Is it possible to grow Chinese roses at home? Chinese rose

15.09.2017 18 380

Hibiscus is the flower of death, why do they think so and should we believe it?

People say that hibiscus is the flower of death, why does this information haunt many people and disturb most of the humanity on our planet with its signs? The answer to this question and many others lies not only in the name of the flower...

Hibiscus - flower of death, signs

IN Soviet time Hibiscus was quite a popular houseplant. Most likely, unpleasant incidents occurred with the owners of this plant, but the Chinese rose continued to be especially popular. Therefore, it cannot be said that all signs associated with hibiscus are folk. Most of the bad omens came to the USSR from Europe: Europeans believe that hibiscus divorces people and destroys families.

Some flower lovers say that the hibiscus flower is a symbol of death, so let's see if there is at least some truth in this?

One of the signs says that when the Chinese rose blooms, one of the residents of the apartment will be overtaken by illness or death. But such indoor plants always delight the human eye with their flowers, which is why they are brought into the house. There is another, but similar sign. Residents or their loved ones will face death if the hibiscus blooms at the wrong time of year. Hibiscus blooms from late spring to late autumn, or early winter. By the way, this sign applies to all indoor plants. But, as they say, whether to believe in superstitions or not is only your own choice.

If the leaves of your plant begin to turn black and fall off, don’t expect anything good. The sign says that a seriously ill person will appear in your life and it makes sense for the whole family to undergo a medical examination. Such news for household members is of a warning nature.

Hibiscus is sometimes called an energy vampire. They say that it begins to suck the energy of residents during flowering. There is also the opposite point of view - the plant absorbs all negative aggression, processes it into positive energy and disperses positive vibes around itself. Hibiscus is also called vampire for the bright red color of its flowers.

In reality, there are much more superstitions and signs, but we will not go deep and study the subtleties of superstitions and signs, but rather we will tell you how to care for hibiscus and get beautiful bloom at home.

Hibiscus - home care

If we dwell a little on history, we can note that the birthplace of hibiscus is Malaysia. The flower has many varieties, differing in height and color. IN color scheme all present color palette, with the exception of blue and black.

There are many types of hibiscus. They also differ in the size of the flower, which varies from 5 cm to 30 cm in diameter. Distinctive feature hibiscus - bark and shoots, which can be dark brown or black.

Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home? Of course, if you don't believe in bad omens. As a houseplant, the Chinese rose or hibiscus is quite unpretentious. Hibiscus is placed in a bright place. During flowering, watering should be plentiful. In winter, when the plant does not bloom, watering is limited.

Every year, young hibiscus need to be replanted. At the same time, it is pruned so that more young shoots appear. Mature plant replanted every 3 years.

To plant in a pot, use a mixture of turf and leaf soil in a 1:1 ratio and add sand and compost there in a 1:1 ratio. You can add a little bone meal.

Hibiscus rarely gets sick and the main problem is moisture in the soil and air. If the leaves of a hibiscus fall off, this most likely indicates an excess or lack of water in the soil.

When the buds fall off, then most likely the plant does not have enough water or there has been a sharp change in the temperature in the room. If yellowish spores appear on the inside of the leaf, then the Chinese rose begins to become covered with rust - the plant should be sprayed with synthetic fungicides to avoid the spread of the disease and death of the tree.

If the leaves begin to wrinkle, it is necessary to irrigate the plant. warm water from a spray bottle. The reason for this is dry air, which can contribute to the appearance of spider mite and aphids.

Hibiscus in the garden

On the Pacific coast, hibiscus is the flower of love, its soft pink and bright red shades will harmoniously decorate your garden. Planting hibiscus in the garden occurs in the spring. The plant must be protected from the wind. Shrub varieties of hibiscus are heat-loving and quickly take root in the sun.

Tree varieties of hibiscus can be placed in tubs. They are fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus. Any hibiscus needs to be watered regularly. In winter, the tub is moved to a bright room with a temperature of +15 degrees Celsius.

Most varieties of hibiscus are frost-resistant, but the plant should be prepared for winter. Trim both herbaceous and tree varieties. Water generously. After two days they spud up. Use ordinary soil with sand. In November or at the end of October, the plant is insulated. Cover with sawdust and dry leaves. Young, fragile bushes are covered with lutrasil or spunbond, then additionally wrapped with plastic film. You can make a frame around the bush and wrap it with covering material and spruce branches.

Applications of hibiscus

Hibiscus tea is prepared from dried hibiscus petals, which contains a large amount of vitamin C and quenches thirst well in the heat. The petals are also eaten as an addition to vegetable dishes.

Hibiscus is also used in medicine. Decoctions and infusions of hibiscus leaves are used to treat dysentery, hemorrhoids, improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and skin inflammation. The leaves, stems and flowers contain substances - flavonoids, which remove excess harmful products resulting from improper metabolism. The petals stimulate the liver and gallbladder.

In African countries, leaves and flowers are crushed to a creamy mass, and tumors and bleeding wounds are treated. This ointment has a bactericidal effect. Tinctures of leaves and flowers are used as a diuretic.

Now you know why hibiscus is the flower of death, but it’s up to you to believe in superstitions or not!

Hibiscus is charming and mysterious. Delicate flower in our northern latitudes accompanied by dark legends. However, in its homeland the oriental rose is a symbol female happiness, love and beauty. We learn to grow hibiscus, attract happiness to the house, and look for explanations for signs and superstitions.

Interesting. The word Hibiscus comes from the Greek word "hibiskos", which means mallow.

This is one of the few plants whose life forms include:

  • herbaceous plants
  • subshrubs
  • bushes
  • small trees

Botany knows about 300 species of hibiscus. The most popular of them:

  • trifoliate/northern
  • Syrian
  • frost-resistant garden/herbaceous
  • Chinese
  • changeable / lotus tree
  • swamp

Modern selection offers many hybrid plant varieties, which allows even inexperienced gardeners to enjoy abundant flowering hibiscus in your garden or on the windowsill

Hibiscus - the flower of death: why? Signs and superstitions

Many exalted people tend to see the short-term flowering of each individual hibiscus flower as a bad sign. Let us remind you that a hibiscus flower lives from 1 to 3 days. At the same time, the flowering period of the plant in total takes about 6 months (from April to October), which corresponds to the natural rhythm of life of most representatives of tropical flora.

Important. Esotericists advise paying attention only to “unplanned” hibiscus flowering. Pay attention and don't wait for death!

Another explanation for dark superstitions can be found in the ancient Indian epic. One of the most fierce goddesses in Hinduism, Kali, embodies destruction and death. It is Kali who is usually presented with hibiscus flowers during a visit to the goddess’s temple. But how does Hinduism interpret death? Simply put, this is the beginning of something new. For the people of India, Kali is one of the most revered goddesses, and hibiscus is one of the most beloved flowering plants

Chinese rose flowers are revered in South Korea and the Polynesian islands. For example, a scarlet hibiscus flower is a symbol of the paradise island of Haiti

In general, the gloomy speculations accompanying the flowering of hibiscus are most likely associated with a “shady” acquaintance with the culture of Asia and Oceania and are completely groundless

Growing hibiscus at home. Care

Important: when purchasing a plant, be sure to check whether the lowest buds have fallen off the flower

If you follow the basic rules of maintenance and care, the plant will delight its owners with abundant and long-lasting flowering. Hybrid varieties, often bloom all year round, taking only short breaks


  • spring/summer -18-21⁰С (maximum - 27⁰С)
  • winter - at least 13⁰С

The soil

Equal parts of peat and clay substrate. For adult plants, the proportions are slightly different: 2 parts clay substrate and 1 part peat


  • At high air temperatures (summer): 2-3 times a week. Humidity should be constant. Avoid overwatering or drying out the soil
  • IN winter period: 1 time per week. Be careful, a dry soil surface indicates the need for watering.
  • At temperatures below 13⁰С: once every two weeks

Top dressing

  • spring/summer: 1 time every 2 weeks, especially after the appearance of buds. Liquid fertilizers are used as fertilizing for flowering tropical plants.

Important: for abundant flowering, enrich the soil with phosphorus salts. Be sure to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations regarding fertilizer dosage. An excess of phosphorus is very harmful to the plant and can lead to the death of the flower. During the period of vegetative activity, hibiscus loves mineral fertilizers high in potassium, copper and iron; in moderation - nitrogen


Every spring, before the start of the period active growth. Replant should be in a flowerpot that is one size larger than the previous one.


Scattered light. Duration: 6-12 hours


In the spring, before the period of active growth begins. Use pruning shears or sharp scissors to shorten the stems of the plant. Prune at an angle just above the leaf or just above the lateral shoot. Dust the cut ends with cinnamon powder or powdered activated charcoal.

Air humidity

At high temperatures and relative dry air (spring/summer), the plant needs daily spraying with warm soft water

Video: Pruning hibiscus

Growing hibiscus in open ground

The main agrotechnical characteristics of hibiscus grown in open ground are as follows

  • Perennial unpretentious bush. In winter, the above-ground part dies off, new shoots appear in May
  • Flowering begins in the second half of summer and continues for several weeks.
  • At proper care flower size can reach 20-30 cm
  • Garden hibiscus require plenty of sunlight and moisture.
  • They winter well, but require little shelter for the winter (for example, you can pour a layer of earth 15-20 cm high on top)
  • Reproduce by seeds, divisions, live bait
  • Life period: up to 20 years


Well-lit place (at least 6 hours of diffused sunlight per day)


Garden varieties of hibiscus delight the eye with large leaves and flowers that require large quantity moisture.

Watering is conventionally divided into two periods

  • spring Summer ( high temperatures): stable water supply. During this period, it is important to prevent stagnation of water in the root ball, in order to avoid rotting of the roots
  • winter (low temperatures, high humidity air): rare watering, only after the top layer of soil around the above-ground part of the plant has dried well


Loves spraying even in open ground conditions. Garden hibiscus(especially the swamp one) will really like the presence of a pond nearby. If there is none on the site, then simply place a container of water near the plant

Top dressing

  • spring/summer: once every 2 weeks, especially after the appearance flower buds. Liquid fertilizers for flowering tropical plants are used as fertilizing. Popular with experienced gardeners Organic fertilizers are also used

Important: for abundant flowering, enrich the soil with phosphorus salts. Be sure to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations regarding fertilizer dosage. An excess of phosphorus is very harmful to the plant and can lead to the death of the flower. During the period of vegetative activity, hibiscus loves mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium (especially in anticipation of the rest period), copper and iron; in moderation - nitrogen

  • during the rest period the plant does not need additional feeding

The soil

Hibiscus are very fond of acidified soil (in this they are very close to roses). The planting site is prepared in the autumn

How to prepare a place for planting hibiscus?

1. Prepare a soil dressing mixture. For a garden bed with an area of ​​1 m² you will need

  • granulated superphosphate - 40 g
  • river sand - 5 l
  • cow humus - 5 l
  • yellow clay (carefully dried and crushed) - 5 l
  • high-moor peat - 5 l

2. Spread the nutrient mixture evenly over the area previously cleared of weeds.

3. Dig up the bed


The procedure is performed only for an adult plant (age - over 4 years)

Important: the length of the cut part should be 20-25% of the length of the branch/shoot

Types of possible trimmings

  • spring

To stimulate flowering

  • hygienic (thinning)

Damaged, diseased, and withered branches/shoots are removed. Healthy tissue is green

  • corrective

For bush shaping

  • autumn

Performed after flowering, no later than September

  • radical

All branches/shoots are cut off. This is done extremely rarely if the plant is in danger of dying.

Important: for young plants (up to 4 years old) the pruning procedure is not carried out! The upper branches of young hibiscus only need pinching.

Terry hibiscus: home care, cultivation

Caring for terry hibiscus is no different from general recommendations on caring for hibiscus at home (see the beginning of the article)

The only thing worth dwelling on in more detail is plant propagation at home.

Double hibiscus is propagated by stem cuttings, while retaining all the characteristics of the mother plant

The flower that will become the mother plant must be absolutely healthy and at least 1 year old. The age of the escape must also exceed 1 year

How to prepare a cutting?

  1. Use a sharp tool to cut off the shoot. Before use, the instrument should be treated with alcohol or any other disinfectant solution.

Please note: there must be no

  • foreign stains
  • rotten areas
  • signs of pest infestation
  • signs of viral infection
  1. Using oblique cuts, divide the shoot into several parts, each 8 cm long. The cut parts should have several leaves and several nodes (growth points)

A - apical stalk; B - correctly cut stalk with a knot; B - incorrectly cut cutting with a knot
  1. Sprinkle the cut on the mother plant with activated carbon, crushed into powder. Activated carbon The upper cut of the cutting is also processed (if there is one)
  2. Cut from cuttings lower leaves(if they exist) and place the cuttings in a solution of heteroauxin (heteroauxin - fertilizers to activate root formation). Before using fertilizers, be sure to read the instructions

Important: hibiscus does not take root well in an aquatic environment. For full development, the cutting requires a special substrate.

  1. The substrate for cuttings consists of equal parts of calcined sand and steamed high-moor peat. Heat treatment of the substrate allows you to neutralize all pathogenic microflora
  1. Fill clear disposable cups with substrate. Don’t forget to pre-pierce holes for drainage in the bottom and bottom of the glasses
  1. Place the cutting in the substrate strictly vertically. The second growth node from the bottom should be at the level of the substrate. Be sure to compact the substrate around the cutting
  1. One of the most important conditions for successful root formation is sufficient moisture. But this does not mean that the substrate needs to be filled with water. The container with the cutting should be placed in plastic bag, creating a kind of mini-greenhouse. Do not forget to spray the cuttings daily with clean, soft water.
  1. To prevent the development of a fungal disease, treat the cuttings once a week with an aqueous solution of foundationazole (concentration of the substance in water is 0.2%)
  1. Avoid direct sunlight falling on the cuttings. The light should be diffused, but in sufficient quantity. The photoperiod for cuttings should be 12 hours, followed by a night break. You can lengthen daylight hours with the help of phytolamps
  1. Try to create optimal temperature conditions. The optimal temperature indicator for fast and high-quality root formation is considered to be +25⁰С

If you did everything correctly, you will see rooting results in 30 days.

Now the cuttings should be gradually acclimatized and transplanted into suitable flowerpots

Growing and caring for Syrian hibiscus. Growing and caring for tree hibiscus

Distinctive features:

  • life form - bush
  • frost-resistant
  • grows very slowly
  • begins to bloom in adulthood (3-4 years)
  • flowering period of the bush - June-October
  • flowering period of 1 flower - 24 hours
  • Life expectancy (with proper care) - up to 20 years
  1. The soil
  • rich in humus
  • moderately loose

Sunny area, protected from drafts

  1. Watering

During the flowering period - regular

  1. Top dressing

Before the onset of sleep, it needs to be supplemented with potassium.

  1. Needs regular pruning!

Features of caring for young bushes: require additional winter shelter

Growing and caring for herbaceous hibiscus

Distinctive features:

  • life form - perennial herbaceous plant
  • frost-resistant
  • in winter, the ground part dies off
  • can reach a height of up to 3 m
  • flowering period - June-October
  • the size of the peduncle is 2-3 times larger than the size of the flowers of tree hibiscus
  1. The soil
  • rich in humus
  • moderately loose
  • preferably loam
  1. Lighting and temperature conditions

Sunny area, protected from drafts. IN spring period awakening requires the construction of a temporary greenhouse

  1. Watering

During the flowering period - regular. Also needs spraying (especially in dry microclimates)

  1. Top dressing

During flowering and growth - regular

  1. Needs spring hygienic cleaning of weak young growth and light pruning of strong shoots
  2. Replanting to a new location is necessary every 4 years. In the process of transplantation special attention I require the roots of the plant. Damage to one of the tubers can lead to the death of the hibiscus
  3. Propagated by cuttings, seeds, divisions

Reproduction of hibiscus at home

We have already talked about the rules for cutting hibiscus

We will devote this section to the propagation of hibiscus by seeds. Before you start growing hibiscus from seed, consider the following:

  • not all seeds germinate
  • not all seeds that have sprouted will produce full-fledged seedlings
  • not all seedlings will survive
  • not all landed in open ground, young seedlings will become mature plants
  • an adult plant will bloom only after 3-4 years

Experienced gardeners consider the following statistics successful: 4-5 adult plants from 10 seeds

A huge plus of growing hibiscus from seeds collected with your own hands is that, quite unexpectedly, you can get an absolutely unique plant!

  1. Period January-February. Stratify the seed material. Place the plant seeds in a convenient container, such as a plastic container. Cover with a thin layer of substrate (sand and peat in equal proportions). Moisten the substrate a little with a spray bottle. Close the container with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 30 days
  2. February March. Remove the container with seed material from the refrigerator. Moisten again with a spray bottle. Cover with a lid. Place in a warm place. Check the humidity inside the container daily. After 3-5 days, most seeds will have white roots
  3. Transplant the hatched seeds into disposable plastic cups. Be sure to make drainage holes at the bottom of each glass. The root should be at the bottom when planting! Planting depth 2-3 mm. Recommendations regarding soil are presented at the beginning of the article.
  4. Place the cups in a tray with small pebbles or expanded clay
  5. Provide seedlings
  • good long-term lighting without direct sunlight
  • no drafts
  • high humidity
  • temperature within 25 ⁰С
  1. The second half of May is the time to plant seedlings in open ground. In anticipation of this, tender seedlings should be gradually hardened off by taking them out into the fresh air
  2. The most Better conditions for planting seedlings - rainy weather

Hibiscus transplant

Indoor plants are transplanted by transferring them into a larger pot

Transfer garden plants requires special care to avoid damage to plant roots

Video: Spring transplanting and pruning hibiscus

Why the indoor hibiscus flower does not bloom: what to do?

Important: Buds are formed only on young branches!

For abundant flowering, hibiscus simply needs pruning.

The absence of flowers may also indicate wrong mode watering or insufficient amount nutrients in the ground

Why hibiscus leaves and buds turn yellow and fall: flower diseases

Symptom: Lower leaves fall off
Cause: chlorosis
Treatment: chlorosis occurs due to an excess of calcium chlorine in the water with which you water the plant. Change the water

Symptoms: drooping and withered leaves with constantly wet soil
Reason: excess nitrogen fertilizers
Treatment: optimize the plant’s feeding regime

Infection with aphids, thrips, whitefly, spider mites
Treatment: systemic treatment with insecticides

Symptoms: yellow leaves
Reason: excess/lack of sunlight
Treatment: daylight hours for hibiscus should be 6-12 hours. In this case, sunlight should be diffused. If there is not enough light, use artificial lighting (special phytolamps)

Video: Hibiscus on the windowsill

Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub, to which a variety of mystical properties have been attributed since ancient times. Despite this, it remains one of the most popular indoor plants.

Chinese rose, or hibiscus - an evergreen shrub that grows up to 3 m in height and blooms large, beautiful flowers different shades. Because of its beauty and unpretentiousness, the Chinese rose began to be grown in homes as a houseplant. In Eastern Europe, signs and superstitions are associated with this plant; they believe that the characteristics of its growth and flowering affect people’s lives.

As with any other plant, flowering is a natural biological process that lasts about 7 months for hibiscus. A folk sign says: Chinese rose buds that bloom at the wrong time are a sign of imminent misfortune. It is worth noting that we are talking only about the bush that is located directly in the house. With proper care and favorable conditions any plant will bloom ahead of time, and vice versa - turning off the heating or dampness will delay the appearance of buds.

Like any other flower, hibiscus reacts sharply to the slightest changes in environment. Should I attribute mystical properties to it just because of natural reactions?

What happens if hibiscus blooms?

According to different folk signs, hibiscus flowering has various consequences.

It is believed that for an unmarried girl this is a good sign, a sign that she will soon find someone after her heart.

For a married woman, a blooming Chinese rose brings misfortune - quarrels with her husband, fading feelings and imminent separation.

Other beliefs say that this shrub is an indicator of happiness and well-being in the home. The blossoming of a rose foreshadows many happy events - imminent weddings, the birth of children, feelings that have cooled down will flare up again. Only one thing can be said with confidence: the blossoming of the Chinese rose means new shoots of this plant!

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

When the Chinese rose flowers fade

According to popular belief, a wilting hibiscus is a harbinger of unhappy love or a serious illness. Another sign says that the flowers falling off ahead of time is a sign that the plant has taken the misfortune upon itself and diverted the misfortune from you and your home.

The withering of a Chinese rose is no less a natural process than its flowering. Before you look for hidden meaning in it, think - maybe there is a rational explanation for this? If the plant does not have enough nutrition, the temperature has dropped, or it is facing a lack of water, the first thing it will do is drop its flowers. In order not to provoke the flower to drop its buds, take proper care of it and do not forget to fertilize it on time.

Hibiscus leaf fall

According to popular belief, the withering and falling leaves of this shrub are an indicator of a serious illness and imminent death of one of the household members. It is also believed that for the sake of its own survival at such moments, the flower will begin to draw energy from those around it - after all, without leaves it does not receive sufficient nutrition and may die.

How evergreen, the Chinese rose sheds its leaves gradually, renewing its green mass throughout the year. So don't panic if you find a few lonely fallen sheets. If the leaves turn yellow, turn black or die, you should worry. Most likely, there is nothing mystical about this and the flower has suffered from pests - aphids, mites, scale insects, whiteflies and the viruses that they carry.

For example, leaf bronzing virus - the leaf becomes covered yellow spots, dries and dies. Low or too high humidity also causes leaves to wilt - monitor the soil moisture so as not to torment yourself and your loved ones with needless worries.

Chinese rose as a catalyst for love and energy

Folk superstitions often attribute to hibiscus the ability to influence personal life their owners. It is believed that if unmarried girl If she has this plant in her house, she will be guaranteed the attention of the opposite sex. According to the description, the girl began to radiate health and became more attractive.

Since ancient times, a decoction has been prepared from fallen and dried flowers of the Chinese rose, which has a beneficial effect on women Health, improves complexion, skin and hair condition. It is also included in hibiscus tea.

Various rubbings are made from fresh buds, used as a component of cosmetics and to create perfumes. Maybe it’s not the presence of the plant itself, but the miraculous effect of cosmetics and medicine?

The magic of hibiscus in folk signs

IN different countries hibiscus is attributed different properties. Somewhere he is revered, somewhere he is considered dangerous plant, capable of bringing the crown of celibacy. In Eastern countries, the Chinese rose is known as bringing harmony medicinal plant, the flowers of which are used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery, skin ulcers and much more. Due to its versatility, in the language of flowers it received the meaning “refined beauty”.

Is it possible to keep a flower in the house?

Hibiscus grows up to 3 m in height and blooms most of the year. Thanks to beautiful flowers has become a popular houseplant. It has a subtle aroma, pollen does not spread through the air, and therefore does not cause allergies. Due to the large number of leaves, this shrub perfectly purifies indoor air.

If you are still wary of superstitions, know that most superstitions tend to suggest that Chinese roses are safe to keep in hallways and corridors.

This is a rather sensitive plant, the maintenance of which requires a temperature of at least +12°C in winter, and from 25°C in summer. Take into account all the intricacies of caring for hibiscus, or you may make a mistake and mistake its illness for a bad omen.

Ritual with a Chinese rose on the island. Fiji

On the island of Fiji, in the city of Suva, the Hibiscus Festival is held every year. It lasts seven days, the festival program includes talent shows, various concerts, circus shows, parades and much more.

Hibiscus is considered a fiery flower, a symbol of prosperity and fertility. Every year, the residents of Suva organize a carnival, the center of which is the Chinese rose. Year after year, national chants and dances are held on the island of Fiji, which are designed to appease the gods. In this way they attract good luck and happiness to their country. Although the festival and its program have changed over the years, the main meaning has remained the same.

Hibiscus according to Feng Shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, hibiscus strengthens marriage and preserves the feelings of spouses, and also rekindles fading passion. For this purpose, species with red and pink flowers placed in the spouses' bedroom.

Chinese rose promotes renewal and circulation of Qi energy, which is closely related to human health. It is recommended to have it for people who find it difficult to establish connections with other people - due to its fiery element, hibiscus helps to defuse the situation, creates a warm and favorable atmosphere. It will help you become more confident and learn to express your feelings and emotions. Species with white flowers are suitable for this purpose. Impulsive people should not keep a Chinese rose with scarlet flowers at home.

Positive energy radiates upward and spiral around the hibiscus, repeating the curls of the plant itself. Take this into account when choosing a place for the plant - the more often you get into this zone, the more benefits the Chinese rose will bring.

Do you know any other properties and characteristics of hibiscus? Share your experience in the comments!

Hibiscus or Chinese rose- one of the plants that many grow indoors. Popularity of this home flower associated with unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

The plant does not react too sharply to temperature changes and can grow in rooms with a wide variety of lighting. It is easy to care for, in addition, hibiscus gives beautiful flowers. But still, there are several rules for caring for Chinese roses, and there are also many folk examples and beliefs. It’s not for nothing that hibiscus is called the flower of death. Let's look at everything in order.

How to care for a flower?

The most common type of Chinese rose is Syrian hibiscus. It is this plant that is most often grown indoors, as it is not picky about weather conditions. The only thing you need to seriously monitor is the degree of moisture of the plant. Chinese rose really does not like drying out. And if there is a lack of moisture, it may not only stop producing beautiful flowers, but also dry out completely.

But in order for the plant to feel comfortable, bloom regularly and reproduce well, several aspects of care must be observed.

Hibiscus is a tropical plant, and therefore the conditions should be close to this climate.

Place the flower is needed on the windowsills with good lighting. The plant is not very demanding and will grow even in dark places, but in this case the hibiscus will not please you with its flowering. At the same time, it is necessary to protect the Chinese rose from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and wither.

Comfortable temperature for hibiscus - from -15°C in winter to +25°C in summer. The plant loves fresh air and will grow well if you sometimes take it outside in warm weather. In this case, drafts must be avoided.

Moisture is especially important for hibiscus. The Chinese rose needs not only to be watered regularly, but also to spray the leaves, and also to take an occasional warm shower. The latter procedure will not only help maintain optimal leaf moisture, but will also rid the plant of spider mites, which are the main problem of Chinese roses. You can moisten the plant in another way: using a tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles. Another important condition. When spraying hibiscus leaves, you need to be careful not to get it on the flowers. Otherwise, they may simply crumble. The regularity of watering the soil depends on the rate at which it dries. You need to check the moisture level at 2-3 cm.

Fertilize hibiscus need as follows. IN summer time It is necessary to use fertilizer for flowering plants, feeding the Chinese rose once every 2 weeks. And in winter - use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. But in winter, you need to feed hibiscus only if the plant is blooming.

Prune Chinese rose necessary in the spring before replanting the plant. Pruning is only needed to increase the number of inflorescences. Hibiscus needs to be replanted annually until the plant is 5-6 years old, after which this procedure will need to be carried out much less frequently: once every 3-4 years.

When does the plant bloom?

Being tropical plant, Chinese rose can bloom all year round. But to do this, you need to comply with all the above conditions and practically avoid errors in caring for the plant. At home care This is not always possible; it is especially difficult to create sufficiently bright lighting in winter or optimal humidity in summer.

That's why indoor hibiscus blooms on average 2-3 months a year: from July to September. The flowers of the Chinese rose are quite large and reach a diameter of 10-15 cm. In shape they resemble something between a bell and a cup. The color of the bud may vary and depends on the type of hibiscus. The most common flowers are bright red, purple with white edges, pink, blue and white.

What to do if Hibiscus doesn't bloom?

The main reasons why The Chinese rose does not bloom, are the following:

  • Lack of light.
  • Overfed with fertilizers (in this case, the plant has a lot of foliage and no buds at all).
  • Nutrient deficiency (characterized not only by the absence of buds, but also by falling leaves and yellowing).
  • Lack of moisture (buds will form and immediately fall off).

Folk signs and beliefs

Exists many superstitions associated with hibiscus. It is often called the flower of death. But keeping this plant at home does not mean living in troubles and sorrows. You just need to pay attention to some signs. So, it is believed that Chinese rose bloom- a bad sign. But this does not apply to all cases, but only to those when hibiscus begins to bloom at an uncharacteristic time. There are other signs that seem quite contradictory and not always clear.

Leaves turn yellow and fall off: what does this mean?

It would seem that if a hibiscus blooming at an unusual time is a harbinger of trouble, then yellowing and withering flowers are, on the contrary, a good sign. But, unfortunately, when the leaves of a Chinese rose fall off, this also does not mean anything good. Most often it is a signal of the development of a serious illness in the owner of the plant or other people living in the apartment.

It should be noted that the disease often occurs latently, without any pronounced symptoms. And the owner discovers it too late. That is why Chinese rose and is called the flower of death. And if the hibiscus in the house begins to fall off or wither, it would not be a bad idea to undergo an examination.

Impact on personal life

It is difficult to unambiguously characterize the Chinese rose by its effect on the personal life of the owner. Some believe that hibiscus will be an excellent addition to the apartment of a lonely girl, as it will quickly help improve her personal life and find a partner. This popular forecast is overshadowed by another sign, which says that it will be impossible to create strong ties.

Many beliefs include Chinese rose to the category of muzhegon flowers. Thus, it is believed that having a hibiscus at home, you can forget about family well-being: quarrels, misunderstandings and resentments will begin, and as a result, the man will completely leave his wife.

The Chinese rose is a beautiful indoor plant that will delight you with its unusual scarlet buds for a long time. This type of flower has not become widespread among our compatriots due to controversial opinions about the impact on human destiny. In our review we will talk about hibiscus and all the superstitions and signs associated with it.

The blooming of the Chinese rose portends trouble

Mysterious bloom

The Chinese rose is a deciduous herbaceous plant native to the tropical forests of Asia and Latin America. The hibiscus familiar to our gardener was specially adapted for room conditions, with minimal humidity and heating.

At home bright flower is a symbol of the fire element, therefore it is worshiped and used in religious rituals. In the countries of Eastern Europe, the attitude towards the unusual inhabitant is ambiguous, connecting with him both good omens, and terrible superstitions.

If a Chinese rose blooms in the house, then this portends trouble:

  • disease;
  • failure;
  • death.

But don’t panic in advance, because nature dictates that plants should bloom. Why is this pet denied its natural expression? The fact is that beautiful bushes are often kept in the spacious halls of medical institutions. They receive a huge amount of light necessary for normal development, that’s why they delight with abundant color.

A bright hibiscus flower is a symbol of the fire element.

Hibiscus lovers note: with proper care of the plant, buds appear within a year, but no misfortunes occur in the family. The natural period of active development is from April to October. It is only worth thinking about when a pet begins to bloom at an inappropriate time.

Love relationship

The bright large flowers of the Chinese rose make the plant a symbol of love and prosperity. There are signs according to which an extraordinary pet will help girls in relationships with the opposite sex. The young lady becomes more attractive in the eyes of men, so there will be many suitors. However, such connections will not be long-term and permanent.

Hibiscus fans are sure of the opposite: a bright favorite is responsible for passion and passionate relationships. If there is cooling in the family between the spouses, then growing fire flower will revive old feelings lost during the years of marriage.

According to the Eastern science of Feng Shui, the plant around itself concentrates and charges the atmosphere with the energy of movement. Absorbing laziness and uncertainty, the flower gives creative and organizational abilities to the house. A sluggish, complex owner receives nourishment from hibiscus.

According to Feng Shui, the plant absorbs laziness and uncertainty

Desperate opponents claim that the fiery petals of the Chinese rose are a real magnet of love. It can be used in love potions or when casting spells. Therefore, such a witchcraft plant cannot be kept in the house.

“Sensitive people call hibiscus a source of fear and melancholy, but their feelings are associated with the strengthened opinion that the Chinese rose is dangerous.”

Superstitious people perceive any changes in the development of a pet as negative sign, so they wonder whether it is possible to keep such a guest in the house. Not least on this list are painful symptoms:

  • wilting and dropping leaves;
  • sudden shedding of flowers and unopened buds.

Just yesterday the Chinese rose delighted the eye with its abundant flowering, but today the plant is withering and withering before our eyes. Such symbols are perceived as a warning of future danger to health or life. If you believe in omens, then undergo a medical examination. However, the reason is not hidden so deeply - it may be improper care behind the flower or possible pests.

Hibiscus - the most unpretentious home decoration

Fans of the plant are sure that problems in the family and the wilting of the flower are associated with untimely watering. After all, in case of troubles, you can forget about everything, including indoor plants. A hibiscus that is deprived of attention will shed its leaves and buds, and the owner will attribute these metamorphoses to the victim of misfortune.

Proper cultivation

Whether to believe in superstitions or not depends on the desire of the person. However, with rational care, the grateful plant will delight you with thick, green foliage and bright flowering. Botanists believe that hibiscus is the most unpretentious home decoration and it takes a lot of effort to kill it.

A tropical resident prefers the sunny sides of the window. If you want the plant to grow well and not get sick, then find a brightly lit place in your home. You cannot keep your pet in the dark corners of the apartment: active shedding of foliage and flowers will begin, so it is better to illuminate the exotic guest with phytolamps.

In its homeland, the Chinese rose lives in humid forests. Adapted hybrids are less demanding, however, daily spraying from a spray bottle will create comfortable conditions for the fiery beauty.

With proper care, flowering begins in April and ends at the end of September. Throughout this period, the plant needs regular feeding. By special means for these types of pets, fertilize every two weeks. Pests are the scourge of everyone exotic plants, so keep an eye on the condition of the hibiscus.

To believe in omens or not is a person’s choice. However, science has proven that many superstitions work only because an individual believes in them. Therefore, for any troubles, you can blame both the beautiful Chinese rose and the sparrow flying past, forgetting about your responsibility.