Cruciferous family - Brussels sprouts: growing in open ground. Planting Brussels sprouts seedlings in beds. Selection of the best varieties

In this article we will teach you how to plant Brussels sprouts correctly. . We'll tell you what the soil should be like and how often you need to water the plant. Not only will you learn something new, but you will also learn several interesting facts about cabbage.

Did you know? Carl Linnaeus was the first to scientifically describe cabbage, calling it Brussels cabbage in honor of the Belgian gardeners from Brussels. In Belgium, Brussels sprouts were developed from ordinary kale.

Proper planting of Brussels sprouts

Often, improper planting can lead to at least a poor ovary, and in the worst case, to the death of the plant. Therefore, we will find out when and how to plant Brussels sprouts.

Soil requirements

A special mixture is prepared for the seeds (turf soil + sand in equal proportions). After this, 2 tablespoons of wood ash and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate are added to this mixture. earth mixture fill the seedling boxes and water them with the preparation “Hom” (15 g per 5 liters of water). Furrows 1 cm deep are made in the substrate (the distance between the furrows is 10 cm), after which the seeds are placed, covered with soil, and pressed lightly.

The temperature in the room with the boxes should be about 20˚C. The light does not have to be good, but you should not store boxes in a cellar or basement with complete absence lighting. After a week, shoots begin. During this period, you need to reduce the temperature during the day to +6-8˚С, and at night – to +9-12˚С.

Important! The temperature is reduced after germination so that the plant becomes stronger and can be planted in open ground.

After the first true leaf appears on a young cabbage, it can be picked (transplanted) to another place (a more spacious box or glass). It is also worth knowing that when picking to another place, the cabbage must be buried in the soil up to the cotyledon leaves. Seedlings need to be watered room temperature+18-20˚С. It is important to fertilize the seedlings. This is done in 2 stages:

  1. After the appearance of two leaves young plant, it is fed with a nutrient solution (half a microelement tablet per 1 liter of water).
  2. During the hardening period of seedlings. At this time, feeding is a mixture of 1 spoon of urea and potassium sulfate per bucket of water (70-100 ml is poured under each plant).

Before planting cabbage on the plot, you need to harden it. To do this, 15 days before transplanting, boxes/cups with seedlings must be regularly taken out into the sun and hardened at low temperatures (it is important not to overdo it, after all, the plant has not yet become strong).

Seedlings ready for planting in open ground should have 5-6 leaves, a stem thickness of about 5 cm and a height of at least 20 cm. A week before planting, watering is completely stopped (this will not harm the plant). The day before landing in open ground The plant is watered abundantly so that as much soil as possible sticks to the roots.

When sowing Brussels sprouts, it is imperative to carry out preparatory steps. Before planting, seeds should be wrapped in a damp cloth for 4-5 days. After this, the seeds are dipped in warm water (50˚C) for 15 minutes, and then in cold water for a minute (these actions are carried out to prevent possible diseases). Next, the seeds are soaked in a nitrophoska solution (1 tsp per 1 liter of water) for 15-16 hours.

For better resistance to frost, seeds are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of -1˚C. These actions are important, as they rid the plant of diseases and pests and increase resistance to frost.

Optimal planting dates

Seeds are planted in different terms, which depend on the cabbage variety. Early varieties begin to be planted in mid-March, late varieties - from April 10. Ready seedlings are planted in open ground in early June.

Planting pattern and depth

You have Brussels sprouts seedlings, now you need to properly plant them in open ground. To do this, you need to follow certain planting rules.

Since the plant grows to an impressive size, you need to allocate enough space when planting on the site. The width between rows must be at least 0.6 m. In a row, the distance between plants should be at least 40-50 cm. The planting depth should correspond to the length of the roots of the seedlings. In this case, it is better to hide the stem a little in the ground than to leave the roots on the surface.

Did you know? Brussels sprouts are recommended as dietary product for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The subtleties of growing and caring for Brussels sprouts

We looked at how to plant Brussels sprouts for seedlings, now we move on to the rules of caring for the plant.

Good and bad predecessors

Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is worth remembering what grew in this place before. There are crops after which it is possible and even necessary to plant Brussels sprouts. But there are also those after which the plant cannot be planted.

You should not plant Brussels sprouts after the following crops:white or any other cabbage, beets, turnips, tomatoes, radishes and radishes. If you plant Brussels sprouts after these crops, you may forget about a good harvest.

Important! After bad predecessors, the place for planting Brussels sprouts will be unsuitable for another 3 years.

If you plant Brussels sprouts after legumes, green manure, potatoes, onions, cucumbers or grains, then additional feeding does not need to be added to the ground. These crops are excellent predecessors to Brussels sprouts.

Watering and fertilizing cabbage

We will begin our consideration of fertilizers for Brussels sprouts by describing the soil that is ideal for the plant. Indeed, depending on the soil, the amount of fertilizer will be different.

This crop is not demanding on the substrate, but it is worth choosing loamy, fertile soil that “breathes” well. The soil should be moist, but during drought the cabbage will not dry out due to the structure of the root system. If you plan to plant on new land, then you should add about 4-5 kg ​​of humus per meter of occupied area, or use the following mix: urea, superphosphate, potassium chloride and nitroammophoska.

Important! These fertilizers must be applied to unoccupied soil, otherwise the Brussels sprouts will produce a meager harvest and may become diseased.

After fertilizing, the beds are dug up and watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (1.5 g per 5 liters of water). Another treatment option is the drug Fitosporin, which is used 2 weeks before planting.

10 days after planting the cabbage seedlings, you need to feed them with nitrogen fertilizers.(do not overdo it, otherwise the plant will die). At the end of July - August, you need to apply a second portion of fertilizing - potassium phosphate fertilizers.

Water Brussels sprouts sparingly. In hot weather, you can flood the plant a little more, with high humidity You can refuse watering. Don't overwater the cabbage, otherwise you'll end up with root rot.

Hilling and loosening the soil

During the growth process, Brussels sprouts are hilled several times with a small layer of soil (this must be done carefully so as not to cover the lower heads of cabbage).

Important! To strengthen a tall plant, stakes are installed to which the plant is tied.

As stated above, the plant loves soil that allows oxygen to pass through well. Therefore, it is worth frequently loosening the soil so that the roots of the plant do not suffocate.

Pest protection

Pest protection is as important as watering and fertilizing the plant. Without treatment or prevention of diseases, you will not get the desired harvest.

Brussels sprouts are susceptible to the same pests as cabbage. Therefore, if Brussels sprouts and white cabbage are planted on the site, then prevention should be carried out in both species.

1. Cruciferous flea beetles

The following solution will help protect against them: 1 tbsp. l. 70% vinegar per 10 liters of water. A one-time treatment is enough.

A biological cure for flea beetles is lettuce, which is planted in the rows.

Holes on irregularly shaped leaves are made by insects, the adults of which do not harm the plant. The damage is caused by the larvae. They are deposited by a fly in the soil near the plant. The larvae destroy young plants of early varieties.

It is better to fight the pest before the cabbage is damaged. To do this, sprinkle the soil around the plant with a mixture (100 g of wood ash, tobacco dust and 1 liter of ground black pepper). A tobacco solution is also used (200 g of tobacco per 10 liters of water with the addition of 1 liter of soap). The solution is cooled, filtered and sprayed on both the plant itself and the soil near it.

Butterflies that lay eggs on reverse side cabbage leaf Green caterpillars completely eat the leaves and heads of cabbage.

The pest must be dealt with promptly so that the plant does not dry out. You can use a solution of wood ash (300 g of ash and 1 spoon of liquid soap per 10 liters of water). Hilling and loosening the soil also slows down the spread of caterpillars.

The most simple option is a fine mesh used to cover the bushes. Thus, the butterfly simply will not be able to lay eggs on the leaves.

You need to fight aphids as follows: 150 g of wood ash, 150 g of shag, 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap, 1 tbsp. l. ground mustard; pour the mixture with 2-3 liters of hot water (80-85˚C) and leave for 24 hours. After the solution has infused, add 7 liters of water and filter. The treatment is carried out once every 3-4 days, spraying the affected areas with aphids. Others are also suitable when fighting aphids traditional methods, which can also be applied to Brussels sprouts.

These pests can be easily removed mechanically, however, if the bushes are very badly affected, traditional methods of pest control can be used. To kill snails and slugs, you need to prepare a mixture: 2 tablespoons of ground pepper, 2 tablespoons of mustard, 2 tablespoons of salt and 500 g of wood ash. On a sunny day, sprinkle the soil around the Brussels sprouts with the mixture and immediately loosen it to a depth of 4-5 cm. On the same day, in the evening, treat it a second time (500 g of ash + 1 tablespoon of ground pepper). The mixture is sprinkled over the body of the plant.

Treatment is carried out at intervals of 4-5 days.

Harvest and storage

Let's move on to the final point, in which we will tell you how to collect and store Brussels sprouts.

Early varieties of Brussels sprouts are harvested in one go, late varieties - in 2-3 approaches. When collecting heads of cabbage from early varieties, a week before harvesting, they tear off all the leaves on the bush (they cut down the bush at the base, and only then pick off the heads of cabbage).

Growing Brussels sprouts from seeds is suitable for people who are patient and unhurried. Although, like all cabbages, it sprouts quite quickly, it grows and develops for a long time - up to 180 days, which is six months. Here in the Urals you cannot grow it simply by sowing seeds in the ground. You should start sowing in early to mid-March. This cabbage is not only unusual in appearance, but also very healthy.

Brussels sprouts contain several times more protein than white or cauliflower. Cabbage contains a lot of minerals, vitamin C, the amount of which does not decrease during storage or processing. Brussels sprouts are included in the diet menu for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, accelerate wound healing, and restore strength after serious illnesses.

Now let's take a closer look,

How to Grow Brussels Sprouts from Seeds

Seed preparation

To grow strong and healthy plants cabbage, you need to take care first of all about the seeds. To prevent mucous or vascular bacteriosis, seeds are kept in water at 50°C for 20-30 minutes, followed by rapid cooling with running water.

In private household plots, the drug immunocytophyte can be used for pre-sowing treatment of cabbage seeds. 0.3-0.45 g of the drug is taken per 10-15 ml of water. This solution can treat 5 g of seeds.

Please note: in no case should you treat seeds with several preparations at once; you need to choose one, otherwise the sowing quality of the seeds will decrease.

If you are going to sow about two dozen cabbage seeds, it is better to “splurge” on high-quality hybrid seeds. They are disinfected from fungal infections by the producers; they are sown without disinfection, heating or soaking.

But even the highest quality seeds that produce strong, friendly shoots are only the first successes that need to be consolidated proper agricultural technology. Although Brussels sprouts grow quite well in the Urals and Siberia, since our climate is not particularly hot. But she also loves good care.

Soil for seedlings

For sowing cabbage seedlings prepare a planting mixture from 1 part of good garden soil (it is taken where cruciferous vegetables have not grown for the last several years - all types of cabbage, radishes, radishes, daikon) and 2 parts of compost.

You can prepare a seed mixture of 3 parts humus, 1 part soil and 1 part sand. Such a mixture must be disinfected by steaming or freezing.

After disinfection, the soil mixture must sit for two weeks so that microbiological processes are restored. It would be good to populate it with soil microorganisms by adding vermicompost, Baikal EM-1, Agrovit before sowing.

Without any hassle, you can sow seeds in special soil for growing seedlings, for example, “Agrobalt”, “Living Earth”. It has the necessary acidity, it is light, free from weed seeds and pathogens, loose, nutritious.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are usually sown in boxes with a depth of at least 7 cm. The containers must be washed with hot water and disinfected with soda (10 g per liter warm water), dried. Only after this the soil mixture is poured into them. A few days before sowing, the soil in the boxes is moistened, and on the day of sowing it is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can use Fitosporin.

The seeds are placed in grooves every 1-1.5 cm, to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Rows are arranged every 3-4 cm. Sprinkled with earth. Having finished sowing, the surface is lightly compacted with a plank, moistened with warm water from a spray bottle and covered with film to maintain moisture.

At a temperature of 20 degrees, cabbage sprouts already on the 3-5th day. As soon as the first loops appear, the film must be urgently removed and the container moved to a light windowsill. It is advisable to provide additional light to the emerging shoots so that the seedlings do not stretch out.

Daylight hours for cabbage seedlings are extended to 16-18 hours. If it is not possible to provide additional lighting, it is recommended to sow the seeds later - in the second ten days of February.

For emerging seedlings, the temperature is reduced to 6-10 degrees within a week. You can take the seedlings out to a glassed-in loggia or place them overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

But also for more adult seedlings The temperature should be limited: in the sun no more than 14-18°C, on cloudy days - 12-16°C, at night not lower than 8-10 degrees. More heat contributes to the fact that seedlings stretch out, get sick longer after transplantation, and suffer from low temperatures after planting in the garden.

Particularly negatively affects the quality of seedlings elevated temperature, combined with low illumination.


Seedlings with one true leaf are planted in cups (6x6 cm) filled with the same nutrient mixture as for sowing seeds. Before transplanting, the seedlings are watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, carefully picked up by the cotyledon leaves and planted one at a time in a glass. It is important that the roots do not bend when planting (long ones can be pinched). The seedlings are buried down to the cotyledon leaves.

After this, the seedlings are shaded for three days, and they try to make the air around them more humid. To do this, it is enough to periodically spray the seedlings with water.

Brussels sprouts seedlings in cassettes

Watering and fertilizing seedlings

Cabbage is moisture-loving, but this does not mean that the seedlings need to be flooded. Cabbage grows well only when its roots “breathe”; it cannot tolerate stagnant water. In waterlogged soil in plants

The roots rot, it is affected by the black leg and dies. But lack of moisture is also negative for plants: it retards their growth.

The planted seedlings are watered after the soil in the pots has dried. It's better to do this in the morning.

Water for irrigation should not be cold. By sharply cooling the soil, cold water reduces root activity. At this time, the leaves continue to evaporate moisture in the same way as before watering (nothing has changed for them). It turns out that after watering cold water Less moisture begins to flow to the leaves. As a result, the seedlings weaken, grow worse, and become vulnerable to diseases.
For the same reason, cold watering is undesirable for adult plants. A week before planting, the seedlings stop watering.

When 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are fed: 1-2 g of Kemira-lux (or mortar) per liter of water. For 4-5 plants, 1 glass of solution is enough. Feed carefully, trying to nutrient solution didn't get on the leaves.

The second time the seedlings are fed a week and a half before transplanting into open ground. 2 tsp. urea, potassium sulfate, copper sulfate and boric acid are dissolved in a bucket of water on the tip of a knife. Previously copper sulfate and boric acid is diluted in hot water.


Two weeks before the transfer to permanent place cabbage seedlings begin to adapt to open air conditions, reducing the temperature to +5 +6 degrees and increasing the light intensity. The easiest way to comply with these conditions is to “relocate” the seedlings to a balcony, loggia, veranda, or greenhouse. At first, so that the seedlings do not suffer from sunlight, they are covered with thin lutrasil.

Prevention of “black leg”

The main thing in preventing this seedling disease is not to thicken the crops, not to water the plants with cold water and not to over-moisten the soil.
It is better to immediately remove seedlings affected by black leg from the seedling box, and to prevent the disease from destroying the rest of the plants, temporarily stop watering - let the soil dry, then spill it with a solution of Alirin B (tablet for 5 liters of water) and potassium permanganate, add to the stems of the seedlings sand, ash or chalk disinfected by calcination.


Receipt deposit healthy harvest- this is the observance of crop rotation.

The best predecessors for cabbage are cucumbers, legumes, onions, and root vegetables.

It is advisable to grow cabbage in the same place no earlier than after 5-6 years. The area allocated for cabbage should be well lit and away from trees. If there is little light, plants become stretched, weakened and vulnerable to disease.

In order to prevent the development of bacteriosis and fungal diseases, avoid using nitrogen fertilizers in the second half of summer.
Brussels sprouts grow better on the rich loamy soils. Compost is added underneath it. On poor sandy loam or heavy soils, this cabbage develops diseased and overgrown heads. Fresh manure also has a negative effect on the harvest.

The optimal temperature for the development of Brussels sprouts is 15-18 degrees. At 25 degrees and above, the formation of heads of cabbage is delayed and their quality decreases. In order for cabbage to develop as long as possible without heat, 40-50-day-old seedlings need to be planted early - along with early varieties white cabbage. With more later When planted, the yield of Brussels sprouts decreases and the quality deteriorates.
When planting seedlings, maintain a distance between rows of 70 cm, and 60 cm between adjacent plants.

Brussels sprouts grow for a long time - you can sow salads and flowers for seedlings with them (zinnias here)


Brussels sprouts love urea and potassium chloride. Foliar feeding better spend boric acid, molybdenum and potassium permanganate.
At the very beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage, the cabbage is fed with an infusion of bird droppings (1:15), adding a glass of ash to 10 liters of solution.
Mineral fertilizers are applied:
- in the rosette phase - 2 g of urea, 20 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride per 10 l of water, spending 0.5 l per plant,
- during intensive formation of heads of cabbage - 4 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride, or 20 g of solution, agricola per 10 liters of water (one liter per plant). On sandy soils, additional magnesium fertilizers are applied - 5 g per 10 liters of water.


To speed up the ripening of heads of cabbage and increase their weight, at the end of the growing season, pinch off the tops of the shoots - approximately when the stem grows to 60-70 cm. A month before harvesting, you can also trim off the leaves of the rosette.
Brussels sprouts, unlike white cabbage and others, are lightly spudded so that the lower sprouts do not rot.

Pest protection

Preventive measures to protect cabbage from pests include the destruction of wintering pests. Considering that most of them overwinter in the top layer of soil and the pathogens of many diseases remain on plant debris and in the soil. Deep digging of the soil in the fall will greatly reduce the infectious stock and destroy the bulk of wintering pests.

In the spring, first of all, get rid of cruciferous weeds on your site (colts, redberry, shepherd's purse, etc.), on which cruciferous flea beetles, bedbugs and other insects feed, waking up after wintering.

You can reduce the harmfulness of the cabbage fly:

  1. planting seedlings early,
  2. if the soil within a radius of 4-5 cm from the plant is sprinkled with a mixture of tobacco dust with freshly slaked lime or ash (1:1).

Various entomophagous insects ( ladybugs, lacewings, wasps, etc.). To attract entomophages on the site, it is useful to sow nectar plants: anise, fennel, dill, phacelia.

It is useful when carrots and onions bloom in the area. Cutworm caterpillars pupate in shelters near cabbage beds, so you can lay out small bundles of dry grass between the rows, into which the caterpillars readily climb. Periodically, the bundles are collected and burned.

We must not forget that plants that are resistant to diseases are less damaged by pests when they are provided with good care, regular watering, fertilizing, weeds are destroyed in a timely manner, etc.


In September-October, when the leaves on the plants begin to turn yellow and fall off, and the heads of cabbage acquire a specific shine, the harvest can be harvested.

  • The stem is cut down at soil level, the leaves are torn off and stored in a cool place.
  • Brussels sprouts, harvested with their stems, if packed in plastic bags, can be stored for about two months.
  • Heads cut from the stem quickly wither.
  • Frozen Brussels sprouts can be stored for 3-4 months.

If you pull the cabbage out of the garden, preserving the root system, and then dig it in a frost-free room in moist soil, you can extend the life of Brussels sprouts: at +3-5 degrees, new heads of cabbage grow due to the reserves of nutrients in the stem and leaves.

When Brussels sprouts form heads, they can withstand frosts down to minus 7 degrees. So there is no need to rush into harvesting this crop in the fall.


The following varieties have become particularly widespread and popular among modern summer residents:


Harvest mid-season variety, grows up to 50 heads on one plant. The plant is tall - the heads are large, quite dense, of good taste. They mature together.

Variety Rosella


Mid-late productive hybrid with high resistance to clubroot.


Also mid-season and high-yielding variety- up to 60 heads on each copy.


A late-ripening, disease-resistant widespread domestic variety. Not very dense medium heads of cabbage elongated shape.

Variety Hercules

Garnet bracelet

Mid-season hybrid domestic selection. With a bright purple color and tasty heads, the plant grows up to 40 pieces with a total weight of 500 grams.

Variety Garnet bracelet

I wish you success in growing Brussels sprouts!

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

Today, Brussels sprouts are grown mostly in areas with moderate summer temperatures and warm, long periods of time. autumn period. These are the conditions that correspond biological features this vegetable crop and contribute to obtaining good harvest.

Brussels sprouts are a biennial herbaceous crop. The height of the plant varies from 20 to 60 centimeters.

At the stage of growing Brussels sprouts seedlings, the plant forms a stem part with long-petioled, spreading, entire leaves.

At the next stage of cultivation, large buds are formed in the leaf axils - heads of cabbage, which have a round shape. Their weight rarely exceeds 15 grams, and the total yield from each properly grown plant can be 500 grams.

Brussels sprouts are considered a cold-resistant plant and are quite tolerant of short-term frosts down to -6ºC. Setting and high-quality filling of fruits requires an optimal temperature background - at the level of 18ºС. At temperatures above 25ºC, growth and fruit formation slow down. Due to the climatic preferences of Brussels sprouts in the country, they should be grown in open-air beds.

Planting methods

Proper planting and proper care of this vegetable crop allows you to grow a high-quality crop of Brussels sprouts.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in the last days of March or at the very beginning of April. High-quality seedlings are obtained when grown on a glassed-in balcony or in a heated greenhouse, which helps ensure optimal temperature levels.

Temperatures at night should vary from 6 to 8 degrees Celsius, and during the day the temperature should be approximately 20 degrees. Before emergence the temperature environment should be maintained at 2 degrees Celsius.

The first seedlings appear on the fourth day. Peat-humus planting pots are suitable for planting.

Seedlings need regular watering and feeding with mineral fertilizers. The room where seedlings are grown should be ventilated. Picking is carried out one and a half months after sowing the seeds.

Cultivation is carried out on loamy, organic-rich and deeply cultivated soils. Agricultural techniques for growing Brussels sprouts should be carefully observed, including mandatory care and feeding measures.

How to grow Brussels sprouts (video)

Features of caring and feeding cabbage in the garden

  • Growing Brussels sprouts should be accompanied by necessary measures to prepare the soil in the fall. It is necessary to intensively loosen and dig up the soil, and then apply the required amount of organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Autumn application of superphosphate, potash fertilizer, manure or peat compost has a very good effect on the growth and health of the grown Brussels sprouts and contributes to the production big harvest large and even heads of cabbage.
  • Before spring planting it is necessary to loosen the soil again and enrich the soil for planting with urea.
  • It is most convenient to form planting beds after the soil has been thoroughly moistened.
  • If it fails quality fertilizer land in progress autumn preparation, then you can add fertilizer to the holes dug for planting cabbage seedlings.
  • When grown in open ground the ridges are formed by the beginning of May, and the holes are arranged according to a pattern of 50 x 50 centimeters.

  • Brussels sprouts belong to vegetable crops with a long growing season, which reaches five months, it would be justified to plant earlier ripening crops in the rows, which will already form a harvest before the cabbage begins to bear fruit.
  • For fertilizing that is done no more than once a week, it makes sense to use fertilizers that contain the same percentage of phosphorus and nitrogen.
  • Caring for Brussels sprouts includes regular watering.
  • This type of cabbage has a fairly high shoot and requires hilling measures to provide support to the stem.
  • To root system received the air necessary for full development, soil loosening should be carried out periodically.
  • If necessary, weeding is carried out, without which the care of any plant is considered incomplete.
  • We should not forget about the need to pinch the stem tip or remove the rosette apex one and a half months before harvesting.

Diseases and pests

Among the common cultural diseases are the following:

  • blackleg;
  • clubroot;
  • mucous bacteriosis;
  • downy mildew.

Pests to watch out for:

  • cruciferous flea beetles;
  • cabbage flies;
  • snails and slugs;
  • cabbage scoop and white cabbage.

Therapeutic and preventive measures are similar to control methods effective against pests for other cabbage crops. At the initial stage of a disease or lesion, as well as for preventive purposes, folk herbal remedies can be used.

Protecting plants is helped not only by taking all quality measures pre-sowing preparation soil and the use of disinfection compounds after harvesting, but also compliance with crop rotation in the beds.

Brussels sprouts can be grown after green manure, carrots, potatoes, onions, legumes, grain crops, and cucumbers. It is prohibited to plant crops on ridges where cabbage, beets, tomatoes, turnips, radishes or radishes were previously grown. You can return Brussels sprouts to an already used bed no earlier than after four years. Compliance with this rule will insure the plant from damage by a significant part of the pests and diseases common to all cabbage crops.

Harvesting and storage rules

Harvesting of the ripened crop is carried out selectively and begins in mid-September. At the very beginning, the lower cabbage heads ripen and must be broken off. The final cleaning takes place in early November, after the cold weather sets in.

Planting Brussels sprouts seedlings in open ground (video)

Stems with ripe inflorescences separated from the root system can be stored in a cool room for about three months. Individual cabbage heads can be processed or frozen immediately.

Brussels sprouts, like any other crop, have cultivation characteristics. By following them, you will get a wonderful vitamin harvest.


Brussels sprouts seedlings are grown by many gardeners in our country. This biennial crop is one of the most frost-resistant and unpretentious plants. In addition, the vegetable is one of the long-ripening species. How to grow previously sown seedlings - let's look at the propagation process in detail.

To obtain and grow vegetable seedlings, you need to plant seeds. The best time for this purpose the period will be from the second ten days of March to the first ten days of April. The main problem gardeners face is the need to provide seedlings with a suitable night temperature. At night, it should be 6–7 °C, while during the day the optimal temperature is 15–16 °C. Due to this suitable place for young seedlings there will be a heated greenhouse or a glazed balcony. Avoid sudden changes in air humidity. Keep this figure at 70%.

Harvesting Brussels sprouts

Before planting the seeds, warm them in hot water for 20 minutes. After this, the seed is dipped in cold water, and then kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for about 10 hours. After this, rinse the seeds and place them in a refrigerator drawer for 24 hours. Finally, dry the seeds. Brussels sprouts should be sown in a container with soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm. A mixture of the following components is suitable as a soil for sowing:

  • 1 part wood ash;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 100 g of mineral fertilizers.

Before planting, be sure to spray the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. When sowing, maintain distance between seeds. The distance should not be less than 5 cm. After sowing, cover the container with glass. The first shoots, as a rule, appear already on the fifth day. Immediately after this, the glass must be removed and adhered to temperature regime described above.

In order for Brussels sprouts to grow quickly, they need to be watered regularly and loosen the soil. The soil with seedlings must be kept moist at all times. At the same time, the soil should not be over-moistened so that the seedlings do not get sick with blackleg. There is no need to water the soil for the first 15 days after emergence. After this, moisten the seedlings as needed.

In the soil previously prepared for sowing, the crop is grown until two cotyledon leaves appear on the stems. As soon as they are formed, you can start picking seedlings. This is very important stage breeding Brussels sprouts - it gives the plant roots the opportunity to grow and develop before transplanting into open soil.

Young cabbage seedlings before planting

Immediately before planting into separate containers, treat the soil with seedlings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. As soon as the soil absorbs the product, carefully take the seedling at the base of the stem and carefully remove it along with the earthen lump. After this, place the plants in separate pot. If there is such a need, then you can shorten the central root. After transplantation, plants need feeding. Fertilizers should be applied no earlier than two true leaves appear on the stem. For fertilizer, prepare a solution from:

  • 30 g superphosphate;
  • 15 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 25 g ammonium nitrate;
  • 9 liters of water.

After 15 days, fertilization must be repeated. To do this, 65 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of ammonium nitrate are diluted in 10 liters of water. After each fertilizing, the soil must be watered with settled warm water. About 15 days before planting in open soil, the plants begin to harden off. To do this, pots with seedlings must be taken outside. First keep them outside for an hour, after 2-3 days increase the time spent outside to 90 minutes.

Many beginning gardeners think: “I already long time I grow crops. When will the time come to replant it in open soil? The answer is very simple - vegetables are planted when they reach 5 true leaves. This typically occurs between late May and mid-June, although timing may vary depending on the specific region. Brussels sprouts “adore” sunny areas in the southern part of the garden. It is very good if carrots, potatoes or green manure have sprouted in the garden before. At the same time, if beets, tomatoes and daikon were grown on the site, then the seedlings can be planted here no earlier than after 3 years.

Planting Brussels sprouts in the ground

A week before planting plants in open ground, you need to stop watering them. Immediately before picking, moisten the seedlings generously.

The soil for seedlings should be loamy. The area for picking must be prepared in the fall. To do this, the soil is dug up to the depth of a shovel. If the soil is too acidic, then lime must be added to it. In spring, the soil needs to be fertilized. To do this, add a bucket of humus or compost for each m2. When transplanting, you need to add a teaspoon of urea, superphosphate and 1 cup of wood ash into each hole.

For picking this crop, as well as for, it is best to choose cloudy days, or do the procedure in the evening, immediately after sunset. When working, maintain a distance between holes of 50 cm. The row spacing should be at least 60 cm. The depth of the holes should be slightly greater than the length of the roots of the seedlings.

It is very important to adhere to several rules. Firstly, the garden bed should be regularly sprinkled with wood ash - this will protect the bushes from the cruciferous flea beetle. There is a step-by-step algorithm for depositing funds. The first time this is done a month after diving into open soil. Sprinkle the soil a second time after another 4 weeks. The third stage is completed a month later. Plants do not need to be hilled, as this will damage the side heads. 2 weeks before harvesting, pinch the tops of the stems and cut off the rosette leaves. This will help the cabbages gain the desired weight.

Feeding Brussels sprouts seedlings

This crop requires regular watering. During the growing season, the bushes need to be watered at least 10 times. In this case, the water consumption should be 20–30 liters per m2. If it often rains outside, then watering should be reduced or stopped for a while. Also pay great attention to fertilizing. The first time mineral fertilizers are applied a week after planting in open ground. In this case, you should spend 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska for every two bushes. The second time, fertilizing is applied after heads of cabbage appear on the stems. To do this, dissolve 30 g of potassium sulfate, 40 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water and add 1 tablespoon of nitroammophosphate. When feeding, use 100 ml of solution for each bush.

Vegetable pests - how to protect your garden bed?

Almost all cruciferous crops have common enemies. Among the latter, it is necessary to highlight the cruciferous flea beetle, sprout and cabbage flies, babanuka and. These insects are considered the most dangerous due to their number and effect on the bushes. Thus, a flea beetle can destroy half the crop from a garden bed in a matter of days, eating leaves suitable for human consumption.

To protect your garden, first of all you need to carry out preventive measures. These include strict adherence to all rules for planting and growing vegetables, timely removal of weeds and loosening of the soil. Also, for preventive purposes, we recommend planting coriander, potatoes, dill or tomatoes around the perimeter of the garden bed. They will help repel insects. If this does not help prevent the appearance of pests, then you need to try to cope with them using folk remedies. Hazardous chemicals are used only as a last resort.

Among folk remedies ground pepper stands out, wood ash And slaked lime. By pouring them into the rows, you can scare away pests from your garden bed for a long time. We also recommend using naphthalene in an amount of 50 mg per 5 m2. Remember that cabbage pests do not tolerate watering. Therefore, do not allow the bed to dry out and moisten the soil in a timely manner.

Brussels sprouts come from a large cabbage family and, naturally, are directly related to the usual varieties of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and other varieties of these very tasty and healthy vegetables. It belongs to the subspecies of stakes, that is, it grows with a fairly high trunk (up to 1.0 meters), from which large powerful leaves grow, and the trunk itself, in its best productive form, is simply covered with miniature heads of cabbage firmly sitting on it (from 20 to 40 pieces) - they are eaten in a wide variety of culinary forms and when preserved for future use. In terms of its vegetative requirements for its care, it is also just as simple as cabbage, but less demanding in terms of watering, and in regions with mild climates it is ready to share its vitamin product even in winter time until spring.

It is attractive that Brussels sprouts grow successfully in various climatic zones, because they belong to cold-resistant vegetable crops. Modern breeders have developed short hybrids of Brussels sprouts in which the heads develop and ripen at the same time, which is convenient for harvesting. Heads of this type of cabbage are well stored at home. freezer- they can be used if necessary, including in various culinary combinations as a vegetable vitamin product, especially during seasons of shortage of fresh vegetables.

It is interesting and useful to know that when correct selection varieties of Brussels sprouts, it is possible to organize a “green conveyor” for collecting its heads from September and even until April. Its most delicious fruits are considered to be those collected from October to February.

Here it is important to look at the ripening time, especially for summer residents northern regions Russia, so that before the severe frosts your cabbage has time to produce a healthy harvest of its heads. Early varieties Brussels sprouts are not observed, and the mid-late ones include the following: Vertus, Rosella (from Germany); Machuga (from Poland). Late varieties: Groniger (from Germany), Meso nano and Long island (from Italy), Catskill (from the USA). And seed stores are already waiting for you with zoned and elite hybrids of this wonderful cabbage.

The place for planting Brussels sprouts should be well lit, and the soil should be dense enough to support the tall and heavy trunks of this plant with its root system. On light soils, hilling will be required to form additional roots and, possibly, tying to supports.

The soil for such cabbage must be fertile. In late autumn, this area is deeply dug with manure. Just before planting in May (a week before), the soil is dug up again and a completely balanced mixture is added. mineral fertilizer based on: 60-70 grams per 1 m2. Caring for seedlings and planting them in open ground is carried out according to the same rules and within the same time frames as prescribed for white cabbage.

Preparing seedlings

The best time for sowing seedlings is March - early April. On early stages Brussels sprouts seedlings should be grown in protected soil. Its seeds are planted to a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters and should be sown sparingly. The row spacing is at least 15 centimeters, which will avoid thickening and the seedlings will grow healthy and stocky.

To obtain remontant (extended over time) formation of fruits (this experience has shown itself well in gardening practice), the seedlings are placed quite spaciously when planting in the ground: 90 X 90 centimeters, which will allow for a higher yield, make care and harvesting more convenient, if we are talking about tall varieties.

When breeding dwarf varieties Brussels sprouts seedlings are planted according to the scheme: 75 X 75 centimeters. Planting holes should be of such a depth that the plants can be buried so that lower leaves ended up at the level of the soil, which should be compacted, watered abundantly and mulched, excluding cracking of the soil.

An attractive advantage when growing Brussels sprouts is that they do not need frequent watering, like all other types of cabbage. It needs to be watered only during dry periods. The long period of development of this type of cabbage involves periodic and systematic weed control, loosening and fertilizing.

When the heads of cabbage become dense, reaching the size walnut, they are cut off. Fruit harvesting should begin from the bottom of the plant, and then the ripe heads of cabbage should be removed to the very top.

Pest and disease control

Measures to combat pests and diseases that affect Brussels sprouts are associated with a long growing season and an extended harvest of heads of cabbage that ripen at different times.

It is necessary to systematically and carefully monitor the possible appearance of aphids, which too quickly penetrate the heads of cabbage and spread widely throughout the planting. In addition, this vegetable attracts sparrows and pigeons, which cause significant damage to the crop. To protect against birds, it is convenient to use a net that can be placed on the support stakes for the plants themselves. It is better to store Brussels sprouts frozen and harvest them as needed for food, if climatic and other conditions permit.

Benefit for health

This type of cabbage has long been known for its beneficial qualities for humans:

  • it is a wonderful source of plant fiber, so important for improving intestinal motility;
  • it contains a storehouse of vitamins A, E, C, and group B, which is quite rare for vegetables;
  • Brussels sprouts contain essential to the human body minerals: potassium iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and even omega-3 fatty acids, which you cannot find in other vegetables.

Possessing such vital useful qualities, Brussels sprouts have long been a member of healthy and healthy menus. It can be recommended for consumption by people who have health problems to varying degrees:

  • the presence of iron in this vegetable, combined with vitamin B6, makes it useful for anemia and its prevention;
  • the presence of microelements potassium and magnesium in Brussels sprouts will help normalize blood pressure;
  • The presence of high calcium content in this vegetable will be beneficial for the strength of teeth and the human skeleton;
  • experts believe that the presence of antioxidant indole and other beneficial substances in the entire cabbage family gives this vegetable series the right to be considered unique prophylactic even against cancer;
  • various types contained in the heads of cabbage useful compounds, capable of synergistic interaction, will help regulate blood circulation, which has a positive effect on cardiovascular activity and the prevention of inflammatory diseases due to the presence of sulforaphane;

It is impossible to overestimate, because the dietary fiber of this vegetable both feeds and heals, simultaneously providing an anti-inflammatory effect on its mucosa; preventively protects the large intestine from cancer.

The amino acid glutamine contained in Brussels sprouts juice brings significant benefits to the entire digestive tract, which can have a very gentle and calming effect on our digestive organs: it produces gentle detoxification and regeneration of ulcers. For therapeutic purposes, after consulting with your doctor, take fresh cabbage juice in small quantities, possibly mixed with carrot and celery juice, to improve its taste.

Available in this cabbage nutrients, including protein and complete enzymes, can become an energy plant stimulant and give a boost of energy. Brussels sprouts are also valued in gynecology, because their high folate content (vitamin B9) can have a positive effect on the development of the fetus in pregnant women, as well as prevent the development of neurological defects (spina bifida, for example). The important role of Brussels sprouts and other types of sprouts in the fight against excess weight has long been recognized in: sufficient caloric content for high level protein and low fat, the wealth of nutrients in its juice and fiber preserve the energy saturation of the body's cells, which prevents the painful feeling of insatiable hunger.

How to store Brussels sprouts

For those who live in a private house and can remove ripe cabbage from the garden as needed, it is very helpful that the fruits of this cabbage are not afraid even of snow and, due to the long vegetative process, retain all their beneficial and taste qualities. But if the dacha is far from you, as in my case, and you need to harvest the entire crop at once, a storage method such as freezing the product is perfect.

The technology for freezing Brussels sprouts is quite simple, although it will require some painstaking work on your part. First, we need to remove the heads of cabbage from the trunk, wash them and clean them of outer leaves - this way we will prepare them for blanching (boiling with boiling water). The next step is to cut the base of the stalk crosswise, thanks to this the boiling water will remove the unpleasant bitterness. Now you can blanch.

Before you put the cabbage into bags or containers for freezing, dry it well; you can put the cabbage heads on towels. Frozen Brussels sprouts store well and do not even lose their appearance when defrosted. You can cook delicious and healthy dishes regardless of the season.