Types of frame houses: from budget to prestigious. List of pros and cons of frame houses


Despite considerable popularity frame houses In Russia, very little sensible literature on them is published. There are a couple of translated books devoted to the construction of specific types of houses, and there is one SNiP, which is not a very good translation of the American document (it turned out to be too complicated and does not have much needed illustrations).

Even such a simple question as the types of frame houses is covered extremely poorly in books. If you want to select a view frame house for independent construction, you will have to translate from English or collect information bit by bit. Both are no good: therefore, we bring to your attention an article where the difference between frame buildings different types presented simply and clearly.

4 main types of frame houses

There are 4 main types of frame houses: the rest are obtained by combining elements of these basic types in one building.

So, the main types:

  • frame structure with floors;
  • frame with continuous racks;
  • post-beam design;
  • frame-rack structure.

Frame frame houses with floors

Other common names are Canadian houses, frame houses using Canadian technology, houses using “platform” technology, or, very clumsily, “pallet” houses.

The main feature of such houses is their “layered” structure. Each floor is a separate layer, which lies on the ceiling as if on a pallet.

The ceiling of the first floor (conditionally a basement, although there may not be a basement) rests on the so-called “layout” frame. The frame is laid directly on the foundation, and floor beams are placed on it, which are connected by auxiliary logs. This is how a pallet or platform is formed, on which the frame of the walls of the first floor is assembled. The main load-bearing elements of the frame are vertical posts made of timber. At the bottom, these racks are attached to the pallet beams, and at the top they are connected by the beams of the interfloor ceiling, which forms the platform of the second floor.

Frame houses with continuous posts

Houses of this type are often called Finnish. The construction of frame houses with continuous posts is widespread in Finland and other Northern European countries.

The main feature of houses of this type is the vertical posts, which are the main element of the frame, pass through both floors. The interfloor ceiling rests on special support boards, which cut into the beams at the height of the second floor. Floor joists not only support the floor sheathing, but also tighten the continuous posts, increasing the rigidity of the structure.

Solid racks of long length provide houses of this type with high mechanical strength. The disadvantage of this scheme is the need to install all the racks strictly vertically: even a small deviation in the lower part will lead to a significant deviation on the upper floor.

According to this scheme they built half-timbered houses in Germany and Northern Europe. Their margin of safety and durability is so great that many half-timbered structures are still in use today - despite their age of 4-5 centuries.

The main feature of frame houses of this type is the large cross-section of timber (150*150 or even 200*200 mm), which is used not only to create vertical racks, but also for the beams that connect these posts. In frame houses of the types described above, a rather pathetic board is used for this. The use of high-strength beams and posts allows the structure to provide exceptional rigidity and load-bearing capacity. In half-timbered houses, windows and doors are built directly into the walls without the use of additional crossbars. Some designs of half-timbered houses also include the use of diagonal timber elements, which makes the structure especially durable.

A significant disadvantage of post-and-beam frame houses is a large number of mortise connections, significantly complicating the design. Some projects use a bolt tie instead of a tie-in. This makes building a frame house easier and faster.

Frame-rack design

Frame-and-post houses differ from post-and-beam houses in that the vertical load-bearing posts are not installed on supports, but are driven into the ground or placed on concrete supports. Thus, the load-bearing posts perform the function of piles. If necessary, the house can be raised above the ground. This allows:

  • build on regularly flooded or swampy areas;
  • ensure effective ventilation of the space under the floor.

In post-frame houses, the entire load of the roof and floors is distributed onto massive racks. The rigidity of the structure is ensured by the installation of horizontal beams. Frames are installed between the racks, inside which windows, doors, or simply insulation with sheathing can be placed. In the latter case, the frame can be reinforced with a diagonal element.

A frame house is a structure whose base is a frame. The meaning of the term “frame” is the basis, backbone, skeleton of the future object. The frame is installed on the foundation, sheathed with special panels, insulated, the roof is erected - the house is ready.

Frame houses first appeared in Germany, then in America and Canada. That is why there are several construction technologies - German, Scandinavian, Canadian. In Russia, the first houses of this type were built in the 50s, and now interest in them has increased significantly.
This article will introduce you to the main types of wooden frame houses.

  • frame-panel (panel);
  • frame-frame (“Canadian”);
  • post-beam structure (half-timbered);
  • frame-rack structure;
  • frame with continuous posts.

Other options for frame houses are either combinations of the listed types, or slight modifications of the above-mentioned frames. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Frame-panel (panel) houses

Such houses are manufactured in a factory. In accordance with the project, the frame, panels (boards), interfloor ceilings and even the roof are manufactured. Each element is marked and has the necessary holes. Full set the house is delivered to the construction site, where its installation is carried out. Construction technology frame-panel house is quite simple, but in order for the house to be strong, warm and reliable, the rules and regulations must be strictly followed.

Main advantages frame-panel houses are:

  • high speed of construction - all parts are manufactured and marked, the materials are treated with compounds that prevent rotting and the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, fire-retardant impregnation is carried out;
  • affordable construction cost - the materials from which the entire structure consists are much cheaper than stone or brick. Savings also occur due to the total weight of the house - it does not require a complex, expensive foundation;
  • non-susceptibility to shrinkage - immediately after the walls and roof are erected, you can begin interior and exterior decoration.

The advantages of frame-panel houses also include a high rate of heating of the room, subject to high-quality insulation. The insulating materials available on the construction market today can make a house as warm as a masonry of 5 bricks.

The disadvantages of frame-panel houses are the inability to carry out redevelopment, as well as the need for special equipment(crane) for loading and unloading operations. The panels are heavy enough to not be lifted by hand.

Technology "Platform"

It is one of the varieties of frame-panel technology; its other name is pallet or platform. This construction method involves the assembly of frame elements on a platform, which is a rough version of the floor on the ground floor, or on an interfloor floor.

The walls of the future house consist of panels, which are insulated and sheathed with slabs. For this purpose, two types of boards are used: OSB and GVL. OSB board (Russian translation - oriented particle board OSB) is glued and compressed wood chips laid in different directions. GVL – gypsum fiber sheet, which contains gypsum High Quality and fibers from recycled waste paper. Both types of plates have increased strength and are not subject to deformation.

The prepared walls are placed in a permanent place, and a new platform is installed on top, where the walls of the second floor are prepared.

A frame house made of OSB is characterized by good moisture resistance and the ability to maintain a comfortable microclimate even in unfavorable conditions external environment.

Buildings using this technology can be assembled from structures manufactured both in production and on the construction site.

Watch the video to see how prefabricated frame houses are assembled in Canada:

Canadian SIP technology

SIP panels

SIP is a structural insulating panel, which is a structure made of insulation framed with OSB sheets. This is a reinforced version of panels for frame-panel houses. A building of this type is being built using the “Platform” technology.

Three layers of the panel (OSB - insulation - OSB) are connected to each other by timber using a tongue-and-groove method using polyurethane glue. Expanded polystyrene (foamed plastic) is a highly effective insulation material used in the production of SIP panels. To increase the strength of adhesion of the layers to each other, the prepared “pie” is pressed.

High-quality SIP panels can only be manufactured in factory conditions. They have small sizes, which allows the walls to be mounted by a team of builders of 2-3 people.

The thermal insulation and strength properties of SIP panels are such that only 14 cm of their thickness can easily replace a one and a half meter wall made of brick or a meter wall made of aerated concrete.

German technology

Frame houses German technology is another option for using the platform method.
This technology involves laying communications and thermal insulation into shields. In addition, windows are installed, primary finishing of walls and assembly of floors is carried out. All of these operations are performed exclusively under production conditions. The need to use lifting mechanisms significantly increases the cost of construction.

To summarize, there are several negative points to note.

A truly durable and warm frame-panel house can only be achieved if the panels are assembled and insulated with high quality, but there is no way to completely control the progress of the work. In such a situation, only one option is possible - choosing a manufacturer with a good reputation. Compared to houses built using other technologies (we'll talk about them below), frame-panel houses are less reliable.

Frame houses

The frame-and-frame method of construction has a significant difference from the panel method: the frame of the house is assembled at the construction site in the form of unlined frames. Only when the entire structure is installed do they begin to insulate and cover it.

Houses using frame-frame technology are the most suitable option for building on your own. Their advantage is also that the owner of the future house sees what it is being built from, how it is carried out necessary work and assembly is carried out.

The frame of a house (frame) can be made not only of wood, but also of metal; in particular, frames made of LSTK (light steel thin-walled structures) are popular. Frame houses made of LSTK are built if the climate in the region is humid or there is no high-quality timber.

LSTK is a new promising technology for construction from a durable, stable, easy-to-use profile made of of stainless steel. The estimated service life of a house with such a frame reaches two hundred years, but frame houses from LSTK have been built not so long ago, and it is not yet possible to confirm this in practice.

Frame technology allows construction to be carried out at any time of the year. The lack of shrinkage is also a significant plus.

When using this technology, it is possible to implement the most original architectural projects on initial stage, and also later, if redevelopment is suddenly required.

A frame house is also very attractive in terms of cost, especially if it is being built frame house from LSTK.

The disadvantages are the extended construction time and the need for wood processing at the construction site.

Post-and-beam (half-timbered) frame

The German (post-and-beam) frame type is amazing, one of the oldest types of frame houses. It originated in Germany, which is why it is called “German,” but later it became widespread in Europe, and today Russia is taking a close look at it. Let's try to understand what the name means.

“Fachwerk” translated from German means “section, sieve.” Sections are formed from horizontal beams, vertical posts and jibs, and the latter can be located at any angle.
The peculiarity of the half-timbered style is that the beams and racks (frame) are not hidden behind the cladding, but, on the contrary, they are highlighted outside walls by everyone possible ways, which gives the house that characteristic appearance.

The frame is made of thick beams with a cross-section from 100×100 to 200×200 mm. The space between the posts and beams is filled various materials. Previously, these were adobe blocks, but now brick, adobe material, OSB boards, and even glass are used. Houses with glass walls look simply amazing!

For device warm home In our difficult climatic conditions, the half-timbered type of houses is not very suitable, as it requires significant insulation. But a frame house in the half-timbered style has such an original look that architects often offer this method as imitation. That is, the frame is used differently, but exterior decoration fully consistent with the half-timbered style.

Frame houses with continuous posts are also called Finnish. Solid vertical posts running through two floors are the main element of the frame. To ensure high structural strength, ideally vertical installation of the racks is required. Interfloor ceilings are installed on support boards embedded in the beams. Continuous racks are pulled together by floor joists, due to which the structure acquires the required rigidity.

This type of construction is characterized by the fact that the vertical posts act as piles, which bear the main load. Rigidity is enhanced by horizontal beams. This design is good in swampy or flood-prone areas.

Other types of frame houses

Double frame (DOK technology)

The technology of double volumetric frame (DFC) is one of the most promising in the field of construction of frame houses. The essence double frame the fact that the supporting racks are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, which helps eliminate cold bridges. In this case, the stitching of the racks is not single, but double. The gap between the racks is filled with insulation, the double support of which improves the quality of thermal insulation.

Timber-frame houses

The frame of a house made of timber is practically a half-timbered structure with a frame base filled with wooden beams. Carriage (logs hewn on both sides only) can also be used as a filler. In this case, the house turns out to be living, breathing, environmentally friendly, that is, truly wooden.

Frame-log houses (frame-log houses)

The walls of a log frame house consist of logs laid horizontally between vertical wooden posts that form the frame. The external beauty of such a house lies precisely in the fact that the frame is on the outside and can be seen. It gives the building both lightness and elegance. Wooden frame houses are perhaps the most beautiful and environmentally friendly houses.

Norwegian frame house

The main difference between Norwegian frame houses is the carved support pillars. Only professional hewers can make columns from powerful logs into works of art. It is the columns that become the decoration that attracts the attention of others.

A frame of pillars with a timber frame is assembled on a previously made base. Walls and partitions on a wooden frame are mounted between the columns. Modern thermal insulation materials, with which they are filled, are natural and environmentally friendly. Norwegian frame houses are sheathed with wide boards - either glued or planed unedged.

Scandinavian technology

Scandinavian frame houses are assembled from ready-made house kits produced in a factory.

The basis of the frame is dry planed board. The peculiarity of these houses is the presence of a crossbar. The crossbar is a board cut into the rack from above, which acts as a strapping. As a crossbar in Scandinavian houses timber is used. With this design of the frame, there is no need for horizontal wooden lintels near door and window openings, as well as double racks, which in a different design support these lintels.

Heat exchange between the two sides of the rack is reduced due to the use of frame racks with thermal insulation mounted inside in a special way.

OSB boards in the construction of houses according to Scandinavian technology are used, as a rule, only to strengthen the corners of a building. The problem of rigidity is solved here with the help of soft wood-fiber boards or special facade plasterboard.

Another feature of Scandinavian technology is that all kinds of pipes and cables are located in the walls.

Swedish technology

Swedish frame houses are houses built to withstand the harsh climate. The main thing in Swedish technology– high degree of energy saving. The effect is achieved through the use of a special profile made of galvanized steel. The design of the profile is such that its thermal conductivity is lower than that of a wooden beam of the same size.
The advantage of the metal profile is also its good moisture resistance. On metal elements the structure cannot produce fungi and bacteria that harm the tree; this material is inaccessible to rodents.

Frame-reed houses

Reeds are sometimes used as an option for insulating material for frame houses. Cheap, low thermal conductivity, lightweight reed insulation under conditions of optimal humidity can serve no less than wood. Dense mats are made from well-dried reeds, which are placed inside the frame. It is recommended to equip the frame with reeds after the roof of the house is erected.

Frame-and-fill house

This is an ordinary panel house in which bulk materials, such as sawdust, are used as insulation. The advisability of using sawdust can be doubted, however, there are methods of processing it that allow such a solution to be possible.

A feature of American houses is a large area of ​​glazing, which gives the structure lightness and transparency. It is characterized by a large area that combines the kitchen, dining room and living room.


So, we introduced you to what types of frame houses there are, their features, advantages and disadvantages. To summarize, we note once again that distinctive features The advantage of frame houses is their rapid erection, relative low cost, real opportunity to build a frame house with your own hands.

Which frame house is best to choose, if the decision is made to build, it may not always be easy to determine. But frame house construction deserves attention!

As the name suggests, a frame house is a building built on a frame. The frame is made of thick wooden beams or metal. The material for building walls is usually SIP panels or boards.

House projects frame type– these are sets of documents that contain complete information about the future building. They consist of two sections: architectural and constructive. The first shows the exterior of the building from different angles. The second contains construction plans, diagrams, drawings, specifications, estimates, and installation instructions. Moreover, this applies not only to building structures; basic communications (electrical, plumbing, ventilation) are also taken into account.

Sectional design of a frame house

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

In terms of reliability and durability, frame houses are not inferior to buildings made from other materials. Their Main advantages:

    Low cost and short construction time.

    Connection strength building elements between themselves. Due to this, the building is less susceptible to damage as a result of shrinkage on problematic soils. Errors during construction and damage do not cause serious consequences.

    No complex technological processes are required for finishing; finishing work can be carried out all year round.

    The structure is lightweight, which makes it possible to do without a powerful foundation.

    Good thermal insulation walls allows you to quickly warm up rooms and save on heating costs.

    The design of the walls allows you to hide all communications.

    Architectural possibilities are limited only by imagination; you can create almost any configuration.

Modern frame houses are often built in modern or high-tech styles

But the “framework” also has certain weak sides. But “forewarned is forearmed” - for every shortcoming there is a successful example of solving the problem:

    Short service life. GOST states that the service life of frame houses is 75 years. But, if you make repairs every 25 years and treat the structure carefully, it will last more than a century.

    Low environmental friendliness. Not all materials used in construction are made from natural ingredients. For example, SIP panels are made using synthetic adhesives; polystyrene foam is used as insulation inside them. This point is quite controversial; nowadays it is unlikely that you will be able to find a completely eco-friendly house. In the end, everything depends on the quality of the materials used, and therefore on the integrity of the construction company.

    Low sound insulation. This should be remembered if construction is planned near railway lines, highways or airports. The problem can be solved simply - you need to select a suitable soundproofing material before starting construction.

    Prone to rot. When humidity is high, wood begins to deteriorate and mold and mildew appear. Timely treatment with antiseptics completely solves this problem.

Initial processing of materials is carried out at the production stage

    Fire hazard. Any structure made of wood contributes to the spread of fire. Special fire-fighting compounds that are used to treat wooden surfaces come to the rescue.

Types of frame construction

Before you buy a frame house project, you need to understand what types of frame houses there are. There are 4 main types, all other varieties are a combination of elements from different modifications in one building. The following types of buildings are used:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Frame houses made of frames with floors

Such buildings are also called " Canadian houses» It is believed that when they were developed in Russia, Canadian construction standards were taken as a basis.

The main difference is that they consist of several layers. Each layer is a floor fixed on its own platform base. The base (frame) of the first floor is usually called the basement floor. The name is conditional; the building may not have a basement. The harness is mounted directly on the foundation and acts as a support for the floor bars connected by joists. Thus, a shield is obtained that looks like a pallet for transporting and storing goods.

Vertical beams are the main load-bearing structures. At the bottom they are attached to horizontal beams, at the top they are connected by the same beams, creating the foundation for the second floor.

Frame houses with continuous posts

Such buildings are also called Finnish. It is not known whether they were invented in Finland or not, but it is there and in the neighboring countries that they are widespread.

They differ from other types in that their main load-bearing element is solid vertical structures passing through two floors (hence the name - continuous). The ceilings between floors are mounted on support boards embedded in the main racks at the level of the second floor. The boards are not only a support, they pull the racks together, thereby increasing the overall strength of the structure.

When constructing continuous racks it is necessary Special attention pay attention to the correct installation. If even a slight deviation to the side is allowed on the first floor, the construction of the second floor will be very difficult or completely impossible.

Vertical racks are the basis for the entire house

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Post-and-beam houses

This type of building is common in Germany, they are also called half-timbered. By appearance they are easy to distinguish from others - all external pillars, transverse and inclined beams of the walls are visible from the outside. The service life is longer than that of other houses. There are architectural monuments that are 5-6 centuries old.

In these structures, only thick beams are used. They are used to make not only vertical posts, but also horizontal floors and diagonal supports. This is the main difference; in other structures, boards of a smaller cross-section are used for floors and joists.

The construction of such houses is more labor-intensive due to the fact that the structural parts are attached using mortise joints. But, there are projects of small frame houses in which the beams are bolted.

Frame-rack structures

Unlike the above buildings, the vertical posts of such structures not only support walls and ceilings. Additionally, they are used as piles. They are driven into the ground or placed on concrete supports. This makes it possible to raise the structure above ground level. This feature will be useful when constructing buildings in wetlands or flood zones. Another advantage is good ventilation of the lower part of the house. The boards remain dry, which prevents the formation of mold and mildew.

In houses of this type, the load from the roof and transverse floors is evenly distributed across the vertical posts. Doors, windows or insulated panels are installed in the space between them. If additional reinforcement is necessary, diagonal supports are installed.

The entire frame of the house is supported by powerful racks

What is included in the basic package of the project

Standard construction is considered to be a house with a size of 6x8 m. Various suppliers offer both standard projects and individual ones, taking into account the wishes of the customer. But, despite all the differences in architecture and design, there is the concept of a basic configuration. It includes:

    Floors– logs, ceilings, vapor barrier film, floorboards (rough and finished).

    Walls– load-bearing timber, wall panels, insulation, finishing materials, decorative elements.

    Interfloor ceilings– floor joists for the floor of the second floor, vapor barrier film, floor boards (rough and finished).

    Windows and doors with platbands and slopes.

    Roof– rafters, sheathing, roofing material(usually metal tiles), insulation, wind-moisture-proof film, finishing materials.

Note! The foundation is usually not included in the basic designs of houses using frame technology. This is due to the fact that you can select the required type of foundation only after inspecting the construction site. In some cases, geological surveys may be required. This is especially true for problematic soils (high moisture content, thick layer of humus, alumina).

Properly conducted geological surveys are the key to a high-quality foundation at the lowest possible price

If you plan to build a house higher than one floor, it is better to entrust such work to specialists; the wrong choice can bring serious disappointments in the future.

Stages of assembling a frame house

The construction technology is reminiscent of the classic construction of a wooden house, but there are differences. The sequence is as follows:

    Construction of the foundation and its waterproofing.

    Wiring the house (installation of the frame crown).

    Preparation and installation of the frame.


    Installation of wall structures.

    Installation of interfloor ceilings.

    Flooring roofing material.

    Installation of windows and doors.

    Insulation and exterior finishing.

The most critical stages are the foundation and installation of supporting structures. It’s clear why the foundation is important. Particular attention is paid to the accuracy of the assembly and installation of the frame because it serves as the basis for the entire structure. Any distortion or deviation from the level will create difficulties in the future when installing other elements.

Visually watch the step-by-step demonstration of building a frame house in the following video:

Is it possible to make changes to already completed projects?

Very often, customers are not satisfied with standard projects, and they want to make certain changes to them. All organizations that develop projects can do this. The only question is whether they will do it for free.

It happens that changes seem insignificant to the future owner of the house, and they can be made by pressing two or three keys, then the program will do everything. In practice, it may turn out that in order to implement the plan it is necessary to make a new project.

For example, the designer will agree to recalculate the insulation material or change the purpose of the premises free of charge. Add a veranda or porch from another project, remove a door or window - in most cases, but not always. If you need to change the size of the house, it’s unlikely. To do this, you will need to recalculate the dimensions of all load-bearing structures, floors, foundations, and facades. True, such cases are quite rare; any catalog of frame house projects allows everyone to choose either standard project, or adapt it to suit yourself with minor changes.

In the following video, see what a full-fledged frame house project is like:

How to choose a suitable house project for permanent residence

Buildings for permanent residence require the possibility of their use at any time of the year, both in the heat of summer and in the cold of winter. When designing your future home, you need to pay special attention to this. If there is no need to live in a building at low temperatures, you can save on thermal insulation. To prevent the summer heat from interfering with a comfortable stay in the house, a small layer of this material is enough. If people are expected to stay permanently, it is necessary to provide such a thickness so that heat is retained even at the lowest temperatures. For central Russia, the insulation thickness is recommended to be at least 150 mm; 200 mm is considered optimal.


Properly made (in compliance with all technology requirements) frame buildings cannot be called the cheapest. Before building a house using frame technology, you can look at the projects and prices for materials in the supplier’s catalog and assess your financial capabilities. But their undeniable advantages are the variety of design options and construction technologies. This gives everyone the opportunity to choose the most optimal option for themselves.

The construction of frame houses is becoming more and more popular, and the technology of frame-panel construction is quite easily mastered by craftsmen. The main disadvantage of frame houses is their fragility, but today there are already ways to make frame houses more durable. Here we are talking, first of all, about special impregnating compounds with which wood structures are processed to avoid rotting and fires, as well as high-quality insulation materials. Frame technology makes it possible to give the house any desired appearance.

A frame house can be lined with brick, finished using the “wet facade” technique, namely plastered and painted in the desired color, decorated with natural or artificial stones. For owners who prefer wooden houses, the house can be sheathed, simulating timber, or a block house, simulating rounded logs. The most practical and durable material, easy to use, is siding, which does not require varnishing or washing. Along with all the properties, frame houses are the most economical. When constructing a frame house, it is extremely important to determine its purpose, for example, whether this building will be a house, a holiday home, whether the building is intended for living for a period of time. all year round or temporarily.

This is important, since the peculiarity of a frame house is that it is a structure of vertical posts with horizontal frames, between which the voids are filled with thermal insulation materials with low thermal conductivity, which are capable of retaining heat in winter time. Comfortable stay and living in a frame-type house depends precisely on the correctly selected materials for insulation and their thickness.

It is allowed to build frame houses with a maximum of two floors, while it is desirable that the second floor be made in the form of an attic.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame construction

The advantage of this type of construction lies in the ease of construction, which makes it possible to save on the foundation.

Construction is carried out quickly, for example, the construction of a frame house from the beginning until the day it is put into operation can take six months. Using frame-panel technology, you can reduce the time spent on installation to three months. There is no need for shrinkage of the building. The installation of walls does not require the use of heavy construction equipment.

This design has a high degree of seismic resistance, and the use natural materials indicate that the house is environmentally friendly. Frame walls make it possible to hide all communications in them. Many advantages can be attributed to specific types of frame buildings.

Disadvantages frame construction the following:

  • Fragility. The warranty period for frame structures reaches 75 years. Given that proper care By maintaining a house, you can extend its service life up to 100 years.
  • Limited number of floors. The construction of frame houses of no more than two floors is allowed, so they are predominantly one-story. Construction two-story house increases the cost of the building up to the cost of a brick house, depriving the advantage of a frame house, which lies in its low cost.
  • Redevelopment. There is no possibility of redevelopment of a frame house, and if necessary, it will have to be completely disassembled and reassembled.

Types and varieties of frame houses

All frame-type buildings can be classified into two types:

  1. frame-frame;
  2. frame-panel.

This type of house can often be found in northern regions countries where it is better known as “Finnish house”. As a rule, it is one-story or two-storey house, having a gable symmetrical roof. Panels for these houses are produced in factories according to a standard design.

They have varying degrees of completion, being an assembled frame or ready-made panels for walls with inserted windows, built-in utilities, multilayer slabs for floors, and in some cases even a roof. The dimensions of the prefabricated parts are respectively equal to the design ones. Thus, assembling a house on a construction site consists only of connecting the parts together, and this significantly speeds up the pace of the construction process.

Of course, frame-panel buildings have a number of advantages. Thanks to the ready-made panels, they are assembled quite quickly. It takes about 3-7 days to build the box. Since the panels are manufactured in a factory with the required humidity level, they have good quality, which makes their service life longer. The main disadvantage of frame-panel houses is the use of special equipment. To install the finished panel on in the right place crane required. Consequently, this type of frame house is not so convenient for self-installation Houses.

The technique for constructing frame buildings using panels with your own hands is as follows:

  1. implementation of a lightweight foundation (usually a strip foundation or in the form of screw piles);
  2. creating a base for the frame using wooden trusses, which are subsequently used when arranging the floor as logs;
  3. installation of the panel in accordance with the project;
  4. installation of a roof covered using a soft roof;
  5. the final stage of laying all communications and performing external and internal finishing.

Construction takes about 2-3 months. The weight of frame-panel buildings is small, so the structure does not shrink.

The main advantage of such a house is the ability to build the desired house using any project. It is this technology that allows you to build a frame house with your own hands.

The difference between this type of building and panel houses is the combination of the procedure for manufacturing and installing panels. The peculiarity of this technology is that a frame is initially created future construction together with the roof, and then thermal insulation and finishing are carried out using sheet materials. Regarding subsequent construction, it should be noted that it is carried out similarly to the construction of a frame-panel house. If you build a frame house yourself, the construction process can last up to six months.

Tools needed to build a frame house

When building a frame structure, you will need the following list of tools:

  • long level;
  • plane;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • a circular saw;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • roulette;
  • two squares;
  • T-shaped Phillips screwdriver;
  • clamps;
  • two hammers of different weights;
  • gun for polyurethane foam;
  • roller;
  • a simple pencil;
  • construction stapler;
  • powerful extension cord;
  • step ladder;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • anchor bolts.

When building a frame house, it is necessary to take into account the period of residence in such a house. A frame structure intended to be lived in all year round will need to be insulated.

Since a frame house is quite light compared to other types of houses, the construction of a deep foundation in in this case irrational. A shallow strip foundation is acceptable here, foundation slab, prefabricated from concrete blocks or columnar foundation.

The main function of such a foundation is to create a rigid spatial frame. The construction of a frame house can be carried out on the following types of foundation:

  • columnar
  • pile;
  • strip non-buried foundation.

The type of foundation depends on the number of floors in the building and the type of soil.

For a house with one floor, it would be quite suitable to build a columnar foundation, which can be installed even if the soil is “capricious.” In this case, with the help of a drill, depressions are made in the ground with a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a depth of approximately one meter, observing a step of 80 centimeters.

Then they insert into the prepared holes asbestos pipes, and the remaining free space around them is filled with sand and crushed stone and compacted. The holes in the posts are filled with cement. Having installed such a foundation, you must wait until it hardens before continuing work.

Recently, a pile screw foundation, installed independently without the help of craftsmen and specialists, has become quite popular.

It is best to install such a foundation manually, since it is necessary to screw in the piles strictly to the level so that deviations do not form. When screwing in piles, it should be remembered that they are not allowed to be screwed in again to avoid disturbing the compacted soil.

To build a frame structure, two technologies are used: Canadian and Finnish. The construction principles of these technologies are the same. In both cases, the foundation of the house is a frame, which can be metal or wood. The most common are timber frames.


For tying, beams with a cross section of 25×20, 20×20 and 15×15 centimeters are used. Before laying the timber, it should be prepared. It is necessary to cover the tops of the piles with a layer of mastic, as well as two layers of roofing material. The timber is treated with an antiseptic. The timber is installed around the entire perimeter of the base.

The beams are fastened with nails. To strengthen frame structure Metal corners are fixed in the corners, and fastening screws are attached to the base of the frame. The beams are laid in special grooves and screwed.

A board is placed on the strapping, covering the joints of the timber. The frame racks will subsequently be installed there. The board must be treated with an antiseptic.

To make the subfloor, logs are made from timber with a cross-section of 10×15 centimeters, taking steps of 60 centimeters. To protect the house from moisture and cold, insulation is laid between the joists, which is covered with a vapor barrier film on top.

At the same time, the most affordable material used for the subfloor is an unedged board. The boards should also be treated with an antiseptic. The logs are attached to the harness using metal corners. The boards are nailed to the joists using nails.

Frame structure

To mount the frame, boards measuring 5×10, 5×15 and 5×20 centimeters are used. The first step is to install corner posts, secured with reinforced steel corners. Afterwards, the remaining racks are mounted using corners. For better fastening of the structure, jibs are made along the walls, which protect the frame from loosening.

The timber is secured at the corners using cutting, and in other areas using steel corners. The corners are fastened with self-tapping screws. To give strength, diagonal cuts are also made.

When installing walls, do not forget about the selected ceiling height. It is advisable to make the ceiling at a level of about 2.5 meters, then the ceiling will not become lower than 2.3 meters after decorative finishing of the ceiling.

When installing walls, communications are carried out, since they can be hidden in the walls.

When installing ceiling beams, three options are used:

  • using steel corners;
  • cutting method;
  • using perforated brackets.

Can be applied various ways depending on the mounting areas. The support for the beams is the framing beam. The beams are attached using self-tapping screws.

When installing the roof, the rafters at the top are fastened together using nails. Along with this, they are held together with boards for strength. Next, the rafters are laid on the walls so that there is a protrusion of 20 centimeters. The rafters are first secured using several miters and nails along the edges. Having secured the central rafters, fill the ridge board.

Then the sheathing is made using edged boards, on top of which roofing felt is laid, secured with nails with wide heads. At the final stage, the roofing material is installed. If the technology of the material used allows, then this can be done with your own hands.

There are many finishing materials for exterior decoration, for example, lining, siding, timber simulator and others. Before finishing works The sheathing is carried out using bars measuring 40×50 centimeters, observing a step of 60 centimeters. In this case, you can use a metal profile.

It is imperative to treat the wooden sheathing with antiseptic and fire-fighting agents. Next, finishing is carried out in accordance with the technology of the specific finishing material. In order for the frame house being built to become suitable for living, it is insulated by performing external and internal thermal insulation. Insulation from the outside is carried out using mineral wool up to finishing. Foam plastic is nailed on top of the mineral wool. For thermal insulation on the inside, use mineral wool and drywall. The cracks are foamed using polyurethane foam. They insulate all areas of the house: walls, ceiling, floor, roof.

The cost of a frame house and the feasibility of its construction

Giving an example, you can indicate approximate indicative prices for a set of frame-panel house:

  • on average, the cost of a one-story structure ranges from 9-10 thousand rubles per square meter;
  • a two-story structure has a price in the range of 8.7-9.5 thousand rubles per square meter;
  • a design with an attic floor costs about 8-9.5 thousand rubles per square meter.

If assembly is carried out on site, the price will be approximately 15-17 thousand rubles per square meter. The exact cost of a frame house is determined depending on the specific house project, including the complexity of installation and the amount of work.

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of frame construction, it becomes possible to draw conclusions that frame-frame technology is most suitable for independent construction. During the construction itself an ordinary house choose a lightweight strip foundation.

The base of the house is assembled from timber or logs, and frame racks are installed on top, taking steps of one meter for optimal load distribution. The posts are secured using nails and staples. The lower and upper connections are made with beams, making diagonal jibs in order to enhance stability. Having assembled the frame, they install the roof: first of all, the piles, and then the sheathing on top, necessary for laying insulation and roofing. Then the internal and external finishing frame, while laying utility lines: water supply, sewerage, gas, etc. A house of this type costs less than a panel house by approximately 15% on average.

For short and small parts, which will be attached to the base of the frame, it is recommended to use trimmings from long elements. Parts that were bent or deformed during production are also suitable. Certain materials can be reused.

For example, boards used for temporary fastening can be used as permanent jibs. For temporary bracing, you can use the formwork parts of the base of the house. Recycling of materials must be planned in advance in order to purchase them in smaller quantities.

The frame is a system consisting of core load-bearing elements - vertical (columns) and horizontal beams (crossbars), united by rigid horizontal floor discs and a system of vertical connections.

The main layout advantage of frame systems is freedom planning decisions, due to sparsely spaced columns, having enlarged steps in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The system is characterized by a clear division into load-bearing and enclosing structures. The load-bearing frame (columns, crossbars and floor discs) takes up all the loads, and the outer walls act as enclosing structures, taking only their own weight (self-supporting walls). This makes it possible to use strong and rigid materials for load-bearing frame elements, and heat and sound insulating materials for enclosing ones. The use of highly efficient materials allows for a reduction in the weight of the building, which has a positive effect on the static properties of the building.

Frame As a rule, they construct public and administrative buildings. In recent years, frame multi-story buildings have also been built. residential buildings. In buildings with full frame the load-bearing frame consists of columns and crossbars, made in the form of beams to support floor structures. Columns and crossbars fastened together form load-bearing frames that carry the vertical and horizontal loads of the building.

R The main enclosing elements are external walls External walls in buildings of this type are made mounted or self-supporting.

Curtain curtain walls in the form of hanging panels they are attached to the outer columns of the frame. Self-supporting external walls rest directly on foundations or on foundation beams, installed on columnar foundations. Self-supporting walls are attached to the frame columns. In buildings with an incomplete frame, the outer walls are made load-bearing, and the columns are placed only along the internal axes of the building. In this case, crossbars are laid between columns, and sometimes between columns and external walls. This structural type of building modern construction has limited use.

A building of any type must not only be strong enough: not collapse under the influence of loads, but also have the ability to resist overturning under the action of horizontal loads, and have spatial rigidity, i.e. the ability, both as a whole and in its individual parts, to maintain its original shape under the action of laid forces.

The spatial rigidity of frameless buildings is ensured by load-bearing external and internal transverse walls, including the walls of staircases connected to external longitudinal walls, as well as interfloor ceilings connecting the walls and dividing them along the height of the building into separate tiers.

Structural diagram of buildings: a - with a full frame; b - with an incomplete frame; 1 - columns; 2 - crossbars; Z - floor panels; 4 - load-bearing external walls

A building with load-bearing external walls and an internal frame: 1 – load-bearing walls; 2 – walls of the staircase; 3 – columns; 4 joint of columns; 5 – crossbars (purlins); 6 – floor slab

Building with a full frame: 1 – columns; 2 – curtain walls; 3 – crossbars; 4 – walls of the staircase

Frame system most often used in the design of mass and unique public buildings for various purposes and number of storeys. This system is inferior to the frameless system in terms of labor costs and construction time.

It is more difficult to heat a frame building, since the rooms are b O With a larger volume, it is more difficult to design a network of heating devices, taking into account sanitary and hygienic requirements. Basically, everyone separate room there must be an individual design for heating and ventilation, which creates certain difficulties for the building as a whole, significantly increasing the cost of design work, construction and operation. At the same time, the partitions have high thermal inertia, heating up much faster and giving off heat.

Taking into account all that has been said, until recently, frame systems were prohibited from being used in mass residential development. Frame structures were used mainly in the entertainment and exhibition parts of public buildings. At the same time, as a rule, the structural design of the structure was complex, that is, the frame system was combined with a frameless one in the administrative part - from the conditions of economic efficiency of the construction and operation of the structure, its fire safety and environmental qualities.

However, the preference given to frame systems is associated with functional requirements for the flexibility of space-planning solutions of public buildings and the need for their repeated redevelopment during operation. From the point of view of freedom of planning, the possibility of creating long-span hall spaces - the layout advantages of frame systems over frameless ones are obvious.

At the same time, you should remember about the disadvantages of the frame system. On average, frame buildings are 3-7 times more expensive than frameless ones, as shown by a long-term analysis of technical and economic indicators for the 70-80s of the twentieth century, taking into account the industrial production of most load-bearing elements.

In a frame system it is much more difficult and expensive to create vertical fire barriers ( firewalls), therefore, during fires, as a rule, an entire tier of a frame building, limited by ceilings, burns out. This creates additional difficulties when designing escape routes.

Frame structural system: 1 – frame columns; 2 – frame crossbars; 3 – prefabricated flooring; 4– external hinged Wall panel

Frame diagram of a multi-storey building: 1- columns; 2 - crossbar; 3- floor slabs; 4-panel external walls

General view of buildings with a frame structural system: a – public; b – industrial

1 - support columns, 2 - floor slabs, 3 - load-bearing and tie beams, 4 - diaphragms for rigidity of escape routes, 5 - technological shaft, 6 - flights of stairs, 7 - self-supporting external walls

In frame buildings, the entire load is transferred to the frame, that is, a system of interconnected vertical elements (columns) and horizontal ones (purlins and crossbars).
Frames, used in civil engineering, are classified based on materials:

    reinforced concrete frame, carried out in prefabricated, monolithic or prefabricated-monolithic versions;

    metal carcass, often used in the construction of public and multi-storey civil buildings built according to individual projects;

    wooden frame in buildings no higher than two floors.

reinforced concrete frame

metal carcass

wooden frame

According to the composition and location of the crossbars in the building plan in frame buildings
four are used design diagrams:

- Iwith transverse crossbars;

— IIwith longitudinal crossbars;

— IIIwith cross-bar arrangement;

— IVtransomless.

Use of modern mass standard designs ceiling determines the dimensions of the main structural and planning grid of the frame axes 6x6 m (with an additional grid of 6x3 m).

When choosing a structural design for the frame, both economic and architectural and planning requirements are taken into account:

— frame elements (columns, crossbars, stiffening diaphragms) should not limit the freedom of choice of planning solution;

— the frame crossbars should not protrude from the ceiling surface in living rooms, but run along their boundaries.

Structural diagram of a building with a frameless frame:

1 – frame columns; 2 – prefabricated or monolithic flooring

Frame system of buildings: a - with transverse arrangement of crossbars; b - with a longitudinal arrangement of crossbars; c - non-transom solution; 1 - self-supporting walls; 2 - columns; 3 - crossbars; 4 - interfloor slabs; 5 - above-column floor slab; 6 - intercolumn slabs; 7 - insert panel

Frame with transverse crossbars It is advisable in buildings with a regular planning structure (dormitories, hotels), where the pitch of transverse partitions is combined with the pitch of load-bearing structures.

Structural diagram of a frame building with transverse crossbars

Structural diagram of a frame building with a longitudinal arrangement of crossbars

Four types of structural frame systems:
a - with transverse arrangement of crossbars;
b - with a longitudinal arrangement of crossbars;

B - with a cross arrangement of crossbars;

d - with a frame without crossbars, in which there are no crossbars, and the floor slabs rest either on the capitals of the columns, or directly on the columns.

1- foundation; 2 – fencing panels; 3 – columns; 4 – longitudinal crossbars; 5 – floor slabs (flooring); 6 – crossbars

Frame with longitudinal crossbars are used in the design of apartment-type residential buildings and mass public buildings with complex planning structures, for example, in school buildings.

Frame with cross-bars They are most often made monolithic and used in multi-storey industrial and public buildings.

Transomless frame used both in multi-storey industrial and civil buildings, because due to the absence of crossbars, this scheme is most appropriate in architectural and planning terms. In this case, there are no crossbars, and the prefabricated or monolithic floor disk rests either on the capitals (widening) of the columns, or directly on the columns.

By the nature of static work frame structural systems of civil buildings are divided into:

frame - with a rigid connection of load-bearing elements (columns, crossbars) at nodes in orthogonal directions of the building plan. The frame absorbs all vertical and horizontal loads.

frame-braced - with a rigid connection at the nodes of columns and crossbars in one direction of the building plan (creation of frame structures) and vertical connections, placed in a direction perpendicular to the frame frames. The connections are rod elements (cross, portal) or wall diaphragms connecting adjacent rows of columns. Vertical and horizontal loads are absorbed by the frame frames and vertical pylons of rigid connections.

communication - are distinguished by simplicity constructive solution connections of columns with crossbars, providing movable (hinged) fastening. The frame (columns, crossbars) takes only vertical loads. Horizontal forces are transmitted to stiffening connections - stiffening cores, vertical pylons, rod elements.

Frame system
frame buildings have great rigidity, stability and create maximum freedom of planning decisions. The system ensures reliability in the perception of loads and uniform deformation of frames located in the building in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The disadvantage (with a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame) is the difficulty in unifying the node connections due to the different magnitudes of forces in them along the height of the building. This solution of a reinforced concrete frame, along with a steel one, is used in difficult soil conditions and in seismic areas.

When manufacturing a frame frame from prefabricated reinforced concrete, cutting its load-bearing elements into G-, T- And N-shaped elements, allowing the nodal connections to be transferred to the least stressed areas - places of zero bending moments from vertical loads.

Frame-bracing system provides spatial rigidity due to the joint work of transverse frames, vertical stiffening diaphragms and ceilings that perform the function of rigid horizontal disks. Vertical loads are transferred to the frame as a frame system. Horizontal loads acting perpendicular to the plane of the frames are perceived by vertical stiffening diaphragms and floor discs, and loads acting in the plane of the frames are perceived by the frame-bracing block, consisting of vertical stiffening diaphragms and frame frames.

As a result of the theoretical studies, it has been proven that the frame-bracing system satisfies the condition of minimum material consumption in load-bearing vertical structures with zero rigidity of the transverse frames, that is, when the system turns into a pure communication

Communication system
all vertical loads are transferred to the core elements of the frame (columns and crossbars), and horizontal forces are absorbed by rigid vertical connecting elements (wall diaphragms and stiffening cores), interconnected by floor disks. In a braced frame, the strength and rigidity of the joints of the crossbars with the columns is limited. The nodes are designed to be flexible using steel ties (“fish”) that limit pinching.

The introduction of a bracing system into the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete frame elements made it possible to carry out a broad unification of its main elements (columns and crossbars) and their nodal connections.

In the 80s of the last century, a nomenclature of industrial reinforced concrete products of the 1.020-1 series was developed (Series 1.020-1/87 ), allowing the construction of both civil and industrial frame-panel buildings of any configuration and number of storeys. In addition to columns and crossbars, the series range includes floor panels, stiffening diaphragms and external walls.

Frames with longitudinal and transverse arrangement of crossbars can be designed from standardized elements.

Dimensional scheme are assembled under the following conditions:

    the axes of columns, crossbars and stiffening diaphragm panels are aligned with the modular axes of the building;

    the pitch of the columns in the direction of the span of the floor slabs is 3.0; 6.0; 7.2, 9.0 and 12.0 m.

    the pitch of the columns in the direction of the span of the crossbars corresponds to 3.0; 6.0; 7.2 and 9.0 m.

    the height of the floors in accordance with the purpose and the enlarged module ZM is 3.3; 3.6; 4.2; 6.0 and 7.2 m.

In addition, for apartment and specialized residential buildings (boarding houses, hotels, dormitories, etc.), the floor height is assumed to be 2.8 m.

The layout of stiffening diaphragms can be varied, but it is preferable to arrange spatial bracing systems with open or closed sections.

The spatial rigidity of frame buildings is ensured by:

    the joint work of columns connected to each other by crossbars and ceilings and forming a geometrically unchangeable system;

    installation of stiffening walls or steel vertical ties between columns;

    pairing the walls of staircases with frame structures;

    laying spacer panels in interfloor ceilings (between columns).

Structural elements. The columns have a height of 2-4 floors, which allows the use of jointless columns in buildings with the appropriate number of storeys.

Along with seamless columns, the range includes the following types of columns:

    the lower ones are two floors high and the bottom of the column is located 1.1 m below the zero mark;

    the middle ones are three to four stories high and the top ones are one to three stories high.

Columns with a section of 30x30 cm are provided for buildings up to 5 floors high and columns with a section of 40x40 cm for all others. Columns are available in double-cantilever and single-cantilever versions. Double-cantilever columns are installed along the middle and outer rows with curtain panels on the outer walls. Single-cantilever columns are placed along the outer rows with self-supporting external walls and along the middle rows with one-sided adjoining diaphragm walls in staircases. The joint is carried out by welding the fittings, followed by monolithification and its location above the plane of the console by 1050 mm.

Crossbars— T-section with a shelf at the bottom to support the floor slabs, which reduces its structural height. The joint of the crossbar with the column is performed with a hidden console and welding to the embedded parts of the console and column (partial pinching).

Floors - hollow-core slabs with a height of 220 mm and a span of up to 9.0 m. Slabs of type 2T are used for spans of 9 and 12 m. Floor elements are divided into ordinary and braced (spacer slabs). Tie floor slabs are installed between the columns in the direction perpendicular to the crossbars, ensuring their stability.

Floors are tested transverse bending from vertical loads and bending in its plane from horizontal (wind, dynamic) influences.

The required rigidity of a horizontal floor disc assembled from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements is achieved by installing tie plates-spacers between columns, welding embedded connecting elements and installing keyed joints made of cement mortar between individual slabs. The resulting hard horizontal disk, perceiving all the loads, includes vertical rigidity diaphragms in joint work.

Walls are diaphragms the rigidities are mounted from concrete panels one floor high and 140 mm thick. and a length corresponding to the distance between the columns within the limits within which they are installed. With a column spacing of 7.2 and 9.0 m, diaphragm walls are designed as composites of two or three panels, with coordinate width dimensions of 1.2, 3.0 and 6.0 m. They can be blind or with one doorway. The elements of the stiffening diaphragms are connected to each other and the frame elements by welding embedded parts in at least two places on each side of the panel, followed by embedding.

The diaphragm pitch is determined by calculation, but does not exceed 36.0 m.

Exterior wall panels can be designed as self-supporting or non-load-bearing (suspended) structures. The walls are cut into panels in two rows. The range includes wall panels, under eaves, parapet, and plinth panels.

Panels themselves load-bearing walls set according to cement-sand mortar on plinth or wall panels and attached on top to the embedded parts of the columns. Non-load-bearing wall panels are hung on crossbars, consoles or supporting metal tables of columns and secured in the plane of the ceiling.

The binding of self-supporting and load-bearing wall panels to the frame is the same - with a gap of 20 mm between the outer edge of the column and the inner edge of the outer wall panel.

Insulation of panel joints is based on the principle of a closed joint

Compact in plan heated buildings up to 150 m long are designed without expansion joints. Buildings with an indented plan outline, which leads to weakening of the horizontal discs of the floors, are divided into temperature blocks, the length of which is linked to the division of the volumetric shape of the building, but does not exceed 60 m.

As in the 1.020.1 series, the KMS-K1 frame is assembled from columns, crossbars, floor slabs, stiffening panels and curtain panels of external walls.

Fragment of the facade of a frame building of series 1.020-1: A - diagram of cutting the outer wall into panels; a — sealing of vertical joints; b - fastening the top of the panel to the column; \ - protective layer; 2 - elastic mastic; 3 — elastic cord (gernite); 4 - column; 5 - brickwork; 6 - cement mortar; 7 - outer wall panel; 8 — steel embedded parts; 9 - steel connecting elements

Columns- they are made one- and two-story, with a single section of 400×400 mm, and their load-bearing capacity changes with changes in concrete grades and the percentage of reinforcement by transition from flexible (rods) to rigid ( steel profiles) fittings. The series includes row columns, façade columns and columns with console overhangs of up to 1.2 or 1.8 m, which serve as supports for slabs of balconies and loggias.

The column joint is located 710 mm above the floor slab, which simplifies installation. When installing columns, special conductors are used to ensure alignment. The connection is made by welding the flat ends of the columns, followed by injection of cement mortar.

The crossbars are of T-section with a height of 450, 600 and 900 mm (the latter for spans of 12.0 m). The column is connected to the crossbar by resting it on a hidden (at the height of the crossbar) console and with partial pinching of a special “fish” gusset installed on the top flange of the crossbar, as well as by welding with the embedded elements of the column console. The values ​​of bending moments and tensile forces perceived by such a unit are limited by the yield strength of the “fish”. Therefore, in calculations when perceiving vertical loads, pinching of the crossbar on the support is not taken into account, considering it as a hinged connection.

There are ordinary and façade crossbars. The front crossbar has Z-shaped form, which is dictated by the peculiarity of its work - resting the floor slabs on the lower shelf on one side and hanging the outer wall panels on top shelf on the other side.

Floors are made from hollow-core flooring with a height of 220 mm. Floorings are distinguished according to their placement in the plan - ordinary, facade, spacer flooring, sanitary and additional.

To create a single floor disc, the side surfaces of the decking have keyed grooves, which (after laying them out) are sealed, creating keyed seams that absorb shear forces.

Shear walls are designed from reinforced concrete panels one floor high and 180 mm thick. They have one or two shelves for supporting floor decks. The connection to the load-bearing elements of the frame is carried out using steel welded connections of at least two on each side.

Exterior wall panels can be cut horizontally or vertically along the façade plane of the building.

When cutting two-row (horizontal) panels, external wall panels are divided into belt (strip), wall and corner.

The coordination dimensions of horizontally cut external wall panels in length correspond to the pitch of the columns, and in height are 1.2; 1.5; 1.8 and 3.0 m. Wall panels can be as high as - 1.5; 1.8 and 2.1 m, and the width is a multiple of 300 mm module.

When cutting vertically, all panel dimensions in length and height are multiples of a 300 mm module.

The support unit for external wall panels is unified for different cutting systems on façade plane panels. The panels are supported on the supporting structure of the floor (crossbar or flooring) to a depth of 100 mm and welded using embedded and connecting elements at a distance of 600 mm in plan from the axis of the column. The top of the panel is attached to the column, also by welding the connecting elements.

Horizontal joints of external wall panels are made in quarters with an overlap of 75 mm. Insulation of vertical and horizontal interfaces of panels is carried out according to the principle of a closed joint

The system allows you to create multi-variant space-planning solutions through the use of columns with consoles of large overhangs (1.2 - 1.8 m) to create loggias, cantilever crossbars with an overhang of up to 3.0 m, forming protruding volumes. It is possible to construct halls with spans of 18.0-24.0 m. A variety of architectural compositions of buildings is achieved by using double-row (horizontal) and vertical cutting, as well as various options for protective and finishing layers of external wall panels.

KMC series frame - K1. The main planning situations of stiffening walls and load-bearing structures of floors: R - ordinary crossbar; RF - façade transom; NV - flooring; NRV - flooring-spacer; NRF - façade flooring-spacer; MF - facade wall panel; SG—stiffening wall; 1 - column with flat steel ends; 2 - semi-automatic submerged arc welding; 3 — steel centering gasket; 4 - embedded part; 5 — connecting strip; 6 - cement mortar; 7 — connecting plate; 8 - monolithic reinforced concrete; 9 - embedded part

Transomless frame. The main architectural disadvantage of frame systems for use in civil engineering is the beams-crossbars protruding into the interior from the plane of the floors. There are structural designs of frames that eliminate this drawback:

A system formed from prefabricated solid-section slabs supported on columns at the corner points of the column grid (KUB system);

Frame system with prestressed reinforcement in hidden beams formed in construction conditions(CPNS system).

System transomless frame CUBE is a prefabricated capitalless frame consisting of square columns and flat floor slabs.

Column grids of 6x3 and 6x6 meters, if necessary, can be increased to sizes of 6x9 and 9x12 meters. Section of columns 30x30 cm and 40x40 cm high in one or more floors with a maximum height of up to 15.3 m.

Floor slabs in plan size 2.8 × 2.8 m with a thickness of 16 to 20 cm. Depending on the location, they are divided into above-column, inter-column and insert slabs. The division of the floor into prefabricated elements is done in such a way that the joints of the slabs are located in zones with the lowest value (approximating zero) of bending moments from vertical loads.

The sequence of installation of the floor on the mounted columns is carried out in the following order: - above-column slabs are installed and welded to the column reinforcement, then inter-column slabs and, finally, insert slabs. Intercolumn and insert slabs have keys that make it easy to weld them together. After embedding the joints, a spatial rigid structure is created.

Transomless frame system (CUB): a - general form; b - installation sequence diagram; c - sectional diagram of the building

The advantage of the system is the absence of protruding elements in the ceiling plane and ease of installation using lightweight mobile cranes.

Transomless frame or frame-braced frame system civil buildings up to 16 floors high are designed for vertical floor loads of 1250 kg/m2. For heavy loads (2000 kg/m2), the number of storeys in the building is limited to 9 floors.

The system has architectural, planning and design advantages. A smooth ceiling makes it possible to flexibly decide on the layout of the internal space and create transformable rooms. Cantilever overhangs of floors provide flexibility in plastic solutions for facades.

The transomless frame is universal - it can be successfully used both in residential buildings and public (kindergartens, schools, retail establishments, sports and entertainment) structures, etc.

A system with hidden crossbars in the floor plane (CPNS) is designed according to a bracing scheme from prefabricated elements: columns, slabs, floors and reinforcement diaphragm walls. The connection between the prefabricated floor elements is carried out as a result of the construction of a monolithic crossbar with rope-tensioned reinforcement passed through through holes in the column in orthogonal directions. Prestressing of the reinforcement is carried out at the floor level, creating biaxial compression of the floor slabs

The floor slabs are 30 cm high and consist of a top slab 6 cm thick, a bottom slab 3 cm thick and crossed side ribs. During installation, the floor slabs are laid on temporary column capitals and supports, which are installed on the assembled lower level. Floor slabs can be made into a cell supported by columns at 4 corners or divided into two slabs connected by a monolithic reinforced seam. A structure assembled from prefabricated elements of columns and floor slabs - works as one static system, which absorbs all force impacts due to the adhesion forces arising between individual prefabricated elements and the stresses of the steel ropes.

Frame with hidden crossbars (CPNS): A - assembly diagram; B - floor plan node at the column; 1 - monolithic crossbar; 2 — monolithic seam; 3 - rope tension fittings: 4 - floor slab; 5 – column

A significant step back from the system of reliability and durability of industrial production of structural elements of frame buildings has been the return of “wet” processes to construction sites since the beginning of the 2000s. Monolithic beam and beamless frames have a low degree of manufacturability and do not allow the construction of approved types of enclosing structures.