House made of brick and wood. Projects of combined houses made of brick and timber and other options for combining materials

Construction combined houses– a promising direction in private housing construction. It allows you to combine the advantages of two types of materials and reduce the cost of building a house. One of the common varieties is combined houses made of foam blocks and timber - this option will allow you to build a warm and durable building, while significantly reducing costs.

What are the advantages of such houses

A combined house made of a thermal block and timber is usually a two-story building or a house with an attic, in which traditional masonry is used to create the lower part, and the upper part is assembled from timber using classic log house technology. A house made of timber and foam blocks will cost relatively inexpensively, and this is one of the main reasons for its popularity. However, it also has other advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness combines with durability: any concrete buildings do not contribute to normal air exchange, and life outside the city will not differ from living in an ordinary city apartment. However, the upper floor made of timber will make it possible to eliminate this drawback, and the building will be pleasant to breathe and comfortable to be in.
  • AND aerated concrete blocks, and timber is classified as a lightweight building material, so the building will have a relatively light weight. This will give the owner the opportunity to save on the foundation, since a light foundation will be enough.
  • A combined house made of blocks and timber is built relatively quickly. Both materials are very convenient to use: the foam block can be easily cut, and due to its large size, you can complete the masonry much faster than using brick. It does not shrink, so the first floor of the house will be immediately ready for finishing; in addition, it has high thermal insulation characteristics.
  • The tree is also warm material, and the building will end up cooling and warming up very slowly. It will be comfortable at any time of the year.

House designs made from foam blocks and timber are distinguished by great design diversity and rich planning possibilities: they allow you to implement almost any option. In addition, the house can have a variety of finishing options: both timber and block walls will be smooth, so any decorative coating options can be used for them.

The lower part of the building can be finished with tiles, natural stone, there are other materials. Timber walls can be left unfinished, but it is recommended to additionally protect them from rotting with paint and varnish materials. In addition, treatment with antiseptics will be required: special compounds will protect the wood from rotting.

Features of the construction of combined houses made of timber and blocks

The project of a combined house made of foam blocks and timber can be standard and individual: according to traditional scheme on the lower floor there is a living room, kitchen and other common areas, and the upper floor is reserved for bedrooms, children's rooms, and a work room can be placed on it. The use of combined materials in this case becomes especially advantageous: foam block is a durable, non-flammable material that will become a reliable foundation for the house, provide good heat and sound insulation and become the best solution for the lower part of the house.

It does not decompose from water and easily tolerates temperature changes. With proper finishing, it will be additionally protected from the vagaries of the weather.

The upper floor, reserved for bedrooms, will help create a particularly cozy atmosphere. Many people like the very appearance of timber walls, so they are left unfinished; they can be varnished on water based or paint.

At the same time, on the top floor the atmosphere will be especially light and pleasant, and it will be comfortable to stay in the bedrooms. This is the main advantage of the combination of materials with proper waterproofing, the timber will be protected from moisture, and it will retain its beneficial properties for a very long time.

Is there an economic benefit?

Foam concrete itself is an inexpensive material, and yet the use of timber will further reduce costs. The economic benefit depends on which version of the timber the owner chooses:

Using a combination of timber and foam blocks will make the building more durable without additional costs. This is a more democratic option compared to brick building, but it will be no less reliable.

Private, beautiful spacious house, built with your own hands, attracts many. But it's one thing to dream about own home, and it’s completely different to erect a structure from the foundation to the roof. Today, residential buildings made of stone and wood are very popular.

The chalet style is gaining momentum and becoming a fashionable trend in construction. Designers offer a variety of designs for combined houses belonging to the elite, middle and economy classes. In most cases, future owners of private housing are interested in inexpensive projects combined houses made of stone and wood.

In addition to low cost, combined chalet houses made of stone and wood attract many advantages. Among these, it should be noted:

  • Durability of the structure.
  • High level of wear resistance and strength.
  • Fire safety.

Plus, wooden structures are cozy and heat-preserving. And in combination with brickwork, such a structure looks beautiful and solid. To ensure that the materials used are not wasted, craftsmen recommend thinking in advance in what way they will be used. The most popular is the project of a combined house in the chalet style.

Not good options

Designs of combined houses are different. Reviews from masters claim that not all of them are successful. For example, an option in which a brick structure is first built and then lined with wood paneling can ultimately lead to damage to the materials. Let's not forget that brick and wood have different coefficients thermal expansion. If brickwork When clad with wood correctly, sufficient distance must be left between the materials. But over time, insects and rodents may appear in this space.

The opposite option is also possible, in which a wooden structure is faced with brick. But rearranging the sequence of materials used does not change the essence. Between layers of materials, mold, mildew, and bark beetles can form.

Best projects

Reviews about turnkey combined houses made of stone and wood claim that the most optimal combination materials - floor by floor, as shown in the photo. For example, a project for such a structure might look like this:

  • The first floor is a brick building in which utility rooms are located - kitchen, dining room, boiler room, guest room with a fireplace.
  • The second floor is made of wood. A bedroom, a nursery, and guest rooms are located here. The delicate aroma of wood will promote relaxation and tranquility.

Reviews from masters claim that to create ideal project combined house, it is necessary to take into account the requirements and wishes of the customer. In any case, the master must warn the future owner that it is better to place utilities on the ground floor. Considering the lightness of wood, there is no need to construct the first floor from this material. The supporting walls must be made of stone so that the house as a whole is strong and reliable.


Combined house stone wood turnkey economy class, can be built from concrete monolithic foundation, ceramic bricks and pine wood. Since the house is two-story, stairs inside the structure are a must.

An excellent choice is wooden stairs inside the house and monolithic ones outside. A magnificent addition to the building is the attic on the second floor, which has decorative finishing similar in color to the decoration of the walls of the first floor.

Economy-class projects of combined houses made of stone and wood in the chalet style must necessarily include a spacious terrace. This structural element is distinctive feature such housing. One more mandatory element successful project in the chalet style, is the presence of a flat roof with a wide wingspan. Thanks to this solution, the wood part of the structure is protected from moisture and precipitation.

It's no secret that time does not stand still. Today, a wide range of materials are used for the construction of low-rise buildings. So, brick houses, which enjoy considerable popularity, are characterized by reliability and fire safety, and wooden ones are environmentally friendly.

What if we combine these materials under one roof?

Wood and brick - a smart combination

Combined houses made of wood and brick can easily be called a highlight suburban construction. In terms of consumer demand, they may be inferior to brick ones. But this does not mean that they cannot be called popular.

Buildings of this type have a number of advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed below.

Advantages and disadvantages of combined houses made of brick and wood

A positive aspect is also the remoteness of the wooden part of the house from the ground, because it is not subject to the destructive effects of ground moisture.

Among the main disadvantages of brick- wooden houses It should be noted that there is a need for special wood treatment to protect it from adverse factors.

Brick and timber - a balance of strength and comfort

Among buildings that elegantly combine brick and wood, combined houses made of brick and timber are quite popular. These two materials “converge” perfectly under one roof, complementing each other.

The massive basement and first floor are the key to reliability and durability. The timber is wood, so it holds heat very well. In addition, the tree breathes, and this is the key to a favorable microclimate.

Another positive characteristic of brick-and-beam houses is their rapid erection. It should also be mentioned that the timber second floor does not need finishing, as it has a very pleasant and aesthetic appearance.

Combined houses made of timber and brick of the same layout can vary significantly in the cost of their construction. The decisive factor in this matter is the building materials necessary for the construction of a particular dwelling, or rather their price.

Both timber and brick have many varieties.

Thus, in the construction of such houses the following types of timber can be used:

  • unprofiled- a building material used everywhere. However, it is not used very often for the construction of combined houses, since in many respects it is inferior to other types of timber;
  • profiled- this species has gained greater recognition in combined construction. The logs fit together very tightly, so floors made of profiled timber, as a rule, do not need caulking;
  • glued- high-quality building material with high heat and sound insulation properties. Combined houses made of brick and laminated veneer lumber, or rather their wooden floors, have high strength, since timber of this type is produced by alternately gluing lamellas with different fiber directions.

When producing laminated veneer lumber, all defective areas of wood are removed, which helps to increase the strength of the material.

Another material whose price significantly affects the cost of everything combined project, is a brick. Its price is determined by a number of factors. So, for example, double sand-lime brick M 150 and red building brick vary in quality characteristics and area of ​​application and, as a result, have different prices.

Due to the fact that brick is a fireproof material, a kitchen and living room with a fireplace can be located on the ground floor, and the ground floor is perfect for a garage, boiler room and workshop.

The second floor, made of environmentally friendly wood, is an ideal place for a bedroom, children's room and personal office.

Brick and timber house project

As you can see in the photo, the house has an aesthetic appearance. It is perfect for both seasonal countryside holiday, and for permanent residence. Having studied the house plan, we can safely say that this building has not only beautiful exterior, but also undeniable functionality.

The ground floor of this house has five utility rooms that can be used for various purposes. So, a storage room and a workshop will perfectly find their place on this floor.

The basement with a total area of ​​142.47 sq.m can be used not only as a utility floor; the decisive factor in this matter is the flight of imagination of the home owners. For example, on ground floor You can create a small corner of comfort and privacy by arranging it with your own hands, based on your own ideas about a cozy holiday.

A spacious living room, a bright kitchen and dining room, as well as a laundry room, so necessary for any housewife, are conveniently located on the ground floor. It should be noted that there is a separate room for a wardrobe.

If the first floor is designed for receiving guests and having a pleasant time with the family for dining table, then the attic is a place of concentration and relaxation at the same time.

There is a study here, where hours of hard work fly by, as well as two bathrooms and a bedroom, where you can relieve fatigue after a hard day. working day. The children's room is also located on this floor. Since the attic is made of wood, then, of course, it makes more sense to place recreation areas there.

Brick and log house - exquisite unity

Another interesting type of buildings, the construction of which uses two different material, is a combined house made of logs and bricks. Such structures have a very aesthetic and attractive appearance and do not require cladding.


The instructions are simple: you just need to order a project and start construction. You can get acquainted with one of the options for combining brick and timber by watching the video in this article.

Such structures first appeared in the Middle Ages, and at first they were common in the Alps. Then, combi-houses began to develop in other territories, because such housing was to the liking of the Germans, British, Austrians, French and representatives of other nationalities inhabiting Europe at that time. The main distinguishing features of such houses are the sloping gable roof and the use of at least two main materials in construction - stone and wood. A little later, this style of architecture was called a word that you have probably heard - “chalet”.

The first floor is stone, the second and all subsequent floors are wooden. Although, most often combi houses are two-story. This solution is optimal, because stone is a heavy and durable material, so the first floor serves as a reliable foundation for all subsequent levels made of wood. It is noteworthy that combined houses It would be a stretch to call wooden suburban real estate properties lined with brick, natural or artificial stone. At their core, they are not combi-houses, because both stone and brick take on the finishing function, and design features structures have no effect.

Pros of combi houses

  1. Worthy appearance. Combined houses can fit into any landscape, and they are sure to attract attention, because they are still classified as atypical for Russia. But they are most suitable for our climate, which is very similar to the Alpine.
  2. Durability. We dare to assure you that for a chalet, a hundred-year service life is not the maximum value, which is explained by the peculiarities of the materials. What can happen to a stone that doesn’t burn or rot?! If you are confused by the fact that all subsequent levels are made of wood, then do not worry: for construction we use softwood lumber. It is less susceptible to rotting and exposure to other negative factors, besides, wood material, regardless of the name, is treated with antiseptic compounds, as well as impregnations that provide fire resistance.
  3. Low price. This is true, because the construction and commissioning of a “partially stone house” is cheaper compared to a stone structure. Even the most elite lumber is cheaper than stone.
  4. Environmentally friendly. Coniferous trees tend to release phytoncides and regulate heat and air exchange well. Stone retains coolness in summer and warmth in winter, and the combination of these materials ensures the creation of an optimal microclimate.
  5. Accelerated pace of construction. Combi-houses are lightweight compared to their brick and stone counterparts, which means that building a foundation will require much less time, money and effort. Also, similar structures do not require shrinkage.
  6. Fire resistance. Combi houses become victims of fires much less often than frame, timber and log houses, and the reason for this is the presence of stone elements in the structure. Treating wood with fire retardants can significantly reduce the likelihood of fire.
  7. New business opportunities. This point may seem confusing. We explain: having a chalet-style house, it becomes possible to make an interesting business decision. On the ground floor of such a building it is quite possible to set up an office, cafe, shop, bakery, workshop, and on the second floor you can live with your family. You may be interested in this, and we are ready to finalize the project you like in accordance with your wishes, because organizing a business space implies a separate entrance and a layout different from the “domestic” one.

Are there any disadvantages to combi houses?

The disadvantages of combi-houses boil down to the possible risk of reducing their service life due to insufficient care behind the wooden elements. The stone is more resistant to precipitation, excessive humidity and temperature changes, and in order to preserve the original characteristics of the wood, it needs to be looked after, that is, periodically treated with special compounds on wooden surfaces.

What do we offer

“Russian Style” is a multidisciplinary company with a staff of different specialties, including: planners, architects, designers, builders, masons, craftsmen specializing in the construction of wooden houses, finishers, etc. We can offer for your consideration one of the many our projects. Also, you have the right to deviate from the standard layout scheme, because most often on the ground floor of a chalet house there are technical and utility rooms such as kitchens, bathrooms, boiler rooms. In addition, dining rooms and living rooms are located on the ground floor. The second floor is a living area, with bedrooms, offices, and dressing rooms. If you see your future home in a slightly different format, then tell us about it.

Cooperation with our company has many advantages. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Availability of a huge quantity standard projects, which can easily be transformed into individual ones.
  2. Possibility of constructing a facility on credit, including a mortgage (all documents are prepared in our office).
  3. Quality assurance.
  4. Attracting the labor of highly qualified workers - citizens of Russia.
  5. Only high-quality materials are used in construction.

We carry out projects of any complexity.

Among the completed housing construction work: different types a significant place is occupied by combined houses, projects using a combination of building materials with different characteristics, for example, a house made of stone and wood. Why are such structures so popular?

Advantages of combined type projects

The correct combination of various building materials used in the construction of building structures allows you to optimally combine the advantages of each of them, minimizing their disadvantages.

For example, a stone is immune to any external influences, including fire. But it is too heavy and large, and a structure built entirely from stone will not support any foundation and in some cases it will require reinforcement. But using wood to construct the upper part of the building will not only reduce its specific weight, but also provide a magnificent appearance. In addition, wood will significantly reduce the cost of construction.

Thus, the design and construction of turnkey combined houses is one of the priorities of the Krovmarket company.

Projects of combined houses in the Chalet style

Among the house-building projects that combine various building materials, there are the following:

The architects of the Krovmarket company have developed various design solutions, among which are housing combining brick and wood or stone and wood, that is, you can already look finished projects combined houses. By using any of the proposals, you can reduce the cost of building combined houses without losing the quality and aesthetic properties of the structure.

If a potential homeowner has his own idea of ​​what a future home should look like, Krovmarket architects will create an individual project for a combined house. Any construction solutions developed by highly qualified specialists and using combinations of different building materials, be it small cozy houses or huge mansions, they are distinguished by functionality and special charm.

If, while studying the project catalog, you have questions, our specialists will be happy to answer them and give all the necessary advice on construction and making possible changes to standard projects.

Construction of combined houses

The construction and design of combined houses is one of the company's priorities. Working with us, you will get the maximum useful information, tips and recommendations that will help you understand many things and make the right decision for yourself.

    Availability of our own production base;
    We work without intermediaries! Own production site in the north of the Kirov region (logging, production of lumber and wooden house kits from logs and timber) - a guarantee of fair prices and prompt solutions to all production issues;

    Specialized design bureau
    At the request of the customer, we will make any redevelopment and changes to the basic projects or develop an individual one. Our project will take into account all the wishes for the construction of an individual combined house, using modern and efficient construction and finishing materials. Drawings and realistic pictures will be created that will allow you to see your future cottage as it will turn out after construction is completed;

    Big choice finished projects
    The projects of combined houses are developed taking into account the requirements and norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on low-rise construction and guarantee the absence of problems when obtaining a construction permit and commissioning. All processes and material consumption have been optimized, which will allow you not to overpay, and builders to complete all stages efficiently and in a short time construction work;

    Fully equipped home
    We offer various configurations of combined houses. Construction can be divided into stages for the convenience of planning financial costs and the possibility of building a turnkey cottage by one organization. As a result, you will receive a house completely ready to move in;

    Construction in many regions of the country
    We carry out the construction of combined houses throughout almost the entire territory of the central (European) part of Russia: Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Ryazan, Vladimir, Novgorod, Pskov, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk and other regions;

    Transaction security
    We guarantee the security of the transaction: The customer pays payments under the contract, in stages, upon delivery building material and the implementation of the next stage of work, monitoring each stage of construction;

    Moderate construction prices
    We do not build the cheapest combined houses in Russia, we build them honestly! Transparent estimate: The customer always sees what the price for the cottage is formed from, which is indicated in several options to be able to choose the optimal one economic solution;

    No hidden fees
    We fix the price and cost of construction in the contract, and it remains unchanged, even if the contract was concluded several months before the start of work. All unexpected expenses are at our expense!

    Experienced builders
    Only experienced and permanent construction teams. Each stage of work is carried out by highly specialized teams. Technical and design (author's) supervision of each stage of construction;

    Extensive work experience
    Combined houses have a number of fundamental differences from entirely wooden or stone buildings. We know everything possible problems at all stages: design, construction, finishing, commissioning, and we do not allow their occurrence. We have already built a large number of combined houses and we are always ready to show you our existing facilities or cottages that we have already built.