List of pros and cons of frame houses. Wooden frame houses: advantages and disadvantages that can be avoided

Construction frame houses gets everything in Russia now greater distribution. This is due to the fact that houses using this technology are quickly erected, and building materials for them cost little compared to others. In addition, the frame house has reliable design. You can build such a structure yourself, thereby saving on hiring a team of builders. At the same time, the owner will be sure that everything was done correctly, since he built it himself. Naturally, if you build a frame house yourself, you need to have minimal construction skills and strictly follow the project and recommendations.

However, despite all the advantages, frame houses have a number of disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing and building such a home.

When designing a frame house, you need to take into account that the technology for constructing this building is more complex than when constructing brick or wooden housing. The frame is calculated in accordance with the elasticity, load and other technical properties of the materials; the house design must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

And when building a frame house, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology when installing all the parts. You also need to pay attention to quality building materials.

There are a few more points to consider during construction:

  • To prevent the walls from blowing through and the filler from subsiding, check the tightness of the frame at the joints.
  • All trim must fit well.
  • Energy saving in frame house achieved through the right choice Supplies and experience in construction.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

There is an opinion among Russian builders that a frame house is not very suitable for our country. In Russian house-building, construction technologies of this type are new, so there is not yet sufficient experience and, accordingly, practitioners who could, in case of difficulties in self-construction at home to give qualified advice.

Advantages of frame houses:

  • Minimum construction period - if special equipment, materials and specialists are available, the house can be commissioned in just a few weeks;
  • The lightness of the frame allows you to save on arranging the foundation;
  • Cost of building materials and work force 30-40% lower than that of a brick or monolithic building;
  • With proper thermal insulation, the house can be lived in all year round.

There are many opinions, let’s look at the disadvantages of a frame house:

How to fix problems that arise?

There are a few more points that you should pay attention to when deciding whether to build a frame house or not.

Search for materials

If a person decides to build a frame house himself, then he must be prepared for a number of difficulties. With all the variety of building materials on the market, it is quite difficult to find those needed for frame construction. Due to the scarcity of these goods, prices for them are quite high, since there is no competition, and sellers try to sell them at a higher price. As a result, the cost of export materials on our market is several times higher than the real price of the manufacturer. To reduce the cost of construction, you need to search for materials on the Internet, go to suppliers’ websites and monitor all offers. It should be taken into account that in the spring prices for building materials decrease.

Inadmissibility of defects during construction

There is a danger that when building a house, the team, if it does not perform its duties conscientiously, may hide poor-quality work under the cladding. When building a brick or wooden house this is more difficult to do, since their walls consist of one material and are not prefabricated.
The danger of such defects in work is that shortcomings are not immediately discovered. They can take up to a year to appear, and it can be very difficult to figure out what's wrong. As a result, the owner is forced to hire other builders to detect and correct defects.

Mandatory ventilation

A frame house requires constant ventilation, which is not prerequisite for brick and wooden buildings. Air flow is key, so the cladding and insulation must be protected from moisture and constantly ventilated. Design and install ventilation system will be quite expensive, but if you combine air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems, you will save money.

Difficulties in laying electrical wiring

Electrical wiring in Russia requires more expense and effort than in other countries. This is due to the standards we have adopted. According to the norm, all wires must be laid in metal tubes with junction boxes, although in Western countries they simply install safe wires running in grooves cut into the frame.

Find professionals

Frame construction has not yet been developed in Russia, so finding professionals in this field is quite difficult. Consumers are not inclined to trust frame houses; they consider them fragile and a fire hazard.

Work on the construction of a frame house must be carried out by qualified specialists, especially at the design stage, where it is important to take into account all the components, develop a clear plan, and calculate everything with millimeter accuracy. Therefore, with the relative cheapness of materials for construction, the cost of the house may increase due to design, and saving on calculations is not recommended, so as not to end up with a lot of problems.

In other countries frame houses assembled from calibrated boards. In Russia, the basis of the frame is still an edged board, to which it is difficult to attach other materials. By adopting Canadian technology, most of the shortcomings will be corrected and this technology will be firmly established in the construction market.
Despite a number of difficulties, the advantages of frame houses in the form of low prices and a quick construction process make the buildings in demand throughout our country.

Currently no one has come up with construction technology absolutely flawless, consisting of one big plus. Therefore, in this review we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses, reviews from owners and expert ratings.

Why is everyone in Russia and the world so attracted? Let's take a closer look at this technology with you.


An important advantage of frame house construction is its affordability for a wide range of consumers. Financial savings accompany the Customer at almost all stages of construction, starting from the foundation, transportation costs, installation work and the cost of materials used.

This affects the final costs when


It is not for nothing that in European countries and the USA the construction of frame houses is most in demand (the practical Western buyer has long taken note of the advantages of a frame house). In Russia it is also gaining increasing popularity.

What makes up such positivity? What technologies make it possible to make a finished object inexpensive and of high quality? Let's look at the benefits frame technologies construction.


Any development begins with this element. A frame house, due to the lightness of its structure, does not require a powerful one. The low weight allows the use of even a point block foundation. For difficult soils - the best option.

If we compare the weight of 1 m2 of frame and timber walls, then the weight of the frame is almost 2.5 times less. In comparison, this figure is even better.

In flooded areas with nearby groundwater or on the shores of reservoirs, frame house construction using generally has no competitors in its simplicity and reliability.

In areas that are seismically unstable, frame houses are most preferable, because they can withstand seismic impacts of up to 8-9 points.

To summarize, we note: each construction begins with, and for a developer using frame technology, each construction begins with saving money.

The first advantage of frame construction is the low cost of the foundation, without compromising the quality of the building.

Transportation of the house and its components

Transportation of the frame house itself and its components to almost any place or any building site does not cause difficulties due to the small mass of component materials.

Not necessary V heavy construction equipment

There are no massive elements in a frame house. The simplicity of erecting a foundation and further construction allows you to do without heavy special equipment. There will be no need for a crane, excavator, manipulator, etc. at the site.

This is a huge plus, since not always and not everywhere is it possible for such equipment to travel to the construction site. In addition, it is quite expensive.


For a frame house there is no concept of a construction season.

The opinion has taken root that construction work can only be carried out in the warm season. Frame housing construction is characterized by the ability to carry out construction at any time at any temperature.

Sometimes it is even preferable to carry out construction in winter; there is no autumn-spring dirt. But by spring it will be possible to celebrate housewarming and prepare for summer season. And it works faster in cold weather (you won’t get stagnant, you won’t over-smoke too much).

Construction work is not tied to the availability of water supply and external temperatures, since there are no hydro cycles during the installation process.

Construction speed

The time required to build a turnkey house is significantly lower, and what’s more - significantly, an order of magnitude lower, compared to other construction methods.

A small team of 3-4 people builds the project from turnkey within four months. And the power kit of the house (box) can be erected within.

The production cycle is the lowest in housing construction, this is the noticeable advantage of frame houses during turnkey construction. Time is money; in frame housing construction this formula is absolutely accurate.

The advantages of frame technologies when adding a structure over existing floors of a building are even more obvious.


The easiest way to evaluate the benefits of frame construction is during installation. No additional costs are required for the installation of communication tapes (electrical cables, ventilation ducts, etc.). They can be laid in the cavities of walls and ceilings. There are both economic and aesthetic advantages here.

Finishing work

The ease of finishing work is a huge advantage of frame houses over brick and houses made of. Plastering is not required, as in brick or; no additional contour frame is needed, as in timber house. All this significantly reduces not only time, but also costs.

Smooth, and, the possibility of free internal layout premises, make the finishing process easy and interesting. Cutting building materials locally makes it possible to slightly adjust the project, apply various options wall configurations (bay window, shaped polygonal walls) that will not increase the cost of the property, as is the case with timber houses.

In addition, if you wish, you can do the finishing yourself, allowing creative inspiration to unfold.

Advantages of a frame house over timber

, as is known, require long-term shrinkage. You can’t start using them immediately after installing the box. Finishing work or close the external contour of the house.

The device of additional heating for shrinkage often leads to distortion of the walls of a log house if insufficiently dried material was used in construction.

Uneven shrinkage can even lead to deformation of the geometry of the roof contour, which is a significant disadvantage of timber houses.

A frame house is free from these shortcomings. Immediately after installation of the power part of the building is completed, you can begin finishing work and doors. That is, you can begin operating the new building almost immediately if the customer prefers to do the finishing work themselves.

Installation and dismantling

The exclusive advantages of a frame house are the possibility of quick and inexpensive, virtually waste-free, dismantling and installation on another building site. If necessary, the structure can be quickly dismantled, transported and installed in a new location. It is preferable to include such an opportunity at the project development stage.


A frame house can fit into any landscape and relief; there is no need to clear the building site of standing nearby with a patch of trees.

Having assessed the advantages of frame construction technologies, it is fair to ask: what, exactly, are the advantages of frame houses as a final object.

Advantages of frame houses

Warm house

Frame buildings are very warm. The density of walls and joints, ideal surface geometry, waterproofing and windproofing membranes lead to the absence of drafts and airflow. Thermal insulation is distributed evenly in the cavities of walls and ceilings, which eliminates the appearance of points and lines of cold (bridges).

The reduced thermal conductivity and energy intensity of the frame wall ensures coolness in hot weather and warmth in winter. Often it is enough to heat the room. Advanced technologies and materials provide excellent thermal insulation of walls.

With thin walls (150-200 mm), they retain heat in the same way as walls with a thickness of 500 mm. An additional bonus is savings on heating costs.


When using quality insulating materials for partitions and (for example,) a good coefficient is set. This insulation has dual functionality - heat insulation and noise reduction. For their small thickness, the walls are quite quiet.

Operating savings

You can, and then with a big plus, spend all the money saved during the operation of the house. The advantages of frame houses are that cost savings occur both at the construction stages and during operation.

Frame construction And
has a significant density, which allows you to really save on
heating in the cold season.

The main advantage is the ability to differentiate and target exploitation heating system. Unused rooms can be set to starvation mode, and comfort can be increased in actively used areas, at the same time using the heating circuit economically and flexibly.

Frame walls are absolutely indifferent to temperature changes, so in conditions of intermittent use there is no need to maintain temperature regime in the absence of the owners. Arriving at any time for a short period, the house warms up quickly, within an hour.

Customer Alexander Pavlov shared his impressions with us:

Came with my family for the weekend. It's frosty outside, and it's cold in the house too. He turned on the heating. During the time it took to unload the groceries and skis from the car (less than an hour had passed), the room heated up to +18°C. All weekend we walked around the house, as if in a city apartment - in the rooms +22°C, coziness and comfort.

Electricity consumption for heating, if there is no gas on the site, is significantly lower - about 0.2 kW/10 m2, against typical norms of 1 kW/10 m2, which is good news.

According to experts, owners of frame houses spend 5 times less on heating services.

Maintenance of facades, unlike log houses, does not require annual expensive renovation.


Light interior atmosphere. The use of natural wood and its derivatives in a frame house leaves all the features wooden building: “breathable” walls and moisture-absorbing materials generate a special comfortable atmosphere. Even in the production of oriented strand boards, binding components are used that are more harmless than in chipboard production, from which a significant part of the furniture is made. Therefore, we can say that a frame house made wisely is actually harmless.


Due to the small thickness of the walls, the advantages of frame buildings are in bright interior spaces. To get the same illumination in a brick house, it is necessary to significantly increase the glazing area, which not only increases costs, but also makes the house colder. Good lighting visually enlarges the space.


People often ask whether frame houses are environmentally friendly. Are we harming nature? After all, wood is used in the construction of the frame.

For OSB, waste from processing mainly wood pulp (fine wood) from preventive felling and cleaning of forests is used. Therefore, construction using frame technology causes much less damage to nature than timber houses. In addition, the production of constructs requires minimal energy costs compared to the production of bricks and cement. The construction of frame houses is one of the most “gentle” construction schemes, and the most energy-efficient.

Advantages of frame houses over brick ones

The advantages of frame buildings are due to the exclusive properties of the materials used. They are not afraid of either heat or cold. A frame house is warm in winter and cool in summer. To obtain equally small heat losses, a brick wall needs to be 15 times thicker (2.5 meters for the Moscow region).

A room with thick walls, be it massive timber, requires more time to reach the required air temperature.

With equal areas of the building area and the same height of buildings, the internal area and cubic capacity of the premises of a frame house are on average 20% larger. Only due to this factor the cost of 1 m2 is significantly reduced. Building houses from brick is a very expensive structure, and reliable, but this is an inappropriate use of resources, this thinking still remains from the times of the Soviet Union, “reliability from enemies” behind thick brick walls.

Disadvantages of frame houses

Rolling, hollowness of partitions and interfloor ceilings
Of course, this is a disadvantage of any wooden contours, which is associated with the low weight of the structural elements. This drawback is partly eliminated by the use of heat and sound insulation “Ecowool” (you can read more about the sound insulation of a frame house here - click).

Complex construction scheme

The construction scheme for a frame facility is more complex than other options. The specifics of installing a house using frame technology require workers skilled in this field, a well-developed project and working drawings, and high-quality construction tools. If you wish, you can build a small one without the proper skills frame house with your own hands (with the necessary ones - click), but for capital construction it is better to turn to professionals.


There is a preconceived positioning of a frame structure as a light, summer or temporary building. Of course, this is not a lack of technical or technological properties of the house, but an insufficient study of the issue (details about the device frame walls read here - click). And here it should be noted that houses built using frame technology are gaining more and more popularity in our country, thanks to their numerous and undoubted advantages.


If you need warm, high-quality, beautiful house, with low operating costs, built in a short time at an affordable price, the advantages of frame construction technologies and the advantages of frame houses will prompt the right choice.

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  • Often, when planning to build a house, people are confused and don’t know. If you are not tired of living in city concrete boxes, then it is quite possible to build a house for yourself outside the city from the now popular foam blocks.

    Although, it is possible to build a structure from brick, which gives great scope to the architect’s imagination. Or you can opt for chopped logs - very interesting buildings can be made from it. Although, it is still better to give preference not to chopped logs, but to rounded ones.

    There are a number of good reasons for this:

    • Unfortunately, it is currently not easy to find an experienced woodcutter who can pre-select the diameter of the logs. Yes, and the quality of the felling should not be in doubt, because this is the basis of a successful business.
    • For those who do not want to live in a log house with bare walls, a problem will arise, because it is not easy to hang even a simple shelf in it.
    • The need to regularly caulk the walls of the house. This is not an easy task, even for a one-story building, but what if the house is two-story? Then this is a problem.
    • Long shrinkage time. Even in the third year of operation, the house continues to “shrink,” which does not have a positive effect on the interior elements hung on the walls and on the wiring.

    Of course, each of us wants to build our home in such a way that it is reliable, sound and beautiful. I would like the construction not to drag on for many months, or even years. Yes, and the financial question, of course, is as relevant as always; who wants to pay a lot. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at another option - the construction of frame houses. Firstly, it is relatively cheap. Secondly, the speed of construction, and thirdly, manufacturability. The only thing worth knowing is that not every house project that you have chosen for construction, for example, from chopped logs, can be built using a frame method.

    So, if you are planning to please yourself with the appearance of a house in your country house, and even if you plan to live there permanently in the future, then opt for frame construction.

    There are several reasons for this:

    • Frame construction is the most affordable type of construction. Of course, this is not a several-fold saving, but still. If we compare houses with the same finishing, then a frame house will cost 10-30% less than its foam-shell or timber-framed counterpart.
    • There is no need to lay a strong foundation; any type of soil is suitable for construction.
    • When comparing houses from different materials same size, the frame builder wins again, but now in terms of heating costs. With the exception, probably, of sandwich panels from a Canadian manufacturer.
    • A frame house can also be used for permanent residence, and for periodic stays.
    • Both internal and exterior decoration can be very diverse, there are no restrictions. Anything can be implemented inside the house design ideas: and , and .
    • At the walls of a frame house low level thermal conductivity and therefore the house will retain heat from the heater or stove for a long time.
    • In terms of fire hazard, a frame house outperforms other types wooden houses, since non-flammable types of insulation are used.
    • It is quite possible to build a frame house on your own by several men familiar with construction tools. And it is not necessary to hire teams of workers, which, of course, is a plus for the issue of savings.
    • Dirty work is minimized. These are many advantages at once, compared to foam block or log construction. No piles of wood dust from sanding logs.
    • If necessary, a frame house can always be completed or even rebuilt, which a house made of logs will not allow. That is, you can remove, at will, or add walls, because situations in life change, and what if you need it?
    • And once again about the speed of construction! It sounds like science fiction, but within a couple of months from the start of construction, you can move into the finished house!

    That's probably all about the advantages frame types buildings Good luck!

    The growing popularity of frame structures is due to several factors, the main one of which is the speed of construction. Just a few weeks and you can start arranging a cozy home.

    Rising real estate prices leave less and less chance for the average family to acquire useful space. A frame construction provides a real chance to purchase a dream home, and even taking into account individual preferences in layout and decoration.

    Advantages of frame construction

    Operational assembly. In just two weeks to several months, a turnkey house with all communications can appear on the site.

    Affordable price. When creating a project, all possible options for saving on finishing and structural elements are taken into account.

    Environmentally friendly. The house will indeed be absolutely safe for the health of the people living in it if it is finished with non-toxic materials.

    Energy efficiency, due to the design and economical consumption of energy for heating the room.

    Durability. Warranty periods define a service life of over 50 years. Any building needs maintenance and repair. With timely care and replacement of insulation, if necessary, the structure has a similar service life to a brick house.

    Read also: Self-leveling floor (photo): types and features of materials, pouring technology

    High strength allows you to withstand a magnitude 7 earthquake.

    Frame installation can be produced at any time of the year.

    Disadvantages of frame construction

    Difficulty in redevelopment;

    After 10 years at correct installation it is necessary to replace the insulation (if mineral wool was used).

    Other complaints about low-rise construction, thermal insulation and short service life have already been dispelled. New developments in cottage villages consist of 2-3 floors.

    Types of frame construction

    The post-and-beam structure is distinguished by a large number of notches, tie-ins and tenon ties;

    The frame frame, which has floors, is assembled from autonomous platforms with a rack connection;

    The design with threaded racks has high strength due to the load-bearing capacity of the racks located along the entire height of the building;

    A frame-rack structure differs from a post-and-beam structure by deepening the posts into the ground to perform the function of piles;

    Hybrid technology is used for individual indications, includes elements different types frame.

    Materials used

    Steel profiles different widths;

    Wooden beam;

    Metal corners;

    DSP and OSB sheets;

    Insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene foam);

    Read also: Floor insulation with polystyrene foam: advantages and grades of material, insulation process


    Vapor barrier;

    Finishing and facing materials.


    The frame design benefits from its light weight. If there is no heavy load, it is permissible to use a strip, column or pile foundation. Due to this, there is a saving in the cost of earthworks and the cost of concrete, and the construction time is also reduced. Often country houses installed on a level surface with concrete slabs.

    When constructing cottages, the project includes a basement or ground floor. In this case, a recess into the ground is provided to a height basement.


    To start construction you can use finished project or order an individual one. Before starting calculations, you need to examine the type of soil and the location of the building on the site. After this, the specialist develops documentation including:


    Communication lines (supply to the house and indoor wiring);

    Heating and ventilation systems;

    Structural parts of the frame;

    Decoration inside the house;

    Location of windows/doors;

    Facade cladding.

    After drawing up the plan, they calculate necessary materials. Special attention paid to quality, because the durability of the building largely depends on the properties of the materials used.

    Read also: House made of foam blocks

    Stages of building a frame house

    Preparing the site for development: clearing the area and leveling the surface.

    Construction of the foundation. Surface waterproofing.

    Laying communication lines.

    Preparation of materials for use: treatment of wooden elements with an antiseptic solution and fire retardant (fire-retardant compound).

    Performing the bottom strapping using anchor bolts.

    Installation of sewer and water pipes.

    Rough floor covering with insulating layer.

    Fastening the frame posts, maintaining the distance according to the technology.

    Performance top harness with the installation of jibs.

    If a second floor is provided, install racks.

    Installation roof frame and coatings.

    Wall cladding with DSP or OSB sheets.

    Installation of windows/doors.

    Insulation of walls and ceilings.

    Fastening vapor barrier, waterproofing.

    External cladding.

    Interior decoration.

    Increasingly, among the buildings you can see a frame house, the pros and cons of which should be studied before starting construction work and procurement of materials. Frame construction is gaining increasing popularity. But is it worth building using this technology? own house? Here everyone must independently weigh the pros and cons.


    The advantages of frame houses attract people to this technology all over the world. The option is relevant not only in our country, but also abroad. The method of such construction came to us from Europe and confidently took a leading position. The advantages of frame houses, first of all, lie in their efficiency. They allow you to save your budget not only at the construction stage, but also during operation. More often than not, there are more pros than cons.

    Frame construction technology has gained popularity due to its high efficiency

    The advantages of frame houses are represented by the following characteristics and features:

    • absence of wet processes during construction;
    • the ability to perform work at any time of the year, independence from temperature conditions;
    • there is no need for powerful foundations;
    • you can perform installation work alone and with minimal labor costs;
    • good thermal insulation, saving on heating;
    • comfortable microclimate when choosing insulation with good vapor permeability;
    • high installation speed;
    • ease of finishing and repair of the building;
    • resistance of the structure to minor deformations during soil heaving and shrinkage;
    • possibility of changing the internal layout.

    We will find out all the pros and cons of a frame house, which will give you the opportunity to decide whether it is suitable this technology for your own construction. It is important to note that the owners of such buildings note that the costs at the construction stage were approximately 30% less than what would have been the case when building a structure made of brick or concrete.

    Frame construction can be carried out at any time of the year

    At the same time, heating costs during operation are very low. But this is only relevant if the thickness of the insulation is chosen correctly.. It must meet the standards for a specific climatic region.


    To avoid problems at all stages, it is worth considering that a frame house requires more attention to itself at the design stage. When assembling, it is important to follow all stages of technology. Here the accuracy of manufacturing and joining of frame parts is of great importance. A lot will depend on the quality of materials, so preparatory stage you will have to find reliable suppliers.

    The panels must be assembled with absolute precision

    Considering the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses, one cannot help but mention their important features:

    • in order to prevent the walls from blowing in or the insulation from sagging, at the construction stage you need to carefully monitor the quality of the joints;
    • all parts of the sheathing must be perfectly adjusted; installation of panel elements can take a lot of time and effort, but attention must be paid to this;
    • If all the details fit perfectly, the building will be very efficient in terms of energy savings, but this is not so easy to achieve in practice.

    Disadvantages of technology

    Many professionals believe that a frame building is not very suitable for use in our conditions. In this area we do not have great experience, a developed regulatory framework and a sufficient amount of knowledge. This phenomenon is unusual, so it can be frightening, like the unknown. But among non-professional craftsmen, the frame is gaining more and more popularity. Is this technology worth trusting?

    One of the main disadvantages of a frame house is its relative fragility

    Some of the disadvantages of frame houses have no real basis. They can be compared to myths. But there are also serious problems that cannot be ignored.

    TO typical problems include:

    • Fragility. The building is unlikely to last more than a hundred years. But here everything depends on the regularity of repairs and the quality of care. If you carry out repairs every 25 years, you can significantly improve the situation. But it is important to understand that frame construction is not intended for a family to live in a house for generations. But for one or two generations the resource is quite enough.
    • Fire hazard. In the building wooden frame there is practically nothing that could prevent a fire. In addition, such a light structure can literally burn out like a match. But the problem can be solved by selecting insulation. Nowadays mineral basalt wool is popular on the market. It resists fire well. Also, for protection, all wooden elements can be treated with fire retardants, which will increase the level of safety.
    • Prone to rot. Wood is easily damaged by high humidity. This is true not only for frame buildings, but also for wooden ones. But if you take care of the house and periodically treat it with an antiseptic, no problems will arise.
    • Low noise insulation. The weight of the structure affects sound absorption. In a frame house it is small, so problems with noise levels may arise. It is worth remembering this when building near roads or railway tracks. The problem can be solved at an early stage by selecting high-quality insulating materials.
    • Low environmental friendliness. It all depends on the choice of materials. It is important to pay attention to the type of sheathing and insulation. This point is quite controversial, since it is now extremely difficult to find eco-friendly house. Used everywhere chemical impregnations, artificial materials and so on.
    • Great place for pests to live. In our climatic conditions, such a problem occurs extremely rarely. It is more relevant for other countries. But we may have another problem - mice. The problem is relevant when choosing foam plastic as insulation. Rodents are indifferent to mineral wool.

    What problems arise

    Considering frame houses, the pros and cons that builders know, one cannot help but talk about probable problems and ways to solve them. Otherwise the information will not be complete. In some cases, it will be wise to involve a professional: a builder or engineer.

    Purchasing materials

    Building a building using a frame is a new phenomenon. For this reason, you may find that certain components are not available at every hardware store. Due to the lack of competition, manufacturers and sellers can increase prices significantly.

    Material for construction must be purchased from trusted suppliers

    To avoid unnecessary expenses, you should constantly monitor manufacturers’ websites, compare offers and choose the best. The cost is also affected by the season. At the end of winter, materials may cost significantly less compared to summer. This is due to the fact that the greatest demand is usually observed during the warm period, and in winter there is a lull in the construction market.


    There will be no problems when using vapor-permeable insulation and finishing materials. But if one of the layers of the wall is made of impermeable material, you will have to think about forced ventilation of the premises. The question is relevant, for example, when installing polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). In order not to carry out unnecessary measures, it is recommended to carefully consider such characteristics of materials as vapor permeability. It shouldn't be too low.

    If polystyrene foam or penoplex is chosen as insulation, it is necessary to arrange forced ventilation

    Another issue is façade ventilation. When using mineral wool, you need to make a gap between the insulation and the sheathing 3-5 cm thick. At the bottom of the façade there are openings for air intake. The exit is in the area of ​​the roof eaves. This technology allows you to protect the insulation from condensation droplets.

    Between mineral wool and the sheathing must have a ventilation gap

    Insufficient ventilation in both cases will lead to disruption of the microclimate and increased humidity. High humidity- These are mold, mildew and other microorganisms that can greatly ruin the life of the residents of the house. To avoid complex repairs involving replacement of cladding, insulation and supporting structures, you need to think about ventilation in advance. The same rule applies to the roof of a building.


    According to the standards, wires must be laid in metal pipes. The use of plastic on combustible substrates is unacceptable. But this is only relevant for mass construction, where upon delivery you need to pass an inspection. In a private building there is no urgent need to use Russian standards. But here it is important to understand where you can deviate from the recommendations.

    Prohibited use plastic pipes for installation of electrical wiring

    In terms of wiring, it is wise to take advantage of global experience. Most often, safe wires with good insulation are used. Such elements can be laid directly in the frame, having previously provided cuts. This will save time, effort and nerves.

    Performer qualifications

    This problem may become the biggest stumbling block. When constructing it yourself, you need to carefully study the technology. It’s even worth purchasing a couple of textbooks, because this is building your own house, on which there is no point in saving.

    The frame requires high precision connections, so this option is recommended for those who already have some construction experience. A beginner may not perform the knots well enough, which will lead to certain troubles during operation.