of coarse inclusions;
  • humus;
  • sand and other components necessary to ensure the looseness and structure of the substrate.

Before immersing the seedling in the hole, a small amount of prepared soil is poured in the center onto the drainage layer. The roots of the bush are carefully laid out on it so that the root collar of the azalea remains above the soil level when backfilling. The soil around the plant is compacted and moistened. If the soil has settled, it is added, and the surface is generously mulched on top.

If you are going to plant a garden azalea purchased from a nursery or store, its root system should first be revived by immersing it in water or watering it abundantly before planting.

Seedlings with a closed root system are easier to transplant; their roots do not need to be cleared of the existing soil, but it is worth checking the health of the roots and removing damaged ones.

Caring for garden azaleas after planting

Throughout the growing season, garden azaleas need abundant watering. The soil should be moistened immediately after the surface layer has dried. Rain or settled water is best suited for this. To maintain increased soil acidity, citric or other food acid is added to the irrigation moisture once a month.

On hot days, except when azaleas are flowering, shrubs can be sprayed warm water, so that it will be a good support for the decorativeness of the bush and prevention from insect pests and fungi.

At the end of summer, watering is reduced, provoking the completion of the growth of the bush and improving its preparation for winter. For the same purpose, the application of fertilizing is stopped, especially if granular products of prolonged action were used for this.

Caring for garden azaleas includes mulching, which is designed to protect the plant's roots from drying out in the summer and from frost in the winter. Under such cover, weeds develop worse and more slowly, and moisture is conserved. A layer of mulch from pine needles, steamed sawdust or shavings, chopped grass clippings or even small expanded clay is replenished and restored as necessary, but does not cover the root collar of the plant.

Support with one watering flowering shrub impossible. Therefore, azalea is fed at least three times a year.

  • In early spring, plants are watered with infusion of mullein or humus.
  • Before the start of azalea flowering, in addition to , the shrub needs potassium and phosphorus in equal quantities.
  • After most of the inflorescences have withered, the plant is watered with a mixture of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in a ratio of 1:2.

Garden azalea plants have an extremely negative attitude towards adding fertilizers to the soil, which contain chlorine and lime. You should not use ash, which is popular among gardeners, for fertilizing.

When caring for azaleas, watering and fertilizing are carried out not at the root, but at a distance of at least 20 cm from the center of the bush. This technique allows you to bring moisture and nutrients to the most active areas of the surface root system of this garden crop.

Pruning azaleas when growing in the garden

The plant begins spring with already formed flower buds, so after wintering only sanitary pruning azaleas in the garden, when dry and diseased shoots are removed.

The formation of the bush is carried out after the flowers have withered. During the procedure, both dry flower stalks and excessively elongated branches are cut off. If you do not pay attention to pruning azaleas for several years, the bush gradually becomes overgrown, the shoots block the access to light and air, which leads to the development of diseases and insect pests.

When pruning azaleas, it is important to remember that the buds are formed on annual shoots, so this year’s growth is not touched. After pruning, large stumps are treated with garden varnish.

Young shrubs up to 3 years of age do not need to be formed, only removing dead shoots.

Caring for azaleas in winter

Future flowering depends on how azaleas are cared for throughout the year, as well as how the plant overwinters. Certain varieties of garden rhododendrons can survive Russian winters without shelter, but in this case it will not be possible to guarantee the health of the bush:

  1. The flower buds at the ends of the shoots are the first to suffer from the cold.
  2. With a lack of snow, sometimes not only young branches freeze, but also the root system.

To protect the plants, preparations for winter begin in the fall with abundant watering of the soil under the garden azalea bushes. Then the root circle is covered with an additional layer of mulch, for which pine needles, peat or fallen leaves are taken. The layer of such protection for small plants can be 5–10 cm; up to 30 cm of insulation is poured under tall bushes.

Branches of deciduous azalea varieties growing in open ground:

  • gently bend it to the ground;
  • fixed with wire;
  • cover with corrugated cardboard, special materials or another layer of spruce branches or peat.

It is not worth covering azaleas with film or other airtight materials, since there is a high risk of developing preliminium and rot of buds and young shoots.

Evergreen azalea plants are covered with a pre-made frame so as not to damage the shoots and future buds. The plant should not be cramped inside the shelter. And it is necessary to insulate the structure with roofing felt or non-woven materials only in established cool weather; if this is done on warm days, the loss of some flowers will not be avoided next spring.

Caring for azaleas in winter involves protecting plants from wind and moisture condensing during thaws. If the winter has little snow, the bushes need to be further protected by creating man-made snowdrifts at their base. During the rainy season, azaleas are loosely covered with film, leaving the possibility of moisture loss.

With the onset of spring, the shelter is removed only after the snow cover has melted and positive average daily temperatures have established.

During acclimatization and care of azaleas, constant care is taken to avoid sunburn of delicate tissues and wilting of the plant lacking nutrition and moisture.

Garden azaleas are a rewarding crop. Shrubs always respond with lush flowering and growth to compliance with agricultural techniques for growing azaleas in the garden and competent, regular care. No matter where the gardener lives, today you can find many amazing varieties of azaleas that have different colors and different flowering times.

Video about rhododendrons - azaleas in the garden

In order for planting Japanese garden azalea to be successful, you need to listen to advice and ensure proper care. The reward will be luxurious flower beds or tastefully decorated corners of the shady garden. Growing various types azaleas create the effect of a bright cloud hovering low above the ground. Or a marvelous oriental rug thrown carelessly on the grass.

What varieties are suitable for decorating the garden?

Why is azalea attractive? The bush blooms lushly, the shoots are so densely strewn with buds that the leaves are not visible. And they are good for the plant: dark green, velvety, miniature. In Japan, the cultivation of azalea bushes is practiced to produce hedges up to two meters high. Several types of shrubs are grown in our country; sizes vary depending on the variety. Flowerbeds can be decorated with specimens from 25 cm, and meter-long giants can be planted along garden paths.

Advice! Before purchasing seedlings, you should study the basic rules for propagation. Garden azaleas will wither under the scorching sun, and some varieties prefer bright light.

If the bushes are cared for at the proper level, then abundant flowering won't keep you waiting. Some azalea species begin producing buds as early as May. Flowering continues from 1.5 to 3 months before the onset of autumn cooling. Flowers vary in size and shape - they can be small and graceful, large and double. The colors of the blooming buds are varied:

  • white with a cream tint;
  • lilac;
  • purple;
  • rich pink;
  • bright burgundy.

When buying seedlings, you need to pay attention to the frost resistance of the species. There are those that can only be grown in the south of the country. Fortunately, Japanese azalea has also been bred for mid-latitudes. This happened thanks to crossing with the northern rhododendron. The resulting plants tolerate even 25-degree frosts; planting and caring for them are not difficult.

Which breeding method should I choose?

A simple way is propagation by cuttings. Cuttings of about 8 cm are cut at an oblique angle and the bud is removed, as well as unblown leaves. A cut of a cutting with a pair of leaves is treated with a growth stimulator and planted in pots. To prevent root rotting, it is necessary to make enough drainage holes. The pots are covered with film and placed in a well-lit place at a temperature of 20-22°C.

Advice! The film should not come into contact with the seedling. Part of it will rot and spread over the entire surface. To do this, you should not forget about daily ventilation for an hour.

Rooting will occur in one month. The first sign that the Japanese beauty has grown roots and the seedlings have been properly cared for is the formation of new leaves. After another month, the young azalea is ready for planting in flower beds. The soil can be composed of the following components:

  • leaf soil;
  • coniferous land;
  • calcined sand;
  • peat.

Gardeners do not often use seed growing. Even rooted azalea cuttings bloom only in the 2-3rd year, and planting and waiting for adult plants from seed delays this process for an even longer period. Some azalea lovers divide the bush into two parts in the garden in the fall. It is cut in half with a knife and the cut-off areas are coated with garden varnish. This method is not popular due to the further shaping required.

What is required for a successful landing?

If there coniferous trees, which means you don’t have to decide on a place to plant your azaleas. In the shade of their branches in diffused light, caring for the bushes will be simplified. Under the bright sun, the Japanese guest begins to get sick - the leaves wrinkle and shoots stop forming. Garden azalea does not like strong gusts of wind and sudden changes in temperature. In late spring, growing and caring for seedlings in open ground begins. The holes should be made shallow (about 45 cm), but wide.

Advice! In order for the plant to bloom well, experts recommend laying a layer of drainage under the flowerbed. The top layer of soil is removed, and broken bricks are poured onto the bottom. The main thing is that it does not have the ability to leach the soil.

High-quality plant care is possible only when it grows in soil with a pH value below 4.7. Planting requires acidifying the soil with a solution of food acid (a pinch in a bucket of water). For lush flowering Azaleas add organic fertilizers to the soil in the spring. When finishing planting in open ground, mulch the flower bed with the following materials:

  • needles or bark of coniferous trees;
  • peat;
  • oak leaves;
  • chopped straw.

Mulching is necessary to retain soil moisture and protect it from possible frost. Despite the fact that caring for azaleas requires abundant watering, the place for the flower bed should not be swampy. Root rot cannot be avoided. The final stage of planting in the garden will be watering the soil with settled tap water.

What do you need to know about care?

To prevent Japanese azalea from getting sick, it is necessary to properly care for it. Root system The plant is located almost on the surface of the soil, so watering at the root will not work. Moisture should spread throughout the entire area. Watering should be done in the morning or evening after sunset.

Advice! Garden azalea responds well to spraying. You can give her a shower every day. The exception is the flowering period - the flowers may become covered with ugly brown spots.

Japanese azalea does not need constant feeding. In the spring, it is worth fertilizing the soil with a strong infusion of mullein. After flowering ends, caring for the shrub requires helping the weakened plant by applying complex fertilizer. It is important that it does not contain chlorine.

Cultivation required:

  • Constantly remove dried flowers. This will serve as an excellent stimulation for the formation of new buds.
  • Use pruning shears to cut dry branches, which will promote the establishment of new shoots.
  • Regularly acidify the soil.
  • Detect the presence of pests.

Advice! If the plant has stopped blooming and the leaves have lost their turgor, it means it is sick. From spider mites and thrips will be treated with an insecticide. If discolored areas appear on the leaves, it is worth acidifying the soil. Brown spots on buds and leaves indicate the development of putrefactive processes. In such cases, spraying and watering the soil with fungicides (Fundazol, Oksikhom) will be a salvation.

Caring for Japanese garden azalea involves autumn pruning. Long shoots are removed by a third, and dried branches are cut out. Gardeners lay out the shape of the bush and follow the rule - the more you cut, the more it will grow in the spring. The soil in the flowerbed is filled and laid on top:

  • spruce branches;
  • straw;
  • peat.

Using a wire frame, the azalea branches are bent to the ground and also covered. The covering material must be breathable. If the winter has turned out to be a small amount of snow, then it is worth building a snowdrift yourself. In spring, the material is removed after above-zero temperatures have been established.

Despite the fact that Japanese azalea grows slowly, it quickly acquires new shoots. The bush increases in volume, begins to bloom and from a distance resembles a bright ball. If the care of the plant in the open ground was correct, then within a couple of years there will be a lot of balls scattered around the garden. What else does a florist need?

Experts do not consider azalea to be a capricious shrub. Easy to root, adores water procedures and requires replanting every three years. In addition, it is a perennial, meaning planting does not require autumn digging. And it won’t be difficult to acidify the soil for such a beauty.