Kufeya planting, care and where to grow. Kufei issopolista flower care at home, planting and care in open ground photo

Kufeya is an evergreen shrub with flowers of an unusual tubular shape, reminiscent of lit cigars, for which it is also called cigarette tree. Belongs to the loosestrife family, is of Mexican origin and has a Greek name Kyphos, which translates as “crooked” or “bent.”

The main habitat is Central and South America, where there are up to two hundred different subspecies of kufei. There are two main types of plants: annual and perennial. The height of the stem can reach half a meter. The leaves are dark green and narrow in shape. There are flowers different colors, but white, red and purple are more common. Flowering lasts throughout the warm period. Lushly blooming kufei are a delightful decoration for your home, balcony or garden.

Types of kufei grown at home and in gardens, as well as their photos

Among all existing species Kufei is especially popular as a garden and indoor plant: Fire-red and Hyssopolis.

– this species is often cultivated as a houseplant, also for decorating open flower beds. A flower of this species is sometimes bred in large containers, which are placed in patios.

In appearance it is a low compact bush with tubular flowers in the shape of a cigar. The corollas are painted bright red, against which there is a contrasting background White spot. In the center of the bud there is a purple throat.

Photo. Fire red cupheaignea

There are several cultural variations of the fiery red kufei, which look like small neat bushes, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm:

  • Coan – corollas can be brick red or creamy white;
  • Dynamite – flowers of a rich red tone are formed quite early with the onset of the warm season.

– The plant is native to Mexico and Guatemala. It is distinguished by its endurance and is not afraid of rainy or windy weather. The bushes do not exceed half a meter in height. The flowers are small, usually a large number of them appear at once, flowering continues throughout the summer. Flower color can be white, pink or lilac.

Photo. Cupheahyssopifolia (Cupheahyssopifolia)

IN open ground Kufei are most often grown in warm climates. The plant can also be perfectly adapted as a border plant. For decoration, it is grown in pots and containers, which are placed in patios, balconies and loggias. The plant looks good in hanging pots, in which flowering stems gracefully hang.

It is preferable to place the kufeya in places where there will be natural shading during the midday heat. It is also necessary to provide light, loose, but nutritious soil.

Place the kufeya where there is sufficient light.

If you plan to transplant the plant from a room to open ground, you must first harden the seedlings. Replant only after the end of spring frosts, prepare fertile soil. In the garden, choose a place that will be well lit during the day, or, in extreme cases, will have weak shading. Caring for a plant in open ground will include regular weeding, pinching and pruning.

The basic rule for caring for kufeya at home is protection from cold and drafts.

Caring for kufei at home is generally not difficult at all. Most often used for growing indoors annual species plants. Seeds are used for planting. The basic rule for caring for indoor kufeya is to protect the flower from cold and drafts and ensure abundant watering.

Is a transplant necessary after purchase?

Kufeya can be purchased at special gardening centers, where it is sold in the form of already grown young plant. After purchase, it is necessary to replant the flower.. Often, on sold specimens, the root system is protected by a special bag. It is necessary for ease of separation of the root system from the soil. However, it should be removed because the tissue will prevent water from reaching the roots and lead to rot. When transplanting, they do not use the method of transferring an earthen coma, but clean it as much as possible root system from the transport substrate.

Pruning kufei

Kufei growth usually occurs very quickly and the stems can reach their maximum height in a short period of time. In order for the plant to acquire a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, it is necessary to stimulate branching, while forming a neat crown. To do this, it is necessary to regularly pinch the tips of the shoots and do corrective pruning.

For fiery red kufei, it is enough to trim off excessively elongated shoots, while the formation of hyssopolous kufei will take longer, because its strong branching allows you to create original geometric shapes, for example in the form of a pyramid or a ball.

On perennial plants Pruning begins at the beginning of spring. It must be done before the period of active growing season and flowering. At the same time, shortening the stem by one third will help stimulate the growth of young shoots.

What kind of watering is needed?

At home, kufeya is very demanding when it comes to watering.

Most cafes in home care requires regular, abundant watering. It is necessary that the soil is thoroughly saturated with water, which should always be inside the pot.

The watering regime should be at least twice a week. For irrigation use water at room temperature. It is necessary to ensure that each subsequent watering is carried out after the top layer has dried.

Excess moisture also does not benefit the plant, so to avoid stagnation of water, good drainage should be ensured in advance. In winter, watering is slightly reduced.

The flower can withstand short-term drought quite steadfastly. Kufeya is not very demanding on air humidity and there is no need to spray it often, but it can be placed under a cool shower from time to time.

Planting and soil requirements

For proper care It is of great importance where to grow kufei. To prepare fertile and nutritious soil for a plant, you need to mix one part of the following types of soil: leaf, peat, turf, humus, and also half of river sand. A universal slightly acidic soil is also suitable.

For good growth and flowering kufee requires feeding. Most preferable for her organic species fertilizers You can use complex mineral compositions.

Important! During the warm period, the plant is fed during daily watering, using 20 g of liquid fertilizer diluted in a bucket of water.

The flower also benefits from spraying with a water-soluble complex fertilizer used for foliar feeding. During the flowering period, fertilizers are suitable for flowering plants.

Kufeya is replanted annually in the spring.

If kufeya is grown from seeds, an annual spring replanting will be required.. At the same time, transplantation to flower pots It is better to do it in a specially prepared soil mixture. It can be prepared in the following proportions:

  • sterilized soil – 50%;
  • neutral peat – 25%;
  • sand – 25%;
  • mineral fertilizers– 40g per bucket of earth.

When choosing a pot, the material from which it will be made does not matter much, but the presence of holes in the bottom is a must. The size of each new pot is chosen 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. When the container size reaches 25 cm, transplantation can be done less frequently, once every two or three years.


Cultivating kufei both on the site and at home can be done quite easily, the main thing is to follow all the rules for caring for it.

Methods of propagation of kufei (seeds, cuttings)

To propagate kufei, you can use seeds and cuttings. By the way, the very name of the flower from Greek is precisely related to the curved shape of its seeds. They are greenish-brown discs with a curved shape up to 3 mm in diameter. As a rule, they germinate within 5-7 days. If they are placed too close together, they may stick together because they begin to secrete a sticky substance during germination. You can place the seeds in small containers, cover them with a bag, and place them in a warm place. When they germinate, they can be planted in disposable cups, and after a while - in a permanent place.

Kufeya propagates well both by seeds and cuttings.

Seeds are highly sensitive to light. They do not need to be covered too much with soil, you just need to press them a little into the soil, because... in the light they emerge much faster. During seed germination, a temperature of 20-22 degrees is required. When planting seedlings, the containers must be placed in the sun. Young shoots begin to be planted at the end of May.

When propagated by cuttings, they are cut from the tops of plants diagonally, using a fairly sharp knife, and planted in the ground at the beginning spring period when the air warms up to 18 degrees. You can also root in a glass of water. Roots usually appear within a week.

It will be easier to create the shape of a bush if you place two or three shoots in one place at the same time. During the beginning of growth, new leaves appear on the cuttings, then the top is pinched off.

Temperature and lighting requirements

Kufeya is quite thermophilic and needs moderate air heating. IN summer period the temperature should be 22-25 degrees, and in winter - not lower than 12-18. Too cold air can be detrimental to a flower.

For good vegetative development, the flower requires bright sunlight. It is best to grow kufeya at home on eastern, or at least western, windows. Northern window sills are unfavorable for the plant, the flowering of which will be incomplete due to lack of light, and the leaves will become dull.

Important! If the plant gets sunburned, the leaves will suddenly turn red.

Diseases and pests

Spider mites are quite rare on kufei.

Among the most common signs of kufei diseases, several should be highlighted:

  • appearance dark spots on leaves;
  • stem rotting;
  • rotting of the root collar.

All these diseases are caused by the appearance of fungi and gray rot.. To combat them, it is recommended to use fungicides. Yellowing leaves indicate a lack of iron, which in this case will need to be added to the feeding diet.

In rare cases, spider mites or scale insects may appear.

A sign of mite infestation is the appearance of thin white cobwebs on the leaves. In this case, at the first symptoms, you should carefully wash the plant with a soft sponge soaked in a soap solution. At later stages, spraying with chemicals will be necessary.

The appearance of scale insects on the leaves will be indicated by bulges Brown- These are insect shells. In this case you need mechanically Clean off the pest with a brush and soapy water. You can also treat with insecticides.

At the end autumn period New flowers stop appearing on the kufei and the vegetative growth of the plant stops. This is a sign of cessation life cycle and if you have no desire to grow the flower in the future, you can throw it away. A faded plant can also be preserved after winter period it will be possible to root young shoots in the new substrate. In this case, flowering will begin even earlier than those grown from seeds.

Kufeya, a universal flower. Almost all of its species can be grown with equal success in a flower garden and as a houseplant at home. Here we will talk about the nuances of growing kufei at home. I would like to note right away that they are most suitable for indoor growing. This is not due to any of their special properties, but mainly due to their compact size, which allows you to easily place the kufei in a limited space of the room.

How to care for kufeya at home

Lighting and temperature

Any well-lit place is suitable for this flower. If the size allows you to keep it on the windowsill, then it is better if it is the window sill of an east-oriented window. Near him the kufeya will receive required lighting, without the risk of getting burned from direct sunlight. The same applies to western windows. When placed near southern windows, you will need protection from excessively bright sun. Northern window sills are poorly lit and therefore unsuitable for growing most indoor plants.

Kufei prefers moderate temperatures. But in summer it is better to take it out into the fresh air. A regular balcony will do. In winter it's a little more difficult. At this time, he also needs appropriate conditions for this. The most comfortable temperature for kufei in winter is between +15-18 degrees, but it can tolerate lower temperatures (up to +8 degrees).

Watering, air humidity, fertilizing

In summer, kufeya needs to be watered regularly and abundantly. But don’t get too carried away. It can easily tolerate short-term dryness of the soil, but on the contrary, it reacts very poorly to waterlogging and may suffer. Therefore, before next watering You need to let the top layer of soil in the pot dry. In winter, watering is significantly reduced.

Kufei tolerates dry air very easily. Therefore, it is practically not needed. But periodic spraying and bathing in a warm shower will bring nothing but benefit.

Kufei is fed only during active growth, in the warm season. For fertilizing you can use regular complex fertilizer for flowering plants, following the recommendations on the packaging. You can also add them during watering, but in a much lower concentration.

Kufei transplant

It is recommended annually. Kufeya is replanted, like most indoor plants, in the spring. The composition of the soil for replanting is quite simple and consists of leaf and turf soil, peat and humus. Everything is in equal parts. Sand (or perlite) is also added - half of the part.

Pruning kufei

Regular annual pruning is required. They will not only give the plant a neat appearance, but will also contribute to more luxuriant flowering. Kufeya easily tolerates pruning and the crown can be formed into any shape and size according to your desire. Kufei is pruned in the spring. During the summer, pinching can be used to limit its growth and maintain the desired crown shape.

Reproduction of kufei

Young plants can be obtained both from seeds and from cuttings of the mother plant.

Propagation of kufei by seeds is practically no different from growing other plants in this way. In fact, it's like . But you should pay attention that when sowing, kufei seeds should not be buried deeply in the ground, but only lightly pressed into the soil. Also, during seed germination, good lighting and a temperature within +20-22 degrees are necessary.

Propagation of kufei by cuttings will also not work special labor. The easiest way to root kufeya is in a container of water. Semi-lignified apical cuttings are suitable for rooting. The roots appear quite quickly. Often within a week the cutting acquires its own roots. When they grow up, young plants can be planted in the ground.

Advice. To make the kufei bush look more decorative and lush, plant two or three seedlings in one pot.

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Kufea (Cuphea) are perennial and annual herbs and shrubs belonging to the Derbennikov family. This numerous genus consists of about 250 species and lives in the American tropics and subtropics. Some kufei are cultivated to obtain oil from their seeds, others - as honey plants and ornamental plants.

general description

Kufeya represents fast growing plant with slightly curved smooth narrow leaves of dark green color. Stems up to half a meter long are erect or ampelous.

It blooms from spring to autumn with red, white or purple flowers of an original shape, 2-3 cm long. The shape of the bud of some species resembles a smoldering cigarette, for which it received the name “cigarette tree”. Because of large quantity Flower species can be of various shapes and sizes. Typically, large-flowered species do not bloom very profusely, while small-flowered species favorable conditions almost completely covered with buds.

Types of kufei

  • annual flower 90 cm high. Red tubular flowers with a purple or white limb. The leaves are light green.
  • Kufeya Fiery Red– a bush up to 35 cm in height with red tubular flowers.

  • - an annual hybrid species with red flowers 30 cm high.

  • – annual branch up to 40 cm high with branching creeping stems. Flowers are white, lilac or purple.
  • Kufeya Issopolistnaya is a bush up to 50 cm high with branching stems and numerous elongated leaves. The flowers are white, pink or red-violet, up to 2 cm in diameter.

  • Kufeya Pale compact bush with many red flowers. Widely used as a houseplant.

Caring for kufeya

The plant is more suitable for flower beds, but due to the beauty of the flowering bushes it is successfully grown as a potted plant. IN indoor culture Kufeya grows quickly and can reach a size of 40-60 cm in both height and width. It is grown as a bush or hanging plant.

Temperature and lighting– the plant needs good lighting, but it must be protected from direct rays of the sun at midday. If there is a lack of light, flowering will be scanty or not at all.

In summer, kufeya will grow at normal temperatures, and in winter it should be reduced to 10-18 degrees, but not lower than 8. In summer, the plant can be taken outside or onto a balcony, but remember that it really does not like drafts.

Humidity and watering– the plant should be watered very generously, draining the water from the pan after 30 minutes, but between waterings the soil in the pot should dry out slightly. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced. Good drainage is needed, since stagnation of moisture at the roots is unacceptable.

Every other day, the kufeya needs to be sprayed, especially in the summer or if it overwinters in a living room with dry air. Sometimes it should be rinsed in the shower.

Fertilizer and feeding– during the growing season, twice a month with fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants.

Soil and replanting– suitable soil for ornamental flowering plants, you need drainage and a pot of regular shape. Young kufei are replanted annually, and adult plants are replanted in the spring into a slightly larger container when they have entwined their roots around the entire earthen ball.

Flowering and pruning– blooms profusely from the first year of life in June-November. Kufeya grows very quickly and reaches its goal within a year. maximum size. In early spring, as soon as new leaves appear, it is cut off by two-thirds. Throughout the season, young shoots are pinched, strongly - if you grow it as a bush, a little, just so that more side shoots are formed - if it grows as an ampelous plant.

If a plant has lost its decorative effect over the winter, you can throw it away after rooting it. apical cuttings. They will bloom at the same time as the adult plant. In summer, the plant can be planted in a flower bed, and in the fall it can be brought indoors.

Reproduction of kufei

Kufeya is propagated using cuttings or seeds.

Vegetative propagation

In March-April, during pruning, cuttings at least 7 cm long are taken, the lower leaves are torn off, the cut is treated with a root formation stimulator and planted in a sand-peat mixture. The planting is covered with a transparent film and rooted at room temperature, regularly moisturizing and airing.

After rooting the cuttings, they are planted in several pots for greater decorativeness. Kufeya can be successfully propagated by placing its branches in a glass of water.

Seed propagation

Kufei seeds have poor germination; in order to get several plants, you need to sow quite a lot of them. In the spring, scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil, press them lightly, spray them with a spray bottle and cover with glass, without sprinkling soil on top. Place the container with the sowing in a bright place with a temperature of 18-22 degrees, regularly moisten and ventilate.

Remove the glass after the shoots appear, and when they grow a little, drink them into small glasses.

Pests, diseases and possible problems

  • Kufeya can be affected by aphids and spider mites. Treat it with an insecticide.
  • The plant may rot if it is systematically overwatered.
  • Leaves may fall if the kufeya is in a draft.
  • Gray spots on the leaves may indicate the appearance of a fungus or gray rot - cut off the affected parts and treat the plant with a systemic fungicide.
  • Kufeya is prone to chlorosis - if its leaves turn yellow but remain elastic, pour it with iron chelate, or even better, spray it over the leaves.

Kufeya is not the most common plant in indoor floriculture. But if you like flowering specimens, you should pay attention to it. During flowering, it is sprinkled with many small buds. Behind unusual flowers it was nicknamed the cigarette tree. Is it difficult to care for kufeya at home? How long does it take to bloom? Let's consider what conditions it needs.

Kufeya belongs to the merlin family. Translated from Greek, the name of the plant sounds like “crooked”. It was awarded for the unusual shape of the fruit. According to various sources, the genus consists of 200–250 species. Among them there are herbaceous plants and shrubs.

Botanical description

Kufei, used in indoor floriculture, are perennial subshrubs up to half a meter high. The leaves are small, oval, rather dark, delicate. They are attached to the stem with short petioles. The kufei bush has a beautiful fan shape.

The flowers are small, numerous, elongated. The tubular shape of the flower and the unusual bend of the corolla are compared by many to a smoldering cigarette, for which the plant is nicknamed the cigarette tree. Kufeya blooms almost continuously from spring to autumn. There are types of kufei with rather large, but few buds. Flower color - white with a lemon tint, purple with a violet tint, pink, red.

How to care for kufeya after purchase? The plant is replanted without waiting for adaptation to new conditions. For kufei grown for sale, the root system is often placed in a special bag. It will interfere with the growth of roots and their absorption of moisture. When transplanting, the root ball is completely cleared of the transport substrate. Water moderately at first, do not feed, and protect from direct sunlight.

Types of indoor culture

Of the variety of kufei species, several are suitable for growing at home. The rest are cultivated as flowerbed plants, or do not get along at all in our climate. The most widespread among flower growers are four varieties of kufei.

  1. Fiery red. Forms a small, neat bush up to half a meter high. During flowering, many tubular flowers of bright red color bloom. Based on the species, several beautiful hybrid varieties kufei with different terms flowering, differing in flower color.
  2. Hyssopolis. Compact bush, grows up to half a meter. Blooms from spring to mid-autumn. At the same time, many small flowers of lilac, pink or white. This type of kufei can be grown in open ground.
  3. Pale. Interesting feature pale kufei - shoots grow in different directions, forming a very dense, thick, but compact bush. Flowers are wine red, small. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. The plant looks good in hanging baskets.
  4. Micropetalous. A compact bush no higher than 40 cm. The flowers are very small, formed just above the leaf axils. The calyxes are yellow, with a scarlet base, the throat is greenish. The petals are small, hidden behind the teeth of the calyx.

Laurel acid is extracted from the seeds of some varieties of kufei. In some regions, kufeya is even grown on an industrial scale. Kufeya has been grown as a potted plant relatively recently, but breeders have already developed more than ten interesting hybrid varieties. Kufeya is rarely found in stores, so it is easier to grow it from seeds.

Caring for kufeya, rules of watering and transplanting

How to care for kufeya? The plant is not capricious, grows quickly, is stable and lush flowering. For active growth and full flowering of kufei, it is enough to follow the basic requirements for the microclimate and simple rules of care.

  • Lighting. Good lighting needed for formation flower buds. Keep the culture in bright, diffused light and shade from direct sun. The optimal location in the apartment is western or eastern windows. In winter, they are moved to a south window - the cold winter sun does not harm the flower.
  • Temperature. Kufeya is a heat-loving plant. Optimal performance temperatures in summer: 20-24°C. To re-bloom next year, a dormant period is forced - wintering at 5-10°C. The culture cannot withstand a further decrease in temperature.
  • Watering. In warm weather, it is recommended to shed generously - at intervals of three to four days. Before watering, check the soil moisture level - the top layer should dry evenly. Complete drying of the earthen coma is not allowed. The amount of water per watering depends on the volume of the pot - excess water should flow out through the drainage holes. Half an hour after watering, the accumulated water is drained from the pan. In hot weather, kufeya is watered more often - the flower reacts to drought by dropping buds.
  • Humidity. Loves high humidity. Spraying is necessary at least three times a week. Additional measures increasing humidity is usually not required. But in winter you can cover the batteries with a damp cloth.
  • Feeding. You can feed the kufeya when planting. Place a little well-rotted humus in the pot, directly at the roots. With the appearance of the first buds, mineral fertilizers are applied for flowering crops. Then they continue to feed every two weeks with preparations with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.
  • The soil. Any slightly acidic store-bought soil will do. The basic requirements for the substrate are nutritious, loose, light. At home, the soil mixture is prepared from garden soil, humus or peat, perlite or sand. All components are mixed in approximately equal quantities.
  • Transfer. Replant kufeya better method transshipment - do not injure the root system. Young plants require replanting annually, adults less often - every two years. Take a new pot a little larger in diameter - about 2–3 cm.
  • Trimming. From time to time you need to cut off the dried leaves of the kufei plant, remove faded flowers and dry shoots. Each variety has its own pruning characteristics. Hyssopolis kufa is pruned heavily - at the end of winter, all branches are shortened by half to stimulate the growth of young shoots and the formation of flower buds. In fiery red kufei, elongated, improperly growing branches are simply pruned to give the bush a beautiful shape.

Kufeya loses its decorative effect with age. To replace the plant, apical cuttings are cut and rooted. Young plants develop quickly and can bloom in the same year.

Reproduction technique

Most often, flower growers practice propagation of kufei by cuttings. Plants of the new variety are easy to grow from seeds. Get healthy plants It’s not difficult - just follow the recommendations of experienced breeders.


Growing kufei from seeds at home always gives good results. The seeds are quite large, curved in shape, and have a high germination rate. Seedlings grow quickly. Sow them in early spring according to the following four-step scheme.

  1. A transparent container with a lid is filled with a nutrient soil mixture. You can use peat with sand or any loose, breathable soil.
  2. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the substrate and lightly pressed into it. Do not deepen them - light is needed for germination.
  3. The substrate is sprayed from a spray bottle warm water. The container is covered with a lid. Place in a warm, bright place. The temperature should not fall below 20˚C.
  4. Shoots appear in a week. At the stage of two or three true leaves, they need to be planted in separate containers. Seedlings grow quickly - choose a pot with a diameter of at least 11 cm. As the seedlings grow, replanting will be required.


The optimal time for cuttings is spring. Take apical cuttings from young, non-lignified shoots. Cut at an angle with a sharp sterile knife. Then adhere to the following scheme of four actions.

  1. Poured into a glass warm water, add any root formation stimulator to it - “Kornevin”, “Heteroauxin”. To prevent decay, throw an activated carbon tablet into the water.
  2. The cuttings are placed in water and kept in a warm, bright place. Roots appear very quickly - within a week. They don’t plant them right away - they wait until there are more of them.
  3. Rooted cuttings are transplanted into the ground. Several shoots can be planted in one pot at once to obtain lush bush. At first, water moderately and do not allow the temperature to drop.
  4. After several new leaves appear, the kufeya begins to form - the tops are pinched to stimulate lateral branching.

In reviews, flower growers share their observations that in the summer it is useful to plant kufeya in a flower bed. It feels good in open ground, actively gains green mass, and blooms profusely. With the onset of autumn, it is transplanted back into the pot and brought home.

Growing problems

Difficulties when growing kufei rarely arise. But sometimes failure to comply with maintenance conditions leads to a decrease in decorativeness. For your convenience, the table contains the main difficulties that flower growers have to face.

Table - Problems when growing kufei

ProblemWhat is the reasonNecessary measures
The appearance of dark spots on the leaves- Lack of light in winter;
- rotting of the root system
- Usage artificial lighting with a lack of natural light;
- inspection of the root system;
- removal of rotten areas;
- transplant
Leaf fall- Sudden temperature changes;
- prolonged heat or cold
- Normalization of conditions for keeping kufei;
- maintaining optimal temperature for the plant
Yellowing of leaves- Excess light;
- appearance of pests;
- soil drying out
- Inspection of the plant for the presence or absence of pests;
- shading from the summer sun;
- regular, abundant watering
Dropping of lower leaves- Lack of nutrition;
- the pot is too tight
- Plant replanting with soil replacement;
- application of mineral fertilizers
Falling buds- Drying of the soil;
- frequent drafts;
- sudden temperature changes
- Watering as the surface of the substrate dries;
- keep in a warm, draft-free place

Common diseases

Kufeya is quite resistant to diseases. Sometimes, with unregulated watering, it is affected by fungal diseases and rot. A description of the main diseases of kufei and their treatment can be found in the table.

Table - Diseases of kufei

Chlorosis (iron deficiency)- Appearance of spots;
- yellowing of leaves when only the veins remain green
- Spraying with iron chelate preparations
Gray mold (fungus)- Root collar rotting;
- formation of a gray fluffy coating on the leaves
- Trimming the affected parts of the kufei;
- treatment with the drug “Fitosporin”;
- transplantation into new sterile soil
Powdery mildew (fungus)- The appearance of a whitish powdery coating on the leaves;
- yellowing, wilting or drying of kufei
- Stop spraying;
- heavy pruning;
- spraying with any systemic fungicide

Typical pests

We have to deal with pests more often. Tender leaves of kufei are often affected by aphids and spider mites. WITH detailed information Pests, signs of their appearance and methods of control can be found in the table.

Table - Pests of kufei

InsectSignsNecessary measures
Whitefly- The appearance of small white flying insects on the plant;
- detection of a colony of larvae on back side leaves;
- wilting of kufei, stunting of growth
- Treatment of kufeya with the preparations “Actellik”, “Inta-Vir” until the insects completely disappear;
- preventive treatments by the same means
Spider mite- The appearance of small yellowish dots on the leaves;
- detection of a thin cobweb on the leaves of kufei;
- yellowing and falling leaves
- Washing the kufei with a solution of potassium soap;
- spraying the plant with Aktara;
- increasing air humidity by any means
Shchitovka- Detection of insects with a convex brown shell on the leaves;
- covering kufei leaves with a sticky coating;
- the appearance of sooty fungus
- Removing scale insects from plants mechanically;
- wiping places where insects accumulate with alcohol, washing with soapy water;
- spraying with the drug "Inta-vir"
Thrips- Deformation of kufei leaves, coating with a silvery coating;
- shedding of pollen from flowers;
- detection of black dots on leaves, holes on flowers
- Bathing the kufei under a warm shower;
- spraying with insecticide for flowers
Nematodes- Damage to the root system of kufei;
- deformation, curling of leaves, appearance of spots
- Destruction of an infected plant
Aphid- Twisting the tops of young shoots of kufei;
- detection of a sticky, sugary coating on the leaves;
- stunting of the bush, wilting of the plant
- Bathing the flower in the shower using a soap solution;
- spraying the leaves with an infusion of tobacco dust or a preparation containing permethrin

Caring for kufei in a pot is an easy and interesting task. Its main advantage is long-lasting and abundant flowering. Unpretentiousness and highly decorative make it an excellent decoration for any interior.


The article will describe what it is kufeya- planting and care, where is the best place to grow a plant. Agree, a strange name for a plant. A person who knows little about gardening is unlikely to have encountered this definition before. Even if you think a little, no thoughts come to mind that can be associated with the definition.

Kufeya - what kind of plant is this?

Kufea is a plant of Mexican origin. And the word itself originated in Greek and means something like bending. People who have seen the plant in life probably understand why it has such a name - after all, its leaves are slightly curved.

Today this flower is gaining popularity and therefore can be found on personal plots or on window sills in pots. The plant can be called low-growing, since it did not grow more than half a meter in height.

People call kufeya a cigarette plant because the stem looks like a smoldering cigar or pipe. The flowers of the plant are very bright and have a red tint with lilac veins. The leaves have a bright green color.

If he talks about growing plants at home, then there can only be two types:

  1. Fire red;
  2. Kufeya issopolis.

There is an opinion that kufeya can bring people together, which is why it is often placed in offices and meeting rooms. Kufeya is a flower that perfect for a gift, because any person will be delighted with such a beauty, even those who don’t like flowers.

Plant species

In America there are more than two hundred species of this plant. There are also those that bloom for only one year, and there are also perennial shrubs, delighting with their beauty for several years. It is worth noting that plant species can be divided into subspecies, so it is difficult to understand such diversity of this species.

Listed below are several varieties of kufei and their benefits:

  • Fiery red kufeya- heat-loving plant of a red hue;
  • blazing fire - annual plant Red;
  • - annual plant of lilac shade;
  • Prostrate kufeya- a plant with a lilac, white or purple hue;
  • - has not been fully studied and therefore has many names.

Planting in open ground

Planting seeds is not difficult, just like planting a plant normally. Kufeya - loves the light and therefore it is worth sowing seeds in lighted places. After sowing, a week later the seed should sprout. The favorable temperature for seed germination is - twenty degrees Celsius.

The plant is better to grow and in open ground. In this case, the height of the kufei can reach 100 cm.

It is best to plant the plant in deep containers from late May to mid June.

Upon landing special care the plant does not require it. You need to make sure that frost does not damage the kufee. If you plant flowers in the front garden, then you need to fight weeds, as they significantly slow down the growth of this beautiful flower.

Kufeya issopolis - home care

In order for the plant to live at home, it needs good care, since the plant is of the fastidious type. We need to create for him optimal conditions, to do this you will need to follow the following recommendations:

  • The temperature at which the plant can grow ranges from 15 to 25 degrees, both in summer and in winter time of the year;
  • Kufeya needs to be replanted in the spring;
  • This plant is light-loving and therefore needs to be placed on windows where it can receive maximum light. Even the sun's rays will not harm the kufe;
  • It is worth pruning the plant every spring;
  • It is worth regularly wiping the casting plants with a damp cloth;
  • The plant should be fertilized with minerals twice a month;
  • Kufeya needs abundant watering, This is especially true for summer time. But in other periods, you should not forget about watering so that the soil does not dry out. If the soil is dry, the leaves will dry out and fall off, and the plant itself may die from this.

In order for the plant to continue to delight people, you need to constantly look after it and remove fallen and yellowed leaves that spoil the appearance of this unusual plant. beautiful flower. If you want a plant to bring joy to your home, you need to take care and care of it.

Problems with growing

As mentioned above, kufeya is finicky plant, and therefore only people who are truly interested in the topic of gardening can engage in its propagation.

When caring for a kufeya, the following difficulties may arise:

  • Falling leaves;
  • Yellowness of leaves;
  • Eating a flower by aphids;
  • Root rotting;
  • The plant may become infected spider mites, which is rare;
  • Twisting and changing the shape of shoots;
  • Falling leaves.

All these problems are easily solved, and there is no need to panic if the leaves suddenly begin to fall. It is necessary to fertilize the plant and supplement it with minerals. Other problems need to be solved as they arise.

Where to grow kufeya?

Kufeya is very interesting plant, which you can admire for a long time. It grows in America, where it can grow up to four meters in height. Mexico can be called the birthplace of the flower. There are species of kufei here that can reach a meter in height. Some sources state that the plant's origin is Greece, but this is not actually the case; people think of it because of the origin of the word, not the plant itself.

Flowers, shrubs and subshrubs can be called kufei - it all depends on the specific type of plant. If we talk about bushes, they are popular in Europe, people use them as decorations. From this flower you can create beautiful pictures that just surprise people. The most important thing is to learn how to combine plants correctly.

Southern regions- this is the optimal place where you can grow kufeya right in the garden. To grow a plant in Russia, you will need favorable soil that the plant will like. Good conditions for growth they are created in greenhouses.

This exotic plant should be in any home, as it creates a friendly and pleasant atmosphere in the family and can unite people.

Above we discussed a plant such as kufeya - planting and care and the best places to grow the plant, whether it is possible to grow the flower at home. We also looked at the problems and difficulties that arise when growing a plant.

Video about flowers

Kufeya - photo