How to properly plant or replant a spruce tree in the country. When and how to plant a big Christmas tree? Christmas tree at the summer cottage

Nature itself gave man an evergreen beauty - spruce - as a friend. It is also decoratively green all year round, and the air cleans wonderfully. Everything has already changed around, but the spruce is still nobly beautiful, very proportional and resilient. To grow such an incredibly kind plant to people, you need to think about correct landing and caring for spruce seedlings summer cottage. You will read about all this, as well as about the types and varieties of spruce trees, the choice of seedlings, the timing and location of planting in this material.

Popular types and varieties of spruce

The most popular spruce trees that summer residents grow in their gardens are the following:

Video: types and varieties of spruce trees

By the way! Growing Canadian spruce Koniki We will definitely look at it in one of the following articles, but for now you can watch the video below.

Video: how to properly plant and care for Canadian spruce

By the way! In general, there are serious differences in cultivation various types there is no conifer, be it common, blue or Canadian spruce. That is why further we will present general instructions on planting and caring for spruce in a summer cottage.

Video: top most the best varieties and types of spruce - the basics of care and cultivation

Spruce propagation methods

There are only three ways to propagate spruce trees: plant with seeds (difficult and time-consuming), grow from cuttings (easier and faster), buy and plant ready-made seedlings (easiest, but more expensive).

When and how to plant a spruce seedling in a summer cottage

Selection of seedlings

Seedlings of all conifers, including spruces, should be purchased only in containers, that is, with a closed root system. These trees do not tolerate drying out of the roots, in other words, the plant must necessarily sit in an earthen coma, which must be regularly moistened as it dries. Therefore, when buying a seedling with an open root system on the market, you are taking a very big risk. The best option is to purchase a container plant from specialized garden centers.

Landing dates

The ideal time to plant spruce is spring (April-May) and early autumn (late August-September). The most favorable season is still spring, when the earth has completely thawed after winter, but sap flow and vegetation have not yet begun. It is during these periods that the root system of plants goes into active growth, so it will be easier for the conifer to take root in your garden.

Although, if you bought a spruce seedling in a container in the summer, then there is no point in waiting for autumn. In this case, you can plant in the summer, except that more frequent watering and shading from the sun's rays will be required.

Place on site

In order for the spruce to grow well and not get sick, it needs to choose right place in the garden. Coniferous trees do not like deep shade and scorching sun, so it should be well lit, but not too open. In this regard, it is ideal if there is light partial shade. Small decorative conifers can be planted near the house, but it is advisable to plant a large spruce away from the home (somewhere at a distance of 10-15 meters) and from other plants, because this conifer has a superficial root system, which will simply take up all the moisture and space at the nearest neighbors.

If you are planning group plantings of fir trees, for example, you want to hedge, then plant the seedlings at a distance of at least 1 meter, and preferably 2-3 m.

Concerning landscape design, then, as you probably noticed, spruce trees combine very beautifully with other coniferous plants: and.

Planting pit and soil

The dimensions of the planting hole for planting spruce may vary depending on the size of the seedling itself. As a rule, the hole should be 2 times larger than the earthen ball of the plant. Let's say, if it is 30 by 30, then a landing hole of 60 by 60 centimeters is suitable, although 1 by 1 meter may be needed.

If the soil on your site is heavy and groundwater passes too close, you should add a 15-20 centimeter layer of drainage, for example, made of crushed stone or broken brick, to the bottom of the hole, and also add sand there.

The planting hole should be filled with good fertile soil mixture, which can be prepared using following components: turf soil, leaf soil, peat and sand, taking them in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1. And also add a little less than a glass (100-150 grams) of nitroammophoska, mixing the fertilizer well with the resulting substrate.


Step-by-step instructions for planting a spruce seedling in open ground:

  1. Find a suitable spot in the garden.
  2. Dig landing hole and prepare the soil mixture.
  3. Drain if necessary and add some soil.
  4. Place the seedling so that its root collar is 3-5 centimeters above the ground surface. Do not bury it under any circumstances!
  5. Next, fill the hole with the prepared soil mixture and lightly compact it.
  6. Water the planting hole thoroughly. The roots of the plant should be in good contact with the ground, and for this, water should not be spared.
  7. When the soil settles, add more potting soil and water again.
  8. If the seedling is young, tie it to a support.
  9. Mulch the tree trunk soil with peat or compost for better moisture retention.

Video: how to plant a spruce correctly

By the way! If you are going to replant an old spruce tree with a height of more than 3 meters, then such a plant should be planted with a frozen clod of earth in certain deadlines: from late autumn (November) to early spring (to March).

Caring for spruce in open ground at the dacha

Despite the fact that spruce trees require good lighting, young seedlings must be done in the first couple of years shade. This can be achieved either by planting a spruce seedling near the fence, or by pulling a special awning. This is especially dangerous in early spring When the ground is still frozen, food does not reach the roots, that is, the conifer can simply burn.

Also, in the first 2 years, young conifers should mulch peat or sawdust for the winter. The mulch layer should be about 6-8 centimeters. It won't be superfluous winter shelter from spruce branches. Mulch will also help retain moisture better.

The plant is not very demanding watering, but in dry weather it needs frequent moistening (about 1-3 buckets of water per week), especially for young trees. Moreover, it is advisable to pour water not directly under the trunk, but into the circle around the trunk. It is best to do this in the evening after sunset or early in the morning, but not in sunny time.

Advice! Coniferous plants also love and respond well to watering sprinkling, especially in dry summer weather.

One more important stage spruce care is weeding. Do not forget that the root system of the plant is quite high, so you should weed shallowly, about 5-10 centimeters.

Coniferous plants don't require mandatory pruning , but periodically you should (if desired) carry out corrective and formative haircuts.

Video: cutting Norway spruce and prickly spruce (blue)

As a rule, conifers are quite unpretentious and do not require additional fertilizing, but if you fertilize the spruce with compost, loosening the circle around the trunk, the plant will be very grateful to you and will definitely be noted for its more magnificent forms and rich color. Concerning mineral supplements, then once a year you can sprinkle fertilizer in tree trunk circle plants and then water generously. In general, there are special fertilizers for coniferous plants.

Important! Do not fertilize autumn period, otherwise the plant will grow and may die due to the onset of frost.


If the winter turns out to be warm and humid, then the conifer may pick up fungal disease. Periodic inspections of your garden pets and various fungicides will help you cope with the scourge.

Coniferous plants are one of the favorite crops that you always want to have in your dacha, especially spruce. So that the ephedra meets your expectations and is able to resist unfavorable conditions, pay attention to our tips and special recommendations for planting and caring for it.

Note! On our website you can also find detailed materials for growing other coniferous plants in the garden, for example, and.

Video: how to plant correctly coniferous plant(spruce)

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Coniferous trees and shrubs are easy to care for and delight the eye with lush greenery even on cold winter days. There are many prejudices about planting spruce and pine trees near the house. Some of them are not without reason.

We will find out today which conifers to plant in the dacha to decorate the area and bring prosperity and prosperity into the house.

Types of trees and shrubs, their properties and effects on humans

Popular beliefs claim that the sharp needles of pine and spruce trees protect against the evil eye. But at the same time, it is not recommended to plant these trees near the house, as they attract early death owners.

Is it so?

The Christmas tree is the main beauty of the New Year holidays

Where does the belief that spruce brings misfortune and death to the house come from? Even in pagan times, this tree was associated with the goddess of the kingdom of the dead - Madder. It was believed that spruce was the tree of the world of the dead.

Therefore, suspicious and suggestible people should not plant coniferous trees on their summer cottage. People believed that when a spruce tree grows higher than the roof of a house, the person who planted it will go to another world. The tree's sharp needles do not contribute to harmonious, good relationships in the family.

There are quite logical explanations for folk signs:

  • Root system spruce is very close to the soil surface. Therefore, when the tree grows up, its roots can break the paths and...

Advice. Don't plant a Christmas tree near your house. When the tree grows, it is quite capable of destroying the foundation.

  • Another disadvantage of this tree species is the increased absorption of moisture from the soil. In arid regions, spruce plantings simply will not take root; ordinary black soil is not suitable for them, and if the tree begins to grow, then within a radius of five meters other plants simply will not survive. The tree will take all the water.

Advice. Having decided to plant a spruce with your own hands, having dug up a tree in the forest, you need to take into account that you need to dig up the root with as much turf as possible.

To the question of which trees cannot be planted on a suburban area, you can hear a lot of answers, the most common of which are the following.

  • It is Christmas trees that attract mosquitoes; planting them near gazebos is also not worth it;
  • For hypertensive patients, spruce and pine are not recommended, since the spruce aroma often raises blood pressure;
  • If the house is made of wood, then instructions for fire safety prohibits planting spruce and pine trees at a distance of up to 10 meters from the walls. In summer, there is a high probability of fire, and, as you know, it is coniferous trees that ignite instantly.

Conclusion. If the desire to plant a spruce is very strong, then place the tree at the end of the garden, away from residential and outbuildings.

Juniper is an ideal solution for small summer cottages

The resinous aroma of this shrub can treat many diseases and has a beneficial effect on a weakened nervous system, normalizes sleep and can relieve headaches. The plant disinfects the air and helps create a unique microclimate in the garden. There is also an opinion that this plant drives away evil spirits and promotes peace and harmony in family relationships.

When planting conifers in your summer cottage, do not forget about juniper. This natural healer has been familiar to all the peoples of the world for centuries. In Egypt, smoke from its branches was used to fumigate houses during epidemics, and American Indians used this plant to treat joint diseases and many skin diseases.

This evergreen shrub can have a wide variety of needle shapes and colors. The height of junipers ranges from fifty centimeters to 20 meters. This plant is ideal for creating a wide variety of landscape design compositions in different styles.

Features of cultivation:

  • Choose seedlings no younger than four years old - this guarantees 100% survival rate;
  • Planting is carried out in late April - early May.

Important. After planting, a young bush needs frequent spraying and regular watering for a month after planting in the ground.

  • This bush is unpretentious to soils and can grow in sandy, clayey and rocky areas. But, naturally, with infertile soils you need increased care for plants within a month after transplantation.

Important. The distance between seedlings should be at least half a meter for group plantings.

  • How to beautifully plant juniper and build an effective landscape composition? Select three different varieties, for example – juniper common variety"Hornibrook", a low plant with palmate wide branches and silver-green needles, and Daurian juniper, which easily tolerates frost and drought. The Expanza variety is distinguished by its short growth and bright light green greens.
  • For a hedge, the Caucasian juniper “Tamaristsofoli” with silver-gray needles or the variety “Erekta”, up to two meters high, is suitable. These shrubs are easy to form into spectacular green hedges of various architectures.

Conclusion. Juniper is an ideal choice for owners who do not have much time to care for the garden. And the price of seedlings is quite affordable.

Pine trees in a summer cottage

  • Coniferous corner in the country house in Japanese style will be decorated with pine trees of the “Pug” or “Pumilio” varieties. These trees look great in landscape compositions and sandy rockeries in a small area;
  • An ordinary pine tree dug out of the forest needs a lot of space to grow. We must immediately agree that there are no plans to plant anything along the perimeter at a distance of five meters. The only plus is that the house will always be shaded and cool, plus the wonderful smell of pine needles.

Conclusion. At home, especially country houses Block containers need plenty of sunlight. Therefore, it is better to plant pine trees on the southern edge of the site, away from any buildings. Or give preference to dwarf ones decorative varieties, which does not require a lot of free space.

Low-growing fir - a spectacular hedge without the hassle

Mountain fir of the "Compacta" variety with a wide conical shape is an ideal choice for creating a fragrant evergreen hedge in a summer cottage. In thirty years the tree grows to only three meters and easily lends itself to any shaped pruning.

Important. It must be taken into account that fir is demanding when it comes to watering and is recommended for planting in damp, swampy areas.

Basic cultivation requirements

All coniferous plants are demanding of soil moisture and absorb water from the soil around the perimeter at a distance of up to three to five meters. If not planned garden plantings And flower beds, then you can safely opt for unpretentious pine trees or spectacular juniper.

  • When to plant trees? IN middle lane– end of May – beginning of April, with minimal threat of severe frosts;
  • When digging up a seedling in the forest, try to take as much turf as possible from the roots;
  • For a month after planting, ensure regular watering and spraying;
  • Pine roots can withstand open air for no more than two hours - then they die. Therefore, when replanting, try to limit the contact of the root system with air.

Advice. Renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help you create industrial cultivation expensive tree species for sale even in small garden plot in a small greenhouse.


For busy people, decorating the landscape with unpretentious evergreens will simplify garden care and provide a always bright and spectacular landscape. The video presented in this article will introduce you to the options using different breeds evergreen trees.

  • Type: coniferous
  • Flowering period: May, June
  • Height: 30-35m
  • Green color
  • perennial
  • Winters
  • Shade-loving
  • Drought resistant

Green spaces in a suburban area mean clean air, natural decor, and magnificent functional tool for constructing landscape design. Coniferous forest inhabitants, including slender fir trees with lush, dense needles, take root well in any climatic zone of Russia. It is no secret that the aroma of resin is beneficial for both people and plants, so everyone who cares about their health must plant spruce trees. Let's take a closer look at how to grow a spruce and use it to decorate your garden plot.

First, we suggest you watch the video - perhaps you will find answers to your questions in it:

Let's start with the fact that all kinds of spruce are excellent material for creating a style. suburban area, that is why when choosing planting material It is worth paying attention to coniferous varieties.

Thanks to the thick, beautiful crown, the shape of which can be adjusted depending on the purpose, high and low spruce trees are successfully used to create compositions such as:

  • rockeries;
  • hedges;
  • topiary;
  • single and group plantings.

A combination of low coniferous plants with neatly formed crowns, stone and wood decor natural materials suitable for decorating an area in both a regular and natural style, which is why rockeries with spruce as a key element are very popular.

How to properly arrange group and solitary plantings of ornamental conifers in the garden:

Rockeries are also good because they require small investments with maximum aesthetic effect: almost all plants can be grown with your own hands, and stones can be found right on the territory of the dacha, brought from the river bank or from a quarry

A living spruce hedge is an excellent fencing element that can be planted along the perimeter or between two different functional areas. Tall, densely planted trees will completely replace the fence, and miniature ones ornamental plants will decorate the area and create a natural atmosphere.

IN in this case low trees planted close to each other are more decorative than functional - they separate the rockery area from the rest of the territory

Having a small Christmas tree at your dacha, you can practice the art of creating one from a lush spruce crown. geometric figure, spiral or other simple three-dimensional object. This is where one of the properties of coniferous plants comes in handy - slow growth (3-5 cm per year).

It is better to start understanding the basics of topiary with the least complex shapes - a cube, pyramid or ball, and then move on to more complex configurations, for example, spirals

Against the background of brick and wooden buildings and fences, groups of sparsely planted fir trees of varying heights look beautiful, and a single tall fir tree can become the center of a recreation area or an excellent background partner for a gazebo (benches, garden decor).

Many people specially plant a spruce to celebrate New Year and Christmas in nature. A holiday spent in the fresh air is more interesting and fun than a banal family feast, and the process of decorating a tree with garlands and toys is a real magical ritual that children will remember for a lifetime

Methods of acquiring or propagating spruce

If you are looking for one of the plants to decorate your site and have even decided on a variety, you need to think about where you will get it. Most easy way– buy a ready-made seedling in a nursery, but many do not look for the easy way and try to grow trees on their own, from seeds or twigs. There are also those who consider the most hardy and strong specimens taken in natural environment, that is, dug out in the forest.

Let's look at the nuances of each method and take a closer look at the characteristics of spruce propagation.

Buying a seedling from a nursery

If you already have a ready design project, and all that is needed to implement it is a few coniferous trees - you can quickly buy seedlings at a nursery. This is also true if you need some rare, exotic variety that is difficult or takes a long time to grow on your own.

Seedlings of conifers, like other plants, are sold in pots of various sizes, depending on the size of the plant. When planting a Christmas tree in the ground, you should completely preserve the lump of “native soil”, so the tree will take root better and faster.

When choosing a spruce in a nursery, consult a specialist on the main growing factors, which relate to the size of an adult tree, its winter hardiness and endurance, lighting conditions, watering regime, etc.

When buying a seedling, pay attention to its viability, which can be easily determined by the following signs:

  • fresh, shiny, partially fallen needles;
  • tender shoots of growth at the tips of branches;
  • natural, undeformed shape of the branches and trunk;
  • the needles are not affected by a rusty or whitish coating;
  • When lightly pressed, the branches bend rather than break.

A pot that is too small indicates that the spruce was dug up specifically for sale and its root system was disturbed.

Growing trees from seeds

If you have enough time for gardening, you can start growing different varieties ate from seeds. The best species are those that grow in your region. The ripening time of the cones depends on the climate, but for propagation it is recommended to collect them in late autumn.

Cones are stored in a cool, dry place, protected from wind and direct sunlight. Approximately 2.5-3 months before sowing, the seeds are removed (they are also called nuts) and subjected to stratification to increase germination.

To prepare the seedlings, the seeds are kept for 24 hours in clean water, after being soaked for half an hour in a weak (0.5%) solution of manganese. Then they are immersed in containers filled with wet sand and stored in the cold - snow or refrigerator - until sowing.

Sowing is carried out in mid-April, and it is better to use a greenhouse with sawdust for this. Sandy loam soil is covered with a thin layer (1.5-2 cm) of sawdust, seeds are placed on it, and the same layer of pine sawdust is sprinkled on top - conditions are created that are close to natural, but more comfortable for growth

If you decide to plant seeds in open ground, you will have to arrange additional protection. It can be a frame made of twigs, protecting from harsh winds, and a layer of cotton fabric.

In August, the original protection is removed, and instead a shelter is made from a thick layer of dry leaves. Instead of open ground, boxes are sometimes used, but the growing conditions remain the same.

After 2, less often after 3 years, the seedlings are planted in the ground at intervals of 40-50 cm. Before planting, too long or damaged roots must be removed, and the remaining ones must be placed in a humus solution for a short time

A special care regime will be required: moderately moist soil (in hot weather - additional watering) and 3 times summer feeding. As fertilizer will do mullein or 0.1% hydroponic solution diluted with water.

The growth of seedlings lasts another 3-4 years. All this time they need to be loosened, fertilized, and watered approximately once a week. Mandatory feeding is done in the spring, before the buds begin to swell. Suitable mineral nutrient mixture:

  • manure – 450-500 g;
  • potassium nitrate – 10-15 g;
  • superphosphate – 25-30 g.

Mix everything thoroughly, distribute it into the soil around the seedlings, carefully dig it to a shallow depth (8-10 cm) and water it so that the fertilizer is absorbed into the soil.

In 6-7 years you will receive Christmas trees ready for planting permanent place. As usual, they are planted in early spring, preserving the root ball of soil.

How to grow a Christmas tree from a branch (cutting)

For reproduction decorative species cuttings are used. Branches cut at the beginning of spring (in April) can take root in the same year, later ones - only the next year. Many people prefer August cuttings, when the shoots finish growing and begin to become lignified, but there is also a winter method that is successfully used for all conifers, including spruces.

We bring to your attention a master class on winter cuttings of spruce, which consists of home rooting of seedlings with the possibility of further planting in the ground in spring. Using garden shears or pruning shears, cut off the required number of side branches. At the end of the cut, a “heel” should remain - a piece of last year’s wood. The large “heel” will have to be cut off to prevent wood rotting.

Carefully cut off the needles from the lower part, close to the “heel”, with a knife, as they are not needed and will interfere with the development of future roots

Many species of coniferous trees do well without additional stimulants, but spruce is capricious in this regard and requires, especially in winter period, a special attitude towards oneself.

Place the treated branches in a vessel half filled with Epin solution (4-6 drops per 200 ml of water) and leave for 12-14 hours

The material for storing cuttings will be sphagnum moss, which perfectly absorbs moisture.

While the cuttings are gaining strength in Epin’s solution, we prepare a protective “shirt” for them - soak the dry sphagnum in clean water

We take the film and lay it out in a long strip on the table. We distribute sphagnum saturated with moisture along the tape - it will act as a substrate for growing spruce cuttings.

We lay out the cuttings on the prepared base in the following order: first, dip each branch in a stimulating powder (for example, “Kornevin”), then place the lower part on a tape with moss

We fold the film in half so that the roots are pressed against the sphagnum and wrapped in film, and the tops of the cuttings are free.

We carefully roll the film with the distributed cuttings into a roll so that it is dense enough, but not tight for the development of roots

The result is a kind of bouquet - in this form the coniferous cuttings will be stored until spring planting in the ground. To prevent the film from unwinding, it must be tied with twine or tied with an elastic band.

The place to store cuttings should be bright and cool - a pantry or veranda. If at the dacha wooden windows with double frames, cuttings can be placed between the glass or hung on the side, protected from direct sunlight

Winter cuttings are good because by the period spring planting Small roots are already appearing.

In April, rooted branches can be planted in the garden - not in a permanent place, but in a pot or box for growing. Perfect option– well-lit, ventilated greenhouse

In two years, the seedlings will finally take root and become stronger, and then it will be possible to plant them in open ground, in a permanent place of growth.

Transplanting a forest tree

A trip to pick up a spruce tree in the forest will end happily if you remember a few simple rules:

  • dig up a tree in autumn or spring, when the soil is soft and moist enough;
  • if you replant a spruce in the summer, try to preserve the root ball of soil;
  • for replanting, a specimen no taller than 1 m is suitable, maximum 1.5 m; the larger the tree, the longer its roots and the higher the likelihood that you will damage them;
  • more lush and strong fir trees grow along the edges of the forest, on the outskirts, away from dense thickets.

It is important to dig up the spruce correctly. Around the trunk, dig a circle with a diameter the size of the circle formed by the lowest branches. The depth of the groove is about half a meter. Carefully remove the tree from the soil, being careful to keep the soil on the roots. Place it on a piece of thick fabric, wrap it and secure the resulting package to the wheelbarrow. Grab a couple of buckets of “native” soil so that the Christmas tree will quickly take root in the new conditions.

Don't forget one important nuance– before digging, be sure to mark the cardinal directions, north and south, on the branches in order to plant the tree, focusing on them

How to plant a spruce correctly?

Trees dug from the forest and purchased seedlings have general rules landings. There are two periods when spruce takes root better - early spring and late autumn (before the onset of cold weather). Some varieties, for example, blue spruce, are preferable to planting in the spring, so before you decide to plant a spruce, check the planting features of the variety you purchased.

Choose the area most suitable for growing a coniferous tree - sunlit or slightly shaded. Take care of drainage in advance, because spruce trees growing in wetlands develop poorly and lose their needles. The ideal place for planting is a sunny spot with low-lying groundwater and fertile, humus-rich soil.

Low decorative spruce trees feel great inside flower arrangements and rocky gardens, in well-lit alpine roller coaster and in rockeries

The order of planting spruce is as follows:

  • We dig a hole 50-60 cm deep, 60 cm in diameter on the surface and 30-35 cm in the lower part.
  • We arrange drainage from a 20-centimeter layer of a mixture of sand and crushed stone (or gravel).
  • We prepare a soil mixture from the excavated soil, sand, peat and humus (in equal parts). Add 100-150 g of nitroammophoska to it.
  • Partially fill the hole with soil mixture and moisten it.
  • Place the root ball of the seedling in the hole.
  • We fill the free spaces with the remaining soil and level them.

We carry out peat mulching around the root collar, which is located at the level of the soil surface. Additional contribution peat will warm the roots and retain moisture.

Wood or peat mulching is also attractive from an aesthetic point of view; in addition, adding elements such as oak bark, prevents weeds

In addition to planting, caring for the spruce is also important, so we will consider the rules of pruning, watering and protection from diseases.

Features of caring for conifers

It is necessary to water the spruce depending on growing season, age and size, but in any case the soil around the tree should always be slightly moist. This can be checked by squeezing a lump of earth in your hand. If it crumbles, it’s time to water. Water carefully, distributing the water around the entire root ball. The average water consumption for a 2-meter tree is 10 liters once a week.

Small seedlings require a special regime - several times a day in small portions, since the roots are located near the surface and dry out quickly. In addition to watering, do not forget about spraying, after which the spruce will sparkle in the sun with clean, shiny needles.

If you do not permanently live in the country, choose drought-resistant species for planting, for example, blue spruce. During hot periods, it is enough to water it once every one and a half to two weeks.

Although spruce is classified as a slow-growing tree, it needs pruning from time to time. Preventative pruning is carried out once a year, in early spring, until new shoots begin to grow. It is also called sanitary, since mainly diseased or dry branches are removed. Light thinning benefits the entire tree - the sun's rays penetrate deep into the dense crown.

Decorative pruning, on the contrary, is carried out in mid-summer, after the growth of new shoots has finished. Sometimes the top is cut down if the tree needs to grow in width rather than in height. The work is carried out with a sharp instrument, and the cut areas are treated with a special solution - potassium permanganate and garden varnish.

Hand and pole saws are used to remove thick dry branches, garden pruners are used for smaller branches, and special garden shears are used for decorative cutting.

Christmas trees and other conifers are often threatened by diseases. The most common are fungal infections, leading to crown shedding and even death. They must be dealt with using various methods.

First, you should remove damaged needles and diseased branches, then saturate the soil with Kornevin and treat the tree with Immunocytophyte, Amulet, Zircon or any other drug that increases immunity. Some diseases, such as root sponge or variegated rot, cannot be treated, so the tree must be cut down, the stump uprooted, and the surrounding soil thoroughly treated with fungicides.

Signs of Schutte disease are the appearance of red spots on the branches, yellowed and crumbling needles. Schutte is treated with drugs Skor, Strobi, Falcon, Quadris, from May to the end of summer

And in the end - some advice from a professional on choosing and growing various ornamental varieties.

Sometimes a gardener needs to replant or plant coniferous plants - pine, spruce, fir, junipers. How to properly replant coniferous trees. When is the best time to replant pine and spruce trees?

In order for the plant not to die and feel good, and also give good growth, you need to take into account its preferences and have a good knowledge of agricultural technology.

How to replant conifers

If there is a need to transplant a coniferous plant from nature into the garden, then do it in early spring, at the very beginning of sap flow. Choose young plants, no older than 4-5 years, no more than 1-1.5 m high. Spruce requires a wide, but not too deep hole, since the main root system of fir trees is superficial.

For fir and pine, you should dig a deep, but not wide, planting hole. It is good if the planting site is prepared (dug) in advance. Large conifers are best replanted only during periods of severe soil freezing.

If your plant has a closed root system, then you can plant it at any time, but you need to choose a cloudy day for this or shade the new plantings. Pay careful attention to the depth of planting.

Conifers, like other plants, do not like it when the root collar is deeply buried in the soil. Before planting plants with a closed root system, you need to be especially careful. According to users of our portal, the roots of such plants may contain growth limiters (rings, metal mesh) - to plant conifers with a closed root system

Filling planting holes

For fir and pine, a small amount of compost soil is placed in the hole. Roots that are too long are cut with a sharp knife, leaving an even, but not torn, cut. All broken, diseased and disheveled roots need to be cut off.

Planted coniferous plants are watered abundantly for 2-3 days, even if the soil is wet or it is raining. Conifers love showers. After a few weeks, the transplanted plants can be fed with liquid fertilizer or a solution of wood ash.

Seedlings purchased from local nurseries will take root and grow better.

Preparing conifers for winter

To prevent branches from breaking, it is necessary to shake off the snow from coniferous plants during heavy snowfalls and thaws. If you do not have such an opportunity, then better in autumn install a frame on the plant that holds the crown from breaking.

How to plant a spruce?

What a wonderful and beautiful New Year holiday. And how great it is to meet him at the dacha near a live Christmas tree. And if this tree was planted by you personally, it is doubly pleasant.

In general, it has now become fashionable to grow spruce on personal plots, in dachas or near country house. A spruce planted near a house will delight its owners not only on New Year's Day. In the spring, its branches are covered with young shoots, they are tender and very beautiful.

In autumn it will create a beautiful contrast with already yellowed deciduous trees. In summer it will give you coolness. What can we say about winter, when a green beauty stands among the white snow. The spruce tolerates replanting very well.

This is due to the fact that its root system develops horizontally. Even fairly large mature trees can be replanted.

Which seedling to choose?

However, it all starts with the choice of planting material. It is better to choose a seedling in a nursery. Various nurseries offer spruce trees whose root systems are packaged in different ways.

The root system of the seedling can be packed in a bag with a lump of earth, the spruce can be grown in a plastic container and the root system of the seedling can be open, this happens in cases where the tree is sold near a nursery, and it has just been dug up. The main thing you need to pay attention to is the condition of the plant and the quality of the root system. Only healthy trees without damage are suitable for replanting.

The crown should be evenly distributed throughout the entire trunk. For urban conditions, it is best to choose blue spruce. It tolerates replanting better, and its crown is more lush. You can, of course, dig up the beauty you like in the forest yourself.

In this case, it is best to choose a seedling small size. It will be easy to dig and easy to transport. In addition, it is better to choose a Christmas tree that grew at the edge of the forest and was well illuminated by the sun.

Then adaptation to the new place will be easier. It is very important to plant the spruce correctly. This is the most important condition good growth tree in the future. When choosing a place for a green beauty, you need to consider two points. First, there should be no other plants close to it.

The root system grows horizontally, close to the surface. Gradually it will begin to take up moisture and nutrients other plants and they will die. Second.

The distance to the house should be at least 20 m. Spruce is very wind-unresistant, and a strong gust of wind can cause an already tall tree to fall.

When to plant?

The best time to plant spruce is late autumn. This is due to the fact that the growth period for this tree begins in winter. It’s very good if on the site clay soil, although spruce can be grown on other types of soil.

How to plant a coniferous plant correctly

If the seedling was dug up in the forest with your own hands, then it will be very useful for planting to mix the soil from the site with soil brought from the place where it grew. The ratio of the types of soil in the mixture is 50/50. If nothing happened to the seedling before the onset of spring, and the Christmas tree stands as if it had just been dug up, then you have completed the task of replanting the spruce. It should be added that in the summer the seedling needs frequent watering.

TOPIC: How to properly plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country?

How to plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country? 5 years 5 months back #169

How to plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country? 5 years 5 months back #222

How to plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country? 5 years 5 months back #310

How to plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country? 5 years 5 months back #311

How to plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country? 5 years 4 months back #377

How to plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country? 5 years 4 months back #1468

  • Sveto4ka
I wonder if you want to dig up spruce and pine from the forest? They have a high mortality rate. To avoid this, you need to choose small plants from the appropriate growing conditions. That is, if you plant in the sun at your dacha, then choose plants in well-lit places, for example, on the edges. Also tie a cloth on the branches on the north side to orient the plant to the cardinal points when planting. And you probably know that you can’t bury the root collar. In general, it’s on sale now different types and varieties of spruce and pine that look more decorative compared to our local species. You can plant cedar, it’s also a pine tree.
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Re: How to properly plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country? 5 years 1 month back #2215

Re: How to properly plant a Christmas tree or pine tree in the country? 5 years 1 hour ago #2726

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, we all think about where we can get our Christmas tree this year. This is especially true for families with children, because it is under it that the wizard Santa Claus leaves gifts. If you live in a private house, the solution to your problem can be one-time and for many years - planting a spruce. This will allow you not only to significantly save money, but also to save nature by abandoning cut down trees. Where can I get it? Remember the song - “...we took a Christmas tree home from the forest!” You will learn how to transplant a Christmas tree from the forest to a plot of land in this article. (See also: How to replant a Christmas tree)

When is the best time to replant coniferous trees?

Everyone who is connected with the earth knows that replanting trees and shrubs is carried out in autumn or spring, since active sap circulation stops, all processes slow down, and the plants seem to fall asleep. In addition, it is in autumn and winter that the soil is soft, and it is easy to dig up a tree without damaging the roots of the plant. Of course, you can dig in the summer, but then the roots must be removed along with the earthen clod, and the transplanted tree is fed. The soil should be moist at any time of the year. Dig after rain or yourself, water it thoroughly a few hours before removing the tree from the soil. Another thing important point is to allocate space for a tree. When planning, keep in mind that spruce is large tree, which can grow up to 10 meters and higher and the crown of the tree spreads an average of 4-5 meters. In addition, spruce greatly depletes and dehydrates the soil, and the needles that scatter under the tree oxidize the soil. Fruit-bearing trees will not survive next to spruce, especially cherries. Apple and plum trees may coexist with their coniferous counterparts for some time, but in the end, the spruce will “win” and the “undesirable neighbor” will die.

How to transplant a spruce correctly?

For example, you have enough space on your site, and you can easily place a spruce tree on it, and maybe more than one. Then you need to start choosing a seedling. How to choose a Christmas tree for transplanting? First, examine their habitat and select several small trees. Trees up to 1.5 meters in height take root most well. If there are half-meter trees, choose one of them, then the possibility of further growth and development reaches 100%. Those trees that grow not in the thicket of the forest, but on its outskirts or far from the main forest area, take root better. (See also: How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year)If you do not have large plot, but if you want to place a forest beauty on it, dig a concrete ring into the ground or fill it with mortar around the pit to a depth of up to a meter. The main roots will go deeper and not spread throughout the entire area. By the way, about the roots. The total length of the tree roots can reach two kilometers, and the spreading diameter can be up to 20 meters. The root system of spruce is mostly superficial, and because of this, a concrete barrier can allow you to plant and grow a tree, and not destroy other trees (the distance to the spruce should be at least 5 meters). The ideal place for spruce in a small area is the perimeter . Some summer residents and cottage owners even plant hedges of spruce and other coniferous trees and shrubs (fir, juniper, boxwood, etc.). Think carefully about where and how to place the Christmas tree on the site, consult with experienced gardeners, designers, forestry specialists. (See also: How to make a Christmas tree) If in winter the owners don’t care much that nothing grows under the tree, then in spring and summer not everyone will like to see the bare soil under the tree. Every year this piece will become larger and larger, so take note of which plants can take root under the crown of your coniferous diva.

  1. bulbous, shade-loving (forget-me-not, primrose, tulip, hyacinth, hellebore, daffodils, irises, cyclamens; ferns, mosses; annuals (begonias, petunias, ageratums, salvias, mattricarias, marigolds; forest - ozhika (snow, forest), holocuns , phegopteris, wood sorrel, turf, onoclea;

Preparatory work

For transplanting and digging you will need:

  • a piece of fabric for tying the roots; ropes or ribbons of blue and red; a shovel; a bucket and a bag for the “native” soil; a wheelbarrow for transportation; fertilizer of the “Kornevin” type.

We dig a hole in the area that corresponds to the size of the root ball of the tree we like. If necessary, we construct a barrier for the roots from a concrete ring or mortar formwork.

The next stage is digging

How to dig up a Christmas tree? Under the spruce (if it is young), we dig a circle with a diameter that matches the diameter of the lower branches, and at least 30-50 cm in depth. Carefully pull the roots out of the ground, without shaking anything off, place them on a cloth, and pack them. Here it’s as convenient as you like, but often the rag is simply folded into an envelope and the corners are tied together diagonally. It is important to remember which side the spruce grew on. Mark north and south in some convenient way on fabric or wood. You can take ropes or ribbons in blue (indicating north) and red (indicating south) colors. This knowledge and marks will help you dig it up correctly and thus help you adapt faster. Also take care of the soil. Even if you live near a forest or forest, the soil is still different, and this can negatively affect the process of tree engraftment - it will hurt and wither, take a long time to adapt, or simply die. Just a couple of buckets of earth from the place where the tree grew and developed before your invasion will help you prevent this. We load the spruce and a bag of earth onto a wheelbarrow, and carefully, without shaking or breaking, we bring it to the site.

Direct landing

Place the seedling in the prepared hole without unfolding the roots, check whether there is enough space for it and whether the roots will wrinkle, curl or break. If the hole is too small, use a shovel to widen it. Untie the knots and remove the fabric. Pour in some earth that you took from the forest, lower the Christmas tree into the hole. Calculate the cardinal directions, according to the marks on the Christmas tree (ribbons), position the tree along the north-south orientation. Cover the roots with the rest of the “forest” soil, and then with your soil that you selected from the hole. Water the Christmas tree thoroughly with water and feed it with fertilizer. Carefully monitor the transplanted tree; the ground under it should not dry out.

Alternative methods of breeding conifers

If you don’t want to dig up a tree in the forest because you’re worried about losing it, but you still want a Christmas tree, you can resort to two other methods - planting shoots and growing a tree from seeds.

  • The shoots for planting should not be cut off with pruners or a knife, but should be broken so that a piece of the trunk remains with the branch. Place the twig in water to form roots. After planting it in soil that is prepared and similar to forest soil (or taken from there), make a greenhouse, water it, fertilize it, feed it. Yes, this path is much longer. In order to grow conifer tree from the seeds you need to collect ripe cones in the forest, park, square, where the trees you like (including blue spruces) grow. Dry naturally, collect the seeds that will fall out of the open fruits. Sow seeds in soil or damp sand in small containers. In spring the seedlings can be planted. Please note: if you propagate blue spruce, make sure that there are no green needles on the seedlings, leave only blue ones, and mercilessly throw away the green ones.

Spruce grows quite slowly in the first five years, but this slowness is compensated for later - after five years, the trees rapidly reach towards the sun (up to a meter per year). If you want your beauty to stop growing, pin the top. Under no circumstances should horizontal branches be trimmed - they will be lost. If you don’t have time and where to dig up a spruce, you don’t know - contact a nursery or breeder, they will provide you with seedlings of any age and size you want. Naturally, their services will cost money (and a lot of it), but the guarantee that the seedling will take root is higher than with all other options. We really hope that all the tips that have been published will be of benefit to you, and you will soon be decorating your own a Christmas tree in the yard of the house, and all the questions like “How to transplant a Christmas tree from the forest to a plot?”, “Where to place a coniferous tree?”, “How to make the tree take root?” - will remain in the past. May this New Year bring happiness, prosperity and harmony to your home. The article is the personal opinion of the author and is for informational purposes only. To solve your problem, contact a specialist. We are very glad to see your comments! Rate this article:

A fluffy, spreading spruce with bluish-gray needles is a decoration for any country house or summer cottage. To grow a spruce, you don’t need a lot of knowledge and skills, since this plant is quite unpretentious. Read about how to grow a spruce in the article below. There are several ways to grow spruce at home. The most common of them are:

  • growing from seedlings purchased from a specialized nursery.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

How to grow a spruce from seed

Growing a spruce from seed is quite difficult. In order to admire a tree you have grown yourself, you will have to work hard, and this whole process will take a lot of time. But if possible difficulties do not frighten you and you are ready to wait several years for the result, then don’t hesitate to get down to business.

Procurement of seeds

  1. The first step is to prepare spruce seeds. In order for spruce seeds to germinate, they must be completely ripe; spruce seeds finally ripen around mid-February. It is at this time that you will need to go for cones to the nearest park or forest where blue spruce trees grow. Collect the best unopened fir cones there (clean, smooth and undamaged) and bring them home. At home, put the pine cones brought from the forest into a canvas bag, tie it and place it near the radiator for several days. The cones will open in the heat, and the seeds will naturally spill out of them. Discard the cones, lightly rub the seeds and blow off the broken impellers. Rinse the seeds, briefly hold them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, spread them on a paper towel and dry well. Pour the dry seeds into a glass jar, cover it with a lid and put the seeds in the refrigerator until planting time.

How to plant spruce seeds

  1. Plant spruce seeds in the ground in late April - early May. Prepare the soil for planting seeds in advance - build a mini-greenhouse in the garden and replace the top layer of soil in it with a mixture of meadow soil, peat and coarse river sand. For better germination, add to the substrate complex fertilizers with a long period of action. Before planting, carefully level the surface of the substrate in the greenhouse and compact it thoroughly. Remove the seeds from the refrigerator, soak them in a medium-pink solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours, then dry them slightly and sow directly on the surface of the soil in the greenhouse (the soil before this is well spill). No need to bury the seeds! After sowing, cover them with a thin (1 - 1.5 cm) layer of peat or sawdust and cover the greenhouse with film.

Time to plant. New Year's coniferous plants.

How to care for spruce seedlings

  1. In ten days you will see the first shoots. When the tiny Christmas trees grow a little (this will take about a month), thin out their rows slightly and leave the best and strongest specimens. After the warm weather has finally settled in, remove the film. Water young seedlings moderately, just try to maintain a minimum natural humidity soil. On hot days, spray the seedlings with water a couple of times a day. If possible, treat young Christmas trees several times during the summer with solutions of fungicides and insecticides, but you no longer need to fertilize them. Next year, in March or November, plant spruce seedlings. Christmas trees need to be transplanted into the school after they have grown to ten centimeters, and they are planted in a permanent place at the age of three.

If you did everything correctly, then in five years your garden will already have half-meter fluffy Christmas trees, but it is not a fact that they will all be blue (according to statistics from seeds collected from blue spruce trees, only a third of the Christmas trees grow with blue needles - the rest have needles of the usual green color). In order to be guaranteed to have a blue beauty on your site, the spruce must be grown from a varietal seedling.