Beautiful designs of country houses. Projects of country houses. Country house combined with a bathhouse or sauna

Lovers of nature and country life who did not have time to acquire at least a 6 by 6 frame garden house , but having land plot, usually dream of at least some kind of refuge in their possessions. Making a home with my own hands scares most citizens. But in vain. Today you can find a sea of ​​information about step by step construction, from experienced craftsmen. It will not only give you confidence, relieving you of worries and fears. Using the recommendations of professionals, you can carry out all the necessary manipulations competently and in the proper order, significantly saving on hiring a work team.

Of course, it’s a good idea to use the services of specialists. They guarantee (most often) quality, and lead times will be noticeably reduced. construction work. But if the budget is limited and you want, or have a desire to try yourself in such an interesting business, nothing prevents you from rolling up your sleeves and building a garden house cheaply. An additional bonus is that for yourself everything is usually done exactly as you imagine and dream. Sometimes it can be difficult to explain your vision to hired employees.

Then the walls are assembled from the timber, fastening the joints with dowels. It is laid between the crowns. In general, insulation is desirable for each next layer. For an economy class home, they usually use a tourniquet or tow. Next, work begins on.


For rafters, a board with a cross-section of 150x25 or 100x50 mm is used. You will also need roofing felt with glassine. To make the task easier, racks measuring one and a half meters are placed in the center of the building, and a beam is attached to them. The rafters are placed on the resulting structure.

One-story roof installation garden house on the frame may take only one day. Kind of specific roofing material is chosen individually, according to one’s own capabilities and taste. Do not forget about the climate characteristics of the area where you live future home owner Sheets of ordinary galvanized iron are often used.


Using glassine

The finished frame must be covered with glassine, and only the selected finishing material is mounted on it. It can be different, in accordance with the budget and preferences of the owner. Looks great, which is attached with self-tapping screws.

One-story frame garden houses, finished on the outside, look attractive wooden clapboard or siding. Both wooden and plastic windows. Doors made of wood or an imitation of this material will look natural. the interior of the room can also be covered with clapboard. Or you can cover them with plasterboard, which is then covered with paint or wallpaper. The floor is made of planks.

Approximate cost

Projects garden houses

The garden house is distinguished by its small dimensions. This is explained by the fact that most plots in collective gardens and SNT are very modest in size. Six acres is a standard allotment, which was provided to almost everyone during Soviet times.

Typical layout of a small country house

Modern gardens boast a larger plot area, but this land is more often used for growing fruit and vegetable crops, and it is impractical to plant on it, which will occupy a significant part of the plot.

Therefore, the layout of a garden house must meet two criteria: to achieve maximum comfort and functionality with a minimum area. Appearance also plays an important role, but its presence is not at all necessary.

Today there are projects of various garden houses on the market. They are adapted to all types of existing building materials. can be made from:

  • bricks;
  • piece blocks;
  • logs;
  • timber;
  • using frame-panel technology.

    frame-panel house project

    Such a variety of materials allows you to choose optimal project country house. from piece materials more durable and reliable, but their construction will take a lot of time and will cost the owner of the site more. The price will be higher not only due to the more used expensive materials, but also for the need to arrange a solid foundation due to the heavy weight of the entire structure.

    Houses made of wood are cheaper and more environmentally friendly. The tree will fit very organically into the atmosphere of the garden. The construction of such a house is possible on cheaper and less labor-intensive foundations, for example, screw piles are suitable.

    If the house will be used not only in summer, but also in winter, then it is much easier to heat a house made of wood until optimal temperature than stone.

    A garden house using frame-panel technology is a fairly new proposal, but it fully justifies itself in this market niche.

    Layout of a country house using frame-panel technology

    It is built even faster than, since it does not require long exposure of the box for the material to shrink. You can begin installing windows, doors and finishing, both interior and exterior, immediately after completing the installation of the frame and roof. It takes only a month and a half to build such a turnkey structure.

    The cost also turns out to be much more attractive than that of houses made of other materials. User characteristics comparable to wooden house, but the guaranteed service life is about 25 - 30 years, which is significantly inferior to stone houses.

    Number of storeys and dimensions of the garden house

    A classic garden house is one with a building area not exceeding an area of ​​20 square meters. The plan of the house was extremely simple: such a structure contained only one room, and without a vestibule or a dedicated hallway.

    Layout of two floors of a country house

    The area was arranged quite chaotically, but most often in the house there was a kitchen table with a minimum set of necessary utensils, sofa or bed used as a sleeping place. The rest of the space was taken up by gardening tools, accessories, clothing and seedlings. As a rule, there was no electricity in such houses.

    Today, the requirements for a garden house have changed. Despite the fact that it still remains a small building, in terms of comfort and functionality it should not be inferior to a full-fledged one residential building. If this is still considered an unnecessary luxury, although most of the drawings provide for the room, then electricity is a must.

    The vast majority bring water into the house.
    Classic designs garden houses offer solutions with a building footprint not exceeding .

    Layout option for a small garden house

    More the exception than the rule, and more. This is due to the fact that such a house is very difficult to fit harmoniously and correctly into a small plot, without thereby violating the rules for developing collective gardens, and also to leave enough space for gardening experiments.

    If necessary, increase existing square meters, the building is expanded upward, that is, or full second floor. This allows you to double the usable area.

    This optimal solution, if you often come to the garden and stay overnight or you host your friends and acquaintances here. For the usual needs of a gardener, the area of ​​one floor is sufficient.

    Layout options for garden houses

    The layout of the house will depend on its size, number of floors, the number of people who use the building regularly, as well as the existing communications connected to the house.

    Layout of a garden house with a combined living room and kitchen

    The use of electricity is provided for in almost every project; there may be no running water, since some gardens use summer outdoor running water and showers. Gas and sewerage are the exception rather than the rule in the layout of such houses. A nice addition may be a small stove or fireplace, which will allow you to comfortably use the garden house even in the cool season or occasionally come to the garden in winter.

    One-room country houses

    This type of layout is typical for very small buildings. The outside of the house is a regular rectangle, and inside there is a room of the same shape. Depending on the size, the building can be supplemented with one or two windows. The entrance group is usually located on the side of a wide facade. Roof type at customer's choice. It could be , or it could be . There are even interesting options, when the roof drops to the ground, creating the illusion of a hut.

    The most common sizes of such a house are 3x3, 3x4 and 4x4. There are slightly enlarged versions 3x5 and 2.5x5.

    When planning to build such a house, you can even refuse to choose the classic technology, but contact specialized companies and choose one for yourself ready-made option. You can see it on your site in a few days, maximum in a week. Such a house will be completely ready for living and use.

    3x3 garden house layout option

    Alternatively, the plan of such a house may include a veranda or canopy. In the first option, this is a partially open or glazed unheated space, in the second, a dark, completely enclosed unheated room. Both options involve combination with a porch. For the convenience of planning the area, the entrance from the street is from the end, that is, in the narrow part of the extension.

    drawing and layout of a 3x4 house with a veranda

    Garden house with two rooms

    Two rooms can be present in the drawing of a garden house if it measures at least 4 by 4.5 meters. In this case, you can select a room combined with a dining room and a separate room, which will be a bedroom and a living room at the same time. Such a house can be equipped with small covered vestibules, where there is a hanger for outerwear and street shoes.

    With a house size of 4x5, you can also select two separate rooms. The plan of such a building can contain up to three windows in a heated living area.

    layout option for a two-story house made of 4x5 timber

    The first room is a utility area; it houses an entrance hall, a kitchen and a dining room. This room will also play the role of a vestibule, blocking access to cold street air into the living room. The second room is the living room-bedroom. Houses with a 4x6 building area can be zoned using the same principle.

    Option for a garden house with two 6x6 rooms

Any construction of a country house begins with a search for ideas on which the project will build. In my selections I strive to introduce you to interesting ideas, give food for your inspiration. Also in this selection today I offer options for small country houses, interesting in their organization.

Some of the houses are quite compact and comfortable, some are spacious and suitable for big family. Planning future construction at the dacha, pay attention to these country house projects. Even if you don’t need anything, you will still get some ideas about what you need in the end.

All designers recommend starting the selection of projects for building a house in advance, so that there is an opportunity to work out all the points and nuances. There will be modifications without any doubt, these are working moments and you should be prepared for them. Some improvements and adjustments are inevitable.

The idea of ​​an open veranda in a country house

The best thing is if there is at least six months, or even more, left before the proposed construction. Such terms will allow you to understand whether you have chosen the right housing or not. It is always easier to rework a project than to come to terms with the fact that you will not live in the house of your dreams, but in a simple house.

When choosing a country house, take into account all the points, for example, the presence of children and older adults. Perhaps you have a pet, in which case, immediately plan design options for him too.

Explore everything possible options materials for the house - from bricks to frames. Choose the one that suits you. Some people like solidity, while others like speed of construction and budget.

When preparing your project, also take into account the amount that you will have to spend on fasteners, Consumables, and similar things related to construction. Always put in a reserve amount, you never know...

Project of a country house with a flat roof

If you need a small country house for living in the country in the summer, then this project may interest you. Availability large windows compensates for the small internal space. In the warm season, the house will solve two problems - provide you with a roof over your head and at the same time serve as an open gazebo.

Project of a country house with a roof without an attic

I really love projects like this, I like it design solution with a flat slanting roof. The interior of the house is also very stylish and modern.

Country house layout

The living room space is combined with the kitchen into a single whole; the ceiling in this part of the house is higher than in the part where the bedroom is located. Between the bedroom and living room there is a corridor leading to the bathroom and storage room. Also, please note that there is an outdoor toilet behind the bedroom wall, so that you can visit the restroom if necessary without entering the house. This bathroom is in no way connected to the rest of the rooms.

Project of a country house with an attic

The second project from today’s selection is interesting because it includes a very spacious attic. You can arrange it in the attic large bedroom, or a room for your hobby, for example, a workshop, I say this as an artist! It is very convenient to use the attic space for an office.

At the entrance to the house we are greeted by a kitchen-dining room, to the right of it is a living room, further along the corridor to the right is a bedroom, and straight ahead is a bathroom with a bathtub. From the living room you can take a staircase to the attic floor.

If desired, the attic space can be divided into several rooms, for example, to create another bedroom and a study. Or a bedroom and storage room. There are many options.

Project of a country house with a garage

A family with a car would probably be interested in this house with a garage. Such a project can be built both at the dacha and on land for individual housing construction. This house is quite suitable for year-round living.

From the porch of the house we enter the combined kitchen and living room, which can also be accessed from the garage. By the way, the garage has another exit to the yard through a side door. From the living room you can access the bedrooms and the bathroom with bathtub. There is also a basement accessible by stairs.

Small country house project

The next project is suitable for those for whom it is important to simply reboot at the dacha, to be alone with nature for some time, and most of the time the dacha will be empty. Similar houses are very common in Scandinavia, where they are built in the forests, on their own land, and people come and simply relax from the bustle of the city.

This house is small, I would even say that it is a permanent tent. However, I consider this project an option for the time that the main house is being built; in the future, the building can be converted into a guest house.

Natural light enters the house through skylights located under the roof. The option, in my opinion, is very interesting and nice. And considering that in the summer we mostly only sleep indoors, the solution for a summer house is quite worthy.

I generally have a weakness for small houses, and in the future I will repeatedly publish interesting options for such buildings. Stay tuned!

Small country house project

Project of a small country house for two people

Well, the final, fifth project combines compactness and thoughtful organization of living space. By looking at the house plan you will understand what I'm talking about.

From the porch we enter the living room, in the far part of which there is a corner of the kitchen and a small bathroom with a shower, then small bedroom. Also on the second tier of the house there is another bedroom and storage space.

Interior of a small country house

In the West, there is a special direction in the design of projects of such compact houses, which have everything, while their area is very small. It is precisely these houses that I am going to do another series of publications about.

As you can see, even very small cottages look modern and stylish. However, you can always buy a trailer and not worry about where to spend the night and store your things. Well, if you are closer modern projects country houses, then I’m happy to help you make a decision.

As always, I will be glad to see your feedback, comments, and suggestions! I hope that you liked my selection today and that you have chosen something for yourself, or at least established yourself in the direction of where to move in the future.

I have another selection on the topic -. I suggest you get to know them too - there are a lot of interesting things there!

The dream of many citizens is a beautiful small house outside the city, where you can escape from the city noise and bustle, hide from the heat, and feel the pleasant freshness of the earth under your feet instead of hot asphalt. But not everyone’s dreams come true; it seems that a country house is complicated, expensive, and time-consuming. In fact, building a country house with your own hands is quite simple.

Planning the space

Choosing a location for a future country house is not the time for hasty decisions, because there is not that much space. Thoughtful, competent planning will help you use every piece of land as efficiently as possible. Even though this is your land, you will have to fulfill a number of requirements, maintaining a minimum distance:

  • from the street – 5 m
  • from the passage – 3 m
  • from the neighboring plot - 3 m

We are not considering the option with a low area - water will accumulate there. Optimally, the highest place on the site is in its northern (northwestern) part.

Projects of small country houses

Considering standard projects country houses, it is easy to see that the undisputed favorite is one-story building with an attic. This is a time-tested option for a country house, but you can dispense with the utility unit, because equipment and household supplies can be stored in the attic.

You can add a terrace to the house - in summer it can be used as a dining room. Two-story country houses often obtained without actually constructing a “clean” second floor, having arranged instead attic. Then on the ground floor you can plan a kitchen and living room, and the second floor - for the personal space (bedrooms) of the owners.

Advice! You can save significantly on the heating system - even at the most modest prices for installing a classic one (boiler, pipes and radiators) accounts for 15-20% of the total budget. If you are building a small country house with your own hands, where you plan to live only during the “season” (late spring - early autumn), then to heat it in bad weather, you can get by with electric or infrared heaters.

Prefabricated country houses are becoming very popular - unpretentious, outwardly monotonous parallelepipeds with roof We replaced architecturally interesting buildings with an improved layout, one or two floors.

You buy a kind of construction kit, such a country house can be easily erected with only basic knowledge about construction. The main thing is that it already includes all the systems - electrical wiring, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing. This will help avoid many mistakes that beginners make when they decide to build a country house with their own hands.

A prefabricated country house is designed for a long holiday with family or friends; it is larger in area, can be one or two floors, with an improved layout. This house is equipped technical room, kitchen, rest rooms and bathroom, equipped with a heating, ventilation, air conditioning system, and supplied with electricity.

The house can be equipped with a water heater, sink, countertop, hanging shelves, shower cabin, necessary plumbing. After installing such a country house, no additional repair work, it is completely ready for use.

Laying the foundation

The choice of foundation type is directly related to the choice of material from which the house will be built, as well as the number of storeys. Light houses (from rounded wood, timber, frame houses and modular) can be erected on a columnar or screw foundation, heavy (brick, aerated concrete, stone, concrete blocks) And two-story houses will require laying a strip foundation (as an option - prefabricated, made of reinforced concrete blocks) along the entire perimeter and under load-bearing walls Houses.

It is important to know the depth of soil freezing - the foundation should be laid below this level, taking into account the level at which groundwater lies.

In the basement part it is required to install waterproofing at a level of 0.2-0.5 m from the ground. If the soil is dry enough (sand), you can use it as a screed cement-sand screed 2-4 cm thick. For wet soil, roofing material will need to be laid on top of such a screed - in two layers. As an option, roofing felt can be glued onto a dry screed using hot mastic. Waterproofing is installed below the expected level of laying the floor beams.

Advice! In the basement, to ensure ventilation of the subfloor, small holes are made, which are covered with a protective mesh.

A blind area is created around the base, its width is at least 70 cm (it should protrude further than the overhang of the cornice), with a slight slope directed from the walls of the house. To do this, the top layer of earth is removed, clay (sand) is poured, a layer of crushed stone (gravel, broken brick) is poured on top of it and filled with concrete (rolled with asphalt).

Floor and walls

Flooring begins with laying joists. To insulate the floor, insulation is laid between the joists, on top of which a vapor barrier is laid. It is attached to the joists with a stapler, and the joints are taped. Then the subfloor is laid, for which they use an unedged, cheapest board, having previously treated it with an agent against dampness and rot. And only then the finished floor is laid out. IN two-story house the frame for the floor on the second floor is ceiling beams first.

I can no longer imagine myself in the city in the summer, especially on hot days, when I want to escape from the stuffy metropolis into nature. For me, a dacha is, first of all, a place where I relax, where I draw strength directly from the ground I walk on and from the air I breathe.

We build everything on our site with our own hands, without hiring workers. Even if it takes a long time, it allows you to fully experience the process, because it is the process that in this case and important. And according to my observations, many people love dachas precisely because of this.

But even if you decide that construction is for professionals and decide to hire a team, then it’s okay! Get inspired, look for your project and be happy on your land in your home!

Choosing a place to build a country house with your own hands

There are many opinions about where it is better to locate the future home. In any case, the final decision is always made locally, so general recommendations may be as follows: from neighboring areas by 3 meters, from the street by 5 meters, from the passage by 3 meters.

Country house with your own hands - where to build on the site

In the diagram below, everything is laid out according to distances, look, study, apply on your site. If you have a summer cottage plot of 6 acres, or 9 acres, and you do not plan to sell it, then you can simply put it anywhere, this is your right. All norms are conditional, except for the distances to neighbors, but even here there are houses that are located literally on the border.

Projects of small country houses

Within the framework of this material, I do not set out to talk about all stages of construction. I just want to introduce you to some interesting ideas and present you with different options for consideration.

For simple country houses we can offer one-story project no attic. Dimensions 6 x 7 meters. The house has a lot of space; you can place both a utility unit and living quarters.

The project of a one-story country house is growing!

It’s rare to see a house without a terrace or some kind of structure for outdoor recreation. Therefore, either immediately think about a house with a porch, or create the opportunity in the future to make an additional extension for gatherings. Summer is so short and spending it indoors, even in a country house, is not at all interesting.

Projects of country houses with an attic

One-story buildings may be of interest to those who use the dacha exclusively for temporary residence, let’s say, for weekend visits. There are also those who live on their own summer cottage all warm season. Such people are recommended to build a house with an attic in order to make more optimal use of the space on the site.

Project of a house with an attic and small terrace- increases!

On the second attic floor you can place a bedroom or a storage room for everything that may not be in demand for a long time.

The project of a house with a terrace and an attic is increasing!

If you love views and cannot imagine yourself without horizons, then plan a living room in the attic, in this case you will always be aware of what is happening in the area.

Here's another one interesting project a one-story country house that you can build with your own hands. He is with open veranda, bedroom, living room combined with kitchen, bathroom and utility room. An option for those who like solidity and compactness.

Do-it-yourself country house - option with an attic

Very nice idea project of a country house with an attic, the plan can be enlarged and everything can be examined in detail. Please note that the project includes bathrooms both on the ground floor and in the attic.

DIY country house - a simple project

Another simple project for a country house with a kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom. Such plans, of course, involve some expenses for kitchen utensils and plumbing. But if you plan to spend some time at your dacha, then I think it’s better to organize everything fully than to go to the toilet on the outskirts of the site.

Same interesting solution country house with your own hands. You can enlarge the plan and look at everything in detail. This house also has a combined living room with kitchen, bedroom, open terrace, bathroom and utility room.

Do-it-yourself fairytale country house

And I called this project a fairy tale house. It has a single space, with a kitchen front and a separate bathroom. The house also has a fireplace. Such a building can be a second house on the site, where you can accommodate guests who visit you.

Do-it-yourself country house - Laying the foundation

Typically, lightweight country houses can be placed on a columnar foundation. The figure above shows an example of this type of foundation. It is best to use dense stone, but concrete pillars are also often used. A layer of gravel should be poured under the stone; this will be a cushion that will absorb all soil deformations.

Please note that the thicker the gravel layer, the more securely your building will stand. A layer of waterproofing must be laid between the gravel and the soil.

On such a columnar foundation you can build houses made of timber, logs, frame buildings. Even a house with an attic can withstand such a foundation.

You can get acquainted with the classification of strip foundations by clicking on the figure above.

The diagram above shows an example of a brick strip foundation. In the figure you can see what points need to be taken into account during construction. This includes waterproofing, a plinth, and the presence of a blind area so that water from the roof does not leak under the foundation.
When laying the foundation for a house, take into account the depth of soil freezing and the groundwater level.

The figure shows an example of proper foundation laying, taking into account freezing and water level.

Separately, I would like to say about the blind area - it is necessary when strip foundations. The picture above illustrates everything perfectly. Thus, the blind area prevents the foundation from becoming damp and prevents its destruction.

DIY country house - Floor and walls

Floors are laid on logs, usually a thick board 50 x 150 mm. 100 mm insulation is placed between the joists.

We made a sheathing from a rough board under the joists, from below, and insulation was already placed on it. A vapor barrier was spread on top and secured to the joists using a stapler. And already on the vapor barrier, taking into account the space for ventilation, a subfloor was laid, on which an OSB board was laid. You can also lay a board. Whoever likes it. We also laid linoleum on top.

In the photo you can see the stage of laying insulation between the joists on the floor. The insulation is 50 mm thick, so it is laid in two layers, offset.

DIY country house walls

The most affordable technology for building a country house with your own hands is frame structures.

The photo shows a typical frame frame, which will later be sheathed on the outside and inside, and insulation will be placed in the cavity. Such structures are convenient, quick to build, do not require large investments, and their quality is quite suitable for living during the summer season.

Outside and inside, you can sheathe the frame with OSB sheets, with insulation between the sheathing, this is both quick and inexpensive. Then you can cover the outside with siding and the inside with clapboard.

However, the outside can also be lined with natural clapboard and then varnished. Good decision for country residence.

DIY country house - Roof installation

Now briefly about the roof. Usually it is made gable, but sometimes it can be single-pitch. For example, we have a kitchen with pitched roof, and the living space has a gable roof. But this is for now, since we are planning to add a terrace to the kitchen, precisely facing the gable.

Study the above drawing, it gives instructions on how to attach the rafters to the mauerlat, and also shows how to make a ridge.

The figure shows an approximate roof installation diagram. What goes on the roof and in what order.

Here is another roof covering scheme. Study and build!

In the final stage, windows and doors are usually installed and finishing is done. But this is no longer included in the format of this article. That's it for me at home! But the topic is not closed, I will return to it regularly.