Marigolds growing from seedlings when to plant. Basic methods of reproduction. Growing marigolds through seedlings

Marigolds are very popular inhabitants of summer cottages, flower beds and mini-flower beds on balconies. They are loved for their bright, long-lasting flowering throughout the summer, as well as their ease of care. Marigolds are annuals, which means they need to be planted every year. The easiest way to do this is with seeds. open ground. But marigolds are often grown as seedlings to achieve early lush flowering.

  • How to grow marigold seedlings?
  • When to plant marigold seeds for seedlings and in open ground?
  • Sowing process.

How to grow marigold seedlings

Information about how to grow marigold seedlings, we gleaned from two sources: “Handbook of a Skilled Florist” by O. Ganichkina and “Flowers. Better than everyone else! " L. Verghese.

  • Flower seeds are sown in boxes in the first ten days of April. After 14 days, the seedlings dive. But you can do without picking seedlings. The seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground in the first ten days of June.
  • Tall varieties of marigolds (height up to 100 cm) are planted at a distance of 25 - 35 cm from each other. Low growing varieties– at a distance of 10-15 cm.
  • Low-growing varieties are sown for seedlings 1 month before planting in open ground. Tall - 4-6 weeks before planting permanent place.
  • When sowing seedlings, maintain a distance of 2-3 cm between seeds. When planting directly in open ground, the distance should be greater: 5-10 cm.
  • When sowing in late April - early May, seedlings can be placed in a permanent place after 4-6 weeks.

Interesting fact! Marigold leaves secrete special phytoncides that repel many harmful pests, so they are often used for planting along the perimeter of beds or between plantings. It’s convenient to do this with seedlings so you can see where to plant.

When to plant marigolds?

So, the sources helped us determine the sowing date, when to plant marigold seeds:

For seedlings...

  • sow seeds in boxes in early April. After 2 weeks, the young plants dive. Seedlings are transferred to open ground in early June.
  • low-growing varieties are sown for seedlings 1 month before transplanting to a permanent place.
  • tall varieties are sown for seedlings 4-6 weeks before planting in the ground.
  • It is recommended to plant seedlings in open ground after the end of return frosts, because marigolds are afraid of them.

In open ground...

  • Marigold seeds are sown in mid-May, and they germinate within 7-14 days. Young seedlings in open ground must be thinned out. The seedlings remaining after thinning are not thrown away, but are used as seedlings for planting in another flowerbed.

Sowing process

  • In order not to dive, sowing marigold seeds for seedlings Convenient to produce in cassette containers for seedlings.
  • Before sowing, the soil must be slightly moistened.
  • Important: The seeds are not stuck in, but placed on the ground. Then soil is poured into the cassettes on top. Planting depth: 1.5 - 2 cm.

  • After planting, the soil is slightly compacted. There is no need to water anymore.
  • Finally, the container with the sown seeds is covered with glass or a plastic bag.
  • Seeds germinate at room temperature (20-25 degrees) within 5-10 days. The cover can be removed at this stage.

If you are satisfied with the variety, then at the end of flowering you can collect the seeds and sow your own seeds for seedlings by the next season.

The decorative and unpretentious nature of marigolds is popular with many flower connoisseurs. The Latin name for the culture, Tagetes, is of American origin. Plants are popularly called marigolds and lights. Flowers look amazingly impressive in various compositions, in any flower beds, mixborders, balconies, near paths and near fences.

Flowers are grown in two ways: by seeds open ground and seedlings. Planting is carried out from the beginning of May, sometimes from the end of April, from prerequisite well-warmed soil. In areas with cold climates, planting is carried out at the beginning summer period. In this case, flowering, unlike other regions, is delayed by 1 - 1.5 months. In some regions, seed material is planted in the autumn for further independent growth.

Seedling method makes it possible to obtain seedlings in early spring - early summer season. The correct choice when calculating the time of sowing seedlings promotes a speedy germination process and further early and lush flowering.

The planting time is selected individually for each area and consists of the following:

  • The age of the seedlings should be taken into account for further planting in an open place;
  • Planting is carried out after the threat of night frosts, approximately May-June;
  • When planting prematurely, it is necessary to cover the seedlings with transparent material;
  • For a specific region, a species is selected based on time parameters, flowering period and personal characteristics. The available 50 plant species are divided into: low-growing, tall, large-flowered or small-flowered, with differences in shades;
  • 1 - 2 months after germination, the flowering of the crop makes it possible to calculate the exact planting period in countdown;
  • Seedlings are transplanted into seedling devices from March to May;
  • High varieties are planted 2 weeks earlier than low ones;
  • In early spring, sowing is carried out in March-April;
  • Flowering of marigolds in the spring months - April-May is obtained by planting seeds in the month of February, with special lighting of the flowers.

Flowers are planted in open soil at an age of 1.5 to 2 months.

When to plant marigold seedlings in the Moscow region, Urals, Siberia

In the regions of the Moscow region, the Urals and Siberia, plant sowing is carried out taking into account the cold spring weather. The periodic nature of frosts has a detrimental effect on flowers, so seedlings are planted in late May. Covering material in the form of film or spunbond helps to shift the planting period by half a month, with planting in the first ten days of May.

  • First of all, erect marigolds are sown in March.
  • After 14 days, low species and small-leaved crops are sown. Primroses in such cases should be expected in early June.
  • May sowing assumes the beginning of flowering by the middle of the summer period.
  • A prerequisite for planting marigolds is to warm the soil to 15°C.

How to plant marigolds according to the lunar calendar

Effective days for planting flowers, based on the lunar calendar, are:

  • February: 1, 4, 5, 10, 12, 14, 27, 28. Sowing on these days allows you to subsequently transplant the seedlings into a greenhouse or film shelter in March-April.
  • March: 3, 4, 10, 12, 20, 25, 30, 31. These days provide for obtaining seedlings for the ground in April-May.
  • April: 4, 5, 9, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28. Transplantation is carried out in May-June.

Planting days guarantee an abundance of flowering at an early stage of planting, compared to the process of sowing in open soil.

Exist unfavorable days for sowing: February – 11, 24, 26; March – 1, 11, 28; April – 1, 2, 3, 16, 24, 25. Orientation in planting days lunar calendar promotes the cultivation of high-quality seedlings.

The qualitative characteristics of future flowers directly depend on planting technology, in compliance with basic requirements and good planting material. Cultivation is carried out in the following containers: box, peat pot and tablet, container, cup, cassette. Seedlings in a common container are later planted, but in separate containers, transplantation is not required.

Before pouring the soil mixture into the container, line the bottom with paper with 2 cm of drainage: with perlite, crushed stone, coarse sand or expanded clay. The different species located in a common container are labeled with their names. You should also make a hole to drain excess water.

The splendor of buds at home depends on the incoming fresh air. In summer, it is recommended to periodically remove marigolds to the balcony. Prolonged exposure to the sun is well tolerated by flowers.

Soil preparation

Light and loose characteristics of the soil, as well as the presence nutrients for high-quality seedlings has the following composition:

  • 2 servings - fertile soil;
  • 1 serving – peat;
  • 1 serving – humus;
  • 1 serving – river sand.

Adding coconut fiber to the mixture promotes better breathability. Ready mixture for marigolds can be purchased in specialized stores. The mixture is disinfected with a hot solution of potassium permanganate, diluted to a light red color. Fungicidal preparations are also suitable as disinfectants: Vitaros, Fitosporin, Maxim. Tilling the soil is carried out by calcining it in the microwave for 10-15 minutes, or in the oven for 1-1.5 hours. The substrate from the store is not subjected to the calcination procedure. Before planting, the treated soil settles for three days at a maintenance temperature of 20-22 °C.

Seed preparation

Marigold seeds are collected independently or bought in a specialized store. Seed material is collected 1.5 months after complete flowering, when the buds and pedicels turn yellow. In this state of the plants, the ripe seed material can be easily removed from the calyxes. The rest of the preparation consists of uniformly drying the seeds. After this, they are transferred to a paper or woven bag and stored until disembarkation. Seed germination is stored for 2-3 years.

Before planting, the seeds are kept in a lighted place for 3 days, in a damp polyethylene or cotton bag. For rapid germination, swollen seeds are treated with preparations: Zircon or Epin. If you use seeds of the same type for several years, there is a possibility of losing the properties of the original variety with external differences.


  • In the planting container with soil, grooves of 1 cm are made, with a distance of up to 3 cm from each other.
  • Seeds are distributed at intervals of 2 cm.
  • Each furrow is sprinkled with a mixture consisting of equal proportions: sand, soil and sifted wood ash.
  • The container is covered with one of the following materials: transparent film, glass, plastic lid.
  • Placed in a warm place and kept at a temperature of 22-25 °C.
  • On days 4-7 before the first shoots, the created greenhouse should be ventilated once during the day.

Sowing in individual pots carried out by planting 2 seeds in a separate container. When landing in peat tablet Using tweezers, one seed is placed. Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse towards the end of April, when the soil is warmed to 15 °C. Seeds are placed in the soil at intermediate intervals of 8 cm. Periodic ventilation helps protect seedlings from blackleg. The optimal growing temperature of 25 °C allows for rapid seed germination.

Seedling care

When the first shoots form, the cover is removed from the containers with seedlings. Then they are moved indoors and kept at a temperature of 15-18 °C. Watering is carried out as the soil becomes dry. Planting seeds in the early period of time - January-March is additionally illuminated for up to 3 hours a day using fluorescent lamp. Decorative varieties marigolds need to increase daylight hours until 15:00. Feeding the seedlings with one of the mineral fertilizers is carried out 14 days after planting.

When 2 main leaves appear, the plants are planted in the soil, the composition of which is the same as when sowing seeds. Ash and mineral fertilizer are added to the soil mixture. The flowers are distributed among themselves at a distance of 7 cm. During replanting, the central root is half pinched off from the seedlings in order to further strengthen the flower. Each seedling is deepened into the soil to seven-lobed leaves with roots evenly distributed, and watered warm water. Seedlings after picking have rapid establishment and grow well. The settled soil is sprinkled with a fertile mixture.

Marigolds grown in tablets are planted in a separate container in the form of a pot or cup. Individual containers with seedlings are not transplanted. If there is a weak sprout, it should be carefully removed from the container. After 2 weeks, one type of complex mineral fertilizer for flowers is applied to the soil during watering. The presence of an overgrown root system indicates readiness for planting in open area. Plants are transplanted to a new location with clods of earth on the roots. When stretching seedlings to growth and pale color additional lighting is provided to the plants, or a sunny place is selected.

1 week before planting, for hardening and adaptation to future conditions, the seedlings are taken outside.

Rules for planting marigold seedlings in open ground

When planting seedlings in a permanent place, soil fertility criteria are not required. The main indicators of finished soil are: looseness, water and breathability. The planting area should be illuminated and protected from drafts and wind. The unpretentiousness of marigolds also lies in their good tolerance to partial shade areas. However, this type of cultivation produces less lush buds. Excessive humidity leads to diseases and threatens the death of the crop.

Planting in open soil is carried out following certain rules:

  • The planting area is dug up with the application of mineral fertilizer in the amount of 30 grams per square meter. meter, as well as mixtures of peat and sand;
  • Preparing the distance between holes depends on varietal features: for high – 35 cm, medium – 20 cm, low – 15 cm;
  • Seedlings in a peat pot are planted along with the pot;
  • Seedling material from a cassette or cup is transferred into the holes along with the soil;
  • When planting in holes, the upper part of the flowers is located 1-2 cm above the soil surface;
  • After filling the hole, the soil is evenly compacted to ensure a stable position of the plants;
  • It is recommended to take into account the proximity of plants different varieties. Changes in the characteristics of the variety are possible due to cross-pollination of flowers when collecting seeds for the next year;
  • Watering is carried out according to sheet plates or under the roots.

Marigolds tolerate replanting well with buds and flowers.

Further care care of plants includes: removing weeds, loosening row spacing, regular watering and one-time application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Mulching with pine, sawdust or straw helps maintain soil moisture. Mulching not only helps reduce regular watering, but also helps keep weeds at bay. The crop is resistant to many pests. However, it can sometimes be attacked by spider mites and aphids. A soap solution or treatment with a pesticide preparation effectively helps in the fight against plant pests.

Elongated shoots are shortened, giving the bushes a beautiful spherical shape. To maintain the external attractiveness of plants, dry and wilted buds are removed in a timely manner. This does not in any way affect the growth of marigolds; they are gaining new buds with renewed vigor.

“Snail”: an effective method of planting Marigolds video

Thanks to the right technology planting and caring for flowers throughout the summer, in the future you can admire abundant and lush flowering.

Bright, sunny marigolds also have other names - tagetes, black-browed. They are grown in gardens and vegetable gardens to decorate the landscape and protect neighboring crops from diseases and pests. Planting in open ground and caring for marigolds is not difficult, since the plant is unpretentious. There are many varieties of crops that differ from each other in external characteristics, but they all need to be cared for in the same way.

Flower propagation methods

Marigolds in the country can be planted for preventive purposes among garden crops or create flower beds from them, alpine coaster, flower beds, borders. Planting tagetes in open ground is carried out using:

  • ready-made purchased seedlings;
  • sowing in containers for forcing seedlings and transferring mature plants to beds;
  • direct sowing to a permanent place of growth;
  • self-sowing of seed material, when it is planned to grow annual Chernobrovets in one place for several years (the method is suitable for regions with a mild climate).

Agrotechnical requirements

Planting marigolds is common everywhere because they are unpretentious to conditions. environment, with the exception of only one parameter - temperature.

The plant is heat-loving; it should not be allowed to suffer frosts on the ground. Allows you to avoid unfavorable factors right choice dates of planting seedlings or sowing in the ground.

For growing, it is advisable to choose an open, sunny place. They also grow in shade or partial shade, but the stems become elongated and the flowers become smaller. With constant waterlogging and shading, plant death is possible. Crowding during planting can be corrected by transferring excess marigolds to another location. They are not afraid of picking and transplanting even during flowering.

Soil requirements

The culture is unpretentious to the composition of the soil; it grows on sandy soils depleted of nutrients. Pre-fertilizing the soil before planting marigolds will allow you to grow strong, healthy plants with large flowers. To do this, you can use universal flower mixtures or complex mineral supplements. Organic matter can be represented by rotted compost or fermented infusion of plants. It is prohibited to apply fresh manure to the beds.

Predecessors and neighbors in the garden

You can plant marigolds in the garden after almost all crops, since they are little susceptible to diseases and damage by pests. Sowing tagetes in rows with vegetables, next to fruit trees and shrubs will help protect the latter from many diseases and insects, because flowers emit strong aroma, repels pests. Such a neighborhood is favorable for tomatoes, pumpkins, grapes, apple trees, pears, and raspberries. But there are cultures whose growth and development are hampered next to Chernobrovsk:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • radish;
  • radish.

Climatic conditions

Marigolds are perennial and grow in mild climates. IN northern regions will die due to low temperatures in winter, so annual varieties of tagetes can be grown there. Plants do not tolerate cold well, the stems and leaves turn black and are no longer restored, therefore, in areas with the possibility of a sharp cold snap, it is recommended seedling method reproduction.

Strong winds, drafts and flooded areas are undesirable. The crop tolerates heat well provided regular and sufficient watering is provided.

When to plant marigolds

Planting time depends on the method of propagation, climatic conditions and variety. Sowing for preliminary cultivation of seedlings is carried out in March or April; they can be transferred to a permanent place of cultivation immediately after the temperature has been established without the threat of return frosts. Typically, seedlings are planted in open ground at the beginning or end of May.

If direct sowing on beds is used, it is carried out at the end of April, beginning of May in the south, in the middle or end of May - in middle lane, in early June - in the northern regions. At the same time, seedlings in these areas are transferred to a permanent location.

The earth should warm up well. The variety of marigold should also be taken into account. Upright ones require a couple of weeks longer before flowering than medium and low growing ones. This is important to consider if you are creating flower composition from different types culture. Correctly selected planting dates will allow plants to bloom simultaneously.

How to plant marigolds

When planting seedlings, you can use individual or common containers with holes to remove excess water. A window sill on the sunny side is suitable for them so that the sprouts have enough light. If necessary, you will have to lengthen the daylight hours with fluorescent or phytolamps. The soil for marigolds can consist of humus, turf soil, river sand and peat. Optimal temperature for seedlings +18-22°C.

Planting marigolds with seeds in open ground is done dry or prepared. seed material. It is advisable to fertilize the soil in advance with compost and complex mineral supplements to grow flowers without using fertilizers. It is important to follow the same rule when transferring seedlings to a permanent growing location.

Planting scheme

Marigolds can be 15-120 cm in height with straight or spreading stems. Depending on this, an option for placing plants when planting is selected so that they do not shade each other and look harmonious. When planting tall varieties, the distance between plants and rows is 40 cm (40x40 pattern). For tagetes of medium height - 30x30 cm, for short ones - 20x20 cm.

Landing technology

Marigold seedlings must be transferred to open ground, taking into account agrotechnical rules, in order to protect them from possible diseases in the future. Although the plants are considered disease resistant, there is a risk of infection.

The sequence of planting seedlings in open ground:

  • prepare the soil by digging and fertilizing, if this was not done in the fall;
  • Water well the day before;
  • disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or hot water;
  • form furrows or holes;
  • you can add a little wood ash to each hole for seedlings;
  • plant the seedlings, being careful not to damage the roots;
  • moisten the soil a little.

Subtleties of care

The culture is unpretentious, but additional agrotechnical measures will significantly improve appearance plants will prolong the flowering period. At unfavorable conditions the lower branches begin to turn yellow and dry out, and flowers may not form for a long time.

Caring for marigolds consists of:

  • glaze;
  • loosening;
  • weed removal;
  • fertilizing;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

When marigolds bloom, you need to remove faded flowers so that the rest can get more nutrients. When growing in a flower bed, it is advisable to prune weak, diseased branches without buds. This will also allow for the formation of larger inflorescences.


Marigolds are drought-resistant, but if there is a lack of moisture, the plants grow poorly and turn yellow. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out regular watering, especially after planting seedlings in open ground. It is necessary to reduce the amount of incoming moisture during the flowering period, since at this time the likelihood of rot developing and the death of the entire plant increases. After watering, loosen and remove weeds.


Additional fertilization is not necessary, but will have a beneficial effect on the development of marigolds. The first feeding can be carried out some time after planting the seedlings in a permanent growing place, when the plants are 10-12 cm high. The following procedure is desirable at the stage of bud formation, and then after the start of flowering. Fertilizers can be used complex mineral or infusions from plant materials.

Diseases and pests

Phytoncides in marigolds destroy most infections, protecting them and surrounding crops from diseases. But if agricultural planting practices are violated or in rainy summers, gray rot may appear. Infected specimens should be immediately removed and burned off-site.

The peculiar smell of flowers repels insects, but plantings can be threatened by slugs, snails and spider mite. Suitable for fighting them chemicals(for example, Thunderstorm) and traditional methods. Spraying with onion or yarrow solution is used against ticks.

Basic mistakes in growing

Lack of moisture is the main reason why marigolds do not grow well. After planting, it is necessary to ensure regular watering. If you place plants in the shade, they will aboveground part will begin to stretch, the flowers will be small or absent. Other reasons why there is no flowering:

  • marigolds love light, but in hot weather they need to be covered with agrofibre to create artificial shade;
  • excessive watering at the stage of bud formation;
  • early feeding(seedlings below 10 cm), excess fertilizer or use of fresh manure;
  • lack of air in the root system.

Failure to comply with the recommended planting scheme, thickening of plants, and the presence of weeds among flowers contributes to the development of diseases and poor flowering. Marigolds weaken and grow poorly when grown on sandy soils without additional contribution fertilizers

The seedling method of cultivation is necessary in regions with an unfavorable climate. Planting flowering seedlings is used to decorate flower beds and flower beds. The culture's unpretentiousness in care and benefits in protecting neighboring plants from diseases and pests are widely used by gardeners.

Beneficial properties of marigolds
Tagetes inflorescences have a variety of sizes and shapes from small “carnations” to luxurious “chrysanthemums”, and colors from lemon yellow to red-brown. Marigolds are planted on, in, they are convenient to use to cover areas exposed after flowering. Tagetes is suitable not only for decorating the garden. All parts of the plant contain, which repel pests and inhibit pathogenic fungi, including those living in the soil. Marigolds are planted next to strawberries to repel white grass, next to asters to prevent fusarium, and near phlox and clematis to prevent nematodes. Tagetes is used as medicinal plant and as a spice.

When to sow marigolds for seedlings?
Tagetes propagates by seeds. They can be sown in the ground after the end of the frost, and then thin out or plant the seedlings more freely, but you can immediately plant the tagetes with flowering seedlings immediately after the end of the frost.
From germination to flowering of tagetes it takes from 40 to 50 days, depending on the variety, so it is necessary to sow marigolds for seedlings in the first ten days of April. The soil for sowing tagetes must be sufficiently fertile and loose. The following soil mixture is suitable: humus (or), washed sand (2:1:0.5).

Sowing tagetes for seedlings
Tagetes seedlings often die from. To prevent this from happening, a container filled with soil mixture must be spilled with a fungicide solution in advance ( Maxim, Vitaros, Fitosporin) or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. Best result gives steaming of the sifted soil mixture in a double boiler for an hour. In addition to spores of pathogenic fungi, this will also destroy weed seeds. After lightly compacting the steamed soil mixture, make shallow grooves on the surface. The soil should be slightly moist.

Spread the marigold seeds evenly into the grooves. The easiest way to do this is with a small piece of white paper. If there are too few seeds, you can spread them out with tweezers. Place labels with the names of the varieties.

Sprinkle the same soil mixture on top of the crops with a layer of about 1 cm. With smaller sowings, the seed shell remains on the cotyledon leaves upon germination; marigold seedlings cannot shed the peel, which interferes with their further development.

Moisten the crops. Try to do this carefully, without eroding the top layer of soil so that the seeds do not end up on its surface.

Cover your crops to keep the soil moist at all times. To do this, it is convenient to use a suitable-sized lid from a food container. You can simply place the container with the crops in a clean plastic bag and put it in a bright place. At a temperature of +15...+20°C, marigold shoots appear in 5-7 days. Temperature is important because at temperatures below +15°C the seeds germinate poorly, and if it rises above +25°C they do not germinate at all.

After the first shoots appear, daily ventilation is necessary: ​​at this time the risk of black leg appearing on seedlings is highest. If you notice the first signs of the disease, immediately remove the lodging seedlings along with lumps of soil, sprinkle the holes with fresh soil mixture and re-treat the crops with a fungicide solution.

When friendly shoots appear, the shelter must be removed completely. Water after the soil in the container is completely dry, making sure that water does not accumulate in the tray. Feed the seedlings once every two weeks ( Fertika Lux, Agricola, Mortar).

After 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are ready for picking.

Tagetes pick
Tagetes are picked at the stage of two true leaves. The seedling can be buried almost to the cotyledons (lower oblong leaves), but so that they do not touch the soil.

You can simply plant marigold seedlings into a seedling box. Tagetes seedlings tolerate transplantation well even in in bloom- it is not necessary to preserve the root ball. But it is most convenient to grow marigold seedlings in cassettes. The soil can be used with the same composition as for sowing, but without sifting. Add to it 1 tablespoon containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and 0.5 cups for every 5 liters of the mixture. In order for fertilizers to be evenly distributed in the soil, you need to mix it thoroughly.
Fill the cassettes with the mixture, compact it a little, make recesses of such a size that the roots can fit freely in it. If the roots are too long, they can be shortened a little. When picking, seedlings need to be buried 1 cm.

Water carefully. If the soil has settled too much after watering, add soil mixture on top. Water regularly after the soil dries out. The golden rule for tagetes is: it’s better not to add a little than to pour too much.

Planting tagetes in the ground
Two weeks before planting, begin to gradually accustom the seedlings to fresh air. Marigolds cannot tolerate even minor frosts, so seedlings can be planted only when their threat has passed. In the middle zone this is usually the end of the first ten days of June. Choose a sunny place. Although Tagetes can grow in partial shade, it will bloom much worse there.

Tagetes does not require fertile soil, the main thing is that it is loose and air- and water-permeable, without stagnant water. Peat and sand will help improve heavy ones.
Dig up the soil using the bayonet of a shovel, apply complete mineral fertilizer (nitroamophoska, amophoska) at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. m, embed it into the soil by secondary digging.

Prepare holes at a distance of 15-30 cm from each other, depending on the future size of the plants. Typically, the seed manufacturer will indicate on the packets the recommended spacing for each variety. Therefore, it is important to save seed packets and label the seedlings with the names of the varieties. This way you will know exactly at what distance to plant each variety of marigold. Make the depth of the hole so that when planting, the stems can be deepened by 1-2 centimeters. Place root system into the hole.

Carefully fill the voids around the roots and compact slightly.

Water the planted seedlings. Tagetes is not afraid of watering on the leaves and rain. Further care consists of weeding and maintaining the soil in a loose state. If you've reclaimed the soil mineral fertilizers, then it is enough to feed the tagetes 1-2 times per season phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. These elements contribute to more luxuriant flowering. With an excess of nitrogen, tagetes grows greatly to the detriment of the formation of new buds.

These flowers are truly “folk”. They can be seen in almost every area. Tall and very small, red, yellow and orange “suns” unusually decorate the flower garden. And growing marigolds is not at all difficult.

So, marigolds - planting and care in open ground.

Today, flower growers can purchase dozens of varieties of marigolds.

According to the structure of the inflorescences, they are divided into simple, semi-double and double varieties.

But more often, marigolds are chosen for planting based on their size:

  1. Giant - up to 130 cm.
  2. High – up to 90 cm.
  3. Medium – up to 50 cm.
  4. Low-growing - up to 40 cm.
  5. Dwarf - up to 15 cm.

Lovers choose one variety or another, depending on where they plan to grow flowers. For example, only short and dwarf ones are suitable for balconies. And giant marigolds, planted in the middle of the flowerbed, will become its pride and main decoration.

Marigolds are also divided into erect, deviated and thin-leaved.

Erect - annuals, can grow more than 1 m in height, flowers - monochromatic, from yellow to orange. The most famous variety is Kilimanjaro.

Rejected - got their name because of their escapes. Lush bushes, with small flowers. The variety most beloved by summer residents is marigold “Antoshka”.

Thin-leaved - rarely higher than 40 cm, the flowers resemble daisies, and are decorated with thin carved leaves. Popular variety- "Dwarf".

How to grow marigolds?

Most often, summer residents buy bags of seeds of certain varieties. Self-collected seeds are less commonly used.

Sowing seeds in the ground

If you live in a fairly warm area where frost will not threaten the seedlings at the end of spring, you can plant marigolds from April 20 to May 15. Then in about two months you will admire their flowering.

When preparing for planting, it is advisable to germinate the seeds. Take a separate saucer for each variety, put a clean cloth there, pour seeds onto it and pour a little water room temperature. Each saucer is placed in a plastic bag and placed in a warm place - for example, on a windowsill near a radiator. After 3-4 days, the seeds can be planted.

It must be remembered that each seed will turn into a bush, so when planting you need to maintain the desired distance between future flowers.

Then the soil in the garden bed is leveled and watered. When the shoots appear, look to see if they are located too close to each other. Thin out the sprouts if necessary.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Because the warm season in Russia is relatively short, it is preferable to grow marigold seedlings. Typically, flower growers who do this buy ready-made soil in Priroda stores. But you can compose it yourself. To do this, they take soil, maybe forest land, peat and a little river sand. IN in this case To disinfect, the soil is calcined in a stove on a baking sheet or watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Soil is poured on top, grooves are made - if there are no special tools, you can use a stick or pencil. The seeds are planted at a distance of approximately 3 cm from each other.

The soil should be moist and watered carefully so as not to wash the seeds out of the ground. The container should be placed in a well-lit place, but not in drafts.

After a few days, when shoots appear, the box is periodically turned to the window, first on one side or the other. This is done so that the plants do not stretch in one direction towards the light and do not bend.

Seedlings dive when 3 leaves appear. It is recommended to plant in the garden in the last ten days of May.

Planting marigolds in open ground

This is the most crucial moment in growing flowers. Need to determine appropriate place, prepare a garden bed, grow or purchase strong, healthy seedlings.

Selection of planting material

If you are going to grow seedlings yourself, remember that you need to sow the seeds in different time. Tall marigolds are planted first - in March, but in April it is the turn of low-growing varieties.

When buying marigold seedlings in a store or market, carefully inspect them - are the plants healthy, do they look strong? It is better when each plant is planted in a separate container - this way there is less risk of injuring the roots during planting.

Soil preparation and site selection

Before planting, it is advisable to enrich the soil - dig up the bed, adding peat, humus, river sand, and mineral fertilizers.

The distance between seedlings will depend on the type of marigold. Tall ones need space: plants should be separated from each other by 40 cm; for dwarf marigolds this distance is halved.

It is advisable to put a little drainage at the bottom of the holes, and then plant the plants. After planting for a couple of weeks, marigolds need regular watering.

Caring for marigolds in open ground

Caring for these flowers is easy. It consists of watering, loosening, weeding and periodic feeding.

Watering and fertilizing

During the growth period, marigolds need regular watering; with the beginning of flowering, watering can be done less frequently.

It is advisable to use a watering can rather than a hose, and leave the water in a container beforehand to warm it up. Best time for watering - in the evening, when the sun is approaching sunset.

If the summer is rainy, drainage will help prevent root rot.

If the bed is prepared according to all the rules, additional fertilizing may not be applied. Do you want to pamper your plant and achieve lush flowering? Use any fertilizer other than manure. Fertilize 2-3 times before flowering begins, that is, during active growth plants. The best option– use complex fertilizers.

Loosening and trimming

Marigolds hate it when the soil becomes crusty. It is necessary to ensure air access to the roots. This can be achieved through regular loosening. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system. It is also important to remove weeds.

To make the bushes look more beautiful, fading marigold flowers are periodically pruned. Then new buds will appear and the overall flowering will intensify.

How to collect seeds?

Most often this situation occurs. You purchased marigold seeds of a certain variety. In the summer the plants bloomed and you really liked them. I would like to decorate the flowerbed with these flowers next year.

Nothing could be simpler. Wait for the marigolds to bloom and collect the seeds. You can store them throughout the winter in paper bags.

But since most marigolds are hybrids, the flowers that bloom next summer may look slightly different from the mother plants.

Diseases and pests of marigolds

Marigolds are strong and healthy plants largely due to its smell.

The most common threats to flowers are:

  1. Slugs. There are especially many of them if the summer is rainy. If the number of pests is small, they can be collected manually. If there is a massive attack, a drug such as “Thunderstorm” will help.
  2. Spider mite. To combat it, you can purchase special drugs at the Priroda store. According to folk recipes– use onions, yarrow – prepare solutions and spray the flowers.
  3. Gray rot. Occurs when watering rules are violated. It is better to immediately remove the affected plant from the garden bed - otherwise other flowers will get sick and die.

At proper care Marigolds, as a rule, do not get sick.

Using marigolds in landscape design

Bright, unpretentious marigolds will decorate any area and will delight owners with abundant flowering for a long time.

Marigolds are planted depending on their size. For example, tall ones can be placed in the center of a flower garden, and short ones will become an excellent frame for a flower bed or garden path.

Another option is to give marigolds a place right in the garden beds. Firstly, the vegetable beds will start to look much more beautiful. Secondly, the smell of these flowers repels many pests. Yes, without using chemicals, you will protect the future harvest.

Dwarf and low growing marigolds can be planted in containers on balconies.

Marigolds are good because they never disappoint the grower. Almost any soil, minimal care - and colorful, elegant flowers will still bloom, pleasing to the eye.