Frame house or timber house – which is better for permanent residence. What is better: a frame house or a timber house?

If previously getting an apartment in a high-rise building was the ultimate dream of many Russians living in the private sector, today the opposite trend is observed. Accordingly, the overall scale of construction of own houses is growing rapidly. This is also facilitated by the fact that in the construction industry technologies that have been successfully used for decades in other countries have become generally available and have begun to be widely used. Any future owner of the house, choosing its design, drawing up a project and calculating the quantity necessary materials, tries to reduce costs as much as possible, but at the same time strives to obtain a high-quality, warm and durable structure.

It would seem that the spread of frame construction technologies, which previously could not be considered traditional for our country, alleviated the severity of many problems. However, the practice of construction and operation has shown that the result, alas, does not always live up to expectations. And frame structures failed to displace the technology of building houses from timber. So the question of whether a frame house or a timber house is better still remains relevant, since both designs have their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing one of these options, you should take into account many nuances relating to the climatic conditions of the region of residence, the technology of building a house, and the comparative cost of projects.

It is necessary to immediately say that in both options the main construction material is timber. But the walls of a house are assembled using different technologies. In one case, the timber performs only load-bearing functions, in the other it becomes the only wall material.

Wooden houses have always been distinguished by their warmth, durability and strength. Subject to choice quality material, compliance with construction technology and subsequent operation rules, they can serve for many decades without needing major repairs.

The beam has the same basic characteristics as a log, while it compares favorably with a much simpler installation technology. This is due to the very shape of the material.

Today there are two types of timber on the construction market - solid and glued.

  • A solid beam is made from a log, from which, during the manufacturing process, rounded parts are cut to obtain the required square or rectangular section. This option is the most affordable material.

  • Glued laminated timber is assembled from well-dried and carefully processed and fitted lamella boards. Their number and thickness may vary.

If the manufacturing requirements of this material were met, then it is distinguished by high quality and aesthetic appearance. Glued laminated timber, unlike conventional sawn timber, turns out to be more durable, practically not causing deformation even in the worst conditions. favorable conditions operation. The advantages of laminated veneer lumber also include the absence of shrinkage of the material. Therefore, using it to build a house, finishing work can be done immediately upon completion of construction. According to these parameters, it is much more suitable for building a house.

However, laminated veneer lumber is quite expensive, since selected wood is usually used for its production. And the manufacturing technology itself is also quite expensive.

Glued laminated timber, made from different types of wood, is considered to be of the highest quality. Thus, the outer layers of timber are often assembled from larch, which is resistant to external influences, and the inner layers are made from pine, which has lower thermal conductivity.

Both solid and laminated timber can have smooth or profiled surfaces.

The profiled timber on its two opposite faces is given a rather complex relief, which can vary in depth and shape. But in any case, it is designed for strong joining of parts according to the “tenon-ridge” principle, which increases the overall strength of the walls, simplifies installation, and eliminates cold bridges, especially when correct use high-quality interventional insulation.

Several popular profile types are shown in the illustration below. In fact, their diversity is much wider.

The walls of cobblestone houses are built from profiled timber. And for the construction of frame structures, lumber with a regular rectangular or square cross-section is used.

Design features of cobblestone and frame houses

To decide on the choice of design, you need to know what each of them represents. Therefore, their features will be discussed in this section.

Cobblestone log house

Some general construction nuances

A house made of timber is built using approximately the same technology as a log house. And, in fact, it is modernized design of traditional chopped huts For its construction, glued profiled or ordinary timber.

If the house is being built for permanent residence, then the cross-sectional size of the beam must be at least 200×200 mm. This means that, most likely, you will have to purchase laminated veneer lumber, since it is quite difficult to purchase a high-quality batch of solid timber with such parameters.

For dacha summer buildings, a lumber size of 100×100 or 150×150 mm in cross-section is suitable. If a beam of this size is chosen for a permanent structure, the walls will need to be insulated. Mineral wool is most often used for this purpose.

The peculiarity of a log house built from ordinary sawn material is its very considerable and long-term shrinkage, which can last up to a year. Therefore, the installation of windows and doors in the openings, as well as wall insulation and external finishing will have to be postponed until the walls have reached their final stable position.

Many craftsmen, when constructing a log house, do not make window and door openings at all until the walls have completely settled, in order to avoid their deformation. In this case, a small door is cut out, simply to allow entry into the building. Well, after shrinkage, the opening is cut to the required size. The remaining openings for installing windows are only marked and cut out after the house is ready for finishing.

In another option, an example of which is shown in the illustration, all openings are temporarily fastened with a solid beam, which will prevent them from deforming. After the structure shrinks, the lintel beams are cut to the width of the openings.

Connecting parts when building a log house

When choosing one type of timber for building a house, you need to know how it is joined at the corners of the house and, if necessary, its extension, that is, decide on the choice of connections.

Information about this should be obtained in advance so that the complexity of the work can be assessed. The joining of timber may differ from the connection used during construction log house, since, unlike the latter, more installation options have been developed.

There are two types of main types of connections - “in the cup” (with residue) and “in the paw” (without residue). But, in turn, each of them is divided into several varieties:

  • Joining at the corners “into a cup” can be done in several ways, but the most popular of them are “in the okhryak”, “in the fat tail” and a simple connection “in half a tree”:

— Most often, a simple “half-tree” connection is used, when the cutout on the beam is made on one side. This docking method is the most popular due to the maximum simplicity of its implementation.

— “In the tail” is a rather difficult connection to make, since a kind of tenon is formed in the main cutout, and a groove for it is cut on the other side of the beam. This joining method ensures effective thermal insulation in the corners. But it will require good carpentry skills.

— The connection “in the okhryap” guarantees a rigid and durable joining of the elements wooden structure. It is used quite often in both cobblestone and log buildings.

  • When connecting using a method without a residue, that is, without the beam protruding beyond the main surface of the wall, there are more options for joining wooden elements. The most commonly used ones are shown in the diagram below:

- “On the main tenon” - this method involves cutting out a protrusion-tenon on one joined beam from the end, and on the other, on its inner side, a groove corresponding in size to the tenon. Additionally, the joined elements are fixed with wooden dowels driven into the corner part, as well as along the entire length of the beam in increments of 350÷400 mm.

- “On a plug-in tenon.” In this case, grooves are cut in one beam at the end and in the other on the side so that when joined, the holes coincide with each other. After which, a tenon is cut out, corresponding in size to the two combined grooves. After laying the mating parts, this spike is driven into the formed channel. Additionally, the timber is fastened with dowels laid previously along its entire length.

- “Half-wood with an insert tenon” - this joining option involves cutting the ends of each of the beams at the same distance from the edge and half their thickness. Additionally, grooves are cut from the edges of the joined part of the beam, which must also align. After laying the wall parts in place, a tenon is driven into the grooves. Wooden dowels are also driven in along the entire length of the beam.

— “In the paw” - this connection has the simplest cutout on the end side of the beam. It is somewhat reminiscent of the cut that is made when forming a “half-tree” joint, but differs in that it is performed at an angle. On the lower beam, the slope is formed from the edge of its end, and on the upper beam, from the inner side to the outer. That is, when they are connected in a corner, the slices should be pressed tightly against each other, and the direction of the resulting vector of forces ensures the strength of the created corner unit.

Whatever option for cutting the timber is chosen, the surfaces of the cutouts, as well as tenons and grooves, must be perfectly flat and smooth. Otherwise, high-quality joining of parts may not work out, or gaps will form that will reduce the thermal insulation qualities of the wooden wall.

Advantages and disadvantages of cobblestone construction

If you choose a cobblestone structure for a house, you need to know not only about its advantages. Information about shortcomings is also very important, since they also exist and may well come as a surprise to the owners of the building during the construction of the house and its subsequent operation.

TO benefits The following characteristic features of a cobblestone house include:

  • Timber is a natural material, and if the optimal thickness for local conditions is chosen for the construction of a house, additional insulation in the form of mineral wool. Therefore, the house will be an environmentally friendly structure. In addition, it is important to choose a high-quality sealant for the roof, for example, based on natural felt or flax fibers, which interact well with wood and are also environmentally friendly materials.

What materials are used for interventional insulation?

The disadvantages of building a cobblestone house include the following:

  • The large massiveness of each part does not allow you to install the walls of a block house yourself. For construction work Helpers will definitely be needed, and sometimes you can’t do without special lifting equipment.
  • A rather long period of shrinkage does not allow us to begin finishing and operating the house immediately after its construction.
  • Walls made of timber, which has a small thickness, will require additional insulation, and therefore subsequent decorative cladding with clapboard or block house. Therefore, if you plan to save on timber, you will have to pay for Additional materials.
  • If you choose laminated veneer lumber for construction, you should know that it will cost several times more than regular timber. But its advantage is that the material practically does not shrink, so finishing work can begin immediately after the construction of the house.

  • Even laminated veneer lumber can be of poor quality, which will manifest itself after a certain time. This may manifest itself on its end sides in the form of unsticking lamella boards and their cracking under the influence of external natural influences.
  • If the installation technology of conventional timber is violated, as well as due to the neglect of the need to treat its surfaces and ends with special compounds, deformation or cracking of the wood along the fibers may occur.

Frame houses

In recent years, frame construction has become an alternative to the construction of houses made of timber. Frame buildings have a considerable number of positive qualities, however, they also have their own very serious disadvantages. In order to understand the features of such structures, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

There are several types of frame buildings that differ in the principles of assembly and the use of different materials. You need to know what to do right choice in favor of a specific frame, you can significantly save money, reduce construction time and save your own strength.

There are four main types of frame structures - frame, continuous, frame-panel or panel and half-timbered or post-beam. In some cases, during construction frame house Several of the above options are used simultaneously. However, the construction of any type of frame is carried out from ordinary timber, which may have different size in cross section. This parameter of the material depends, as a rule, on the massiveness of the structure being created - after all, it is the beam that bears the load-bearing functions.

Frame frame construction

The frame structure is also called pallet or platform, “American” or “Canadian”. The last two names apparently come from the “founders” of this construction technology, while the first are based on the principles of installation work.

The pallet construction method is based on the principle of erecting walls on a platform or on a pallet. Moreover, it does not really matter what material is used and how the base is formed.

On the formed basis, for example, on one of the types of foundations, frame wall structures are mounted. They are raised, leveled, fastened and tied together with boards. After that, the top trim is made and the floor platform is installed.

The advantage of this construction method is the ability to carry out construction independently, without the involvement of assistants. This factor is especially important if it is decided to build the house alone, saving on a construction crew.

Next, the installed wall frame is filled with insulating material. Most often, mineral stone wool is chosen for this purpose, which is covered on the outside with a windproof waterproofing membrane, and then sheathed with wooden paneling, siding, ventilated facades are installed, or another material is selected.

On the inside, for wall cladding, moisture- and heat-resistant plasterboard, marked GKLVO, can be used, on which decorative finishing is mounted. Drywall, just like timber, is an environmentally friendly material. It is a good basis for any type of finishing and creates a certain protection of premises from the emission of binders (formaldehyde resins) that make up mineral wool.

It should be noted that today insulation materials made from environmentally friendly raw materials have appeared on the market. For example, these are mats made of flax fiber, which perfectly withstand external influences, are “breathable” and have a low thermal conductivity coefficient. However, the cost of such material is significantly higher than mineral wool.

Continuous frame structure

This structure is called continuous because to create the frame of the walls, a solid beam is used, going from the base of the house right up to its ridge and forming the pediment of the building.

This type of frame is well suited in cases where it is necessary not only to save on building materials, but also to speed up the construction of the house. In addition, a continuous frame is perfect for building two-story house, or having an attic space, the total height of which corresponds lumber standards,which are 6000 and 4500 mm. If a house with an attic is being built, where the ceiling height of the first floor is 2500 mm, the attic is 1800 mm and the floor thickness is 200 mm, a beam with a length of 4500 mm is ideal.

If this type of frame is chosen, then it is necessary to ensure very reliable fastening of the floor beams, since they will not only serve as lags for arranging the floors of the second floor, but also as a strapping that holds all the elements together into a single structure. In addition, they will absorb the load, preventing possible deformation of the racks that form the frame of the walls.

When choosing timber for a continuous frame, you need to pay special attention to its quality, or use only laminated veneer lumber from a trusted manufacturer for its construction. Naturally, special attention is paid to the verticality of the frame posts and the horizontality of the beams, strict adherence to all dimensions in accordance with the project.

It will not be possible to build a house using the continuous frame principle alone. The work will require at least two assistants, and it is advisable that they have experience in the construction of frame structures.

The frame is sheathed according to the same scheme as in the frame structure described above.

Panel or frame-panel house

This type of construction allows you to build a house in a very short time and is perhaps the most technologically advanced of all types of frame structures.

The frame-panel method of assembling houses is not new at all for Russia. Back in Soviet times, it was used for the rapid construction so-called " Finnish houses» . However, those panel-assembled buildings often did not meet the requirements for effective thermal insulation, so many owners decided to clad them with brickwork. This method of additional insulation significantly increased the level of comfort of living in such buildings.

Today frame-panel houses assembled from SIP panels, which, having a standard thickness of 124 to 224 mm, have higher thermal insulation abilities than Brick wall half a meter thick.

What is a SIP panel? For the manufacture of such large mounting parts, OSB sheets of different thicknesses are used, between which insulating material is located - this can be polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam, as well as mineral stone wool.

SIP panels are often made to order according to a pre-developed house project. That is, using this technology they are manufactured finished parts the walls of the building, which are assembled on a prepared foundation into a single structure.

There are also separate panels from which the walls of the house are built. Such slabs are connected through a beam installed between them, the fastening parts are self-tapping screws, and the additional seal is polyurethane foam. Individual panels are most often mounted into a finished frame made of timber. That is, builders get rid of several stages of work, such as external cladding of the frame with OSB sheets, laying insulation and internal cladding, since all these materials are combined into SIP panels and installed at the same time.

When using separate slabs, their installation can be done by two or three people. If the elements of a house from this material are made to order according to a project, and represent finished walls with window and doorways, then its assembly will require not only assistants, but also specialized lifting equipment.

If the rooms in the house have a small area, that is, the spans between the walls are small, then ready-made SIP panels can also be used as a ceiling. In addition, slabs are also used to form a floor platform, provided that a reliable monolithic foundation is installed.

The advantages of this type of frame construction include the short construction time of the building. The disadvantage is the high cost of factory-made panels.

What to do with facade finishing home from SIP panels?

It is quite clear that no one wants to leave the “boring” appearance of OSB boards on the facade. Therefore, home owners try to decorate the walls, giving them additional protection from external natural influences. One of the options - house cladding from SIP panels ceramic bricks , and relevant experience is shared by one of regular readers our portal.

The post-and-beam frame assembly method is often called “German”, since in Germany quite a few private houses are built using exactly this technology. Its other name is half-timbered. This construction method frame houses can be considered the most traditional, since it has been used in construction for decades.

The frame of the walls in this case is assembled from massive beams with a cross-section of 150×150 or 200×200 mm and powerful floor beams. Sometimes boards with a cross section of 150÷100 or 200×100 mm are used to form the frame, where a larger figure will determine the thickness of the walls.

The main vertical and horizontal elements of the frame are additionally strengthened with jibs. Traditionally, all structural parts are fastened together using a tie-in method, resulting in a strong and reliable frame.

However, recently, more and more often, to fix structural elements together, they are used metal corners and plates, so assembling the frame is much more expensive. The advantage of this approach in ensuring the connection of parts is faster construction of the structure.

To insulate half-timbered frames in its traditional version, they use clay-straw blocks that fill the space between the beams. True, these days not many home owners use this material as insulation, since its production must be done independently, but this is enoughlabor-intensive a procedure that requires quite a lot of time. But blocks made of clay mixed with chopped straw have very low thermal conductivity, and a house insulated in this way turns out to be very comfortable.

A wall thickness of 200 mm is suitable for the construction of houses being built in the southern and central regions of the country. If construction is carried out in areas with very low winter temperatures, the amount of insulation will have to be increased. Therefore, for this purpose, a special frame design was developed, which is called “Russian half-timbered frame”.

The design details are shown in the diagram with digital symbols:

1 - Bearing main beam - man.

2 - Racks of the external front contour of the frame.

3 - Bottom trim.

4 - Upper trim.

5 - Crossbar or board.

6 - Jib, increasing the rigidity of the structure.

7 - Vertical stand of the internal contour.

8 - Crossbar connecting the outer and inner contours.

9 - Strapping beam of the internal contour.

To insulate this structure, a special material is used - rufalit, which is used to fill the internal space of the frame layer by layer.

Rufalit is a gypsum-based mixture enriched with silicon modifiers and organic fillers, most often chopped straw. Thanks to this composition, the result is a “breathable”, environmentally friendly material with antiseptic and high thermal insulation properties.

Before pouring the mortar prepared from a dry mixture, the frame is sheathed with temporary removable formwork, which is covered waterproofing material. After the poured mixture has hardened, the formwork is removed. The result of the work done will be a smooth, warm wall. It can be sheathed decorative material or plaster. When choosing clapboard or siding as cladding, the wooden frame of the wall will serve as a sheathing to secure this material. However, to prevent wood from becoming a kind of cold bridge, all wooden elements located with outside, it will be necessary to additionally insulate.

Any frame option The construction of a building, in contrast to a timber structure, provides greater opportunities for the use of various materials. You can choose the most suitable methods for carrying out installation work, depending on the budget of the future owner of the house.

Making comparisons

Now, having understood in general terms what frame and timber structures of buildings are, and already having a rough idea of ​​how much work needs to be done in a given case, we can sum up the results by highlighting and comparing their characteristics.

Difficulty of carrying out work

Cobblestone house , especially if it is built from profiled material, it is easier to build. Moreover, this process does not require any special skills; it is enough to act in accordance with the developed project. The difficulty lies only in the large weight of the beam, so you won’t be able to do it without an assistant - you won’t be able to lift the beam to a height on your own.

True, all this is true if the purchased construction kit has the necessary cuts for corner joints. Otherwise, there is no way to do it without good carpentry skills.

Frame construction . In this case, the level of complexity will depend on the choice of frame type. The simplest of them is the panel design, but installation work will require specialized equipment. Other types of frames, compared to the construction of a log house, are more difficult to install and require precise calculations, as they consist of numerous parts that must be correctly connected and interact with each other.

However, most frames can be assembled alone, but this process will take a lot of time.

The strength of the created structure and the duration of its operation

The durability and strength of both one and the other design directly depend on several factors:

  • The quality of the selected material.
  • Correctly carried out calculations.
  • Scrupulous adherence to construction installation technology.

If all these conditions are met, then you can rely on documents regulating the duration of operation of buildings. So, according to STO 00044807-001-2006 clause 6, table No. 2, the service life of log buildings from their construction to overhaul, is 50 years, and panel-panel and frame walls - 20 years. That is, a clear win for the cobblestone house!

  • Cobblestone house more durable and resistant to wind loads due to its massiveness. Completely wooden walls, when properly processed, will be more resistant to external influences.
  • Frame construction . The strength of a frame house depends on the thickness of the timber and its quality, as well as on the installation work. To ensure the maximum possible durability of frame buildings, it is necessary to protect their external surfaces from the effects of aggressive natural factors. That is, external finishing will be required.

Environmental qualities of buildings

A building constructed from ordinary timber can be called completely “environmentally friendly”. However, during construction, both one and the other structure may use materials that do not fully meet environmental requirements. To get the desired result, you need to choose only natural materials for building a house.

  • Cobblestone house . If the house is being built from laminated veneer lumber, then it must be remembered that during its manufacture they are used for antiseptic treatment. chemical compositions, and for gluing boards - adhesives of various origins. So this question should be clarified when purchasing the material - how “clean” it is, but whether dangerous emissions, for example, formaldehyde, are expected.

If the construction is made from ordinary timber, then it is recommended that the insulation and cladding of the walls be made exclusively with natural materials. Only in this case can you achieve an ideal result, getting an environmentally friendly home.

  • Frame construction. It is more difficult to achieve “complete cleanliness” of the structure in this case, since the frame is usually sheathed with one of the types of plywood or OSB sheets, in the production of which formaldehyde-based compounds are most often used. Instead of plywood you can use moisture resistant drywall or other modern sheet material on a natural basis, covering it on the outside with a waterproofing windproof membrane. And as insulation, use not mineral wool, which still contains the same formaldehyde resins, but linen, wool, cork insulation, or cellulose ecowool pressed into mats.

From the above we can conclude that both one and the other design can be environmentally friendly when used natural materials, the choice of which depends on the desires and capabilities of the future owner of the house.

Maintenance costs

Maintenance costs depend on the frequency and complexity of preventive and routine maintenance. repair work. One of the most important factors on which the need for regular intervention depends is the protection of the external surfaces of the structure from both negative impacts atmospheric nature, and from biological damage.

  • House built from timber with a cross section of 200×200 mm, as a rule, it is not lined both outside and inside. Therefore, if there is no initial high-quality treatment of wood with antiseptic agents, then the risk of it being damaged by fungus or wood-boring insects is quite high. And in order to protect a structure from insects, antiseptic treatment alone is often not enough. It is necessary to seal all inter-crown joints between the beams with a special sealant.
  • Frame construction subject to construction and subsequent finishing technologies, it is protected from external influences of moisture, ultraviolet radiation, wind and dust, as well as from water vapor concentrated indoors. However, a frame structure that is closed on both sides is much more difficult to monitor for damage and damage, in contrast to walls built from timber that are always open.

Due to the fact that for internal and exterior finishing frame structure uses modern materials that are less susceptible to biological influences, its maintenance costs will be significantly lower. Again, when answering this question, you should take into account the quality of installation and cladding work.

From these characteristics we can conclude that a high-quality frame structure will require less maintenance and repair work than a cobblestone house. But let us not forget that its theoretical age is almost half as long.

Thermal insulation qualities of walls

Another question that affects the comfort of living in a house, as well as the cost of its full heating, is how warm it is.

As is known, wood has quite low thermal conductivity, and this quality of it, is cited as the main argument in favor of the paving structure. You can estimate how warm a house will be by finding out the characteristics of a particular material.

Thus, the thermal conductivity coefficient of pine, which is most often chosen for building houses, is 0.1 W/m×˚С, and that of mineral wool is 0.04 W/m×˚С. That is, the thermal insulation characteristics of insulation are almost twice as high as those of wood.

Simple calculations show that the wall of a frame house, lined with OSB and insulated with mineral wool, retains heat in the paving much more effectively than one made of timber. This means that a frame house, built in accordance with the technology, will be more than twice as warm as a non-insulated cobblestone house with the same wall thickness, say, 200 mm.

In addition, the frame structure allows you to equip the wall with insulation of any thickness, which is difficult to do in a cobblestone structure.

Fire safety

In both frame and timber structures, the main material is wood, which belongs to the highest flammability group - G 4. Based on this, it becomes clear that both options are potentially fire hazardous.

Unlike a cobblestone structure, it is easier to protect a frame structure from rapid fire by choosing non-flammable insulation and covering the walls with a material with low flammability and the ability to prevent the spread of fire.

Walls built from timber can be protected only soaking them in fire retardant solutions. Moreover, this process is recommended to be carried out every 2–3 years, depending on the product used for this purpose, since the coating loses its protective qualities under the influence of wind, sun and moisture. But it does not guarantee complete protection against fire under the influence of an open flame.

Construction cost

When determining which design is better and more profitable, there is no way to avoid the issue of construction cost. And this is quite understandable - the financial factor can radically influence the choice of one or another option.

Of course, it is impossible to determine the exact cost of the house being built, since it consists of its design features. However, you can try to make an estimate based on the number of items of required materials. Due to the fact that frame and timber houses have the same roof structure, its cost will also not differ, but for the walls you will need different materials and their number.

The list of materials needed to build a log house includes:

  • The beam has a cross-sectional size of 200×200 mm, the quantity of which will depend on the area of ​​the walls of the house.
  • Inter-crown insulation laid between the beams of the walls.
  • Antiseptic solution to protect wood.
  • Wood varnish for external use.

To build a frame house, the list of required materials is somewhat larger and consists of the following items:

  • Timber for the construction of the frame - it will require 12÷15% of the total area of ​​the walls.
  • Insulation material - 85÷88% of the wall area.
  • External cladding, which is most often used OSB sheets with a thickness of 10÷12 mm.
  • Interior lining - it could be wooden lining, drywall, etc.
  • Facing facade material chosen according to the taste of the home owner - ventilated facade, brickwork, ceramic facade tiles, etc.
  • Vapor barrier and waterproofing membrane.
  • For interior decoration you will need putty, plaster, paint, wallpaper, ceramic tile and etc.

Having studied the presented lists of basic materials, without taking into account fasteners, you can see that a log house will require more wood and less finishing materials. For frame structure significantly fewer natural wooden parts will be required, but a lot of other materials will need to be prepared. Moreover, additional materials in the total volume will most likely cost no less than wooden beam.

Based on the list of necessary materials for the construction of walls, it is easy to imagine the number of diverse stages of work that will need to be done, bringing the walls to full readiness. From which it is clear that building a frame house is a more labor-intensive and lengthy process.

Now, having received information about the features of designs, their advantages and disadvantages, it will be easier to make the right choice. You can find out the cost of materials in your region of residence and proceed to calculations, focusing on the expected plan for your future possessions. Then the picture will become even clearer.

At the end of the publication, there is an interesting video in which the author shares his vision of the advantages and disadvantages of frame and block houses.

Video: Comparison of timber and frame houses in terms of wall thickness and their thermal insulation qualities

Wooden houses are becoming more and more popular from year to year. The reason for this was that a wide variety of building materials have appeared on the domestic market that are used for the construction wooden buildings or serve as additional interior and exterior decoration.

New technological methods have also appeared that make it possible to effectively counteract the formation of fungus and rot, which 20-30 years ago was the main problem of all owners of wooden buildings.

Experts say that with proper care, a house built of wood using modern technologies can last more than 100 years.

It is worth noting that the construction wooden house does not require large quantity time, especially when it comes to structures made of high-quality timber or frame buildings. However, structures made from these popular materials differ greatly in properties, and in order to answer the question of which house is better - frame or timber, you can comparative analysis and consider the main pros and cons of the proposed buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages of using timber

The primary task before building a house from timber is choosing the type of building material. Now on the market you can find both cheap options in the form of raw timber and high-quality analogues in the form of laminated veneer lumber.

Often, houses made from profiled timber are produced with the assistance of special companies, and they are delivered to the consumer in the form of a large wooden construction set. In this case, raw timber is practically not used due to the fact that there is a high chance of deformation of the erected buildings after drying. Manufacturers take this risk wooden houses usually they don't go.

Using dry or laminated timber is more practical. This material is made mainly from coniferous wood, which initially contains a certain amount of antiseptic substances.

Based on the opinion of experts, the following advantages of houses made of timber can be identified:

  1. Thermal insulation. Standard profiled timber and its laminated veneer lumber are very good thermal insulation materials, which do not require additional finishing materials to insulate the room. A wooden beam laid in compliance with all necessary requirements perfectly prevents the penetration of not only cold, but also moisture into the room.
  2. Aesthetics. When making timber, its edges are cut as evenly as possible. Immediately after construction, the house will not require any finishing works, but at the same time it will look very presentable.
  3. Safety. Fire retardants (special impregnations that reduce the possibility of wood ignition) are used in the production of timber. As a result, the material practically does not burn, and it is quite difficult to cause significant damage to it using fire. The wood is also impregnated with other substances that help the wood resist rot, fungi and various types of insects.

But, despite the large list of advantages, buildings made of timber also have their disadvantages.:

  1. Shrinkage time. Any type of timber after the construction of a house must stand for some time without occupants. This period can take from 3 to 6 months, and in the case of raw material, even longer. This process is necessary for the shrinkage of the building.
  2. Selection of material. Despite the fact that timber is a very popular material that can be purchased everywhere, it should be understood that its selection is a very responsible process. It is not always possible to independently determine the quality of raw materials, especially when it comes to the construction of permanent housing, where the durability of the house will depend on the quality of the timber used.

Pros and cons of frame buildings

Frame houses can be divided into buildings for seasonal living and those that are used all year round. The latter are called capital. For their construction, additional materials are often used in the form of siding or finishing from natural stone, which increase the service life and make homes warmer.

Seasonal structures are erected using panels consisting of insulation and materials made from waste from the wood processing industry. They are additionally treated with substances that help the wood resist moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Such structures are often used as a summer house or summer house. IN autumn-winter period it is uncomfortable to live in them, because such housing has poor thermal insulation characteristics. In permanent buildings, this problem is solved by using panels made of denser materials. This applies to both wood and various insulation materials.

The advantages that can be highlighted in the material for frame houses:

  • construction time: frame houses do not require downtime and are erected almost instantly, the panels are quickly assembled into a single structure without additional adjustment;
  • frame: the base of the house can be built from a variety of materials, but the most popular are metal and wood.
  • cladding: for the internal and external cladding or cladding of a house, you can use a wide variety of materials, making allowances only for the properties of the frame and its capabilities, thanks to this there is a chance to independently choose the design style of the house.

Unlike wooden frame, metal structure maintains its integrity for a long time and does not change its physical properties.

The main disadvantage panel houses- this means that for its construction it is necessary to attract professionals. Especially when it comes to the construction of permanent housing. In addition, panels for frame houses are quite rare construction material. Usually it is made to order, because such a product can have various variations in terms of combining raw materials.

Cost of frame houses

Many people believe that a frame house or cottage is much cheaper than housing made of timber. To some extent, the statement is true. However, it should still be noted that there are practically no significant differences in the cost of a capital frame structure and a building made of timber.

If you make a comparison, you will indeed notice that laminated veneer lumber or even standard timber will be noticeably more expensive. However, a house built from panels does not require interior or exterior finishing. In addition, an all-season panel structure requires additional costs for the purchase of insulation and work aimed at increasing the level of waterproofing.

In this case, if we take the total costs of building both houses, we can calculate that their total cost will be almost the same. The only thing cheaper than a building made of timber is the construction of a frame summer house.

It should also be noted that financial investments in the construction of a frame house must be one-time, and the construction of housing from timber is carried out gradually, which makes it possible to finance it in parts. This, of course, does not make a timber building cheaper, but it significantly relieves the financial burden during construction.

Additional Analysis

Despite the fact that each material has its pros and cons, we can say that when choosing from two possible options, it is best to give preference to timber. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Long service life of the timber. This is achieved thanks to the ability to replace damaged timber with a new one. Frame houses sometimes need to be almost completely disassembled for repair work. In addition, profiled timber High Quality- This is a solid material that is initially stronger than multi-component panels.
  2. Facing. Houses made of timber can be left completely without cladding. However, their properties will not change. In the case of a frame structure, cladding or finishing is a necessary measure.

Before choosing a material for building a house, it is important to weigh all the positive and negative qualities, and only then start building housing.

For several decades, the debate about which house is better - timber or frame - has not subsided. This can be assessed by considering several criteria, comparing frame buildings and buildings made of timber. This will allow you to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option, making the right choice.

Which house is cheaper

As practice shows, building a frame house costs about 30% less than building from timber. This is due to the fact that the first option is based on a well-dried edged board, which is two and sometimes three times cheaper than timber. Among other things, the cost of profiled or laminated timber is higher than double or sawn timber. This difference in cost is due to the manufacture of edged boards and timber. These manipulations are carried out using the same technology, but 5 times more timber is used. If we are talking about double beam, then the technology turns out to be more complex, but the costs of the material are comparable to those that go into the construction of a frame building.

In order to produce laminated veneer lumber, lumber waste is used, but the production technology is more complex, it involves a greater number of operations, all of which increases the cost of laminated veneer lumber.

A little more about the cost

If you are deciding which house is better - made of timber or frame, you must remember that the construction of the latter is accompanied by the need to purchase cladding and thermal insulation. As a rule, the following is used as insulation:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • granulated polystyrene.

These materials are much cheaper than timber, and to save money, small-section timber is used, which then requires thermal insulation. This allows you to slightly reduce the difference in cost, but it cannot be less than 20%. If we take cost as a basis for comparison, then frame construction is the leader in this matter.

Comparison by construction technologies

Quite often, modern consumers decide which house is better - made of timber or frame. If the work is carried out independently, then it will be easier to build a house from timber, because it has fewer components, and the construction of a frame building involves the connection of many elements, this should include:

  • diagonal and horizontal jumpers;
  • vertical load-bearing boards;
  • metal corners.

The latter will serve as connecting elements. Once the frame is complete, it is necessary to fill the hollow space with insulation and reinforce the finish, which increases the complexity of the process. Based on this parameter, it can be argued that a house made of timber will be better than its opponent.

Which house is warmer

If you, too, still cannot decide which house is better - made of timber or frame, then you should make a comparison based on one more criterion, which is expressed in heat loss. The solution to this issue will depend on many factors. If we compare buildings with the same wall thickness, then the heat loss of frame housing will be significantly lower; you can count on a difference ranging from 50 to 90%.

This is due to the fact that the thermal conductivity of the material is higher compared to thermally insulated material, which indicates that with the same wall thickness in a frame building it will be more comfortable in winter. If the question of which house is warmer - a frame house or one made of timber - is important to you, then it is better to choose a frame house, because it will be noticeably more comfortable, and the costs will be much less or the same as when building a house made of timber.

Resistance to negative influences

If you want to build a house for permanent residence, but cannot decide what will be the basis of its walls - a frame or timber, then you should compare these two materials in terms of resistance to external influence. This includes fire, flood, wind and earthquakes. Based on this factor, it is quite difficult to compare the described opponents, because stability will depend on the measures taken that can increase the rigidity and strength of the structure.

If we are talking about timber buildings, then they use wooden wedges and expansion joints that connect the crowns. Whereas in a frame house, to increase strength and rigidity, diagonal jumpers are used, which together with the vertical and horizontal boards form a triangle. Fire resistance also does not depend on the type of construction; this factor will be influenced by the correct processing of the lumber. If wind resistance is important to you, then you will only need to strengthen the foundation. Log and frame houses will equally cope with wind gusts of up to 50 meters per second if they are protected from damage and built according to technology.

Comparison by microclimate

When choosing a house for permanent residence, you also need to pay attention to how comfortable the indoor microclimate will be. In terms of this parameter, a timber building is better, since the wood absorbs excess moisture in the rooms and removes it outside, which is much more efficient compared to a building that is sheathed and thermally insulated.

For this reason, a frame house requires the installation of forced and natural ventilation systems, which are designed to fill the room with oxygen and remove excess moisture. This indicates that the costs of creating such systems will increase, because to ventilate a house made of timber it will be enough to just open the window.

When houses made of profiled timber are additionally insulated from the outside, they must also be equipped with ventilation systems, because the vapor permeability of wood, thermal insulation and cladding will be less. According to this parameter, the best houses are made of timber, but only those whose walls have a fairly impressive thickness that does not require additional insulation.

Comparison of the complexity of repairing load-bearing walls

The walls of a frame house, like buildings made of timber, need to be repaired periodically. In the first case, this requires dismantling the sheathing, removing thermal insulation and replacing the damaged load-bearing board, located diagonally or horizontally. At the next stage, the insulation is installed in its place, and the wall is again covered with sheathing.

Carrying out such work does not require the use of special equipment, but only highly qualified builders can cope with the task. But when repairing a house made of timber, you should be guided by other rules that indicate the need to raise the crown above what requires replacement. A jack is used for this. The next step will be to remove the faulty timber, as well as laying the whole element. Difficulties may arise if during construction the crowns were connected with shrinkage compensators or wooden wedges. In this regard, the walls of a frame house are much easier to repair.

Frame house construction technology

The foundation for a frame house can be anything:

  • tape;
  • pile-screw;
  • columnar.

If you decide to use the second foundation construction technology, you should prepare piles that can be installed yourself. If they have an impressive diameter, you will have to use special equipment.

At the first stage, the area is marked out, the soil is leveled so that the piles can be leveled. They should be placed in the corners, deepened by 0.5 m. At the final stage, the piles will need to be trimmed to the required level.

Such a foundation for a frame house involves subsequent concreting of the supports and installation of caps. The craftsman will have to make the strapping using square beams. Before installing the upper part of the piles, they are treated with mastic, after which roofing material should be laid on them in two layers. The harness is secured with mounting screws. Only after this can you proceed to constructing a subfloor, for which logs are used.

Construction of walls

Frame houses, the construction technology of which is described in the article, must be built from boards, which are first installed in the form of corner posts. You can strengthen the elements using steel corners. The next step is to install the remaining racks. In the corners, the bars are strengthened using cutting, in other places - using steel corners. This knot will make up the top harness. To give the structure strength, it is necessary to install diagonal slopes.

Frame houses, the construction technology of which you should study if you plan to build it yourself, require the presence of ceiling beams, which are installed by cutting down, using steel angles or perforated brackets. The next step will be the installation of the rafter system and external finishing. To decorate the walls, you can use stone, siding or any other material that is installed on the sheathing. The insulation of a frame house is carried out using mineral wool, which is supplemented with a vapor barrier film. It is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the roof, floor, and ceilings.

Technology of building a house from timber

If you want to arrange a cellar or basement in your house, then it is best to choose strip foundation. For loose, silty and wet soil, screw piles are suitable. Small buildings are usually installed on a solid slab foundation. After the base is ready, you can proceed to laying the first crown; this is done on a double layer of roll insulation, which can be roofing felt and bitumen.

Every detail of the house should be treated with an antiseptic. Fire retardants can also be used to prevent fires. The first board must be rigidly strengthened to the foundation through a layer of waterproofing. Thermal insulation of a timber structure is required, as is the insulation of a frame house. To eliminate cold bridges, you can use jute insulation, which is laid between the logs. The roof system will be built on the basis of a mauerlat on which the rafters are laid. Next, you can proceed to laying the vapor barrier and heat insulation layers, as well as covering material.


In order to understand which buildings are better - houses made of profiled timber or buildings erected using frame technology, it is necessary to consider many criteria. Some of them have been highlighted above. A number of experts believe that comparison in in this case inappropriate, because none of the buildings described can be worse or better, they are simply different.

For example, a frame house will be practical, inexpensive, and easier to repair, but you can create the right microclimate for a person with some effort.

If the question of what is cheaper is important to you - a house made of timber or a frame house, then you should choose the latter option, because the first is more expensive, but prestigious, and with proper construction, you can eliminate unnecessary financial investments and additional efforts. Such a building will itself create a good indoor microclimate. Based on these beliefs, it can be argued that for some consumers a frame building will be better, while for others a building made of timber will be better.

Unlike concrete, wood has a high level of environmental friendliness. Any developer is faced with a choice - what is better to use to build a wooden house: a frame or timber?

To get a complete answer to the question posed, it is best to analyze both materials for the following characteristics:

  1. Strength and durability.
  2. The difference in the price of the material and the calculation of its cost.
  3. Speed ​​of construction and ease of operation.
  4. Environmentally friendly.
  5. Structural and architectural abilities.
  6. Advantages and disadvantages.

Let's take a closer look at each of the points to understand which one. wood materials will receive priority.

Comparison of strength and durability

Considering the strength of materials, you can safely give preference to frame buildings. The fact is that the period of operation of the frame, even if different chemicals and antiseptics, is about 25 maximum 30 years. After a certain period of time, such a design requires mandatory replacement of the supporting racks, which wear out from the negative influence of natural factors.

A building made of timber can last about 50 years, without various deformations and changes in performance characteristics. In houses like this, one small detail needs to be taken into account. Before they began to produce, many used profiled material, which was not processed at all in the factory.

After the introduction of laminated timber into society, the service life of houses made of timber has increased significantly and is over 80 years.

Many developers believe that the timber construction option is much more reliable and durable. It is worth noting their differences:

  • A frame house is presented in the form of several layers of finishing, the gaps of which are filled with insulation. This type is completely non-functional and does not have a sufficient level of strength. The walls of such a house are easily destroyed and opened.
  • A house made of timber walls is presented in the form of wood, which naturally has sufficient strength. A 150 mm thick beam is a very reliable barrier.

From the point of view of strength and durability, the timber version is much better.

Price difference

The most important point for any developer is the pricing policy, namely the total cost of housing. This criterion is very important and is what guides the future owner of the building.

For some reason, the majority of the population believes that it is much lower in cost than one built from beams, but this is not at all true. If you look carefully, the price for both options is approximately at the same level.

You can verify this by studying each of them in more detail:

  • Firstly, timber is not as expensive as the advertising of various companies suggests, since there is more than enough material and production is developed at a good level.
  • Secondly, the timber does not require any additional work or external finishing, due to its beautiful and aesthetic appearance. While frame buildings require both internal and external finishing.
  • Thirdly, frame structures require immediate payment for both material and facing work due to the short construction time. The costs of a house made of timber can be easily distributed over two seasons, since its construction period is somewhat longer.

Advice! If we consider both materials in completely identical projects, then the timber option can be much more cost effective.

Calculation of the cost of a timber house

The cost of this house consists only of the price of wood. This material itself is more expensive than the frame, but much lower in cost with complete set insulating materials. However, this case applies only to solid beams. If we are talking about high-tech projects using, then construction will incur costs slightly higher than the expected level.

Advice! The construction can become more expensive only if additional exterior finishing is done on the laminated timber.

When it comes to pricing for laminated veneer lumber or frame, there are a number of important factors in favor of the first option:

  1. When building a house from timber, all funds are spent on purchasing laminated timber, not counting the cost of laying the foundation. Regardless of its high price, which is fully compensated by the absence of costs for covering the walls of a home.
  2. Glued laminated wood is developed using the latest technologies, and a specialist is strongly discouraged from finishing it, especially since the timber has natural beauty and style. Therefore, the developer will significantly save on the purchase of finishing materials, which will significantly reduce the final cost of housing.
  3. The glued beams are designed in accordance with the “tire-groove” system, in which all the constituent elements of the structure are tightly connected to each other. Houses made from this material do not require the installation of heat and waterproofing layers.

If we compare the costs of cladding material, thermal insulation, finishing and work of craftsmen for frame housing, then timber buildings can be much cheaper as a result.

Calculation of the cost of a frame house

The cost of housing made of frame wood consists of the following materials:

  • Wood.
  • Hydro- and thermal insulation.
  • Facade works.
  • Decoration Materials.

Frame houses will be cheaper in price if they are made using old technologies; at that time there was no large range of materials. Modern material has a low competitive price, but for long-term work such technology will be too expensive in heating and maintaining the building.

When building houses from this material, additional heat-insulating, waterproof, noise-absorbing and wind-barrier materials are now used. They form the structure of wall structures from several layers. Due to the set of these materials, costs increase several times.

The final cost of buildings depends on the material that will be used for construction vertical racks, horizontal strapping, etc. In this situation, both ordinary timber and metal profiles can be used.

Advice! If any metal is used to create a housing frame, its cost will instantly increase by approximately 20–30%.

The presence of various nuances in the technology of erecting frame structures requires special knowledge, which increases costs due to the cost of specialists.

Advice! The price for 1 m2 of frame-panel construction depends on the choice of insulating material and cladding. For example, if you use SIP panels, the house will be built faster and its cost will be lower, and quite the opposite when you use OSB boards.

Difference in construction complexity

From the point of view of construction work, materials should be analyzed according to the following points:

  1. Construction speed.
  2. Ease of operation.
  3. The time required for construction from the very beginning until its commissioning.

In terms of speed, a frame house is several times faster than a timber house. The construction of the building occurs very quickly, and due to the use of dried wood, after commissioning you can immediately move in.

A log house takes a little longer to build due to the following points:

  • Housing requires a reliable foundation, which takes about 5–7 days.
  • The laying of elements is carried out individually, if you do not use a home construction kit.
  • Installation requires more concentration, precision and time.

Advice! You can move into a house made of timber immediately after putting it into operation, but finishing can only be done after a few months, since it takes time for the building to shrink.

There are two options for building a house from beams:

  1. Made of profiled material with special grooves, which is very easy to place.
  2. From unplaned beams, which are low in price, but more labor-intensive installation and finishing. Plus they require additional thermal insulation.

Advice! A house made from unplaned material should last about a year while it settles, and from profiled material - about 6 months.

Environmental Comparison

When giving preference to a particular type of housing, a person’s safety parameters are important. Modern materials for finishing frame-panel buildings cause great disappointment. They do not at all meet the required indicators and environmental standards, so the timber is superior to the frame in this indicator.

A structure made of timber perfectly retains heat indoors. Therefore, heating costs timber house will be lower than that of a frame building with high level heat transfer.

Comparison of structural and architectural capabilities

When the construction of a house is planned according to a complex project with different geometric elements or configurations that are irregular in shape, then the frame option is in the lead, since the technology of such a construction option involves the creation of unusual, complex and interesting structures.

Structures made from timber are somewhat simpler, but they are not inferior at all in terms of beauty and their natural airy forms. By using modern technologies You can create more complex elements, it will just take a little more time. For laying timber, there are specially designed fasteners that allow you to apply your imagination to this material to the maximum.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a frame house


  1. Construction speed.
  2. Low cost of materials.
  3. No shrinkage.
  4. Resistance to natural factors.
  5. One-time payment for construction.
  6. No expensive foundation.


  1. Service life – 25–30 years.
  2. High costs for Decoration Materials.
  3. Installation requires specialists who know all the nuances of the technology.

Advantages of a timber house


  1. Reliable and durable walls.
  2. Service life over 80 years.
  3. Easy to install, no additional workers required.
  4. Material costs can be divided into two seasons, thanks to the possibility of phased construction.
  5. Does not require facade finishing.
  6. Has excellent thermal insulation.


  1. It is necessary to wait for shrinkage.
  2. Requires a lot of time to build.


Building a house is a very important undertaking that should be approached with the utmost seriousness and care. Each developer independently determines which material should be given greater preference. According to all the information presented, preference is given to construction from timber.

Advice! When choosing material for construction, take into account the climatic conditions of the area where the house will be located. In addition, pay attention to GOST standards, which perfectly describe the construction standards for different buildings.

The debate among supporters of frame house construction and timber technology has not subsided for many years. Both options are built from lumber and are easy and quick to install. However, if you delve into the nuances, the difference between the buildings is significant. To resolve the dilemma of choice, both methods should be assessed through the prism of technical and operational aspects.

What is the difference between a frame house and a timber house: briefly about technology

To objectively compare both types of buildings, it is necessary to identify the features of each construction technology.

House made of timber. The construction method is similar to the construction of a log hut. The construction of the house is carried out from glued, profiled or sawn timber. The thickness of the walls is determined by the width of the building material - as a rule, lumber with a cross-section of 100-200 mm is used.

Cuttings and corner connections are made according to the principles of traditional log houses. In inter-crown joints, screw ties with spring blocks to compensate for shrinkage.

Frame. The frame of the structure is a prefabricated structure made of racks, diagonal and horizontal braces. Wall voids are filled with insulation, the internal and external cladding is covered with siding, blockhouse, DSP boards, etc. The frame of the house consists of boards, their width determines the thickness of the walls.

Beam or frame - comparison of basic parameters

To understand which house is better, we will conduct a comparative analysis of the main technical and operational characteristics. Let's evaluate the pros and cons, determine how the buildings differ in operation.

Durability and service life

At first glance, a house made of timber is more powerful, and therefore more resistant to various factors. However, not everything is so simple - it all depends on design features specific project.

If we compare the strength of simple buildings with a limited number of openings, then a house made of timber clearly wins. Complex layout, the presence of arched openings, spacious windows reduces the advantages of a log house. The free ends of the additional parts weaken the walls somewhat.

The frame does not change its rigidity and load-bearing capacity. However, here the strength of the entire building greatly depends on the qualifications of the designers and builders.

Both buildings are good resist earthquakes and winds. The safety margin of the frame structure is not inferior to solid wood. The only thing obvious advantage log house in its massiveness.

Durability Rating:

  • the average service life of timber is 70-80 years;
  • frame - 25-30 years.

Simplicity and speed of construction

In terms of the labor intensity of construction, a log house is somewhat simpler - the technology for installing beams does not involve complex processes. There is no need for interior cladding; wooden elements form the exterior and interior of the house. This explains the short construction time.

Important! When thinking about which houses are better, you should remember the peculiarity of a log house - long-term shrinkage. The process takes up to one or two years, so the installation of windows and doors will have to be postponed.

Assembling the frame is more painstaking work. Each is accompanied by precise calculations, design and fitting of parts. A lot of time is spent on shaping the wall “pie”, finishing the facade and interior cladding.

If, when choosing a frame or timber house, the issue of ease of construction work is relevant, then the clear leader is a building made of wood. However, if you plan to quickly use the housing, then the frame frame has no equal.

Which house is warmer

The main advantage of wood as a building material is its ability to retain heat. Therefore, structures made from solid logs are considered one of the most heat-efficient. But many do not take into account an important point - blowing through the cracks between the beams. Without additional thermal insulation, such a house will be colder than a frame building.

Frame wall panels are filled with a thick layer of mineral wool insulation. With a thickness of 200 cm, the heat transfer rate is 4.4 square meters. m °C/W. A similar parameter for pine timber of the same thickness is 1.6 square meters. m °C/W.

Frame technology initially implies highly effective insulation. Thanks to high-quality thermal insulation, it is possible to significantly reduce heat loss and reduce heating costs. This is one of the key arguments in favor of frame house construction.

Environmental friendliness and fire safety

Assessing which is better - frame or timber house We must not forget about the safety of the building. Housing made from solid wood fully complies with environmental standards. Glued laminated timber contains glue, which means formaldehyde is released into the air.

In addition, even in a house made of solid timber, the subfloor is often made of OSB, and synthetic heat insulators are used to insulate the attic. Surely, in the setting itself there will be furniture made of chipboard. All these elements, one way or another, determine the overall picture of environmental safety.

A frame-panel structure definitely cannot be called environmentally friendly. In addition to wood, the design involves the use of various synthetic materials:

  • artificial insulation;
  • drywall;
  • windproof membranes and vapor barriers.

In this aspect, houses made of timber have a clear advantage.

In terms of fire resistance, both options are potentially fire hazardous - houses are built from combustible wood. Frame frames have a slight advantage. Fire resistance housing can be increased by using building materials that suppress the spread of fire. This can be sheathing made of fire-resistant gypsum board or thermal insulation with mineral wool.

Practicality and ease of use

When choosing between a frame house or a timber house for permanent residence, you need to pay attention to operating costs, maintainability and the microclimate of the room.

Distinctive features of the frame:

  • subject to technological standards, the risk of rotting the wooden frame is low - outer skin protects internal structural elements;
  • the house does not require periodic treatment with protective agents;
  • the ability to lay communications in the thickness of the walls;
  • poor sound insulation from street noise;
  • possibility of redevelopment and repair of walls;
  • Frame walls are sealed, so natural air exchange in the room is difficult.

The quality of the microclimate in a frame house depends on the type of insulation and ventilation system. To maintain sufficient air exchange, installation of a forced ventilation system is required.

Subtleties of operating houses made of timber:

  • external walls must be regularly treated with antiseptic impregnations to prevent the appearance of rot and pest attacks;
  • poor sound insulation - wood does not dampen noise, but transforms it, enriching it with overtones;
  • special requirements for electrical wiring installation;
  • complexity of repairs - replacing timber requires lifting the crown;
  • Creation optimal microclimate– the merit of natural wood.

A frame house, unlike a timber house, is less whimsical and expensive to operate. If we add to this the savings in winter on coolant, the conclusion about the upcoming costs is obvious.

Architectural possibilities

If the layout provides for unusual configurations and a variety of geometric elements, then frame technology is in the lead.

Houses made of timber are mostly simple, angular buildings, without intricate architectural delights. But this in no way diminishes their majesty. Wooden log houses, even with a standard layout, look impressive, presentable and resemble a fairy-tale tower.

Advantages of frame houses:

  • flexibility and variability of architectural forms;
  • the ability to implement any style - from medieval half-timbered to modern minimalism;
  • variety of external finishes: stone imitation, wood siding, plaster, etc.

Which house is cheaper - benefit assessment

An important and sometimes decisive selection criterion construction technology– price. The concept of frame house construction is being implemented as a budget alternative to brick buildings. However, in comparison with houses made of beams, as a rule, frame are more expensive. There are explanations for this:

  1. Firstly, many components are used to construct and decorate walls. In addition to supporting frame beams, you will need: insulation, external/internal cladding, finishing materials, vapor barrier membrane and waterproofing.
  2. Secondly, the labor costs of erecting a frame require increased payment for the work. The construction process is divided into several stages: constructing the frame, filling the wall space, cladding, finishing and cladding the facade. Many operations explain the increased budget for building a frame house.

The above statement is not dogma. It is difficult to objectively assess what is cheaper - it all depends on the quality of the building materials used, architectural solutions, region of construction, and wages. You can build a small frame structure yourself, which means its cost will be significantly reduced.

Both technologies have advantages and disadvantages. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you should start from your own priorities and the purpose of the building.

  1. When building housing for the long term, you need to determine what is more important: service life or practicality operation. If durability is the determining factor, then choose timber. A frame will help keep house maintenance costs to a minimum.
  2. Which is better? Many people prefer compact ones frame buildings. The main argument is opportunity self-construction and quick operation.
  3. In the question - a bathhouse made of timber or a frame one, many prefer natural wood. The building is a leader in terms of aesthetics, environmental friendliness, healing properties and durability.

Whatever your choice, the design and construction of a home for permanent residence must be entrusted to professionals. The desire to save on work and materials is fraught with technology violations and operational problems in the future.